

1.gain, 获得, obtain,通过某种手段获得, acquire,学习获得(知识,技术) attain, 达到(目标,水平,境界) 2 gallery 美术馆 museum 博物馆 The National Gallery 国家美术馆 3 game 游戏,球类运动; 表比赛(只指球赛,棋赛和桥牌赛),而match, competition, contest可表各种各样的比赛 习语have the game in one’s hands 胜券在握 4 garage 车库;汽车修理站;加油站 5 garden 花园 果园 菜园 6 gas 气体(可数);煤气,毒气,汽油(不可数);

7.gather 收集,收获 gather flowers; 把…聚集在一起 Gather the men together and we’ll start the march 加快,加强 gather speed=put on speed, the sick man was gathering strength; (不及物)集合

8 general 词组 in general 一般说来,通常,总的说来 general knowledge=common sense 常识 (名词) 将军 9 generation, a. 一代,一辈, from ~to~ generation, 一代一代地 b.~的动词是generate(产生,引起),所以generation的有发(电),产生(热等)的意思 the generation of heat/electricity

10 generous 慷慨 大方 be ~ to sb with sth; 丰盛的,量较大的 a ~lunch

11 get 口语用法 a. Don’t answer the phone, I’ll ~(接)it. b.I can’t ~(知道) it? c.Please ~ the doctor on the phone.找…接电话 d. it really ~s(让生气) me when he says those stupid things. 常考词组 get sth across to sb, 让某人明白某事;get through to sb,让某人听懂/理解; get anywhere(nowhere) 有任何结果(没有结果) This method doesn’t get us anywhere; get away with…, (做坏事)不受惩罚, 带着…逃跑; get down to sth/doing sth, 开始认真(干某事); get in touch with; get over 克服(困难,情感障碍); get through,a.接通电话b. 通过考试,穿越过某地c.完成,做完(=get through with sth) I’ll be glad to get through (with) my homework; get the feel(hang) of…,掌握,理解; get sth done=have sth done, get sb to do sth,动员某人去做某事, get sb/sth doing, 让sb/sth …起来

11 gift,礼物(=present); 天赋,才能(=talent);gifted,(形)有天赋的,聪颖12 globe,地球仪(普通名词);地球(前面加the) 13 glory, 光荣,荣誉; 绚丽,壮观,盛开的状态, the glory of flowers in the spring 14 glove, 注意常用复数

15 give 词组 give away, 赠送; 泄露(机密); 颁奖,颁发 give up, 放弃;不再做;投降,认输 give up on…,对…不抱希望 give in/give way to…,屈服于… give rise to…(=lead to,bring about, result in等),引起,导致

16 go 常考词组 go about 四处走动; 干(某事),着手进行…, I must go about (doing) my work go after,追求,设法得到 They both went after the same girl go against 违反,违背~ the law; 对…不利 Luck has gone against him go all out to do…,全力以赴去做… go down with…, 因为…病倒 go for it! 放手向前 努力争取 go in for…, 从事(某种活动),有(某种爱好), 喜欢做(某事) go on 发生 进行 what’s going on? ;As time goes on(=goes by) go over 检查,审阅; 复习 go through 经历(困难,痛苦等);浏览(=look through); 通过,成功,成交 The law has now gone through. go to pieces (东西)破碎;(人)精神或身体崩溃 go up 涨价,上升,(楼房)被盖起来 go with 与…相配 sth go with sth=sth match sth go with the tide(crowd) 随大流

17 goal 目标(=target, aim, ambition) achieve/reach one’s ~, 实现目标;踢进一球;球门

18 god 口语句型 God knows!天知道 Oh, (my)god! 啊,天啦!上帝啦! God forbids! 愿上天不让这样的事情发生! 19 gold作形容词要与golden区别开来,gold指金制的,而golden多指金色的或者像黄金般的,宝贵的

20 good (形容词) be good for(=do good to),对…有益 be good to…,对…态度好,友善 (名词) 好处,益处 for the good of, 为了…的利益,do good to(见上); 意义(=point, sense) it is no good doing sth/what’s the good of doing sth 21 goods 货物22 grade 年级;等级; 23 gradual(ly), 逐渐的(地) come to realize/understand/get to know渐渐明白 24 grain 谷粒,谷物,谷类; a grain of 一粒…;少量,一点儿 25 gram 克, kilogram 千克

26 grasp 抓住(同义词grab seize catch take); 掌握理解 Have you grasped the main idea of the passage? 27 grateful 充满感激或感谢的(=thankful) be ~ to sb for sth/doing sth 感谢某人做某事 (appreciate thank) 28 greedy 贪婪 馋嘴; (词组) be ~ for, 迫切想得到; be ~ of, 贪恋 Dalai Lama is greedy of his priviledges. 29 greet 向…打招呼; 迎接,欢迎,欢呼 They greeted me with a shower of stones, eggs and rotten (烂)apples. 30 greetings 问候,祝贺31 grocery 杂货业(店) 32 ground 词组 lose ~, 失利, 情况恶化, 力量变弱(反义词:gain ~) 33 grow 增长;生长发育;变得(系动词) grown-up, (形容词)长大成人的; (名词)大人,成人

34 guarantee,保证,确保,保修 (后加宾语从句时一定要用情态动词shall表承诺)

35 guard (名词)警卫人员; 警惕, on guard,处于警惕状态(反义:off guard) keep guard against… 警惕,提防 36 guidance (名词)指导,引导,引路; guide (名词)导游 (动词)引路,指导,导引

版权归Sky Tung 所有 高三实验班专用


1.gain, 获得, obtain,通过某种手段获得, acquire,学习获得(知识,技术) attain, 达到(目标,水平,境界) 2 gallery 美术馆 museum 博物馆 The National Gallery 国家美术馆 3 game 游戏,球类运动; 表比赛(只指球赛,棋赛和桥牌赛),而match, competition, contest可表各种各样的比赛 习语have the game in one’s hands 胜券在握 4 garage 车库;汽车修理站;加油站 5 garden 花园 果园 菜园 6 gas 气体(可数);煤气,毒气,汽油(不可数);

7.gather 收集,收获 gather flowers; 把…聚集在一起 Gather the men together and we’ll start the march 加快,加强 gather speed=put on speed, the sick man was gathering strength; (不及物)集合

8 general 词组 in general 一般说来,通常,总的说来 general knowledge=common sense 常识 (名词) 将军 9 generation, a. 一代,一辈, from ~to~ generation, 一代一代地 b.~的动词是generate(产生,引起),所以generation的有发(电),产生(热等)的意思 the generation of heat/electricity

10 generous 慷慨 大方 be ~ to sb with sth; 丰盛的,量较大的 a ~lunch

11 get 口语用法 a. Don’t answer the phone, I’ll ~(接)it. b.I can’t ~(知道) it? c.Please ~ the doctor on the phone.找…接电话 d. it really ~s(让生气) me when he says those stupid things. 常考词组 get sth across to sb, 让某人明白某事;get through to sb,让某人听懂/理解; get anywhere(nowhere) 有任何结果(没有结果) This method doesn’t get us anywhere; get away with…, (做坏事)不受惩罚, 带着…逃跑; get down to sth/doing sth, 开始认真(干某事); get in touch with; get over 克服(困难,情感障碍); get through,a.接通电话b. 通过考试,穿越过某地c.完成,做完(=get through with sth) I’ll be glad to get through (with) my homework; get the feel(hang) of…,掌握,理解; get sth done=have sth done, get sb to do sth,动员某人去做某事, get sb/sth doing, 让sb/sth …起来

11 gift,礼物(=present); 天赋,才能(=talent);gifted,(形)有天赋的,聪颖12 globe,地球仪(普通名词);地球(前面加the) 13 glory, 光荣,荣誉; 绚丽,壮观,盛开的状态, the glory of flowers in the spring 14 glove, 注意常用复数

15 give 词组 give away, 赠送; 泄露(机密); 颁奖,颁发 give up, 放弃;不再做;投降,认输 give up on…,对…不抱希望 give in/give way to…,屈服于… give rise to…(=lead to,bring about, result in等),引起,导致

16 go 常考词组 go about 四处走动; 干(某事),着手进行…, I must go about (doing) my work go after,追求,设法得到 They both went after the same girl go against 违反,违背~ the law; 对…不利 Luck has gone against him go all out to do…,全力以赴去做… go down with…, 因为…病倒 go for it! 放手向前 努力争取 go in for…, 从事(某种活动),有(某种爱好), 喜欢做(某事) go on 发生 进行 what’s going on? ;As time goes on(=goes by) go over 检查,审阅; 复习 go through 经历(困难,痛苦等);浏览(=look through); 通过,成功,成交 The law has now gone through. go to pieces (东西)破碎;(人)精神或身体崩溃 go up 涨价,上升,(楼房)被盖起来 go with 与…相配 sth go with sth=sth match sth go with the tide(crowd) 随大流

17 goal 目标(=target, aim, ambition) achieve/reach one’s ~, 实现目标;踢进一球;球门

18 god 口语句型 God knows!天知道 Oh, (my)god! 啊,天啦!上帝啦! God forbids! 愿上天不让这样的事情发生! 19 gold作形容词要与golden区别开来,gold指金制的,而golden多指金色的或者像黄金般的,宝贵的

20 good (形容词) be good for(=do good to),对…有益 be good to…,对…态度好,友善 (名词) 好处,益处 for the good of, 为了…的利益,do good to(见上); 意义(=point, sense) it is no good doing sth/what’s the good of doing sth 21 goods 货物22 grade 年级;等级; 23 gradual(ly), 逐渐的(地) come to realize/understand/get to know渐渐明白 24 grain 谷粒,谷物,谷类; a grain of 一粒…;少量,一点儿 25 gram 克, kilogram 千克

26 grasp 抓住(同义词grab seize catch take); 掌握理解 Have you grasped the main idea of the passage? 27 grateful 充满感激或感谢的(=thankful) be ~ to sb for sth/doing sth 感谢某人做某事 (appreciate thank) 28 greedy 贪婪 馋嘴; (词组) be ~ for, 迫切想得到; be ~ of, 贪恋 Dalai Lama is greedy of his priviledges. 29 greet 向…打招呼; 迎接,欢迎,欢呼 They greeted me with a shower of stones, eggs and rotten (烂)apples. 30 greetings 问候,祝贺31 grocery 杂货业(店) 32 ground 词组 lose ~, 失利, 情况恶化, 力量变弱(反义词:gain ~) 33 grow 增长;生长发育;变得(系动词) grown-up, (形容词)长大成人的; (名词)大人,成人

34 guarantee,保证,确保,保修 (后加宾语从句时一定要用情态动词shall表承诺)

35 guard (名词)警卫人员; 警惕, on guard,处于警惕状态(反义:off guard) keep guard against… 警惕,提防 36 guidance (名词)指导,引导,引路; guide (名词)导游 (动词)引路,指导,导引

版权归Sky Tung 所有 高三实验班专用


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