

班 级

学 号 [1**********]4

姓 名 刘 昊

The Factor Of Hinder China Stimulate Domestic Demand As we all know, the increase of GDP in a country is based on C(consumer)、I(investment)、G(government purchases) and N(net exports).The last decade, the increase of GDP in our Chinese almost keep on a high level.It is a good thing that is for sure.In western developed countries, the greatest contribution to increase of GDP is C,but in China situation is different.I and N play the most important role.It isn't a good thing for Chinese develop.So our government try their best to stimulate domestic demand but don't obtain satisfactory effect.As far as I am concerned, there are some factor of hinder China stimulate domestic demand.

First,most Chinese consumer attitudes lag.Attitudes may can't decide people behavior , but will influence people behavior .During 5000 years developing, Chinese people formed the attitudes like hard work and plain living, keep balance of income and expenditure. Those attitudes are good habits indeed.But Chinese people always do it overly.They always think that consume can ensure the life is enough, so they don't want spend money in consume more.

Second, save money attitude.Chinese have save money habit.They think save money in the bank is better than spend

it in consume.The reason of this habit is from many aspects.Such as people afraid there will some problems in the future, they need money for preparation.Save money in bank is more safety and can get interest every year and so on.Because of unknown problem from all kind of side. Chinese people chose save money in bank instead of consume.

Third, serious polarization.According to scholar research, 20 percent of people holding 80 percent of money.It hard to believe that so less people can consume so much money.In fact, only public consumption can stimulating consumption.Few rich can't afford the large output of China, but most Chinese don't have enough money to consume.At the same time, the rich use their free money in investment, it make it's more hard to stimulating consumption.

Fourth, the wrong guide of making money.In China is hard for people to become rich through hard working.Work hard may only can solve the live problem.In order to have better live quickly, people would like to chose investment and speculative to make money.So people reduce spend money in consume and use surplus money in investment and speculative.But the fact is investment and speculative has a huge risk, large quantity of people lost their money in stock in recent years.

Fifth,social security system is imperfect. Chinese people face six big problem in daily life, there are see a doctor, go to school, pension, house, wedding, unemployment.Those problem all very important and necessary to people life. In western developed countries,government use social security system to solve people's worry.But in China, because social security system is imperfect, and people can't afford it in a short period of time, they have to solve those problem by themselves.So they chose save money in bank, buy house through loans.All in all, social security system is imperfect make people don't have enough money to consume.

Sixth, level of economic development is low.Although the increase of GDP in our Chinese almost keep on a high level in last decade.China has huge population, so because of the population,Chinese level of economic development is also low.People don't have enough money,of course they don't pay money for consumption.

Seventh,the business environment is not perfect,high cost of doing business.World Bank estimate and ranking of business environment in 183 countries and regions in 2010,China's business environment overall ranking of 79, in investor protection, the tax burden will be placed in the 100 before and

after, and creation of enterprises, to obtain the ranking of the business license, etc. even in the 150.The business environment is not ideal, and improve the operating costs of Chinese enterprises in the country,resulting in the domestic trade is more difficult than international trade.

Eighth, local protectionism.While market-oriented reforms have been carried out for 30 years, but the uneven Chinese provinces and autonomous regions at this stage the degree of market-oriented, local protectionism is still very prominent, especially in the central and western regions are the most serious.Especially after the 1994 Tax Reform, the local government for the blind pursuit of GDP and tax revenue, the things they do have strong motivation to strengthen the protection of local enterprises.Due to the existence of local protectionism, develop domestic and regional markets also faced with greatly retard.And hinder the develop of domestic mark.

Ninth, marketing channels in the domestic market is restricted and high marketing costs.If the enterprise plan development the domestic market, especially cross-regional selling products, will face the high marketing costs.Compare with development the domestic market, export enterprise in order from abroad, only

need to organize production, without heavy burden marketing costs.Marketing cost differences, make a lot of export enterprise would open up new international market, is not willing to explore the potential demand of the domestic market. The above nine factors is the obstacle of China stimulate domestic demand in my opinions.Those factors are from people's attitudes,the level of economic development,social security system and domestic mark.Stimulating domestic demand is a important problem for China economic develop, to solve problem need a very long time.So we must take more care about it.


班 级

学 号 [1**********]4

姓 名 刘 昊

The Factor Of Hinder China Stimulate Domestic Demand As we all know, the increase of GDP in a country is based on C(consumer)、I(investment)、G(government purchases) and N(net exports).The last decade, the increase of GDP in our Chinese almost keep on a high level.It is a good thing that is for sure.In western developed countries, the greatest contribution to increase of GDP is C,but in China situation is different.I and N play the most important role.It isn't a good thing for Chinese develop.So our government try their best to stimulate domestic demand but don't obtain satisfactory effect.As far as I am concerned, there are some factor of hinder China stimulate domestic demand.

First,most Chinese consumer attitudes lag.Attitudes may can't decide people behavior , but will influence people behavior .During 5000 years developing, Chinese people formed the attitudes like hard work and plain living, keep balance of income and expenditure. Those attitudes are good habits indeed.But Chinese people always do it overly.They always think that consume can ensure the life is enough, so they don't want spend money in consume more.

Second, save money attitude.Chinese have save money habit.They think save money in the bank is better than spend

it in consume.The reason of this habit is from many aspects.Such as people afraid there will some problems in the future, they need money for preparation.Save money in bank is more safety and can get interest every year and so on.Because of unknown problem from all kind of side. Chinese people chose save money in bank instead of consume.

Third, serious polarization.According to scholar research, 20 percent of people holding 80 percent of money.It hard to believe that so less people can consume so much money.In fact, only public consumption can stimulating consumption.Few rich can't afford the large output of China, but most Chinese don't have enough money to consume.At the same time, the rich use their free money in investment, it make it's more hard to stimulating consumption.

Fourth, the wrong guide of making money.In China is hard for people to become rich through hard working.Work hard may only can solve the live problem.In order to have better live quickly, people would like to chose investment and speculative to make money.So people reduce spend money in consume and use surplus money in investment and speculative.But the fact is investment and speculative has a huge risk, large quantity of people lost their money in stock in recent years.

Fifth,social security system is imperfect. Chinese people face six big problem in daily life, there are see a doctor, go to school, pension, house, wedding, unemployment.Those problem all very important and necessary to people life. In western developed countries,government use social security system to solve people's worry.But in China, because social security system is imperfect, and people can't afford it in a short period of time, they have to solve those problem by themselves.So they chose save money in bank, buy house through loans.All in all, social security system is imperfect make people don't have enough money to consume.

Sixth, level of economic development is low.Although the increase of GDP in our Chinese almost keep on a high level in last decade.China has huge population, so because of the population,Chinese level of economic development is also low.People don't have enough money,of course they don't pay money for consumption.

Seventh,the business environment is not perfect,high cost of doing business.World Bank estimate and ranking of business environment in 183 countries and regions in 2010,China's business environment overall ranking of 79, in investor protection, the tax burden will be placed in the 100 before and

after, and creation of enterprises, to obtain the ranking of the business license, etc. even in the 150.The business environment is not ideal, and improve the operating costs of Chinese enterprises in the country,resulting in the domestic trade is more difficult than international trade.

Eighth, local protectionism.While market-oriented reforms have been carried out for 30 years, but the uneven Chinese provinces and autonomous regions at this stage the degree of market-oriented, local protectionism is still very prominent, especially in the central and western regions are the most serious.Especially after the 1994 Tax Reform, the local government for the blind pursuit of GDP and tax revenue, the things they do have strong motivation to strengthen the protection of local enterprises.Due to the existence of local protectionism, develop domestic and regional markets also faced with greatly retard.And hinder the develop of domestic mark.

Ninth, marketing channels in the domestic market is restricted and high marketing costs.If the enterprise plan development the domestic market, especially cross-regional selling products, will face the high marketing costs.Compare with development the domestic market, export enterprise in order from abroad, only

need to organize production, without heavy burden marketing costs.Marketing cost differences, make a lot of export enterprise would open up new international market, is not willing to explore the potential demand of the domestic market. The above nine factors is the obstacle of China stimulate domestic demand in my opinions.Those factors are from people's attitudes,the level of economic development,social security system and domestic mark.Stimulating domestic demand is a important problem for China economic develop, to solve problem need a very long time.So we must take more care about it.


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