线性控制系统工程 M01

Linear Control Systems Engineering Homework Solutions--Module1

1.1 Solutions:

Analysis: The Positions of the hand and the object are both sensed by the eyes (the sensor). The brain (differencing junction & controller) then calculates the position error and transfers it into nerve control signals, which commands the arm muscles (actuator) to exert appropriate force, thus moving the arm as well as the hand (plant) toward the object.

1.3 Solutions:

Manual version

Automatic version

1.4 Solutions:

Note: A is the cross-section area of the water tank.

Linear Control Systems Engineering Homework Solutions--Module1

1.1 Solutions:

Analysis: The Positions of the hand and the object are both sensed by the eyes (the sensor). The brain (differencing junction & controller) then calculates the position error and transfers it into nerve control signals, which commands the arm muscles (actuator) to exert appropriate force, thus moving the arm as well as the hand (plant) toward the object.

1.3 Solutions:

Manual version

Automatic version

1.4 Solutions:

Note: A is the cross-section area of the water tank.


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