
佛山科学技术学院2010 —2011 学年第 二 学期

《 跨国公司经营 》课程论文

班级: 08工商管理2 姓名: 范文浩 学号: 2008534233 成绩: Pick any international company or global industry that is significantly influenced by one (or more) of the "social" issues that interest you. Taking the perspective of the company's top-management team, appointed task force, or external consulting team, be prepared to discuss the following:

* Overview and background with respect to how the issue impacts the company

* Describe issue in greater detail (list relevant political, legal, social, ethical, economic, and/or strategic drivers)

* If issue not resolved, describe how issue will impact company's international strategy, operations, value chain activities, financial performance, etc.

* Drawing from global management concepts and frameworks, what are YOUR strategic recommendations that simultaneously attenuates the effect of the issue and at least maintains (and hopefully improves) current profitability levels, market share, stock price, etc.

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HP recall event discussed

1. The event introduction

May 29, 2011 news, part of the battery exist because HP computer overheating burn or fire the potential pitfalls, so HP is voluntarily recalling and free replacement could be affected the battery packs.

(1) recalled models

The recall of products for July 2007 to May 2008, the recall is made of the lithium ion battery charge involves hewlett-packard, compaq and so on four series and product. And in the recalled products, only about 5% of the product assembly effects of batteries .

(2) the notebook model series involving recalled

HP Pavilion: dv2000、dv2500、dv2700、dv6000、dv6500、dv6700、dv9000、dv9500、dv9700;dx6000、dx6500、dx6700

Compaq Presario :A900;C700;F500、F700;V3000、 V3500、V3700、V6000、V6500、V6700

HP : G6000、G7000

HP Compaq:6510b 、6515b 、6710b 、6710s 、6715b 、6715s;6520s 、6720s

(3) recalled quantity

May 29, 2011 news, the United States the consumer products safety commission (CPSC) say again, HP recall of 160000 a notebook batteries.

In May 2010 and May 2009 respectively, HP has recalled 5400 and 70000 notebook computer batteries, and expand the recall will have 162600 notebook computer batteries to recall list.

(4) recalled reasons

The reason is overheating and rupture existing problems that may cause damage to the fire and consumers. HP's official response to the battery recall events require customers to visit the site to verify his computer models whether to belong to the list of recalled, and computer use actual affected whether battery

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(5) the dangers of battery problems

Since 2010 it expanded battery recall range, were received after HP from battery cause of injury and 1, 7 up the smoke inhalation wounded and 36 up property damage reports.

2. Events analysis

In modern society, the personal computer penetration rate is higher and higher. This has caused major brands of the fierce competition between, in order to get to a bigger share of the market, the competition finally evolved into a vicious price war. However, in this battle manufacturers seem to abandoned them to the origin of products: quality.

As a multinational big enterprise, HP is absolutely necessary to each big responsible for consumers. For the event, they must give the public a reasonable explanation. Not only HP's recall. In the past three years, dell and acer, lenovo, asus all happened recalls. And recently recall, the HP is likely to cause a chain reaction, its rivals will therefore feel pressure. Because of the high concentration of laptop batteries brand, HP's battery supplier, do not exclude the brand is the partner.

HP's last recall in many public mind, left a negative impression. Not long ago, a job-hopping and to the people of the former hewlett-packard core the first financial daily reporter that quality door serious impact on the HP sales, this is the 2010 HP in China was one of the important reasons for the worst.

3. Advice

This shows, is the quality of the public for a company or an important index of evaluation. HP if want to rebuild their good image of honesty, it must ensure good product quality problems.

Product quality problems in economic development is a must be paid attention problems, the quality of the products not only infringe upon the interests of consumers and caused personal injury and property damage, and even destroy development and the stability of society. Therefore, the enterprise must ensure product quality, to perform their social responsibility:

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First, the enterprise should enhance product quality consciousness, establish the quality of products of the social responsibility idea.

Two, the enterprise should strictly carry out the supervision and management system products. Three, resolutely put an end to a breach of the product quality law of behavior.

Four, the enterprise shall bear the production, sales and shoddy products liability for damages. Fifth, strengthen the enterprise products quality supervision and management of the system.

As a public service for the enterprise, hewlett-packard company must consciously to comply with the rules, but not to others through the supervision and exposure.

I hope that all of the enterprise can ensure the quality of products, for the construction of a harmonious society.

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佛山科学技术学院2010 —2011 学年第 二 学期

《 跨国公司经营 》课程论文

班级: 08工商管理2 姓名: 范文浩 学号: 2008534233 成绩: Pick any international company or global industry that is significantly influenced by one (or more) of the "social" issues that interest you. Taking the perspective of the company's top-management team, appointed task force, or external consulting team, be prepared to discuss the following:

* Overview and background with respect to how the issue impacts the company

* Describe issue in greater detail (list relevant political, legal, social, ethical, economic, and/or strategic drivers)

* If issue not resolved, describe how issue will impact company's international strategy, operations, value chain activities, financial performance, etc.

* Drawing from global management concepts and frameworks, what are YOUR strategic recommendations that simultaneously attenuates the effect of the issue and at least maintains (and hopefully improves) current profitability levels, market share, stock price, etc.

1 5号,字体宋体,页面A4。 备注:1、题目3号加粗,标题4号加粗,内容

HP recall event discussed

1. The event introduction

May 29, 2011 news, part of the battery exist because HP computer overheating burn or fire the potential pitfalls, so HP is voluntarily recalling and free replacement could be affected the battery packs.

(1) recalled models

The recall of products for July 2007 to May 2008, the recall is made of the lithium ion battery charge involves hewlett-packard, compaq and so on four series and product. And in the recalled products, only about 5% of the product assembly effects of batteries .

(2) the notebook model series involving recalled

HP Pavilion: dv2000、dv2500、dv2700、dv6000、dv6500、dv6700、dv9000、dv9500、dv9700;dx6000、dx6500、dx6700

Compaq Presario :A900;C700;F500、F700;V3000、 V3500、V3700、V6000、V6500、V6700

HP : G6000、G7000

HP Compaq:6510b 、6515b 、6710b 、6710s 、6715b 、6715s;6520s 、6720s

(3) recalled quantity

May 29, 2011 news, the United States the consumer products safety commission (CPSC) say again, HP recall of 160000 a notebook batteries.

In May 2010 and May 2009 respectively, HP has recalled 5400 and 70000 notebook computer batteries, and expand the recall will have 162600 notebook computer batteries to recall list.

(4) recalled reasons

The reason is overheating and rupture existing problems that may cause damage to the fire and consumers. HP's official response to the battery recall events require customers to visit the site to verify his computer models whether to belong to the list of recalled, and computer use actual affected whether battery

2 5号,字体宋体,页面A4。 备注:1、题目3号加粗,标题4号加粗,内容

(5) the dangers of battery problems

Since 2010 it expanded battery recall range, were received after HP from battery cause of injury and 1, 7 up the smoke inhalation wounded and 36 up property damage reports.

2. Events analysis

In modern society, the personal computer penetration rate is higher and higher. This has caused major brands of the fierce competition between, in order to get to a bigger share of the market, the competition finally evolved into a vicious price war. However, in this battle manufacturers seem to abandoned them to the origin of products: quality.

As a multinational big enterprise, HP is absolutely necessary to each big responsible for consumers. For the event, they must give the public a reasonable explanation. Not only HP's recall. In the past three years, dell and acer, lenovo, asus all happened recalls. And recently recall, the HP is likely to cause a chain reaction, its rivals will therefore feel pressure. Because of the high concentration of laptop batteries brand, HP's battery supplier, do not exclude the brand is the partner.

HP's last recall in many public mind, left a negative impression. Not long ago, a job-hopping and to the people of the former hewlett-packard core the first financial daily reporter that quality door serious impact on the HP sales, this is the 2010 HP in China was one of the important reasons for the worst.

3. Advice

This shows, is the quality of the public for a company or an important index of evaluation. HP if want to rebuild their good image of honesty, it must ensure good product quality problems.

Product quality problems in economic development is a must be paid attention problems, the quality of the products not only infringe upon the interests of consumers and caused personal injury and property damage, and even destroy development and the stability of society. Therefore, the enterprise must ensure product quality, to perform their social responsibility:

3 5号,字体宋体,页面A4。 备注:1、题目3号加粗,标题4号加粗,内容

First, the enterprise should enhance product quality consciousness, establish the quality of products of the social responsibility idea.

Two, the enterprise should strictly carry out the supervision and management system products. Three, resolutely put an end to a breach of the product quality law of behavior.

Four, the enterprise shall bear the production, sales and shoddy products liability for damages. Fifth, strengthen the enterprise products quality supervision and management of the system.

As a public service for the enterprise, hewlett-packard company must consciously to comply with the rules, but not to others through the supervision and exposure.

I hope that all of the enterprise can ensure the quality of products, for the construction of a harmonious society.

4 5号,字体宋体,页面A4。 备注:1、题目3号加粗,标题4号加粗,内容


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