
June 7-8 in China

June 7 is a big day for people in China aiming to undertake higher education as the National College Entrance Exam, or gaokao, falls that day. The exam has long been controversial for imposing uniformity in picking talents. Do students in other countries have to suffer similar pressures to win university places? Let's have a look.


1.Each year, millions of Chinese sit the exam which is held normally on June 7-8.


It is taken by students in their final year of senior high school without age restriction. Last year 9.12 million students took the exam. Although university admission is rising, with more than 90 percent in some provinces, to enter a good university one still needs go through fierce competition.



2. The American College Testing assessment (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) are the two main college entrance exams administered in the United States.

ACT 美国大学入学考试和SAT 美国高考,是美国施行的两种主要高校入学考试。

While the SAT measures a student's ability to learn, the ACT was created as an alternative, measuring a student's educational development. Although many US colleges accept both exams, most students take the ACT. Each year nearly two million students pay a registration fee of about $50 to take the test, which is administered six times throughout the year. Students can also retake the exam for a better score.

SAT 考查学生的学习能力,而ACT 作为一门自选考试、考查学生的教育发展能力。虽然美国大多数大学对两种考试都持认可态度,但大部分学生参加ACT 考试。每年有将近2000万考生支付50美元的报考费,一年有6次报考机会。学生可以重复参加考试以获取最好成绩。


3. The United Kingdom does not have a specific standardized test for determining college admission.


Instead, each college sets up its own admissions criteria, which often only involves submission of transcripts and participation in an interview. There are subject-specific exams used by some colleges, but they are not as comprehensive as tests like the ACT and gaokao. High school academic performance is by far the main determining factor, rather than test scores or other credentials.

替而代之的,每个大学都有自己的考核标准,有些只需上交成绩单并进行一场面试就可以了。有些大学采用针对学科的考试,但这些考试都不像ACT 和高考那么综合全面。目前,中学的学习成绩是英国大学录取的主要因素,而不是仅凭某一考试分数或其他证书。

June 7-8 in China

June 7 is a big day for people in China aiming to undertake higher education as the National College Entrance Exam, or gaokao, falls that day. The exam has long been controversial for imposing uniformity in picking talents. Do students in other countries have to suffer similar pressures to win university places? Let's have a look.


1.Each year, millions of Chinese sit the exam which is held normally on June 7-8.


It is taken by students in their final year of senior high school without age restriction. Last year 9.12 million students took the exam. Although university admission is rising, with more than 90 percent in some provinces, to enter a good university one still needs go through fierce competition.



2. The American College Testing assessment (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) are the two main college entrance exams administered in the United States.

ACT 美国大学入学考试和SAT 美国高考,是美国施行的两种主要高校入学考试。

While the SAT measures a student's ability to learn, the ACT was created as an alternative, measuring a student's educational development. Although many US colleges accept both exams, most students take the ACT. Each year nearly two million students pay a registration fee of about $50 to take the test, which is administered six times throughout the year. Students can also retake the exam for a better score.

SAT 考查学生的学习能力,而ACT 作为一门自选考试、考查学生的教育发展能力。虽然美国大多数大学对两种考试都持认可态度,但大部分学生参加ACT 考试。每年有将近2000万考生支付50美元的报考费,一年有6次报考机会。学生可以重复参加考试以获取最好成绩。


3. The United Kingdom does not have a specific standardized test for determining college admission.


Instead, each college sets up its own admissions criteria, which often only involves submission of transcripts and participation in an interview. There are subject-specific exams used by some colleges, but they are not as comprehensive as tests like the ACT and gaokao. High school academic performance is by far the main determining factor, rather than test scores or other credentials.

替而代之的,每个大学都有自己的考核标准,有些只需上交成绩单并进行一场面试就可以了。有些大学采用针对学科的考试,但这些考试都不像ACT 和高考那么综合全面。目前,中学的学习成绩是英国大学录取的主要因素,而不是仅凭某一考试分数或其他证书。


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