
Page1 Journey into science

1. Sammy's Adventures : the Secret Passage , hit cinemas on September 30. 3.He set off on the hard journey across the oceans in the hope of finding her. Sammy's Adventures

Page2 Historic next step

1.The long-awaited carrier, Liaoning navy on Sept25. Soviet navy. 4.The carrier is named after the province where it was refitted.

Page3 Lazy teenagers 2.There's no time for me to do much homework.

Food for thought in the US 2.I remember the first day I came to my host family.

3.All the American students drink water from taps outside the restrooms that specially designed for drinking.

Page4 Let go of Lonely Planet

1.However, the Lonely Planet'3.It was then that I closed my book. 6.Chances are that you'll have more exciting experiences.

Soccer strikes and scores

Autumn drama

Damon wants to take revenge on his younger brother, Elena.

Kung Fu Panda kicks back into action Its rich forests and mountains are home to many animals and exotic creatures.

Sleep makes us sleepy

1.After a late night doing tons of homework, you are trying hard to keep your eyes open in class. 2.This weekend I'll make up for all the sleep I have lost. make you feel more tired on Monday morning.

5.A 6.On Sunday morning we sometimes struggle to get out of bed.

Page6 Hungry for home

1.If my life were a movie I would fast-forward through senior high.

2.Home is a place where you don't have to sit alone and eat.Home is a place where people don't ignore you and avoid you.

3.Y ou can eat whatever you like.

Page1 Journey into science

1. Sammy's Adventures : the Secret Passage , hit cinemas on September 30. 3.He set off on the hard journey across the oceans in the hope of finding her. Sammy's Adventures

Page2 Historic next step

1.The long-awaited carrier, Liaoning navy on Sept25. Soviet navy. 4.The carrier is named after the province where it was refitted.

Page3 Lazy teenagers 2.There's no time for me to do much homework.

Food for thought in the US 2.I remember the first day I came to my host family.

3.All the American students drink water from taps outside the restrooms that specially designed for drinking.

Page4 Let go of Lonely Planet

1.However, the Lonely Planet'3.It was then that I closed my book. 6.Chances are that you'll have more exciting experiences.

Soccer strikes and scores

Autumn drama

Damon wants to take revenge on his younger brother, Elena.

Kung Fu Panda kicks back into action Its rich forests and mountains are home to many animals and exotic creatures.

Sleep makes us sleepy

1.After a late night doing tons of homework, you are trying hard to keep your eyes open in class. 2.This weekend I'll make up for all the sleep I have lost. make you feel more tired on Monday morning.

5.A 6.On Sunday morning we sometimes struggle to get out of bed.

Page6 Hungry for home

1.If my life were a movie I would fast-forward through senior high.

2.Home is a place where you don't have to sit alone and eat.Home is a place where people don't ignore you and avoid you.

3.Y ou can eat whatever you like.


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