







"The Wizard of Oz" is by the United States, Lehman. Fei Frank. Baum book, which is a well-known book, with the fictional Land of Oz as the background, tells the United States Kansas girl Dorothy Volume was a tornado to a place called Munchkin, well-meaning witch pointing her to the Emerald City to find the Great Wizard of Oz to help her home. On the road, she has met the Scarecrow ----- he needs a brain; Tin Woodman ----- he needs a heart; ----- Cowardly Lion courage he needs. They go hand in hand and encouraging each other and help each other overcome difficulties one after another, and finally came to the Emerald City. Because of their excellent performance, great healers to help them achieve their aspirations, Scarecrow got a brain; Tin Woodman had a heart; Cowardly Lion got courage, Dorothy also fulfill our wishes, with a puppy care care back to his hometown and returned to the relatives..

This book brings me to a beautiful fantasy world of pure fantasy of people on the ground, masters of the beautiful Dorothy is an innocent little girl from her body, I learned in a strange environment, should learn to strong and optimistic, even how difficult it themselves, or will it help people in need around with friends to tide over difficulties with sharing. Efforts to pursue their own goals to be reached, do not give up, not back. The image of the characters make the story more lively and interesting. We also had to learn from good quality.

In the reading process, I seem to Dorothy became good friends, my heart as Dorothy from time to time experience of joy, tension, surprise, sadness. The performance of her brave, good heart and strong will, I feel that they are belittled, for their own cowardice and it is embarrassing. Because in the past, I never dared to go out alone.

After reading the book, I was deeply attracted her, I saw a frustrated indomitable little girl, so I have benefited enormously. I think if I was Dorothy, and when I leave the house alone, how helpless, I would like him become a strong optimism. From which I also understand a truth: people have to move forward towards their goal of taking away the established, in advance on the road towards the future, bull by the horns and energetic, and ultimately the ideal haven. Per one goal is to have to pay hard work, we must not afraid of difficulties, with a good heart, solidarity with their peers and help each other, then your mind might think a great day will surely come.

After reading this fairy tale, I am determined, like courage, like Dorothy, with relentless pursuit and fighting spirit to face all kinds of difficulties, to overcome the learning, all the negative factors in life, the courage to challenge themselves, I am I believe I can do it!








"The Wizard of Oz" is by the United States, Lehman. Fei Frank. Baum book, which is a well-known book, with the fictional Land of Oz as the background, tells the United States Kansas girl Dorothy Volume was a tornado to a place called Munchkin, well-meaning witch pointing her to the Emerald City to find the Great Wizard of Oz to help her home. On the road, she has met the Scarecrow ----- he needs a brain; Tin Woodman ----- he needs a heart; ----- Cowardly Lion courage he needs. They go hand in hand and encouraging each other and help each other overcome difficulties one after another, and finally came to the Emerald City. Because of their excellent performance, great healers to help them achieve their aspirations, Scarecrow got a brain; Tin Woodman had a heart; Cowardly Lion got courage, Dorothy also fulfill our wishes, with a puppy care care back to his hometown and returned to the relatives..

This book brings me to a beautiful fantasy world of pure fantasy of people on the ground, masters of the beautiful Dorothy is an innocent little girl from her body, I learned in a strange environment, should learn to strong and optimistic, even how difficult it themselves, or will it help people in need around with friends to tide over difficulties with sharing. Efforts to pursue their own goals to be reached, do not give up, not back. The image of the characters make the story more lively and interesting. We also had to learn from good quality.

In the reading process, I seem to Dorothy became good friends, my heart as Dorothy from time to time experience of joy, tension, surprise, sadness. The performance of her brave, good heart and strong will, I feel that they are belittled, for their own cowardice and it is embarrassing. Because in the past, I never dared to go out alone.

After reading the book, I was deeply attracted her, I saw a frustrated indomitable little girl, so I have benefited enormously. I think if I was Dorothy, and when I leave the house alone, how helpless, I would like him become a strong optimism. From which I also understand a truth: people have to move forward towards their goal of taking away the established, in advance on the road towards the future, bull by the horns and energetic, and ultimately the ideal haven. Per one goal is to have to pay hard work, we must not afraid of difficulties, with a good heart, solidarity with their peers and help each other, then your mind might think a great day will surely come.

After reading this fairy tale, I am determined, like courage, like Dorothy, with relentless pursuit and fighting spirit to face all kinds of difficulties, to overcome the learning, all the negative factors in life, the courage to challenge themselves, I am I believe I can do it!


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