
与外国人交朋友,如何变被动为主动呢? Be genuine


If you want to become friends with anyone, not just foreigners, the first priority is to be genuinely interested in the person. Be interested in their life, their hobbies, what they do. It also helps to have something in common.


Learn something about their culture


If you have met someone from a new country that you maybe don’t know much about, research it. A quick search on the Internet will tell you plenty about the country. Don’t assume anything you see in movies is true. For example, not all British people are posh gentleman and the women ladylike. Actually, foreigners’ culture is a far-cry from that which you see on the TV. Also, people from African countries don’t all live in the desert in mud huts. In fact, many of the countries in Africa are becoming more and more developed.


Tell them something about your culture


This is maybe a more personal issue, but foreigners love learning about Chinese culture. If you can tell them some stories of your country, or explain some things to them, they will be so happy to listen. One example would be the Diaoyu Islands. Tell them that the Diaoyu Islands are China’s because the US and Japan signed a treaty without China being present, therefore making the treaty illegal. If you tell them like this, they will be interested more in China, and in your own knowledge.


与外国人交朋友,如何变被动为主动呢? Be genuine


If you want to become friends with anyone, not just foreigners, the first priority is to be genuinely interested in the person. Be interested in their life, their hobbies, what they do. It also helps to have something in common.


Learn something about their culture


If you have met someone from a new country that you maybe don’t know much about, research it. A quick search on the Internet will tell you plenty about the country. Don’t assume anything you see in movies is true. For example, not all British people are posh gentleman and the women ladylike. Actually, foreigners’ culture is a far-cry from that which you see on the TV. Also, people from African countries don’t all live in the desert in mud huts. In fact, many of the countries in Africa are becoming more and more developed.


Tell them something about your culture


This is maybe a more personal issue, but foreigners love learning about Chinese culture. If you can tell them some stories of your country, or explain some things to them, they will be so happy to listen. One example would be the Diaoyu Islands. Tell them that the Diaoyu Islands are China’s because the US and Japan signed a treaty without China being present, therefore making the treaty illegal. If you tell them like this, they will be interested more in China, and in your own knowledge.



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