
(必修五·Unit 5)


1.He was so fat that he could only just ________ the door.

A.squeeze into B.squeeze through

C.get into D.enter through

答案与解析:B 先分析空格内待填词与the door之间的关系,受汉语“进门”的干扰,往往会误认为用介词into,但into是指进入某空间,不能说into the door。而应说into the room by/through the front door。D项中enter是及物动词,后直接接进入的空间。全句意为“他太胖了,勉强挤过这扇门”。

2.—Why is the librarian looking so hard at me?

—You ________ to read aloud in the reading room.

A.don't suppose B.haven't supposed

C.are not supposed D.were not supposed


3.The performance was warmly applauded and cheered ______ by the audience.Which of the following is wrong?

A.over and over B.again and again

C.over and over again D.over again


4.It's a good habit to keep everything ________ in your study.

A.in the way B.in place

C.in hand D.in case


5.Life is tough.In order to lose their ________,some people drink alcohol.

A.temper B.mood

C.consciousness D.pressure

答案与解析:D 句意为:生活很不容易。许多人为了缓解压力而喝酒。lose pressure意为“缓解压力”。A项,lose one's temper意为“发脾气”;B项,mood“心境,情绪”;C项,consciousness“意识”。

6.—They are having a meeting.

—Maybe they will be through ________.

A.at present B.presently

C.later D.for the present


7.Many students use ________ dictionaries to take the place of paper dictionaries for looking up words.

A.electric B.electronic

C.electrical D.electricity


8.Don't make a campfire in the forest in autumn,for the fallen leaves ________ easily.

A.are burnt B.are burned

C.are burning D.burn


9.As the young generation,we should never forget those who ________ the success of the revolution.

A.bled for B.bled to

C.resulted from D.resulted in


10.Has she finished her week's work?________,I'll ask her to see a film tonight.

A.If so B.If not

C.If any D.If anything

答案与解析:A if so相当于if she has finished her week's work,so是代替这一部分。if not是省略用法,相当于if she hasn't...;if any固定用法,“如果有的话”;D不是固定用法。句意为:她完成这周的工作了吗?如果完成了,我想邀她今晚去看电影。故选A项符合语境。

11.The building is severely ________ by the explosion and it will be a long time before it can be repaired.

A.struck B.hit

C.damaged D.destroyed

答案与解析:C 由后半句可知所造成的损害还可以进行修复,故用damage。strike和hit侧重指被地震、爆炸等袭击,但不强调被袭击后的结果;destroy一般造成的损坏不能进行修复。

12.Joe was a ________ man who gets rarely angry even when at such irritating situations.

A.respective B.conscious

C.mild D.capable

答案与解析:C mild可用于描述人的脾气性情,意为“温和的;温柔的”,由when引导的从句可知形容Joe是一个好脾气的人。

13.An earthquake sometimes causes great ________ and many people are homeless.

A.hurt B.injury

C.wound D.damage

答案与解析:D 本题中A、B、C三项均表示伤害,而本题中指自然灾害(地震)带来毁坏和损坏,应用damage。

14.Taking this medicine,if________,will of course do good to your health.

A.continued B.to continue

C.continues D.continuing

答案与解析:A if continued为if it is continued的省略,it与动词continue构成逻辑上的动宾关系,需用被动形式。

15.—Have you seen the film The sound of Music?

—Not yet,but I________.

A.expect to B.think to

C.expect so D.expect not

答案与解析:A but表示转折,说明“想看”,expect to是expect to see the film的省略回答。在不定式的省略回答中常省略to后的部分,但不定式符号不能省略。


Tom Lee is determined to help people suffering from multiple sclerosis(MS)(硬化症).Sometimes he __1__ a 300-mile bike ride in two days to prove it.

“It's a very __2__ disease,”Lee,72,said.“I've met a lot of people with MS in the last 19 ”That ,he This weekend,Lee will ride from Miami to Key Largo during a biking event called the ,he will ride from Kerry to Derry in Ireland where he will 300 miles in two days.Between the two events,he plans to thousands of dollars.He sends letters to 100 people to collect the money,and most of the money he's collected has to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.Lee enjoys himself to achieve more.In 1992,,Raton to Jacksonville and back.He did the ride for nine years.“,”he said. :drink water,eat every hour,think about how far you're riding.It's not keeping that helps Lee finish a bike ride,

although he rides his bike 50 to 60 miles every week.He said,“I just have a lot of stamina(耐力),which is very __20__ for long races,and I'm strong-willed.”

1.A.makes B.does

C.has D.gets

2.A.unexpected B.dangerous

C.funny D.terrible

3.A.persuaded B.troubled

C.encouraged D.excited

4.A.promising B.courageous

C.kind D.sick

5.A.Although B.Since

C.Despite D.As

6.A.taking B.going

C.growing D.bringing

7.A.hours B.miles

C.meters D.distances

8.A.as B.which

C.that D.when

9.A.pedaling(骑自行车) B.driving

C.running D.walking

10.A.Trip B.Tour

C.Journey D.Travel

11.A.cover B.follow

C.complete D.drive

12.A.raise B.rise

C.earn D.gather

13.A.got B.come

C.been D.gone

14.A.pushing B.pulling

C.getting D.taking

15.A.tried B.wanted

C.decided D.began

16.A.sometimes B.often

C.always D.normally

17.A.way B.key

C.method D.point

18.A.quickly B.carefully

C.hard D.bravely

19.A.fit B.interesting

C.happy D.calm

20.A.powerful B.necessary

C.important D.helpful


为了硬化症病人,Tom Lee不顾自己72岁的高龄长途骑自行车鼓励他们。

1.B 从第三段最后一行“He did the ride for nine years”可得到提示。do a bike ride“骑车旅行”。

2.D 根据上下文可知,硬化症是一种非常可怕的疾病。

3.C 由该段“That courage inspired Lee to find his own”可推断此处Lee说的是他被他们鼓舞了。与inspire相应的只有encourage最为贴近。

4.B 从下一句“那种勇气鼓舞了Lee自己去找寻”推出这群人很勇敢。

5.A 根据上下文可知,尽管他小的时候很喜欢骑自行车,但一直到他„„。

6.C 尽管从小生长在爱尔兰的他喜欢骑车,„„。growing up是分词作状语。

7.D long distances“长距离”,直到他在明尼苏达州的Westinghouse工作时,才开始骑长距离的路程。

8.D 先行词是时间名词,故用关系副词when引导定语从句。如果1991前有介词in,则选that,本句成强调结构。

9.A 全文讲述的都是Lee骑自行车的事,只有A项符合这一事实。

10.B 从第三段的描述可知Lee参加的募款活动,是在各地的巡回比赛。tour有“巡回比赛/演出”之意。

11.A 本句意为“两天内走完300英里”。cover指“走完(一段路程)”。

12.A raise/collect money“筹钱”。

13.D 由第一段知Lee骑自行车是为帮助患硬化症的人,因此这是指把钱募捐给这一组织。go to相当于be contributed to“有助于;捐给”。

14.A push oneself to do sth.“促使某人自己做某事”。

15.C 根据题意可知,1992年他下定决心从Boca骑车到Jacksonville,再返回。decide最能体现他那种坚强的意志。

16.D 由前两句“他想收获更多,于是他决定„„”可推断,他的这一决定让他募集了比通常情况下要多的多的钱。normally...“正常地,通常地”。

17.B key“要旨;关键”。本句意为“Lee成功骑车旅行的关键在于„„”

18.A and连接的并列的四项都是讲骑车时的注意事项,故用carefully修饰ride。

19.A 并不是因为Lee一直保持健康(尽管他每周骑车距离平均长达50~60英里)才使他走完全程的,是由于他的耐力。

20.C 耐力对长途比赛是非常重要的。necessary“必要的”,helpful“有帮助的”,powerful“强有力的”,均与题意不符。


A month after Hurricane Katrina,I returned home in New Orleans.There lay my house,reduced to waist-high ruins,smelly and dirty.

Before the trip,I'd had my car fixed.When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill,she noticed my Louisiana license plate.“You from New Orleans?”she asked.I said I was.“No charge,”she said,and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet.The next day I went for a haircut,and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida,we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house.We looked at many places,but none was satisfactory.We'd begun to accept that we'd have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while,when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California.He'd read some pieces I'd written about our sufferings for Slate,the online magazine,and wanted to give us(“no conditions attached”)a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded too good to be true,but I replied,thanking him for his exceptional generosity,that we had no plans to go back.Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year paid leave.The rent was rather reasonable.I mentioned the poet's offer to James Kennedy,and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience,the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity.It's almost worth losing your worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance.

1.The garage employee's attitude toward the author was that of ________.

A.unconcern B.sympathy

C.doubt D.tolerance

答案与解析:B 推理断判断题。由文章的第二段得知当加油站的工作人员得知我来自新奥尔良时免费服务,可知答案为B。

2. What do we know about James Kennedy?

A.He was a writer of an online magazine.

B.He was a poet at the University of Florida.

C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.

D.He learned about the author's sufferings via e-mails.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由文章的第三段最后一句得出答案。

3.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.the author's family was in financial difficulty

B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。文章的开头提到作者家乡遭遇飓风,又讲想要租房子,同时还要支付房屋贷款,可推测出作者一家经济有些困难。

4.The author learned from his experience that ________.

A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C.people benefit from their sad stories

D.human beings are kind after all

答案与解析:D 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知答案。全文是以作者被人间温情所感动为线索来展开叙述。

(必修五·Unit 5)


1.He was so fat that he could only just ________ the door.

A.squeeze into B.squeeze through

C.get into D.enter through

答案与解析:B 先分析空格内待填词与the door之间的关系,受汉语“进门”的干扰,往往会误认为用介词into,但into是指进入某空间,不能说into the door。而应说into the room by/through the front door。D项中enter是及物动词,后直接接进入的空间。全句意为“他太胖了,勉强挤过这扇门”。

2.—Why is the librarian looking so hard at me?

—You ________ to read aloud in the reading room.

A.don't suppose B.haven't supposed

C.are not supposed D.were not supposed


3.The performance was warmly applauded and cheered ______ by the audience.Which of the following is wrong?

A.over and over B.again and again

C.over and over again D.over again


4.It's a good habit to keep everything ________ in your study.

A.in the way B.in place

C.in hand D.in case


5.Life is tough.In order to lose their ________,some people drink alcohol.

A.temper B.mood

C.consciousness D.pressure

答案与解析:D 句意为:生活很不容易。许多人为了缓解压力而喝酒。lose pressure意为“缓解压力”。A项,lose one's temper意为“发脾气”;B项,mood“心境,情绪”;C项,consciousness“意识”。

6.—They are having a meeting.

—Maybe they will be through ________.

A.at present B.presently

C.later D.for the present


7.Many students use ________ dictionaries to take the place of paper dictionaries for looking up words.

A.electric B.electronic

C.electrical D.electricity


8.Don't make a campfire in the forest in autumn,for the fallen leaves ________ easily.

A.are burnt B.are burned

C.are burning D.burn


9.As the young generation,we should never forget those who ________ the success of the revolution.

A.bled for B.bled to

C.resulted from D.resulted in


10.Has she finished her week's work?________,I'll ask her to see a film tonight.

A.If so B.If not

C.If any D.If anything

答案与解析:A if so相当于if she has finished her week's work,so是代替这一部分。if not是省略用法,相当于if she hasn't...;if any固定用法,“如果有的话”;D不是固定用法。句意为:她完成这周的工作了吗?如果完成了,我想邀她今晚去看电影。故选A项符合语境。

11.The building is severely ________ by the explosion and it will be a long time before it can be repaired.

A.struck B.hit

C.damaged D.destroyed

答案与解析:C 由后半句可知所造成的损害还可以进行修复,故用damage。strike和hit侧重指被地震、爆炸等袭击,但不强调被袭击后的结果;destroy一般造成的损坏不能进行修复。

12.Joe was a ________ man who gets rarely angry even when at such irritating situations.

A.respective B.conscious

C.mild D.capable

答案与解析:C mild可用于描述人的脾气性情,意为“温和的;温柔的”,由when引导的从句可知形容Joe是一个好脾气的人。

13.An earthquake sometimes causes great ________ and many people are homeless.

A.hurt B.injury

C.wound D.damage

答案与解析:D 本题中A、B、C三项均表示伤害,而本题中指自然灾害(地震)带来毁坏和损坏,应用damage。

14.Taking this medicine,if________,will of course do good to your health.

A.continued B.to continue

C.continues D.continuing

答案与解析:A if continued为if it is continued的省略,it与动词continue构成逻辑上的动宾关系,需用被动形式。

15.—Have you seen the film The sound of Music?

—Not yet,but I________.

A.expect to B.think to

C.expect so D.expect not

答案与解析:A but表示转折,说明“想看”,expect to是expect to see the film的省略回答。在不定式的省略回答中常省略to后的部分,但不定式符号不能省略。


Tom Lee is determined to help people suffering from multiple sclerosis(MS)(硬化症).Sometimes he __1__ a 300-mile bike ride in two days to prove it.

“It's a very __2__ disease,”Lee,72,said.“I've met a lot of people with MS in the last 19 ”That ,he This weekend,Lee will ride from Miami to Key Largo during a biking event called the ,he will ride from Kerry to Derry in Ireland where he will 300 miles in two days.Between the two events,he plans to thousands of dollars.He sends letters to 100 people to collect the money,and most of the money he's collected has to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.Lee enjoys himself to achieve more.In 1992,,Raton to Jacksonville and back.He did the ride for nine years.“,”he said. :drink water,eat every hour,think about how far you're riding.It's not keeping that helps Lee finish a bike ride,

although he rides his bike 50 to 60 miles every week.He said,“I just have a lot of stamina(耐力),which is very __20__ for long races,and I'm strong-willed.”

1.A.makes B.does

C.has D.gets

2.A.unexpected B.dangerous

C.funny D.terrible

3.A.persuaded B.troubled

C.encouraged D.excited

4.A.promising B.courageous

C.kind D.sick

5.A.Although B.Since

C.Despite D.As

6.A.taking B.going

C.growing D.bringing

7.A.hours B.miles

C.meters D.distances

8.A.as B.which

C.that D.when

9.A.pedaling(骑自行车) B.driving

C.running D.walking

10.A.Trip B.Tour

C.Journey D.Travel

11.A.cover B.follow

C.complete D.drive

12.A.raise B.rise

C.earn D.gather

13.A.got B.come

C.been D.gone

14.A.pushing B.pulling

C.getting D.taking

15.A.tried B.wanted

C.decided D.began

16.A.sometimes B.often

C.always D.normally

17.A.way B.key

C.method D.point

18.A.quickly B.carefully

C.hard D.bravely

19.A.fit B.interesting

C.happy D.calm

20.A.powerful B.necessary

C.important D.helpful


为了硬化症病人,Tom Lee不顾自己72岁的高龄长途骑自行车鼓励他们。

1.B 从第三段最后一行“He did the ride for nine years”可得到提示。do a bike ride“骑车旅行”。

2.D 根据上下文可知,硬化症是一种非常可怕的疾病。

3.C 由该段“That courage inspired Lee to find his own”可推断此处Lee说的是他被他们鼓舞了。与inspire相应的只有encourage最为贴近。

4.B 从下一句“那种勇气鼓舞了Lee自己去找寻”推出这群人很勇敢。

5.A 根据上下文可知,尽管他小的时候很喜欢骑自行车,但一直到他„„。

6.C 尽管从小生长在爱尔兰的他喜欢骑车,„„。growing up是分词作状语。

7.D long distances“长距离”,直到他在明尼苏达州的Westinghouse工作时,才开始骑长距离的路程。

8.D 先行词是时间名词,故用关系副词when引导定语从句。如果1991前有介词in,则选that,本句成强调结构。

9.A 全文讲述的都是Lee骑自行车的事,只有A项符合这一事实。

10.B 从第三段的描述可知Lee参加的募款活动,是在各地的巡回比赛。tour有“巡回比赛/演出”之意。

11.A 本句意为“两天内走完300英里”。cover指“走完(一段路程)”。

12.A raise/collect money“筹钱”。

13.D 由第一段知Lee骑自行车是为帮助患硬化症的人,因此这是指把钱募捐给这一组织。go to相当于be contributed to“有助于;捐给”。

14.A push oneself to do sth.“促使某人自己做某事”。

15.C 根据题意可知,1992年他下定决心从Boca骑车到Jacksonville,再返回。decide最能体现他那种坚强的意志。

16.D 由前两句“他想收获更多,于是他决定„„”可推断,他的这一决定让他募集了比通常情况下要多的多的钱。normally...“正常地,通常地”。

17.B key“要旨;关键”。本句意为“Lee成功骑车旅行的关键在于„„”

18.A and连接的并列的四项都是讲骑车时的注意事项,故用carefully修饰ride。

19.A 并不是因为Lee一直保持健康(尽管他每周骑车距离平均长达50~60英里)才使他走完全程的,是由于他的耐力。

20.C 耐力对长途比赛是非常重要的。necessary“必要的”,helpful“有帮助的”,powerful“强有力的”,均与题意不符。


A month after Hurricane Katrina,I returned home in New Orleans.There lay my house,reduced to waist-high ruins,smelly and dirty.

Before the trip,I'd had my car fixed.When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill,she noticed my Louisiana license plate.“You from New Orleans?”she asked.I said I was.“No charge,”she said,and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet.The next day I went for a haircut,and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida,we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house.We looked at many places,but none was satisfactory.We'd begun to accept that we'd have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while,when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California.He'd read some pieces I'd written about our sufferings for Slate,the online magazine,and wanted to give us(“no conditions attached”)a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded too good to be true,but I replied,thanking him for his exceptional generosity,that we had no plans to go back.Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year paid leave.The rent was rather reasonable.I mentioned the poet's offer to James Kennedy,and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience,the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity.It's almost worth losing your worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance.

1.The garage employee's attitude toward the author was that of ________.

A.unconcern B.sympathy

C.doubt D.tolerance

答案与解析:B 推理断判断题。由文章的第二段得知当加油站的工作人员得知我来自新奥尔良时免费服务,可知答案为B。

2. What do we know about James Kennedy?

A.He was a writer of an online magazine.

B.He was a poet at the University of Florida.

C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.

D.He learned about the author's sufferings via e-mails.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由文章的第三段最后一句得出答案。

3.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.the author's family was in financial difficulty

B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。文章的开头提到作者家乡遭遇飓风,又讲想要租房子,同时还要支付房屋贷款,可推测出作者一家经济有些困难。

4.The author learned from his experience that ________.

A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C.people benefit from their sad stories

D.human beings are kind after all

答案与解析:D 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知答案。全文是以作者被人间温情所感动为线索来展开叙述。


  • 高一上学期英语教学总结
  • 高一上学期英语教学总结 2013 年1月20日 本学年,我从初中调入高中担任高一年级普文14班英语教学工作.在工作中,本人遵守学校各项制度,按时出勤.上课.组织学生晨读,积极参加学校组织的各种教学活动,严格要求自己,虚心向老教师请教,结合本 ...查看

  • 高一年级学法指导
  • 高一年级学法指导 高中阶段和初中阶段相比,无论在教育还是教学方面都存在着很大的区别.此时,作为新入学的学生要调整好心态并完成两个转变,即从"要我学"到"我要学"的转变和从"学会"到 ...查看

  • 2013高一英语讲学稿的期末总结
  • 使用讲学稿期末总结 高一年级使用讲学稿已经近一个学期.在本学期我们高一英语组齐心协力完成高中英语必修一和必修二讲学稿的设计及审稿.在无数个集体备课的过程中,会有成功的喜悦,比如某一单元的讲学稿使用时我们会感到得心应手有,这说明我们集体的智慧 ...查看

  • 高一习题 英语课时作业4
  • (必修一·Unit 4) Ⅰ. 单项填空 1.________,the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was________. A .At an end; in an e ...查看

  • 孙丽_英语_教学设计方案
  • 定语从句 孙丽 黑山中学 一.概述 · 高一英语(外研版) ·课题来源:必修三第五模块语法一:所需课时:一课时 ·学习内容:定语从句中关系代词who,whom,whose,which,that,as的用法 ·定语从句是一个很重要的语法项目, ...查看

  • 高一数学学习是中学阶段承前启后的关键期
  • 高一数学学习是中学阶段承前启后的关键期,能否适应高中数学的学习,是摆在我们面前一个亟待解决的问题.高一阶段是学习高中数学的转折点.通过初高中数学学习的比较,希望能你们对高中数学有一定的了解.高中数学你们也许知道学习环境,教学内容和教学方法等 ...查看

  • 高一新生的英语学习方法
  • 高中的数学要有个适应期的.不比初中,它的难度一下子会上升很多,像我们高一时,每天一节新课,一个学期教两本书(更厉害的实验班听说可以三分钟讲完知识点然后做习题).高一是整个高中的基础!如果你能做到以下几点,你的成绩肯定会上去. 1.坚持题目是 ...查看

  • 高二下学期学习方法(共5篇)
  • 篇一:经典总结高二各科学习方法 经典总结:高二各科学习方法 语文英语篇 语文英语*累积,分数提高是很底. 贵在坚持莫着急,不当第一当第七. 语文这个科目我一直是非常喜欢的,从语文中可以领略到中国五千年灿烂的文化,可以领略中华民族的智慧.上了 ...查看

  • 高一演讲稿
  • 怎样完成高中生活 互动话题: 首先高中阶段是学生人生观.世界观.价值观形成的关键时期,也是我们未来人生发展定向的关键时期. 1 我们上高中的目标是什么?(互动提问几个学生,对他们的回答表示肯定,赞许学生的思考意识和勇敢回答问题) 初级目标: ...查看
