
Unit 1 Glad to meet you!

(第三课时 教学设计)



本课时系《英语基础教程 1》第一单元的第三课时,教学内容是Language in use中的Grammar focus部分,具体内容为:be 动词的一般现在时用法。教材上内容并不多,需要教师根据学情予以适当的补充。



be 动词的一般现在时用法


对be 动词一般现在时的三种变化(am, is, are)及否定用法的灵活使用


1. 知识目标

(1)掌握be 动词的一般现在时有is ,am ,are 三种形式;

(2)掌握be 动词的一般现在时的否定形式;

2. 能力目标

⑴ 学生能根据句子中不同的人称、数和时态,对be 动词进行正确的变化;

3. 情感目标



Step One Lead-in

1. Have a comment on the name cards of students. Pass the cards around the class.


2. Ask the students to present and talk about the name cards they have collected in groups. Use the following sentence patterns.

His/Her name is …

He/She is from …

He/She is a …

His/Her telephone number is …

(设计意图:读懂名片信息,在复习旧知识的同时,引入到本次课学习内容——动词be 的is 形式的用法。)

Step Two Grammar focus

1. Game :Who am I?

The teacher says “I’m thinking of something and you guess what it is.” The teacher can describe anything that the students are familiar with, however, the teacher should use “am” as many times as possible. The teacher can decide if he wants to score this game or not, and how.

e.g. I am yellow.

I have a thick skin that you peel off before you can eat me.

I am white inside.

I am sweet.

What am I?

Answer: BANANA

(设计意图:复习词汇,掌握动词be 的am 形式的用法。猜谜语是学生感兴趣的游戏之一,可以让学生快速集中注意力,主动参与学习。)

2. Grammar focus

(1) The students read the six sentences in Grammar focus together. The teacher helps the

students to have a general idea of the usage of verb “be ”.

(2) The teacher offers the following rhyme to help the students master the usage of be in a better and easy way. Several students are asked to explain the rhyme to other students if they can. 英语语法学习顺口溜 be 的用法口诀

我用am ,你用are ,is 连着他,她,它;

单数名词用is ,复数名词全用are 。


变否定,更容易,be 后not 莫忘记。


(设计意图:让学生对动词be 的用法有个总的概念,采用顺口溜可以让背诵更有趣更有效,鼓励由部分学生来给其他学生讲解顺口溜中所阐述的Be 动词的用法,既给了学生展示的机会,其他学生也会主动记笔记。)

3. Activity 11. Read and circle.

4. Activity 12. Read and match.

5. Activity 13. Read and complete.

(设计意图:Activity11、12、13的难度呈递增,通过练习让学生对顺口溜中Be 动词的用法逐步形成更直观的理解和记忆。)

Step Three Drill

说明:鉴于教材原有的Grammar focus 部分内容较少,为了让学生对Be 动词在一般现在时的用法形成更深入的了解,灵活且正确的使用其am ,is ,are 形式,教师在本次课课前利用网络资源搜集Be 动词的Flash 动画小视频以提高学生学习兴趣,在课堂上可根据学生实际情况适当增加操练内容,在形式上可以采取小组合作、竞赛等方式。


1. Fill in the blanks. 用be 的适当形式填空。

(1) The man _________ a science teacher.

(2) Mary's new dresses _________ colorful.

(3) Mother _________ in the kitchen now.

(4) _________ the woman an English teacher?

(5) I _________ a student .

(6) __________ your father a worker﹖ Yes, he __________ .

(7) They __________ in the classroom.

(8) This __________ an apple.

(9) Where __________ my books﹖

(10) We __________friends.

(11) You __________ a good student.

(12) These ___________her pens.

(13) How much _________the T-shirt?

(14) How much __________ the socks?

(15) Our mother _________forty.

(16) _________ you in our school music club?

(17) I want to ________ a teacher.

(18) Let’s ___________friends.

(19) He and I _________friends.

(20) A: ______ this a bird?

B :Yes ,it_____.

A: Thank you.

B: That _____ OK.

2. My Family Member(s)

The teacher gives an example before students’ speech. The students are asked to pay attention to am, is or are.

e.g. My sona little boy. He six years old. I his good friends. We happy every day. (设计意图:专题练习用于检测和巩固教学效果,确保学生能灵活使用动词be 的基本用法,练习的方式将写和说相结合,不留知识盲点。)

Step Four Summary

Ask students to read the rhyme again. And more students are asked to explain the rhyme with the exercises.

(设计意图: 再次回顾关于Be 动词的用法口诀,引导学生结合所做的习题再次理解性的记忆用法口诀。)

Step Five Homework

1. Fill in the blanks with the verb BE.

(1) Who I (2)What your job? I a vocational school student.

(3)How old your mother? She forty.

(4)We late for school.

(5)How you? Fine ,thank you.

(6 ) What 2. Create ten sentences with the verb is, am or are.

3. Complete the part “multiple choice” in the workbook.


Unit 1 Glad to meet you!

(第三课时 教学设计)



本课时系《英语基础教程 1》第一单元的第三课时,教学内容是Language in use中的Grammar focus部分,具体内容为:be 动词的一般现在时用法。教材上内容并不多,需要教师根据学情予以适当的补充。



be 动词的一般现在时用法


对be 动词一般现在时的三种变化(am, is, are)及否定用法的灵活使用


1. 知识目标

(1)掌握be 动词的一般现在时有is ,am ,are 三种形式;

(2)掌握be 动词的一般现在时的否定形式;

2. 能力目标

⑴ 学生能根据句子中不同的人称、数和时态,对be 动词进行正确的变化;

3. 情感目标



Step One Lead-in

1. Have a comment on the name cards of students. Pass the cards around the class.


2. Ask the students to present and talk about the name cards they have collected in groups. Use the following sentence patterns.

His/Her name is …

He/She is from …

He/She is a …

His/Her telephone number is …

(设计意图:读懂名片信息,在复习旧知识的同时,引入到本次课学习内容——动词be 的is 形式的用法。)

Step Two Grammar focus

1. Game :Who am I?

The teacher says “I’m thinking of something and you guess what it is.” The teacher can describe anything that the students are familiar with, however, the teacher should use “am” as many times as possible. The teacher can decide if he wants to score this game or not, and how.

e.g. I am yellow.

I have a thick skin that you peel off before you can eat me.

I am white inside.

I am sweet.

What am I?

Answer: BANANA

(设计意图:复习词汇,掌握动词be 的am 形式的用法。猜谜语是学生感兴趣的游戏之一,可以让学生快速集中注意力,主动参与学习。)

2. Grammar focus

(1) The students read the six sentences in Grammar focus together. The teacher helps the

students to have a general idea of the usage of verb “be ”.

(2) The teacher offers the following rhyme to help the students master the usage of be in a better and easy way. Several students are asked to explain the rhyme to other students if they can. 英语语法学习顺口溜 be 的用法口诀

我用am ,你用are ,is 连着他,她,它;

单数名词用is ,复数名词全用are 。


变否定,更容易,be 后not 莫忘记。


(设计意图:让学生对动词be 的用法有个总的概念,采用顺口溜可以让背诵更有趣更有效,鼓励由部分学生来给其他学生讲解顺口溜中所阐述的Be 动词的用法,既给了学生展示的机会,其他学生也会主动记笔记。)

3. Activity 11. Read and circle.

4. Activity 12. Read and match.

5. Activity 13. Read and complete.

(设计意图:Activity11、12、13的难度呈递增,通过练习让学生对顺口溜中Be 动词的用法逐步形成更直观的理解和记忆。)

Step Three Drill

说明:鉴于教材原有的Grammar focus 部分内容较少,为了让学生对Be 动词在一般现在时的用法形成更深入的了解,灵活且正确的使用其am ,is ,are 形式,教师在本次课课前利用网络资源搜集Be 动词的Flash 动画小视频以提高学生学习兴趣,在课堂上可根据学生实际情况适当增加操练内容,在形式上可以采取小组合作、竞赛等方式。


1. Fill in the blanks. 用be 的适当形式填空。

(1) The man _________ a science teacher.

(2) Mary's new dresses _________ colorful.

(3) Mother _________ in the kitchen now.

(4) _________ the woman an English teacher?

(5) I _________ a student .

(6) __________ your father a worker﹖ Yes, he __________ .

(7) They __________ in the classroom.

(8) This __________ an apple.

(9) Where __________ my books﹖

(10) We __________friends.

(11) You __________ a good student.

(12) These ___________her pens.

(13) How much _________the T-shirt?

(14) How much __________ the socks?

(15) Our mother _________forty.

(16) _________ you in our school music club?

(17) I want to ________ a teacher.

(18) Let’s ___________friends.

(19) He and I _________friends.

(20) A: ______ this a bird?

B :Yes ,it_____.

A: Thank you.

B: That _____ OK.

2. My Family Member(s)

The teacher gives an example before students’ speech. The students are asked to pay attention to am, is or are.

e.g. My sona little boy. He six years old. I his good friends. We happy every day. (设计意图:专题练习用于检测和巩固教学效果,确保学生能灵活使用动词be 的基本用法,练习的方式将写和说相结合,不留知识盲点。)

Step Four Summary

Ask students to read the rhyme again. And more students are asked to explain the rhyme with the exercises.

(设计意图: 再次回顾关于Be 动词的用法口诀,引导学生结合所做的习题再次理解性的记忆用法口诀。)

Step Five Homework

1. Fill in the blanks with the verb BE.

(1) Who I (2)What your job? I a vocational school student.

(3)How old your mother? She forty.

(4)We late for school.

(5)How you? Fine ,thank you.

(6 ) What 2. Create ten sentences with the verb is, am or are.

3. Complete the part “multiple choice” in the workbook.



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