
翻译:安塞腰鼓 (刘成章)

Translation: Ansai Waist Drum (Liu Chengzhang)

(translated: alexcwlin; edited: adam.L) 一群茂腾腾的后生.

A group of young men appears full of energy and spirit.


Behind them is a sorghum field, and they are as down-to-earth as this field.


Swishing south wind ruffles a sea of sorghum leaves and these young men’s clothes.



The men’s expressions are composed and serene. Attached tightly to one side of their bodies are waist drums which stay idle as if they have never made a sound,


一捶起来就发狠了,忘情了,没命了!百十个斜背腰鼓的后生,如百十块被强震不断击起的石头, 狂舞在你的面前.

Look! The first strike is resolute, dispassionate, and all-out. One-hundred-and-ten youngsters with diagonally strapped waist drums resemble one-hundred-and-ten rocks which are being tossed up continuously by earthquakes and dancing up a storm in front of your eyes.


Speeding drumbeats are like sudden downpour. Flying tassels are like whirlwind. Hoping dance steps are like mad frogs. Twinkling pupils are like sparks. Burly demeanor is like feisty tiger. This explosive performance on Loess Plateau with such splendid, uninhibited and passionate dance movements is none other than Ansai Waist Drum.


This waist drum beats have turned air from chilling to sweltering, sun from tranquil to radiant and the world from lethargic to effervescent.


It reminds people of the poem: Setting sun is casting its rays on flags, with horses neighing and wind swooshing.


It reminds people of the poem: Thunderous sounds on lightning from ten thousand miles only travel a thousand miles.


And it reminds people of the poem: From gloominess to lucidness, and then from lucidness to gloominess, it finally dawns on you the true meaning of lucidness.


When bondage, restriction and blockage cannot be tolerated, the impetus to struggle free, break open, and

ram through is required.


What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!


Rumbling from one-hundred-and-ten waist drums bounces off cliffs around wilderness with growths of sour jujube trees. These cliffs suddenly become cowhide drum skins going boom-boom-boom.


Rumbling from one-hundred-and-ten waist drums bounces off hearts of the audience who have left their daily nuisances behind. Their hearts suddenly become cowhide drum skins also going boom-boom-boom. 隆隆隆隆的豪壮的抒情,隆隆隆隆的严峻的思索,隆隆隆隆的犁间翻起的杂着草根的土浪,隆隆隆隆的阵痛的发生和排解……

Set free emotions boldly and think about life soberly at these boom-boom-boom sounds. Dig in and start ploughing the weed-infested soil at these boom-boom-boom sounds. Brave on to resolve painful challenges at these boom-boom-boom sounds.


What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!

后生们的胳膊、腿、全身,有力地搏击着,急速地搏击着,大起大落地搏击着.它震撼着你,烧灼着你,威逼着你.它使你从来没有如 此鲜明地感受到生命的存在、活跃和强盛.它使你惊异于那农民衣着包裹着的躯体,那消化红豆角角老南瓜的躯体,居然可以释放出那么奇伟磅礴的能量!

These young men put their arms, legs and bodies into striking with powerful, speedy and oscillating

rhythms. These rhythms shock you, ignite you and overwhelm you. They make you unmistakably feel the existence, vivaciousness and vigor of life. They puzzle you at how these bodies which don farmer clothes and consume red-bean pods and pumpkins are capable of generating such immense energy.


Loess Plateau, you gave life to and nourished these energy-packed youths and only you can withstand such earth-shattering drum beats.


The water country of Jiangnan is brittle like glass, and you can’t play such waist drums over there,. 除了黄土高原,哪里再有这么厚这么厚的土层啊!

Other than Loess Plateau, where else could you find such thick layers of earth?


What a wonderful Loess Plateau! What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!


Every dance move is full of energy. Every dance move is making a swishing sound. Every dance move is a harmonized fusion of lights and shadows changing quickly. Every dance move is emotionally overwhelming, artistically entertaining and visually stunning.


What an uplifting territory and what a fantasy-enriching Ansai Waist Drum.


The drum beats intensify! The bodily forms become forceful and free-spirited thoughts.


The drum beats intensify! Thoughts in their entirety are exposed to plain view.


The drum beats intensify! Sorrow and happiness, living and dreaming, dodging and seeking - all have, in the heat of dance steps and drum beats, become intertwined, crystallized, scrambled, radiated, fluttered, and sublimed. Men’s presence has become a stretch of vastness, and sound has become a stretch of vastness.


When things suddenly come to a stop, the world turns oddly quiet and people feel distant from her. 简直像来到另一个星球.

It simply seems like we have landed on another planet.


And crow of rooster from distance rings in my ears.


翻译:安塞腰鼓 (刘成章)

Translation: Ansai Waist Drum (Liu Chengzhang)

(translated: alexcwlin; edited: adam.L) 一群茂腾腾的后生.

A group of young men appears full of energy and spirit.


Behind them is a sorghum field, and they are as down-to-earth as this field.


Swishing south wind ruffles a sea of sorghum leaves and these young men’s clothes.



The men’s expressions are composed and serene. Attached tightly to one side of their bodies are waist drums which stay idle as if they have never made a sound,


一捶起来就发狠了,忘情了,没命了!百十个斜背腰鼓的后生,如百十块被强震不断击起的石头, 狂舞在你的面前.

Look! The first strike is resolute, dispassionate, and all-out. One-hundred-and-ten youngsters with diagonally strapped waist drums resemble one-hundred-and-ten rocks which are being tossed up continuously by earthquakes and dancing up a storm in front of your eyes.


Speeding drumbeats are like sudden downpour. Flying tassels are like whirlwind. Hoping dance steps are like mad frogs. Twinkling pupils are like sparks. Burly demeanor is like feisty tiger. This explosive performance on Loess Plateau with such splendid, uninhibited and passionate dance movements is none other than Ansai Waist Drum.


This waist drum beats have turned air from chilling to sweltering, sun from tranquil to radiant and the world from lethargic to effervescent.


It reminds people of the poem: Setting sun is casting its rays on flags, with horses neighing and wind swooshing.


It reminds people of the poem: Thunderous sounds on lightning from ten thousand miles only travel a thousand miles.


And it reminds people of the poem: From gloominess to lucidness, and then from lucidness to gloominess, it finally dawns on you the true meaning of lucidness.


When bondage, restriction and blockage cannot be tolerated, the impetus to struggle free, break open, and

ram through is required.


What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!


Rumbling from one-hundred-and-ten waist drums bounces off cliffs around wilderness with growths of sour jujube trees. These cliffs suddenly become cowhide drum skins going boom-boom-boom.


Rumbling from one-hundred-and-ten waist drums bounces off hearts of the audience who have left their daily nuisances behind. Their hearts suddenly become cowhide drum skins also going boom-boom-boom. 隆隆隆隆的豪壮的抒情,隆隆隆隆的严峻的思索,隆隆隆隆的犁间翻起的杂着草根的土浪,隆隆隆隆的阵痛的发生和排解……

Set free emotions boldly and think about life soberly at these boom-boom-boom sounds. Dig in and start ploughing the weed-infested soil at these boom-boom-boom sounds. Brave on to resolve painful challenges at these boom-boom-boom sounds.


What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!

后生们的胳膊、腿、全身,有力地搏击着,急速地搏击着,大起大落地搏击着.它震撼着你,烧灼着你,威逼着你.它使你从来没有如 此鲜明地感受到生命的存在、活跃和强盛.它使你惊异于那农民衣着包裹着的躯体,那消化红豆角角老南瓜的躯体,居然可以释放出那么奇伟磅礴的能量!

These young men put their arms, legs and bodies into striking with powerful, speedy and oscillating

rhythms. These rhythms shock you, ignite you and overwhelm you. They make you unmistakably feel the existence, vivaciousness and vigor of life. They puzzle you at how these bodies which don farmer clothes and consume red-bean pods and pumpkins are capable of generating such immense energy.


Loess Plateau, you gave life to and nourished these energy-packed youths and only you can withstand such earth-shattering drum beats.


The water country of Jiangnan is brittle like glass, and you can’t play such waist drums over there,. 除了黄土高原,哪里再有这么厚这么厚的土层啊!

Other than Loess Plateau, where else could you find such thick layers of earth?


What a wonderful Loess Plateau! What a wonderful Ansai Waist Drum!


Every dance move is full of energy. Every dance move is making a swishing sound. Every dance move is a harmonized fusion of lights and shadows changing quickly. Every dance move is emotionally overwhelming, artistically entertaining and visually stunning.


What an uplifting territory and what a fantasy-enriching Ansai Waist Drum.


The drum beats intensify! The bodily forms become forceful and free-spirited thoughts.


The drum beats intensify! Thoughts in their entirety are exposed to plain view.


The drum beats intensify! Sorrow and happiness, living and dreaming, dodging and seeking - all have, in the heat of dance steps and drum beats, become intertwined, crystallized, scrambled, radiated, fluttered, and sublimed. Men’s presence has become a stretch of vastness, and sound has become a stretch of vastness.


When things suddenly come to a stop, the world turns oddly quiet and people feel distant from her. 简直像来到另一个星球.

It simply seems like we have landed on another planet.


And crow of rooster from distance rings in my ears.



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