
1. Can you describe yourself?

Yes. My name is XXX. You can call me xx. I was born in XXX city of XXX province on 20 June 20 XX. I am studying in 10th grade in XXX Middle School now. It is one of the most famous middle school in XXX province. I am a friendly girl, and I hope to bring my friendly to your school and it will amaze.

2. Can you describe your family to me? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have a happy family. My father is the general manager of xxx leisure goods co.ltd and my mother is the finance supervisor of this company. I have an elder brother; he is studying in yongkang No.1 high school. For as long as I can remember, team work and love is the topic of my family. My father always told me honesty is the best policy and I learn a lot from it.

3. What are your current courses in your school now?

We learn Chinese, English, math, chemistry, history, music, P.E, computer and so on.

4. What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English. I am very interested in learning English. When I take an English class, I think I enjoy in very much.

5. What is your worst subject?

I think computer is my worst subject. Because I think sometimes it is very difficult to understand.

6. What is your strength in English?

My strength in English is speaking, I think.

7. What is your weakness in English?

I think my vocabulary is to less and I will try my best to improve my vocabulary.

8. Do you play any instrument?

Yes. I like to play the piano. I have learnt for about 6 years, and I have passed level 6 in china.

9. Do you participate in sports?

I love playing volleyball with my friends. It is really a good way to relax myself. And I think it is very interesting.

10. Do you read any English books?

Yes. I have read the English book called >.And I also like to read the English newspaper such as 21st century.

11. What is your hobby?

My hobby is reading books, playing the piano, playing volleyball and so on.

12. Have you traveled to USA before?

13. Do you have any experiences living in the dormitory?

Yes, since I was attend primary school. I was living in dormitory with my classmates. I have 10 years’ experiences about living in the dormitory. I think I had ability to take care of myself. And my relationships with my roommates are always good.

14. How many students in your class?

There are XXX students in my class.

15. Are you enjoying your high school in china?

Yes, I enjoy it very much. My high school is jinhua no.1 high school. It is one of the most famous middle schools in XXX province. Our teachers are very friendly and professional. And I also get on well with my classmates.

16. How did you hear about xxx academy?

When I first look at XXX website, I find your mission is mastery, creativity, responsibility, and it is also the mission of me. I want to be a creative and responsible man. XXX has strong support for international students both in and out of the classroom which allows them to make a comfortable transition to American boarding school life. I think I will have a good time at XXX.

17. Why do you want to go to USA to continue your high school?

Because I have a dream that one day I can communicate with the people around the world. America is a mixed country that has different culture. I like to communicate with different people with different culture. To be a wide vision man is my goal that I think America education can give me a chance to be the person I want to be.

18. Which term have you enrolled to our school?

I have study Grade 9.

19. What is the most important experience in your school?

I joined a singing competition in my school, and I won the second prize. I felt very excited about it.

20. Do you take TOEFL or SSAT or SLEP test?

21. How long have you learnt English?

I have learnt English for more than 9 years. English is a very important subject in china.

22. What is your future plan?

After my graduation from your high school, I would like to continue my further study in an American university. I want to learn public relationship in the future.

23. How do your friends describe you?

My friends think I am a friendly, outgoing and warm-hearted girl.

24. What do you think will be the difficulty of leaving your parents and out of the country?

At the beginning, I think I will be a little bit of home-sick. Because at that time, my English is not so good. But I think after a few months, I will make a lot of friends and my English will be improved. I think I will have a happy high school life.

25. What do you look forward to the most?

I look forward to be well educated and get an outstanding in class and later can be accept in a good university.

26. Which of your activities is the most rewarding and why?

27. What has been your biggest achievement?

28. How did you spend last summer?

29. What did you gain from your learning experience/ extracurricular activities?

30. What's the biggest challenge you've ever had? What action did you take?

31. What do you consider your strengths/weaknesses?

32. If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?

33. Have you any questions to ask me?

1. Can you describe yourself?

Yes. My name is XXX. You can call me xx. I was born in XXX city of XXX province on 20 June 20 XX. I am studying in 10th grade in XXX Middle School now. It is one of the most famous middle school in XXX province. I am a friendly girl, and I hope to bring my friendly to your school and it will amaze.

2. Can you describe your family to me? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have a happy family. My father is the general manager of xxx leisure goods co.ltd and my mother is the finance supervisor of this company. I have an elder brother; he is studying in yongkang No.1 high school. For as long as I can remember, team work and love is the topic of my family. My father always told me honesty is the best policy and I learn a lot from it.

3. What are your current courses in your school now?

We learn Chinese, English, math, chemistry, history, music, P.E, computer and so on.

4. What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English. I am very interested in learning English. When I take an English class, I think I enjoy in very much.

5. What is your worst subject?

I think computer is my worst subject. Because I think sometimes it is very difficult to understand.

6. What is your strength in English?

My strength in English is speaking, I think.

7. What is your weakness in English?

I think my vocabulary is to less and I will try my best to improve my vocabulary.

8. Do you play any instrument?

Yes. I like to play the piano. I have learnt for about 6 years, and I have passed level 6 in china.

9. Do you participate in sports?

I love playing volleyball with my friends. It is really a good way to relax myself. And I think it is very interesting.

10. Do you read any English books?

Yes. I have read the English book called >.And I also like to read the English newspaper such as 21st century.

11. What is your hobby?

My hobby is reading books, playing the piano, playing volleyball and so on.

12. Have you traveled to USA before?

13. Do you have any experiences living in the dormitory?

Yes, since I was attend primary school. I was living in dormitory with my classmates. I have 10 years’ experiences about living in the dormitory. I think I had ability to take care of myself. And my relationships with my roommates are always good.

14. How many students in your class?

There are XXX students in my class.

15. Are you enjoying your high school in china?

Yes, I enjoy it very much. My high school is jinhua no.1 high school. It is one of the most famous middle schools in XXX province. Our teachers are very friendly and professional. And I also get on well with my classmates.

16. How did you hear about xxx academy?

When I first look at XXX website, I find your mission is mastery, creativity, responsibility, and it is also the mission of me. I want to be a creative and responsible man. XXX has strong support for international students both in and out of the classroom which allows them to make a comfortable transition to American boarding school life. I think I will have a good time at XXX.

17. Why do you want to go to USA to continue your high school?

Because I have a dream that one day I can communicate with the people around the world. America is a mixed country that has different culture. I like to communicate with different people with different culture. To be a wide vision man is my goal that I think America education can give me a chance to be the person I want to be.

18. Which term have you enrolled to our school?

I have study Grade 9.

19. What is the most important experience in your school?

I joined a singing competition in my school, and I won the second prize. I felt very excited about it.

20. Do you take TOEFL or SSAT or SLEP test?

21. How long have you learnt English?

I have learnt English for more than 9 years. English is a very important subject in china.

22. What is your future plan?

After my graduation from your high school, I would like to continue my further study in an American university. I want to learn public relationship in the future.

23. How do your friends describe you?

My friends think I am a friendly, outgoing and warm-hearted girl.

24. What do you think will be the difficulty of leaving your parents and out of the country?

At the beginning, I think I will be a little bit of home-sick. Because at that time, my English is not so good. But I think after a few months, I will make a lot of friends and my English will be improved. I think I will have a happy high school life.

25. What do you look forward to the most?

I look forward to be well educated and get an outstanding in class and later can be accept in a good university.

26. Which of your activities is the most rewarding and why?

27. What has been your biggest achievement?

28. How did you spend last summer?

29. What did you gain from your learning experience/ extracurricular activities?

30. What's the biggest challenge you've ever had? What action did you take?

31. What do you consider your strengths/weaknesses?

32. If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?

33. Have you any questions to ask me?


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