
Zhang san

Phone :+86 177-2809-9006 Email:[email protected] Birth:Dec/1994 Mailing Address: Sun Yat-Sen University,Xingang Road,HaizhuDistrict, Guangzhou. Job Objective: An intern position in audit.


China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) Major in Economics(Accounting , Statistic etc.) ISU University (Exchange student)

Major in Finance(Intermediate accounting, Financial management etc.) Sun Yat-Sen University (Exchange student) Major in Economics

Beijing, China 09/2013-06/2017 Kaohsiung,Taiwan 02/2015-06/2015 Guangzhou,China 02/2016-now 03/2016-now

Intern,Accenture China • Assist project manager to conduct researchabout electricityindustry. • Establish a database of international voltage standard independently . Intern,Wisemove Tax Co., Ltd 07/2015-09/2015 • Support data collecting and sorting for the department’s research report. • Support the receiving the client and ordering the restaurant during meetings. •

Support daily work in the group, including document editing and checking.

Member, Career Department, DreamOut Union 04/2014-02/2015 • • •

Took responsibility for the “Group Interview Training” activities, designed the training and invited

lecturers and have been a speaker in the activities.The participants spoke highly of this training. Assisted in the “PR Industry Sharing” and “The FMCG Industry Sharing” activities,got involved in preparation and conduction.

Operated “Career of CUPL” in Renren.com. Post articles about job hunting everyday,after 3 months,the number of the followers increased to 2500.

Leader , Creative Marketing Contest of Kotex,Kimberly Co., Ltd10/2014-12/2015 -The competition was held in Beijing Shanghai and Chengdu,over 100 teams participated in. • Completed a marketing program about Kotex and presented it with PPT. • Distributed the orders in CUPL,calculated the sales and inventory data every evening. • Sold 9000RMB Kotex products in two weeks,won the eighth prize in the final.

Member,The Sixth Business Plan Competition of Wahaha Co., Ltd 10/2015-11/2015 -The competition was held nationwide,over 50 teams participated in CUPL. • •

Led other members to complete a 20,000-word product marketing programs within a week.

Participated in the sale work, sold Wahaha products to multiple locations. Won the first prize in the final.


The first prize for Oral English Report Competition in CUPL 05/2014 The third-class scholarship in CUPL Certificate of Accounting Professional 11/2015


Professional Skill

English:CET-4:577/710,CET-6:560/710 Software:Office Photoshop Flash Premiere


联系方式:177-2809-9006电子邮件:[email protected] 联系地址:广州市海珠区中山大学南校区 籍贯:广东汕头出生年月:1994.12


∙ 经济学专业经济学学士(辅修法学专业修读商法、税法等课程)

2015.02-2015.06 ∙ 赴台湾义守大学交换学习,主修财务金融专业

∙ 赴中山大学岭南学院交换学习,主修经济学专业 2016.02至今 ∙ 已修课程:会计学原理中级会计学国际财务管理 ∙ 绩点:3.42/4.0(年级前30%);平均分:85/100(年级前30%) ∙ 奖项与资质证书:会计从业资格证;2014-2015学年优秀三等奖学金(年级前30%)


埃森哲 南方电网项目组实习生

-帮助项目经理收集电网行业研究资料,并将所搜集资料整理成调研报告。 -独立完成电压质量标准库的建立,翻译多篇国际电压标准。 -在实习中提高自己的抗压能力,提升了信息快速搜索能力。


- 作为组织者主办“无领导小组面试模拟实战”活动,策划活动形式,联系沟通校内外嘉宾担任HR ,设计面试题,并在现场讲授无领导小组面试基本技巧,该活动受到参与同学的一致高度赞扬。 - 参与主办“联合利华快消行业分享会”“公关行业分享会”

,参与活动前期筹划和执行。 - 运营人人账号“法大求职”,每日精选发布求职有关文章和信息,运营三个月期间关注量增加30%,达到- 该比赛在北京、上海、成都举行,主题为Kotex 系列产品制作1个校园营销方案并进行校园义卖活动。

- 带队撰写营销方案,并以PPT 的形式展示该方案。每日对校园内的订单进行配送,统计售卖数据,核对销售量与收入的现金量,并清点库存。团队在两周内总共在本校区销售出总价值9000元的Kotex 产品。 -团队获得比赛北京赛区决赛第八名(8/35),优胜奖团队。 第六届娃哈哈销售大赛队员2015.10-2015.11


- 在一周内带领其他成员完成一份两万字的产品营销策划方案。参加实际售卖工作,向多个场所销售娃哈哈产品,团队最终获得销售成绩冠军,获得总成绩第一名。 中国政法大学英语口头报告大赛队员2014.04-2014.05 - 决赛环节获得中国政法大学全校第一名(团体形式)。 - 参与英语剧本编写、排练、视频录制及剪辑。


∙ ∙

语言 CET-4:577/710,CET-6:560/710;粤语中级水平。

计算机熟悉Excel 的数据透视表、vlookup 等函数操作,已掌握Photoshop 的基本操作。

Zhang san

Phone :+86 177-2809-9006 Email:[email protected] Birth:Dec/1994 Mailing Address: Sun Yat-Sen University,Xingang Road,HaizhuDistrict, Guangzhou. Job Objective: An intern position in audit.


China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) Major in Economics(Accounting , Statistic etc.) ISU University (Exchange student)

Major in Finance(Intermediate accounting, Financial management etc.) Sun Yat-Sen University (Exchange student) Major in Economics

Beijing, China 09/2013-06/2017 Kaohsiung,Taiwan 02/2015-06/2015 Guangzhou,China 02/2016-now 03/2016-now

Intern,Accenture China • Assist project manager to conduct researchabout electricityindustry. • Establish a database of international voltage standard independently . Intern,Wisemove Tax Co., Ltd 07/2015-09/2015 • Support data collecting and sorting for the department’s research report. • Support the receiving the client and ordering the restaurant during meetings. •

Support daily work in the group, including document editing and checking.

Member, Career Department, DreamOut Union 04/2014-02/2015 • • •

Took responsibility for the “Group Interview Training” activities, designed the training and invited

lecturers and have been a speaker in the activities.The participants spoke highly of this training. Assisted in the “PR Industry Sharing” and “The FMCG Industry Sharing” activities,got involved in preparation and conduction.

Operated “Career of CUPL” in Renren.com. Post articles about job hunting everyday,after 3 months,the number of the followers increased to 2500.

Leader , Creative Marketing Contest of Kotex,Kimberly Co., Ltd10/2014-12/2015 -The competition was held in Beijing Shanghai and Chengdu,over 100 teams participated in. • Completed a marketing program about Kotex and presented it with PPT. • Distributed the orders in CUPL,calculated the sales and inventory data every evening. • Sold 9000RMB Kotex products in two weeks,won the eighth prize in the final.

Member,The Sixth Business Plan Competition of Wahaha Co., Ltd 10/2015-11/2015 -The competition was held nationwide,over 50 teams participated in CUPL. • •

Led other members to complete a 20,000-word product marketing programs within a week.

Participated in the sale work, sold Wahaha products to multiple locations. Won the first prize in the final.


The first prize for Oral English Report Competition in CUPL 05/2014 The third-class scholarship in CUPL Certificate of Accounting Professional 11/2015


Professional Skill

English:CET-4:577/710,CET-6:560/710 Software:Office Photoshop Flash Premiere


联系方式:177-2809-9006电子邮件:[email protected] 联系地址:广州市海珠区中山大学南校区 籍贯:广东汕头出生年月:1994.12


∙ 经济学专业经济学学士(辅修法学专业修读商法、税法等课程)

2015.02-2015.06 ∙ 赴台湾义守大学交换学习,主修财务金融专业

∙ 赴中山大学岭南学院交换学习,主修经济学专业 2016.02至今 ∙ 已修课程:会计学原理中级会计学国际财务管理 ∙ 绩点:3.42/4.0(年级前30%);平均分:85/100(年级前30%) ∙ 奖项与资质证书:会计从业资格证;2014-2015学年优秀三等奖学金(年级前30%)


埃森哲 南方电网项目组实习生

-帮助项目经理收集电网行业研究资料,并将所搜集资料整理成调研报告。 -独立完成电压质量标准库的建立,翻译多篇国际电压标准。 -在实习中提高自己的抗压能力,提升了信息快速搜索能力。


- 作为组织者主办“无领导小组面试模拟实战”活动,策划活动形式,联系沟通校内外嘉宾担任HR ,设计面试题,并在现场讲授无领导小组面试基本技巧,该活动受到参与同学的一致高度赞扬。 - 参与主办“联合利华快消行业分享会”“公关行业分享会”

,参与活动前期筹划和执行。 - 运营人人账号“法大求职”,每日精选发布求职有关文章和信息,运营三个月期间关注量增加30%,达到- 该比赛在北京、上海、成都举行,主题为Kotex 系列产品制作1个校园营销方案并进行校园义卖活动。

- 带队撰写营销方案,并以PPT 的形式展示该方案。每日对校园内的订单进行配送,统计售卖数据,核对销售量与收入的现金量,并清点库存。团队在两周内总共在本校区销售出总价值9000元的Kotex 产品。 -团队获得比赛北京赛区决赛第八名(8/35),优胜奖团队。 第六届娃哈哈销售大赛队员2015.10-2015.11


- 在一周内带领其他成员完成一份两万字的产品营销策划方案。参加实际售卖工作,向多个场所销售娃哈哈产品,团队最终获得销售成绩冠军,获得总成绩第一名。 中国政法大学英语口头报告大赛队员2014.04-2014.05 - 决赛环节获得中国政法大学全校第一名(团体形式)。 - 参与英语剧本编写、排练、视频录制及剪辑。


∙ ∙

语言 CET-4:577/710,CET-6:560/710;粤语中级水平。

计算机熟悉Excel 的数据透视表、vlookup 等函数操作,已掌握Photoshop 的基本操作。


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