
Unit one Is Google Making Us Stupid:What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brain?

1. 英语原文

what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation .My mind now expects to take take for information the way the net distributes it ;in a swiftly moving stream of particles .Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words.Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski .


2. 英语原文

When,in March of this year,the New York Times decided to devoted the second and third pages of every edition to article abstracts,its design director,Tom Bodkin,explained that

the“shortcuts”would give harried readers a quick "taste" of the day's news,sparing them the "less efficient "method of actually turning the pages and reading the articles .Old media have little choice but to play by the new-media rules.

译文:今年3月份,在纽约时报决定投入第一和第三页每版的文章摘要,其设计总监Tom Bodkin ,解释说,“捷径”使得忙碌的读者可以快速“体验”当天的新闻,代替他们以前的“低效率”的方法:翻页阅读文章。旧媒体别无选择,只能遵守新媒体的规则。

3. 英语原文

As we are drained of our “inner repertory of dense cultural inheritance”,Foreman concluded,we risk turning into “pancake people”——spread wide and thin as we connect with that vast network of information accessed by the mere touch of a button.


Unit two Key Concepts:Underlying Structures of Culture

1. 英语原文

In monochronic culture,time is experienced and used in a linear way--comparable to a to a

extending from the past into future .Monichronic time is divided quite naturally into segments;it is scheduled and compartmentalized ,making it possible for a person to concentrate on one thing at a time.In a monochronic system ,the schedule may take priority above all else and be treated as scared and unalterable.

译文:在单道慢性文化中,时间经历和用以线性方式 ——相当于一个从过去到未来的延伸。单声道慢性的时间很自然地被划分成段,它是计划和条块的分割,使得有可能为一个人专注于一件事情的时间。在单声道慢性系统,日程安排的优先级高于一切,而被视为是害怕和不可改变的。

2. 英语原文

In almost every respect,polychronic systems are the antithesis of polychronic systems .Polychronic time is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of many things and by a great involvement with people .There is more emphasis on completing human transactions than on holding to schedules


Unit three Exploring Emotional Intelligence

1. 英语原文

History is full of brilliant,successful men and women who failed miserably or underachieved in the classroom,whose teachers and guidance counselors relegated them to life on the margin.But despite this convincing body of evidence,society has persisted in believing that success in school equals success in life-or,at the very least,in the workplace.

译文:历史上有很多卓越的、成功的男女, 在学校的成绩不好,被老师归类为差等生。但尽管如此令人信服的证据,社会坚持认为在学校的成功等于生活上的成功,最起码,是在工作上的成功。

2. 英语原文

The traits that comprise our personalities are fixed.This enables personality tests to divide people into "types":the adventurer,the nurturer,the sensitive individual,and so forth.As a result,people can be rather too neatly pigeonholed:witness the so-called Type A personality (hard-driving and prone to anger) versus Type B (relaxed and less ambitious).The trouble with these arbitrary divisions is that the possibility of change for the better gets lost in the shuffle.People tend to feel they're stuck with the hand they were dealt by fate.

译文:组成我们的个性特征是固定的。这使性格测试将人变成如下“类型”:冒险家、养育者、敏感的个人, 等等。因此, 可以相当巧妙地将人归类为:所谓的见证a 型性格(吹毛求疵, 容易愤怒) 和B 型(放松的和易满足的的) 。这些分歧的问题是, 这种可能性任意的更好的改变会在混乱中迷失。人们都愿意坚信一切由命运做主。

Unit four Love and Family

1. 英语原文

Despite its promise of an equal relationship based on mutual attraction,romantic love has in practice tended to lead to the dominance of men over women.for many men,the tensions between the respectability of romantic love and the compulsions of passionate love were dealt with by separateing the comfort of the wife and home from the sexuality of the mistress or prostitute.


2. 英语原文

As the idea of confluent love becomes consolidated as a real possibility,the more the idea of finding the Mr.or Mrs. Right recedes and the more the idea of finding the right relationship becomes crucial.


3. 英语原文

Will the future bring about the further decay of long-term marriages or partnerships?Will we more and more inhabit an emotional and sexual landscape scarred by bitterness and violence?None can say for certain.


Unit one Is Google Making Us Stupid:What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brain?

1. 英语原文

what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation .My mind now expects to take take for information the way the net distributes it ;in a swiftly moving stream of particles .Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words.Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski .


2. 英语原文

When,in March of this year,the New York Times decided to devoted the second and third pages of every edition to article abstracts,its design director,Tom Bodkin,explained that

the“shortcuts”would give harried readers a quick "taste" of the day's news,sparing them the "less efficient "method of actually turning the pages and reading the articles .Old media have little choice but to play by the new-media rules.

译文:今年3月份,在纽约时报决定投入第一和第三页每版的文章摘要,其设计总监Tom Bodkin ,解释说,“捷径”使得忙碌的读者可以快速“体验”当天的新闻,代替他们以前的“低效率”的方法:翻页阅读文章。旧媒体别无选择,只能遵守新媒体的规则。

3. 英语原文

As we are drained of our “inner repertory of dense cultural inheritance”,Foreman concluded,we risk turning into “pancake people”——spread wide and thin as we connect with that vast network of information accessed by the mere touch of a button.


Unit two Key Concepts:Underlying Structures of Culture

1. 英语原文

In monochronic culture,time is experienced and used in a linear way--comparable to a to a

extending from the past into future .Monichronic time is divided quite naturally into segments;it is scheduled and compartmentalized ,making it possible for a person to concentrate on one thing at a time.In a monochronic system ,the schedule may take priority above all else and be treated as scared and unalterable.

译文:在单道慢性文化中,时间经历和用以线性方式 ——相当于一个从过去到未来的延伸。单声道慢性的时间很自然地被划分成段,它是计划和条块的分割,使得有可能为一个人专注于一件事情的时间。在单声道慢性系统,日程安排的优先级高于一切,而被视为是害怕和不可改变的。

2. 英语原文

In almost every respect,polychronic systems are the antithesis of polychronic systems .Polychronic time is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of many things and by a great involvement with people .There is more emphasis on completing human transactions than on holding to schedules


Unit three Exploring Emotional Intelligence

1. 英语原文

History is full of brilliant,successful men and women who failed miserably or underachieved in the classroom,whose teachers and guidance counselors relegated them to life on the margin.But despite this convincing body of evidence,society has persisted in believing that success in school equals success in life-or,at the very least,in the workplace.

译文:历史上有很多卓越的、成功的男女, 在学校的成绩不好,被老师归类为差等生。但尽管如此令人信服的证据,社会坚持认为在学校的成功等于生活上的成功,最起码,是在工作上的成功。

2. 英语原文

The traits that comprise our personalities are fixed.This enables personality tests to divide people into "types":the adventurer,the nurturer,the sensitive individual,and so forth.As a result,people can be rather too neatly pigeonholed:witness the so-called Type A personality (hard-driving and prone to anger) versus Type B (relaxed and less ambitious).The trouble with these arbitrary divisions is that the possibility of change for the better gets lost in the shuffle.People tend to feel they're stuck with the hand they were dealt by fate.

译文:组成我们的个性特征是固定的。这使性格测试将人变成如下“类型”:冒险家、养育者、敏感的个人, 等等。因此, 可以相当巧妙地将人归类为:所谓的见证a 型性格(吹毛求疵, 容易愤怒) 和B 型(放松的和易满足的的) 。这些分歧的问题是, 这种可能性任意的更好的改变会在混乱中迷失。人们都愿意坚信一切由命运做主。

Unit four Love and Family

1. 英语原文

Despite its promise of an equal relationship based on mutual attraction,romantic love has in practice tended to lead to the dominance of men over women.for many men,the tensions between the respectability of romantic love and the compulsions of passionate love were dealt with by separateing the comfort of the wife and home from the sexuality of the mistress or prostitute.


2. 英语原文

As the idea of confluent love becomes consolidated as a real possibility,the more the idea of finding the Mr.or Mrs. Right recedes and the more the idea of finding the right relationship becomes crucial.


3. 英语原文

Will the future bring about the further decay of long-term marriages or partnerships?Will we more and more inhabit an emotional and sexual landscape scarred by bitterness and violence?None can say for certain.



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