
Communication Ways of Chinese and Americans

Human communication is the foundation of building a harmonious society, and the emotions that people expressed are the most important part of communication. Emotions, include friendship, family affections and love, are reflected in how you treat others and what the others think of you. Chinese and Americans both have a wealth of emotions, but there are different ways to express the same emotion, which is the difference between the two nations.

First of all, emotions of Chinese and Americans are similar, they are both full of passion for the world. For friends, Chinese are very hospitable, and Americans are the same. Chinese always show the best things to visitors whenthe visitorsare present. Similarly, there is also more food on the table when gusts are present in America. And for family members, parents love their children and the kids respect their parents naturally both in the United States and in China. For lover, people from China and America both think love is specific and sacred, and they both treat love seriously.

Despite these similarities, the ways to express emotion are quite different between Chinese and Americans.There are different ways to make friends and maintain friendship in China and in the United States. The intimacies among friends are quite high in China, which reflected in the personal relationship and the money. It is common to use someone’s own personal resources to help a friend to find a job in China. It is also common that the richest man pays the bill when friends gather at a meal. But it is very rare between friends in the United States. Americans insist that friends should have their own personal space and personal privacy. The friendship

needs not only the personality of independence, but also the economic independence. That difference mainly depends on the different national values. Chinese people follow the Confucianism culture, which makes REN as the core, and Americans emphasizethe individualism.

Chinese and Americans also have different ways to express emotions with family members at home. Parents use an implicit and impersonal way to express their emotions in China, but American parents usually directly say “I love you ” to their children. Children will always be children in the eyes of parents in China, they need to be taken care of and protected. Children rely on their parents andthey are also the hope of their parents in the future. However, in western countries, both parents and children are independent individualsand they are not dependent on each other. It is also the influence of the traditional culture of the East and the West.

For love expressing, Chinese and Americans also have complete different ways. It is a tradition to use poetry to express love no matter in the East and the West. Throughout the works of poetry at all times, we find that Chinese poetry are usually described some natural scenes to express the author’s love, just like “Butterfly ' s Loved Flower”. However a direct expression is usually used in the western poetry. Different expressing ways also reflect in different traditional culture.

With the globalization of economy and information technology, the communication of people from all over the world becomes more and more frequent. Maybe the difference between the East and the West will be cut down and the similarity between them will increase. However, in the present and visible future, we

must recognize that the difference of value still exists. Only realizing the difference can we better communicate with others. And only respecting the different national culture can we promote the development of cultural diversity, promote the communication of all the countries.

Communication Ways of Chinese and Americans

Human communication is the foundation of building a harmonious society, and the emotions that people expressed are the most important part of communication. Emotions, include friendship, family affections and love, are reflected in how you treat others and what the others think of you. Chinese and Americans both have a wealth of emotions, but there are different ways to express the same emotion, which is the difference between the two nations.

First of all, emotions of Chinese and Americans are similar, they are both full of passion for the world. For friends, Chinese are very hospitable, and Americans are the same. Chinese always show the best things to visitors whenthe visitorsare present. Similarly, there is also more food on the table when gusts are present in America. And for family members, parents love their children and the kids respect their parents naturally both in the United States and in China. For lover, people from China and America both think love is specific and sacred, and they both treat love seriously.

Despite these similarities, the ways to express emotion are quite different between Chinese and Americans.There are different ways to make friends and maintain friendship in China and in the United States. The intimacies among friends are quite high in China, which reflected in the personal relationship and the money. It is common to use someone’s own personal resources to help a friend to find a job in China. It is also common that the richest man pays the bill when friends gather at a meal. But it is very rare between friends in the United States. Americans insist that friends should have their own personal space and personal privacy. The friendship

needs not only the personality of independence, but also the economic independence. That difference mainly depends on the different national values. Chinese people follow the Confucianism culture, which makes REN as the core, and Americans emphasizethe individualism.

Chinese and Americans also have different ways to express emotions with family members at home. Parents use an implicit and impersonal way to express their emotions in China, but American parents usually directly say “I love you ” to their children. Children will always be children in the eyes of parents in China, they need to be taken care of and protected. Children rely on their parents andthey are also the hope of their parents in the future. However, in western countries, both parents and children are independent individualsand they are not dependent on each other. It is also the influence of the traditional culture of the East and the West.

For love expressing, Chinese and Americans also have complete different ways. It is a tradition to use poetry to express love no matter in the East and the West. Throughout the works of poetry at all times, we find that Chinese poetry are usually described some natural scenes to express the author’s love, just like “Butterfly ' s Loved Flower”. However a direct expression is usually used in the western poetry. Different expressing ways also reflect in different traditional culture.

With the globalization of economy and information technology, the communication of people from all over the world becomes more and more frequent. Maybe the difference between the East and the West will be cut down and the similarity between them will increase. However, in the present and visible future, we

must recognize that the difference of value still exists. Only realizing the difference can we better communicate with others. And only respecting the different national culture can we promote the development of cultural diversity, promote the communication of all the countries.


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