



Dear Paula:

I’m sorry to hear you are in trouble now.___________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I believe if you work hard you’ll make some progress. Good luck!

yours Paula

Dear Paula,


Yang yang

例文: P48

I’m sorry to hear you are in trouble now. I can understand your feeling. But I don’正确的for you to do things like that. Don’t worry. Here are some suggestions for you:

As a student, it’. So I think doing homework (一会儿)(尽可能早), then you won’t feel tired the next day.

, it’class activities, try to questions each class. If you have any problems, ask your teachers or classmates for help. I’m sure you’ . Good luck!


例文: P139

Dear Simon,

提供you some useful advice.

It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football. Of course, it is very important to have hobbies. However, it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or to stay our late.

your hobby but do not forget about your family, either. Play football for an hour or two, and then go home. This is a good way to keep a balance between study and hobbies.

I hope my answers will be of some value to you


Dear Xiaoqiang,

I think it’s usual for us to have some problems in our school life. Most of us don’t以我的观点, all the teachers want their students to be as good as像—一样 they can. So we should understand them first and students. Finally, why don’t listen to her carefully in class and finish your 得到好的分数 in the exams考试. )

Best wishes!


Li Ming


Dear Ben,

problem. Iit. And I think 正确的 and work hard. But don’t tell others about it. If other students know that, they will and 恨你if a friendship ends like that. If you want to help him, why don’t you have a talk with him 观点以这种方式, you won’ your friend and your friendship will be stronger.





例文: P101

Mike, I can understand your feelings very well.

I am a junior 3 student, too. It is true that our life is a little boring. But I think it is also a kind of experience that we

teenagers have to go through. We can do something to make our life more colorful.

Here are some pieces of advice for you. Firstly , we can do some sports to make us healthy. Secondly, it’s useful for us to do some reading or watch TV after school. Last but not least, we can spend some time talking with our family or friends. They will bring us happiness.

I hope my advice will do you some help, and you can enjoy your school life better.



Dear Ben,

Nice to hear from you. Most of the students will meet this kind of problem. I’ it. And I think Yours,



Dear Ben,

Nice to hear from you. Most of the students will meet this kind of problem. I’m not surprised at it. And I think it’s not honest for people to copy others’ answers and you shouldn’t let Peter copy your homework. Don’t tell others about it. If other students if a friendship ends like that. Maybe it is better to refuse your friend and not tell others. If you want to help him, why don’t you spend some time .






Dear Paula:

I’m sorry to hear you are in trouble now.___________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I believe if you work hard you’ll make some progress. Good luck!

yours Paula

Dear Paula,


Yang yang

例文: P48

I’m sorry to hear you are in trouble now. I can understand your feeling. But I don’正确的for you to do things like that. Don’t worry. Here are some suggestions for you:

As a student, it’. So I think doing homework (一会儿)(尽可能早), then you won’t feel tired the next day.

, it’class activities, try to questions each class. If you have any problems, ask your teachers or classmates for help. I’m sure you’ . Good luck!


例文: P139

Dear Simon,

提供you some useful advice.

It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football. Of course, it is very important to have hobbies. However, it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or to stay our late.

your hobby but do not forget about your family, either. Play football for an hour or two, and then go home. This is a good way to keep a balance between study and hobbies.

I hope my answers will be of some value to you


Dear Xiaoqiang,

I think it’s usual for us to have some problems in our school life. Most of us don’t以我的观点, all the teachers want their students to be as good as像—一样 they can. So we should understand them first and students. Finally, why don’t listen to her carefully in class and finish your 得到好的分数 in the exams考试. )

Best wishes!


Li Ming


Dear Ben,

problem. Iit. And I think 正确的 and work hard. But don’t tell others about it. If other students know that, they will and 恨你if a friendship ends like that. If you want to help him, why don’t you have a talk with him 观点以这种方式, you won’ your friend and your friendship will be stronger.





例文: P101

Mike, I can understand your feelings very well.

I am a junior 3 student, too. It is true that our life is a little boring. But I think it is also a kind of experience that we

teenagers have to go through. We can do something to make our life more colorful.

Here are some pieces of advice for you. Firstly , we can do some sports to make us healthy. Secondly, it’s useful for us to do some reading or watch TV after school. Last but not least, we can spend some time talking with our family or friends. They will bring us happiness.

I hope my advice will do you some help, and you can enjoy your school life better.



Dear Ben,

Nice to hear from you. Most of the students will meet this kind of problem. I’ it. And I think Yours,



Dear Ben,

Nice to hear from you. Most of the students will meet this kind of problem. I’m not surprised at it. And I think it’s not honest for people to copy others’ answers and you shouldn’t let Peter copy your homework. Don’t tell others about it. If other students if a friendship ends like that. Maybe it is better to refuse your friend and not tell others. If you want to help him, why don’t you spend some time .




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