


(二) .根据字母的读音归类,补全每组所缺字母。

_____ H h ____ ____

Bb ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ Yy

____ Uu _____

____ ____ ____ _____ ______ _______ Zz



( )

( ( ( ( )5. date A. grape B. an

( ( ( (

( 三.单项选择。

( ) 1. Where ___ you going? A. am B. is C. are

( ) 2. Where ___ she going? A. am B. is C. are

( ) 3. ___ can we get to Beijing? A. What B. Which C. How

( ) 4. They ___ going to visit France. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 5. ___ fruit do you like best? A. What B. Which C. How

( ) 6. I like ____ best. A. mango B. mangoes C. \

( ) 7. Help yourself to ___ orange. A. a B. an C. \

( ) 8. Help yourself to some ____. A. litchi B. litchis C. litchies

( ) 9. Have ____ apple please. A. a B. an C. \

( ) 10.How ___ it feel? A. do B. dos C. does


第一组 第二组

( ) 1. look A.粗糙的 ( ) 1. wash A.搅拌

( ) 2.rough B.光滑的 ( ) 2. eat B.洗

( ) 3.smooth C.看 ( ) 3. cut C.切

( ) 4.feel D.声音 ( ) 4. peel D.吃

( )5.sound E.感觉 ( )5. stir E.削


1. by ship 2.Australia 3.peach 4.taste 5.kiwi fruit 6.the Great Wall 7. China 8.by bus 9.Mount Fuji 10.cherries 11.smell

12.loquats 13.Australia 14.grapes 15.France 16.mangoes

17.New Zealand 18.by car 19. longans 20.the White House


( )1.What’s wrong? A. Thanks a lot.

( )2.What fruit do you like best? B. I live in Sichuan. ( )3.Help yourself to a date. C.Let’s go by taxi.

( )4.Where do you live? D.I have a cold.

( )5.How can we get to Chengdu? E. He is going to visit Big Ben. ( )6.Where is he going? F. It feels round and soft. ( )7.How does it feel? G. I like strawberries best.


( )1.我最喜欢荔枝。

A. I like litchis. B. I like litchis better. C. I like litchis best.

( )2. 我们打算去法国参观。

A.We are going to visit france.

B. We are going to visit France.

C. We are going to visit Canada.

( )3. 明天早上七点半怎么样?

A. What about half past seven tomorrow morning?

B. What about half past six tomorrow morning?

C. What about half past seven morning?

( )4.你最喜欢什么水果?

A.What fruit do you like?

B. What fruit do you like better?

C. What fruit do you like best?

( )5.我们怎么去加拿大?

A. How can we get to France?

B. How can you get to Canada?

C. How can we get to Canada?


There are five oranges on the tree. Three are orange. Orange oranges are juicy and sweet. I like them. The other two are green. Green oranges are sour. I have a big green orange. It’s under the table. It’s sour. I don’t like it. But my cat likes it very much. Look! It’s playing with it.

( ) 1. There are ___ oranges on the tree? A. 3 B. 5 C.6

( ) 2. ___ oranges are juicy and sweet.

A. Red B. Orange C.Green

( )3. The cat likes the _____ orange.

A. green B. yellow C.orange

( ) 4.Green oranges are ____. A. sweet B. juicy C. sour

( ) 5. I don’t like ______.

A. orange oranges B. green orange C. cat



(二) .根据字母的读音归类,补全每组所缺字母。

_____ H h ____ ____

Bb ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ Yy

____ Uu _____

____ ____ ____ _____ ______ _______ Zz



( )

( ( ( ( )5. date A. grape B. an

( ( ( (

( 三.单项选择。

( ) 1. Where ___ you going? A. am B. is C. are

( ) 2. Where ___ she going? A. am B. is C. are

( ) 3. ___ can we get to Beijing? A. What B. Which C. How

( ) 4. They ___ going to visit France. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 5. ___ fruit do you like best? A. What B. Which C. How

( ) 6. I like ____ best. A. mango B. mangoes C. \

( ) 7. Help yourself to ___ orange. A. a B. an C. \

( ) 8. Help yourself to some ____. A. litchi B. litchis C. litchies

( ) 9. Have ____ apple please. A. a B. an C. \

( ) 10.How ___ it feel? A. do B. dos C. does


第一组 第二组

( ) 1. look A.粗糙的 ( ) 1. wash A.搅拌

( ) 2.rough B.光滑的 ( ) 2. eat B.洗

( ) 3.smooth C.看 ( ) 3. cut C.切

( ) 4.feel D.声音 ( ) 4. peel D.吃

( )5.sound E.感觉 ( )5. stir E.削


1. by ship 2.Australia 3.peach 4.taste 5.kiwi fruit 6.the Great Wall 7. China 8.by bus 9.Mount Fuji 10.cherries 11.smell

12.loquats 13.Australia 14.grapes 15.France 16.mangoes

17.New Zealand 18.by car 19. longans 20.the White House


( )1.What’s wrong? A. Thanks a lot.

( )2.What fruit do you like best? B. I live in Sichuan. ( )3.Help yourself to a date. C.Let’s go by taxi.

( )4.Where do you live? D.I have a cold.

( )5.How can we get to Chengdu? E. He is going to visit Big Ben. ( )6.Where is he going? F. It feels round and soft. ( )7.How does it feel? G. I like strawberries best.


( )1.我最喜欢荔枝。

A. I like litchis. B. I like litchis better. C. I like litchis best.

( )2. 我们打算去法国参观。

A.We are going to visit france.

B. We are going to visit France.

C. We are going to visit Canada.

( )3. 明天早上七点半怎么样?

A. What about half past seven tomorrow morning?

B. What about half past six tomorrow morning?

C. What about half past seven morning?

( )4.你最喜欢什么水果?

A.What fruit do you like?

B. What fruit do you like better?

C. What fruit do you like best?

( )5.我们怎么去加拿大?

A. How can we get to France?

B. How can you get to Canada?

C. How can we get to Canada?


There are five oranges on the tree. Three are orange. Orange oranges are juicy and sweet. I like them. The other two are green. Green oranges are sour. I have a big green orange. It’s under the table. It’s sour. I don’t like it. But my cat likes it very much. Look! It’s playing with it.

( ) 1. There are ___ oranges on the tree? A. 3 B. 5 C.6

( ) 2. ___ oranges are juicy and sweet.

A. Red B. Orange C.Green

( )3. The cat likes the _____ orange.

A. green B. yellow C.orange

( ) 4.Green oranges are ____. A. sweet B. juicy C. sour

( ) 5. I don’t like ______.

A. orange oranges B. green orange C. cat


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