
• 1. 青少年的叛逆 teenage rebellion 2.剧场里挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们 The theatre was packed, sweltering, rocking. 3.急切地希望能沾上几滴洗礼的圣水 eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops 4. 一名黑衣女子 a girl dressed in black 5.几乎是宗教般的崇敬 almost religious reverence 6. 社会学家霍洛维茨 sociologist Horowitz 7. 表现了50年代青少年那种沮丧的精神状态 Embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s 8. 触动了对现状不满的神经 touched a nerve of disaffection 9. 一个各种思想交锋的场所 a place where ideas clash and crash. 10.赞美了“往日美好时光”的朴素的欢乐 celebrate the simple joys of “the good old days.” 11.全国民意测验 a national opinion poll 1. 毕业前夕 Shortly before graduation 2. 完全拒绝成年人的世界 Reject completely the adult world. 3. 代表了许多同龄人的心声 Speak for a lot of contemporaries 4.这个世界相当混乱。 The world is in pretty much of a mess. 5. 从他们的角度 From their point of view 6.脱离社会 Drop out 7. 最古老的权宜之计 The oldest expedient 8. 依靠社会养肥自己 Batten on the society 9. 这种方式在古代也有先例。 This strategy also has ancient antecedent. 10.田园生活

• 11.这种方法的问题是 The trouble with this solution is 12. 民主决策过程 Democratic process 13.乍一看 At first glance 14.一点也不具有感召力 Far from being inviting 15. 史无前例的富足社会的问题 The unprecedented problems of an affluent society 16. 我们突然意识到 It suddenly dawned on us that 17.以这种像癌细胞扩散的速度 At this cancerous rate 18.更大规模的战争 Warfare on a rising scale 1. 使我成了非同寻常的人物 Make me some kind of phenomenon 2. 同时克服了这两个障碍 Overcome both handicaps at once 3. 在美国黑人受歧视 There is prejudice against black people in America. 4.满足于自己二等公民的角色 Be content with their roles of second-class citizens 5. 在选举日决定胜负的细节 The details that make the difference on the election day 6. 赤裸裸的敌意 Undisguised hostility 7.没有前途的工作 Dead-end jobs 8.竞选公职 Run for office 1. 一位著名的电视节目主持人 A prominent anchorman 2. 负面影响 Adverse effect 3. 看了两万小时的电视

• 4. 如果你觉得这没意思 If this does not appeal to you 5. 分散人们的注意力 Discourage concentration 6. 很短的注意力集中时间 Short attention span 7. 降低文化水平 decivilizing 8.功能性文盲 Functionally illiterate 9. 不可剥夺的权利 Unalienable rights 10.干脆利落的解决方法 Neat solution 11. 这个社会正被强行灌输没有价值的东西 This society is being force fed with trivial fare. 1.首先 To begin with 2. 让他们按照自己的意愿安排时间 They are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice 3.感到茫然不知所措 At a loss 4. 给人带来快乐、值得做的事情 Something sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing 5. 人类文明的最高产物 The last product of civilization 6. 被难以言表的无聊所折磨 Suffer unspeakable boredom 7 摆脱单调乏味的工作 The freedom from drudgery 8 预防无聊的东西 A preventive of boredom 9 从长远来看 In the long run 10. 提供某种出路 Afford some outlet 11. 按照等级标准划分 Be arranged in hierarchy 12. 智胜一个有技能的对手 Outwit a skilled opponent 13. 按照以下的标准

• 14. 事物的初始状态 The initial state of affairs 15.事物的最终状态 the final state of affairs 16. 情况相反 The reverse is the case 17.为仇恨所驱使 Be actuated by hatred 1. 惟一未受经济大萧条影响的行业 The one industry unaffected by the general depression 2.从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看 From the prodigious number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines 3. 我原以为 I had imagined 4. 居美国工业前列 stand up high among the champions of American industry 5. 印度的年收入 The revenue of India 6.红润白嫩、艳如桃李、美若珠玑,绽开令人陶醉的笑容的女郎。 those ravishing creatures who smile so rosily and creamily, so peachily and pearily 7.大马力汽车 High-powered motor-cars 8. 是大多数欧洲人的经济能力所不及的 Beyond most European means 9. (注重)修饰个人容貌 cultivate one’s personal appearance 10.但显然这并非事情的全部。 But this is , clearly, not the whole story. 11.现代人对美貌的狂热崇拜 The modern cult of beauty 12. 经济领域以外产生的变化 Changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere 13.真正的美,内在与外表同样重要。 Real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the outer self 14.延缓容貌衰老 prolong the appearance of youth 15. 迄今为止专为男性保留的职业 The social functions hitherto reserved to the male 16. 社会体制 social arrangement

• 17. 环境刺激 environmental incentive 18. 遗传倾向 hereditary tendency 19. 偏执狂的恶习 monomaniacal vice 20. 足以以假乱真的模仿物 an imitation sufficiently good to be mistakable for the real thing. 1. 逐渐适应自己的性格和生活的既苦又甜的过程 A bitter-sweet coming to terms with one’s own personality and one’s life 2. 阻挠我们谈论老年问题 Barricade us from discussions of old age 3. 一个人们普遍接受的看法 The popularly accepted opinion 4.经济上的担忧 financial worries 5. 互相矛盾的看法 discrepant points of view 6. 度过整整一生 Live an entire life span 7. 有个美好老年的机率 the chances for a good old age 8. 不知所措、无法忍受 overwhelming and unbearable 9. 一个冷淡的世界 an inhospitable world 10. 就业方面的年龄歧视没有收到任何限制 Age discrimination in employment is unrestrained 11. 不同程度的慢性疾病 Chronic health problems of varying degree 12. 损害工作能力 Impair the ability to work 13. 医生和其他医务人员 Doctors and other medical personnel 14.老年人面临大大小的问题 Problems large and small congronted the elderly 15.犯罪分子容易得手的目标 easy targets for crime 16.老年妇女的遭遇比老年男子更糟。 Old women fare worse than old men. 17.妇女的平均寿命比男子长七年

• Women have an average life expectancy of seven years longer than men.

1. 保持自己的优势 keep one’s edge 2. 独特的价值 Unique value 3.以此为基础建立长期的信誉 Stake on this its market reputation over the long term 4.经营上的出色 operational excellence 5. 产品领先(原则) product leadership 6.产品周期 product cycle 7.产品性能 product performance 8.一次性的买卖 one-time transaction 9.获得最佳效果 achieve optimum result 1. 向一份科学刊物投了一篇专题文章 contribute a monograph to a scientific journal 2.心爱的叔叔染上了酗酒的恶习 one’s favorite uncle had taken to drink 3.包装精美 handsomely packaged 4.上了年龄的又一种表现 Another index of advancing age 5.令人尊敬的技艺 venerable skills 6.令人恐惧的经历 a gruesome experience 7.对奶酪很挑剔 Be fussy about cheese 8. 主食 main courses 9.著名的静物油画 Famous paintings of still life

• 1. 许多鸟欢快地歌唱

• A thousand and one felicitous birds • 2.一朵朵玫瑰花静静地开着 • roses bloomed serenely

• 3.超过入伍的年龄

• Beyond war age

• 4.有时候不能满足他的愿望 • sometimes failed him

• 1.向天空释放了一丝大地的气息 • Release a smell of earth to heaven • 2.水的无声、轻微的颤动

• A soundless and minuscular explosion • 3. 引起了他的注意

• Catch his eye

• 4. 与之搏斗

• Wrestle with it

• 5.咬下了太多的东西,咀嚼不了 • Bite off more than one can chew • 6.个人收入税折扣返还款

• Income-tax rebate

• 7.经济萧条

• Trade slump of water

• 1. 青少年的叛逆 teenage rebellion 2.剧场里挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们 The theatre was packed, sweltering, rocking. 3.急切地希望能沾上几滴洗礼的圣水 eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops 4. 一名黑衣女子 a girl dressed in black 5.几乎是宗教般的崇敬 almost religious reverence 6. 社会学家霍洛维茨 sociologist Horowitz 7. 表现了50年代青少年那种沮丧的精神状态 Embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s 8. 触动了对现状不满的神经 touched a nerve of disaffection 9. 一个各种思想交锋的场所 a place where ideas clash and crash. 10.赞美了“往日美好时光”的朴素的欢乐 celebrate the simple joys of “the good old days.” 11.全国民意测验 a national opinion poll 1. 毕业前夕 Shortly before graduation 2. 完全拒绝成年人的世界 Reject completely the adult world. 3. 代表了许多同龄人的心声 Speak for a lot of contemporaries 4.这个世界相当混乱。 The world is in pretty much of a mess. 5. 从他们的角度 From their point of view 6.脱离社会 Drop out 7. 最古老的权宜之计 The oldest expedient 8. 依靠社会养肥自己 Batten on the society 9. 这种方式在古代也有先例。 This strategy also has ancient antecedent. 10.田园生活

• 11.这种方法的问题是 The trouble with this solution is 12. 民主决策过程 Democratic process 13.乍一看 At first glance 14.一点也不具有感召力 Far from being inviting 15. 史无前例的富足社会的问题 The unprecedented problems of an affluent society 16. 我们突然意识到 It suddenly dawned on us that 17.以这种像癌细胞扩散的速度 At this cancerous rate 18.更大规模的战争 Warfare on a rising scale 1. 使我成了非同寻常的人物 Make me some kind of phenomenon 2. 同时克服了这两个障碍 Overcome both handicaps at once 3. 在美国黑人受歧视 There is prejudice against black people in America. 4.满足于自己二等公民的角色 Be content with their roles of second-class citizens 5. 在选举日决定胜负的细节 The details that make the difference on the election day 6. 赤裸裸的敌意 Undisguised hostility 7.没有前途的工作 Dead-end jobs 8.竞选公职 Run for office 1. 一位著名的电视节目主持人 A prominent anchorman 2. 负面影响 Adverse effect 3. 看了两万小时的电视

• 4. 如果你觉得这没意思 If this does not appeal to you 5. 分散人们的注意力 Discourage concentration 6. 很短的注意力集中时间 Short attention span 7. 降低文化水平 decivilizing 8.功能性文盲 Functionally illiterate 9. 不可剥夺的权利 Unalienable rights 10.干脆利落的解决方法 Neat solution 11. 这个社会正被强行灌输没有价值的东西 This society is being force fed with trivial fare. 1.首先 To begin with 2. 让他们按照自己的意愿安排时间 They are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice 3.感到茫然不知所措 At a loss 4. 给人带来快乐、值得做的事情 Something sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing 5. 人类文明的最高产物 The last product of civilization 6. 被难以言表的无聊所折磨 Suffer unspeakable boredom 7 摆脱单调乏味的工作 The freedom from drudgery 8 预防无聊的东西 A preventive of boredom 9 从长远来看 In the long run 10. 提供某种出路 Afford some outlet 11. 按照等级标准划分 Be arranged in hierarchy 12. 智胜一个有技能的对手 Outwit a skilled opponent 13. 按照以下的标准

• 14. 事物的初始状态 The initial state of affairs 15.事物的最终状态 the final state of affairs 16. 情况相反 The reverse is the case 17.为仇恨所驱使 Be actuated by hatred 1. 惟一未受经济大萧条影响的行业 The one industry unaffected by the general depression 2.从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看 From the prodigious number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines 3. 我原以为 I had imagined 4. 居美国工业前列 stand up high among the champions of American industry 5. 印度的年收入 The revenue of India 6.红润白嫩、艳如桃李、美若珠玑,绽开令人陶醉的笑容的女郎。 those ravishing creatures who smile so rosily and creamily, so peachily and pearily 7.大马力汽车 High-powered motor-cars 8. 是大多数欧洲人的经济能力所不及的 Beyond most European means 9. (注重)修饰个人容貌 cultivate one’s personal appearance 10.但显然这并非事情的全部。 But this is , clearly, not the whole story. 11.现代人对美貌的狂热崇拜 The modern cult of beauty 12. 经济领域以外产生的变化 Changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere 13.真正的美,内在与外表同样重要。 Real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the outer self 14.延缓容貌衰老 prolong the appearance of youth 15. 迄今为止专为男性保留的职业 The social functions hitherto reserved to the male 16. 社会体制 social arrangement

• 17. 环境刺激 environmental incentive 18. 遗传倾向 hereditary tendency 19. 偏执狂的恶习 monomaniacal vice 20. 足以以假乱真的模仿物 an imitation sufficiently good to be mistakable for the real thing. 1. 逐渐适应自己的性格和生活的既苦又甜的过程 A bitter-sweet coming to terms with one’s own personality and one’s life 2. 阻挠我们谈论老年问题 Barricade us from discussions of old age 3. 一个人们普遍接受的看法 The popularly accepted opinion 4.经济上的担忧 financial worries 5. 互相矛盾的看法 discrepant points of view 6. 度过整整一生 Live an entire life span 7. 有个美好老年的机率 the chances for a good old age 8. 不知所措、无法忍受 overwhelming and unbearable 9. 一个冷淡的世界 an inhospitable world 10. 就业方面的年龄歧视没有收到任何限制 Age discrimination in employment is unrestrained 11. 不同程度的慢性疾病 Chronic health problems of varying degree 12. 损害工作能力 Impair the ability to work 13. 医生和其他医务人员 Doctors and other medical personnel 14.老年人面临大大小的问题 Problems large and small congronted the elderly 15.犯罪分子容易得手的目标 easy targets for crime 16.老年妇女的遭遇比老年男子更糟。 Old women fare worse than old men. 17.妇女的平均寿命比男子长七年

• Women have an average life expectancy of seven years longer than men.

1. 保持自己的优势 keep one’s edge 2. 独特的价值 Unique value 3.以此为基础建立长期的信誉 Stake on this its market reputation over the long term 4.经营上的出色 operational excellence 5. 产品领先(原则) product leadership 6.产品周期 product cycle 7.产品性能 product performance 8.一次性的买卖 one-time transaction 9.获得最佳效果 achieve optimum result 1. 向一份科学刊物投了一篇专题文章 contribute a monograph to a scientific journal 2.心爱的叔叔染上了酗酒的恶习 one’s favorite uncle had taken to drink 3.包装精美 handsomely packaged 4.上了年龄的又一种表现 Another index of advancing age 5.令人尊敬的技艺 venerable skills 6.令人恐惧的经历 a gruesome experience 7.对奶酪很挑剔 Be fussy about cheese 8. 主食 main courses 9.著名的静物油画 Famous paintings of still life

• 1. 许多鸟欢快地歌唱

• A thousand and one felicitous birds • 2.一朵朵玫瑰花静静地开着 • roses bloomed serenely

• 3.超过入伍的年龄

• Beyond war age

• 4.有时候不能满足他的愿望 • sometimes failed him

• 1.向天空释放了一丝大地的气息 • Release a smell of earth to heaven • 2.水的无声、轻微的颤动

• A soundless and minuscular explosion • 3. 引起了他的注意

• Catch his eye

• 4. 与之搏斗

• Wrestle with it

• 5.咬下了太多的东西,咀嚼不了 • Bite off more than one can chew • 6.个人收入税折扣返还款

• Income-tax rebate

• 7.经济萧条

• Trade slump of water


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