

【王琛】:Good moring everyone I'm a reporter from the school newspaper,my name is jessica .it is a pleasure to be here to speak about a topic that how to choose between the material and love.

It is a truth that we are facing many choices every day. When it is about lunch time, we have to decide what we are going to eat. When shopping in rows of stores of clothes, we have to consider which one fits us most. After the college entrance examination, we are obliged to choose a major. The list is endless. But here I’d like to be with you and share with you many opinions on the choice between true love and material pursuit.

【PPT 放《蜗居》的图片】


Recently, a TV series called Wo Ju is quite popular. It has stirred up a heated debate on love or bread.because in this show the heroine Haizao betrayed her considerate but poor boyfriend and turned to Songsiming, a man with higher status in the society and larger fortune. This reveals a grim reality: love without bread, or love without houses and cars is worth nothing, especially in today’s world

where money

makes the mare go. Of course some of you may be lucky enough to meet your Mr. Right who is both rich and caring, and thus have a perfect relationship. However, the rest are not that fortunate to have perfection patronized. Facing this situation I cannot help asking whether to marry a big house is that important. Anyway, I would stick to the conviction that true love is the better choice, regardless how much money he or she has.

However, when I searched on the internet among the flying comments about this TV show, I found that 88.3% of girls would choose Song over Xiaobei, and 62.9% of boys would choose to be like Song. In other words, most of us, both girls and boys, are in favor of the material pursuit rather than the true love.

Admittedly, people are getting more and more realistic. I remember one of the most famous lines of Wo Ju: “if a man really loves a woman, he should first of all give her a large sum of money and then buy her a mansion. So even if the man doesn’t love her anymore, she still has some place to stay.” However, when being interviewed by Huacheng Business, Li Nian, the impersonator of Haizao, indicated that any relationship mixed with extrinsic factors is not true love. The once glorified true love should not be beaten by people’s superficial material

pursuit. Isn’t it pathetic if our world is dominated by people’s greed for practical interests? Anyhow, we need to fill this material world with true love. Material pursuit is epidemic what true love is the remedy. It is about giving, not receiving; it is shared by sweet moments spent together, not by gifts.

【郎需萍】控制在3分钟之内 【郎需萍】:

【王琛】问: 【郎需萍】:回答


Love exists only in the bedroom. Not in the cold wind howling on the street. When bread is enough,I need love.




On the other hand, Love is easy to be said in this new generation . One can say "I love you forever" easily .but How long forever is?. Does love can last forever? Nowadays, it is commonly held that

money is the only real thing one can catch and maintain. With money, love can be cultivated and nourished

Reality live will tell you everything. He can have not bread nowdays but he must have the potential to have a bread because no bread is difficult to lasting love.

Life itself is unpredictable therefor what we should do is never regreat.



【王晨晨】: True love is much more

important than money will ever be. Love comes very few times in ones life and if you are true to your love it will last a life time. Money can be earned anytime over and over,and it is out there everywhere for anyone to get their hands on. Money can make you happier sometimes but love can make you happy for a life time. Without love you would be a very sad person, and have no one to enjoy the money with.

When asked about love and money which is more important now, the overwhelming majority of adults say that:" money, of course money."But I view a bit differently.


∙ 【王琛】To sum up, I would like to

reaffirm that we should think twice when making choices between true love and material pursuit. A world where people care nothing but practical interests is pathetic, whereas one where people have love in their hearts is beautiful ∙

Let us talk about this topic to here. That is all .byebye everyone!


【王琛】:Good moring everyone I'm a reporter from the school newspaper,my name is jessica .it is a pleasure to be here to speak about a topic that how to choose between the material and love.

It is a truth that we are facing many choices every day. When it is about lunch time, we have to decide what we are going to eat. When shopping in rows of stores of clothes, we have to consider which one fits us most. After the college entrance examination, we are obliged to choose a major. The list is endless. But here I’d like to be with you and share with you many opinions on the choice between true love and material pursuit.

【PPT 放《蜗居》的图片】


Recently, a TV series called Wo Ju is quite popular. It has stirred up a heated debate on love or bread.because in this show the heroine Haizao betrayed her considerate but poor boyfriend and turned to Songsiming, a man with higher status in the society and larger fortune. This reveals a grim reality: love without bread, or love without houses and cars is worth nothing, especially in today’s world

where money

makes the mare go. Of course some of you may be lucky enough to meet your Mr. Right who is both rich and caring, and thus have a perfect relationship. However, the rest are not that fortunate to have perfection patronized. Facing this situation I cannot help asking whether to marry a big house is that important. Anyway, I would stick to the conviction that true love is the better choice, regardless how much money he or she has.

However, when I searched on the internet among the flying comments about this TV show, I found that 88.3% of girls would choose Song over Xiaobei, and 62.9% of boys would choose to be like Song. In other words, most of us, both girls and boys, are in favor of the material pursuit rather than the true love.

Admittedly, people are getting more and more realistic. I remember one of the most famous lines of Wo Ju: “if a man really loves a woman, he should first of all give her a large sum of money and then buy her a mansion. So even if the man doesn’t love her anymore, she still has some place to stay.” However, when being interviewed by Huacheng Business, Li Nian, the impersonator of Haizao, indicated that any relationship mixed with extrinsic factors is not true love. The once glorified true love should not be beaten by people’s superficial material

pursuit. Isn’t it pathetic if our world is dominated by people’s greed for practical interests? Anyhow, we need to fill this material world with true love. Material pursuit is epidemic what true love is the remedy. It is about giving, not receiving; it is shared by sweet moments spent together, not by gifts.

【郎需萍】控制在3分钟之内 【郎需萍】:

【王琛】问: 【郎需萍】:回答


Love exists only in the bedroom. Not in the cold wind howling on the street. When bread is enough,I need love.




On the other hand, Love is easy to be said in this new generation . One can say "I love you forever" easily .but How long forever is?. Does love can last forever? Nowadays, it is commonly held that

money is the only real thing one can catch and maintain. With money, love can be cultivated and nourished

Reality live will tell you everything. He can have not bread nowdays but he must have the potential to have a bread because no bread is difficult to lasting love.

Life itself is unpredictable therefor what we should do is never regreat.



【王晨晨】: True love is much more

important than money will ever be. Love comes very few times in ones life and if you are true to your love it will last a life time. Money can be earned anytime over and over,and it is out there everywhere for anyone to get their hands on. Money can make you happier sometimes but love can make you happy for a life time. Without love you would be a very sad person, and have no one to enjoy the money with.

When asked about love and money which is more important now, the overwhelming majority of adults say that:" money, of course money."But I view a bit differently.


∙ 【王琛】To sum up, I would like to

reaffirm that we should think twice when making choices between true love and material pursuit. A world where people care nothing but practical interests is pathetic, whereas one where people have love in their hearts is beautiful ∙

Let us talk about this topic to here. That is all .byebye everyone!


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