



【英文摘要】In this thesis,the focus is a new concept in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy—Reorganization System. the system was

incorporated in the Chinese law just a few years ago,so there are not many academic researches on the System of

Reorganization. In this thesis, by research and analysis the articles in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy,reference to the provisions and judicial practice in U.S..Britain. France. Japan. South Korea.Taiwan province and other countries and regions.,to discusse the reorganization system in China.In the first

section.First,discuss the concept.features and functions on Reorganization System will be presented.the law in China does

not have the direct concept of Reorganization, but there has been academic debate on the concept of Reorganization System, the main focus on the debate is the purpose of the system is single or multiple. Second,compare reorganization with

Bankruptcy Liquidation and Compromise, analyze and summarize the characteristics of Reorganization. Third,discuss the

functional transformation of Reorganization System-- resolve the debts among enterprises.help the enterprise out of

difficulty and evolution of rescue-oriented mechanisms and protect the public interest.In the second section. discuss the content of Reorganization System deeply,including the apply of Reorganization, the core of Reorganization System—the

formulation of the bankruptcy Reorganization organs, the vote and pass of Reorganization organs and the Court’s right of approval. The start of the Reorganization includes the

application, the causes of Reorganization and the capabilities of Reorganization. The discussion of the Reorganization organs, including the formulation of the organs, the content and the filing deadline of Reorganization organs. The important step to protect Reorganization System is the vote and pass of

Reorganization organs.The form and the mode of The creditors’ Meeting is discussed in this section.Last,discuss the Court’

s compulsive right of approval.The major abuse of

Reorganization system in China is discussed in the third

section, including the standard of filing reorganization is unclearly;the main body of Reorganization System is too large;the shareholders don’t have the right to vote the reorganization organs and it is not useful limition of the court’s right to approve.The fourth section is the author’s recommendations of Reorganization System. Including “have the possible to save “ is the essential elements of

reorganization and restructuring;limit the main body have right to apply reorganization, a certain amount of assets under the provisions of the limited liability company can not be applied Reorganization; Creditors also have the right to

propose reorganization of the debtor’s bankruptcy application when the application for bankruptcy liquidation is accepted by the court;the debtor or the administrator fails to draft or re-reorganization plan proposed by the Reorganization organs is not approved by the case, should not be declaring the

enterprise bankrupt, should treat the enterprises different results according to the actual situation of the enterprise.

【关键词】破产重整 计划草案 有挽救可能性

【英文关键词】Reorganization Reorganization organs

have the possibility to save




(二) 引言9-11概述11-15(一) 破产重整的概念和特征11-142、破产重整制度的特征11-14重整制度的概念11




15-261、解决企业债权债务关系3、保障社会公共利益2、帮助企业走出困境14二、我国破产重整制度的主要内容及分析(一) 破产重整程序的启动15-19


(二) 破产重整计划19-231、申请主体及3、适用对象1、重整计划其分析16-17及其分析18-19


20-222、重整计划的内容及其分析(三) 3、提交破产重整计划的期限及其分析22-23




26-291、关系人会议的表决通过2、法院对破产重整计划的批准及其分析三、我国破产重整制度存在的主要弊端(一) 破产重整的立案标准不够清晰26(二) 破产重整适用主体过于宽泛26-27




29(三) 股东没有机会参与破产(四) 法院批准重整计划的自由裁量权过四、我国破产重整法律制度的完善意见(一) 将”有挽救可能”作为破产重整的必要要件(二) 限制可适用破产重整的主体范围29-30(三)




(四) 未按(五) 重整计五、结语




【英文摘要】In this thesis,the focus is a new concept in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy—Reorganization System. the system was

incorporated in the Chinese law just a few years ago,so there are not many academic researches on the System of

Reorganization. In this thesis, by research and analysis the articles in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy,reference to the provisions and judicial practice in U.S..Britain. France. Japan. South Korea.Taiwan province and other countries and regions.,to discusse the reorganization system in China.In the first

section.First,discuss the concept.features and functions on Reorganization System will be presented.the law in China does

not have the direct concept of Reorganization, but there has been academic debate on the concept of Reorganization System, the main focus on the debate is the purpose of the system is single or multiple. Second,compare reorganization with

Bankruptcy Liquidation and Compromise, analyze and summarize the characteristics of Reorganization. Third,discuss the

functional transformation of Reorganization System-- resolve the debts among enterprises.help the enterprise out of

difficulty and evolution of rescue-oriented mechanisms and protect the public interest.In the second section. discuss the content of Reorganization System deeply,including the apply of Reorganization, the core of Reorganization System—the

formulation of the bankruptcy Reorganization organs, the vote and pass of Reorganization organs and the Court’s right of approval. The start of the Reorganization includes the

application, the causes of Reorganization and the capabilities of Reorganization. The discussion of the Reorganization organs, including the formulation of the organs, the content and the filing deadline of Reorganization organs. The important step to protect Reorganization System is the vote and pass of

Reorganization organs.The form and the mode of The creditors’ Meeting is discussed in this section.Last,discuss the Court’

s compulsive right of approval.The major abuse of

Reorganization system in China is discussed in the third

section, including the standard of filing reorganization is unclearly;the main body of Reorganization System is too large;the shareholders don’t have the right to vote the reorganization organs and it is not useful limition of the court’s right to approve.The fourth section is the author’s recommendations of Reorganization System. Including “have the possible to save “ is the essential elements of

reorganization and restructuring;limit the main body have right to apply reorganization, a certain amount of assets under the provisions of the limited liability company can not be applied Reorganization; Creditors also have the right to

propose reorganization of the debtor’s bankruptcy application when the application for bankruptcy liquidation is accepted by the court;the debtor or the administrator fails to draft or re-reorganization plan proposed by the Reorganization organs is not approved by the case, should not be declaring the

enterprise bankrupt, should treat the enterprises different results according to the actual situation of the enterprise.

【关键词】破产重整 计划草案 有挽救可能性

【英文关键词】Reorganization Reorganization organs

have the possibility to save




(二) 引言9-11概述11-15(一) 破产重整的概念和特征11-142、破产重整制度的特征11-14重整制度的概念11




15-261、解决企业债权债务关系3、保障社会公共利益2、帮助企业走出困境14二、我国破产重整制度的主要内容及分析(一) 破产重整程序的启动15-19


(二) 破产重整计划19-231、申请主体及3、适用对象1、重整计划其分析16-17及其分析18-19


20-222、重整计划的内容及其分析(三) 3、提交破产重整计划的期限及其分析22-23




26-291、关系人会议的表决通过2、法院对破产重整计划的批准及其分析三、我国破产重整制度存在的主要弊端(一) 破产重整的立案标准不够清晰26(二) 破产重整适用主体过于宽泛26-27




29(三) 股东没有机会参与破产(四) 法院批准重整计划的自由裁量权过四、我国破产重整法律制度的完善意见(一) 将”有挽救可能”作为破产重整的必要要件(二) 限制可适用破产重整的主体范围29-30(三)




(四) 未按(五) 重整计五、结语


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