

1. classical/classic

1).classical adj.古典的,古典文学的

2).classic adj. 经典的,

classic music 是“经典的音乐”。 classical music 是“古典音乐”。

I don't like classical music very much.


2. roll

v. 滚动;摇摆;摇晃; n.. 面包圈 卷型物

roll out 碾平;铺开;动身;离开

roll up本义:集结,袅袅上升, 卷起, 到达, 出现, 积累成

Roll up! Roll up! Second performance now beginning!快来呀!快来呀!第二场演出又开始了。 Roll up, roll up, to see the lions.进来,进来,看看大狮子。

rock-and-roll= rock music=rock „n‟roll摇滚乐, 摇滚舞

3. folk

n. folk作名词有:“父老乡亲,父母”的意思, 还有“人们”的意思

在英国英语语法里,folk 以单数形式做集合名词用;在美国英语中常用folks ,也没有错误。

But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave.(《新概念英语第三册》57课第11行)

Adj. 民间的

Folk custom民俗 folk dance民间舞蹈 folk hero民族英雄 folk music民间音乐 folk singer民间歌手 *** a knife and a fork和 a knife and fork 的区别?用法?

一个说的是一副刀叉(a knife and fork ),另一个说的是一把刀和一把叉(a knife and a fork).

如果是a knife and fork作主语, 谓语动词用单数.(因为一副刀叉表示的是一个整体.)

如果是a knife and a fork作主语, 谓语动词用复数.(一把刀和一把叉表示的是两样不同的东西. 当然要用复数喽.)

4. be honest with

be honest with对... 说老实话, 同... 规规矩矩来往

Talk with you. be silent with you. be honest with you和你谈话, 陪你沉默, 对你忠诚

5. form



She has a tall graceful form. 她有着高大优雅的外形。


Different countries have different forms of government. 不同的国家有不同的政治制度。

形式 form and content 形式与内容

礼节;仪式;习俗 a form of marriage 结婚仪式


Schoolboys think it bad form to tell a teacher of another boy's wrong-doing


词形 ; 表格

If you fill in this form, you can take books out of the library.如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。 vt., vi. 形成;产生 A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里形成。


The buildings formed a hollow square. 建筑呈中空四方形。

制造;建造 Eskimoes form igloos out of blocks of ice. 爱斯基摩人用冰块砌圆顶冰舍。

养成;培养 to form good habits 养成好习惯

构成;形成 to form a correct sentence 造一个正确的句子

组织;成立 forming a club 组织一个俱乐部

The president asked the Social Democratic Party to form a new government.总统请社会民主党组织新政府。

6. earn

1) vt.赚, 挣得, 获得 v. 赚得, 获得 How much do you earn a week? 你一周赚多少钱?

2). 博得, 赢得 3) 使得到, 使赢得]

His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。

make money / earn money有什么区别? 意思上没区别 就是不同的动词搭配

earn one‟s keep 挣钱养活自己(挣钱糊口)= earn one‟s living (=earn one‟s livelihood) 挣钱糊口,谋生。 例句: When you earn your keep, you will be able to do many things that your parents cannot。

7. play jokes on

play jokes on sb, 耍弄某人,对某人恶作剧。play jokes on当中的jokes 换成单数,两者意思区别不大,但用复数,更测重指经常性。

例如: I just played some jokes on him, no big deal. 我只是对他恶作剧而已,没什么大不了的。

tell jokes to sb = tell sb jokes, 给某人讲笑话。例如: Let me tell some jokes to the girls. 我去给姑娘们讲些笑话吧。

tell jokes on sb = tell jokes about sb, 讲关于某人的笑话。

例如: I will tell you some jokes about Jack.我给你们讲几个关于杰克的笑话。

play a trick on sb把某人给耍了 玩弄某人 给某人恶作剧

****************Trick or treat ---万圣节小诗一首***********

Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋

Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚

Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西

Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵

Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你

The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上

She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子

She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛

She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵

We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西

If you don‟t, I don‟t care. 如果你不给,没关系

I‟ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西

Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果

And I won‟t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

8. loose

loose [lu:s]

n. 发射, 放任, 放纵 a. 宽松的, 松的, 宽的, 不牢固的, 散漫的, 自由的, 不精确的

It was great fun to watch my dog loose in the garden when I get home from school.. 每当我放学回到家后,最大的乐趣就是观看我的小狗在花园里玩耍。 loose 在这里是形容词,表示自由的, 宽松的, 放松的 She wore loose garments in the summer.她在夏天穿宽松的衣服。

Some loose pages fell out of the book. 几张散页纸从书里掉了下来。

vt. 释放, 松开

She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放出笼子。

vi. 变松, 开火 He loosed off at the deer. 他向那只鹿射击。

ad. 松散地 [机] 松动, 松弛的

9. or so大约,... 左右的意思

.Bob is twenty or so.

10. instrument

instrument 和equipment 的区别:

equipment n. 指生产、研究所需要的设备、装置,如各种机器和器材,是不可数名词。

a factory with modern equipment具有现代化设备的工厂

instrument n. 乐器,仪器,为某个用途而使用的工具。

Piano is a popular ___C_____。钢琴是最 受欢迎的乐器 A.machine B. equipment C. instrument D. tool As a flexible actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.


当“设备;工具”是时通用。比如:electronic equipment是电子设备,electronic instrument也是电子设备。 11. break up

(1)打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 驱散, , 衰退, 衰落, 变坏

Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。

The police broke up the fighting crowd.警察驱散了打架的人群。

He may break up under all this pressure.在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。

Break up a friendship断绝朋友关系 Break up an alliance结束同盟关系

(2) 结束;解散

The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。 Break it up!别打啦! The company top meeting didn't break up until midnight.公司高层会议到半夜才结束。

(3) (学校)开始放假

When will you break up this winter? 今年冬季你们什么时候放假?

(4) 使发笑;逗乐;使苦恼 That joke really broke me up. 那个笑话可把我逗乐了。

break out 爆发; 突然发生 break up 崩溃; 分离; 解散

break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身;挣脱,挣开;强行逃脱 break down 失败; (机器)故障

12. by chance

by chance 意为偶然,与by accident 为近义词,与on purpose 意义相反

13. sort / sort out

sort out 挑选出; 整理出;分类

sort oneself out 处理某人自己的事 sort out data 整理资料

sort out from 把... 从... 挑出来 sort out sth from 区分某物和 sort out sth into 把某物分类成

sort sth/sb out 处理某物(或某人); 整治某物(或某人)

sort out the men from the boys 逃出强者; 区分好汉与懦夫

14. perform

perform (动) 执行( carry out),表演, 做

形容词:performable; performance 是名词, 表示一个表演, 一个SHOW ;动词过去式:performed 过去分词:performed 现在分词:performing 第三人称单数:performs

Their football team performed very well in the match the other day.

give a performance (of something)

The surgeon has performed the operation.外科医生做了手术。

15. stick to/ insist on区别:


I can stick to my guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张。I still insist on my viewpoint. 我仍坚持我的观点。 stick to 更适合说坚持某个观念,或某种信仰 。而insist on——doing sth 就是说坚持做某事 I still insist on my viewpoint.我仍坚持我的观点。

I insist on your taking / insist that you take immediate action to put this right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好

16. above all;after all;first of all;in all用法辨析:

① above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意。

如: We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须树立信心。

② after all意为“毕竟;终究;到底”,表示让步。

如: He is certain to come. After all, he's already accepted the invitation. 他肯定来,他毕竟已接受了邀请。

③ first of all意为“首先”,强调次序。如: First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自


④in all意为“总共;总计”。如: There are thirty in all in the party who will travel to Lanzhou. 赴兰州的旅游团总共有30人。

17. reputation[U]( fame , reputation , honour 三者是同意词“名誉,名声”)

He did not have a good reputation in his home town.意思是”他在他的家乡没有什么好名声.”

在这句话里面,have 是个实义动词,意思是”拥有”, 所以前面要加助动词,助动词后面用动词原形. 例如:He did a good job.(他做得很好.) 否定句就是”He didn't do a good job. ”


1. classical/classic

1).classical adj.古典的,古典文学的

2).classic adj. 经典的,

classic music 是“经典的音乐”。 classical music 是“古典音乐”。

I don't like classical music very much.


2. roll

v. 滚动;摇摆;摇晃; n.. 面包圈 卷型物

roll out 碾平;铺开;动身;离开

roll up本义:集结,袅袅上升, 卷起, 到达, 出现, 积累成

Roll up! Roll up! Second performance now beginning!快来呀!快来呀!第二场演出又开始了。 Roll up, roll up, to see the lions.进来,进来,看看大狮子。

rock-and-roll= rock music=rock „n‟roll摇滚乐, 摇滚舞

3. folk

n. folk作名词有:“父老乡亲,父母”的意思, 还有“人们”的意思

在英国英语语法里,folk 以单数形式做集合名词用;在美国英语中常用folks ,也没有错误。

But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave.(《新概念英语第三册》57课第11行)

Adj. 民间的

Folk custom民俗 folk dance民间舞蹈 folk hero民族英雄 folk music民间音乐 folk singer民间歌手 *** a knife and a fork和 a knife and fork 的区别?用法?

一个说的是一副刀叉(a knife and fork ),另一个说的是一把刀和一把叉(a knife and a fork).

如果是a knife and fork作主语, 谓语动词用单数.(因为一副刀叉表示的是一个整体.)

如果是a knife and a fork作主语, 谓语动词用复数.(一把刀和一把叉表示的是两样不同的东西. 当然要用复数喽.)

4. be honest with

be honest with对... 说老实话, 同... 规规矩矩来往

Talk with you. be silent with you. be honest with you和你谈话, 陪你沉默, 对你忠诚

5. form



She has a tall graceful form. 她有着高大优雅的外形。


Different countries have different forms of government. 不同的国家有不同的政治制度。

形式 form and content 形式与内容

礼节;仪式;习俗 a form of marriage 结婚仪式


Schoolboys think it bad form to tell a teacher of another boy's wrong-doing


词形 ; 表格

If you fill in this form, you can take books out of the library.如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。 vt., vi. 形成;产生 A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里形成。


The buildings formed a hollow square. 建筑呈中空四方形。

制造;建造 Eskimoes form igloos out of blocks of ice. 爱斯基摩人用冰块砌圆顶冰舍。

养成;培养 to form good habits 养成好习惯

构成;形成 to form a correct sentence 造一个正确的句子

组织;成立 forming a club 组织一个俱乐部

The president asked the Social Democratic Party to form a new government.总统请社会民主党组织新政府。

6. earn

1) vt.赚, 挣得, 获得 v. 赚得, 获得 How much do you earn a week? 你一周赚多少钱?

2). 博得, 赢得 3) 使得到, 使赢得]

His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。

make money / earn money有什么区别? 意思上没区别 就是不同的动词搭配

earn one‟s keep 挣钱养活自己(挣钱糊口)= earn one‟s living (=earn one‟s livelihood) 挣钱糊口,谋生。 例句: When you earn your keep, you will be able to do many things that your parents cannot。

7. play jokes on

play jokes on sb, 耍弄某人,对某人恶作剧。play jokes on当中的jokes 换成单数,两者意思区别不大,但用复数,更测重指经常性。

例如: I just played some jokes on him, no big deal. 我只是对他恶作剧而已,没什么大不了的。

tell jokes to sb = tell sb jokes, 给某人讲笑话。例如: Let me tell some jokes to the girls. 我去给姑娘们讲些笑话吧。

tell jokes on sb = tell jokes about sb, 讲关于某人的笑话。

例如: I will tell you some jokes about Jack.我给你们讲几个关于杰克的笑话。

play a trick on sb把某人给耍了 玩弄某人 给某人恶作剧

****************Trick or treat ---万圣节小诗一首***********

Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋

Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚

Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西

Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵

Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你

The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上

She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子

She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛

She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵

We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西

If you don‟t, I don‟t care. 如果你不给,没关系

I‟ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋

Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西

Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果

And I won‟t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

8. loose

loose [lu:s]

n. 发射, 放任, 放纵 a. 宽松的, 松的, 宽的, 不牢固的, 散漫的, 自由的, 不精确的

It was great fun to watch my dog loose in the garden when I get home from school.. 每当我放学回到家后,最大的乐趣就是观看我的小狗在花园里玩耍。 loose 在这里是形容词,表示自由的, 宽松的, 放松的 She wore loose garments in the summer.她在夏天穿宽松的衣服。

Some loose pages fell out of the book. 几张散页纸从书里掉了下来。

vt. 释放, 松开

She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放出笼子。

vi. 变松, 开火 He loosed off at the deer. 他向那只鹿射击。

ad. 松散地 [机] 松动, 松弛的

9. or so大约,... 左右的意思

.Bob is twenty or so.

10. instrument

instrument 和equipment 的区别:

equipment n. 指生产、研究所需要的设备、装置,如各种机器和器材,是不可数名词。

a factory with modern equipment具有现代化设备的工厂

instrument n. 乐器,仪器,为某个用途而使用的工具。

Piano is a popular ___C_____。钢琴是最 受欢迎的乐器 A.machine B. equipment C. instrument D. tool As a flexible actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.


当“设备;工具”是时通用。比如:electronic equipment是电子设备,electronic instrument也是电子设备。 11. break up

(1)打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 驱散, , 衰退, 衰落, 变坏

Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。

The police broke up the fighting crowd.警察驱散了打架的人群。

He may break up under all this pressure.在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。

Break up a friendship断绝朋友关系 Break up an alliance结束同盟关系

(2) 结束;解散

The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。 Break it up!别打啦! The company top meeting didn't break up until midnight.公司高层会议到半夜才结束。

(3) (学校)开始放假

When will you break up this winter? 今年冬季你们什么时候放假?

(4) 使发笑;逗乐;使苦恼 That joke really broke me up. 那个笑话可把我逗乐了。

break out 爆发; 突然发生 break up 崩溃; 分离; 解散

break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身;挣脱,挣开;强行逃脱 break down 失败; (机器)故障

12. by chance

by chance 意为偶然,与by accident 为近义词,与on purpose 意义相反

13. sort / sort out

sort out 挑选出; 整理出;分类

sort oneself out 处理某人自己的事 sort out data 整理资料

sort out from 把... 从... 挑出来 sort out sth from 区分某物和 sort out sth into 把某物分类成

sort sth/sb out 处理某物(或某人); 整治某物(或某人)

sort out the men from the boys 逃出强者; 区分好汉与懦夫

14. perform

perform (动) 执行( carry out),表演, 做

形容词:performable; performance 是名词, 表示一个表演, 一个SHOW ;动词过去式:performed 过去分词:performed 现在分词:performing 第三人称单数:performs

Their football team performed very well in the match the other day.

give a performance (of something)

The surgeon has performed the operation.外科医生做了手术。

15. stick to/ insist on区别:


I can stick to my guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张。I still insist on my viewpoint. 我仍坚持我的观点。 stick to 更适合说坚持某个观念,或某种信仰 。而insist on——doing sth 就是说坚持做某事 I still insist on my viewpoint.我仍坚持我的观点。

I insist on your taking / insist that you take immediate action to put this right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好

16. above all;after all;first of all;in all用法辨析:

① above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意。

如: We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须树立信心。

② after all意为“毕竟;终究;到底”,表示让步。

如: He is certain to come. After all, he's already accepted the invitation. 他肯定来,他毕竟已接受了邀请。

③ first of all意为“首先”,强调次序。如: First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自


④in all意为“总共;总计”。如: There are thirty in all in the party who will travel to Lanzhou. 赴兰州的旅游团总共有30人。

17. reputation[U]( fame , reputation , honour 三者是同意词“名誉,名声”)

He did not have a good reputation in his home town.意思是”他在他的家乡没有什么好名声.”

在这句话里面,have 是个实义动词,意思是”拥有”, 所以前面要加助动词,助动词后面用动词原形. 例如:He did a good job.(他做得很好.) 否定句就是”He didn't do a good job. ”


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