读书报告 分手信英文

the Silent Love

Dear John is one of the representative books written by the famous American author whose name is Nicholas Sparks, and this novel has been adapted to a film. The novel ‟s main line is the love between the hero John and the heroine Savannah, going with its happening and missing. As another invisible line in novel, John ‟s father ‟s figure is changing and developing crisscross in John ‟s eyes. And it ‟s all about love. What I will discuss is John‟s father„s love to his son.

John ‟s father is an old man with autism that nobody had realize before. As John is growing up, the estrangement between them is getting deeper. It ‟s not long after John had entered puberty that John‟s relationship with his father has accumulated into contradiction. Gradually, John, used to rely on his father, have an aversion to this wordless father ‟s love after being an adult. It firstly comes from the difference between them, “Where he was passive and introspective, I was always in motion and hated to be alone...He had poor posture and tended to shuffle when he walked; I bounced from here to there...Our physical features were completely different, too ”. Then, their different personality bring out their disharmonious communication. In John ‟s eyes, John never knows his father and he thinks his father had not cared for him so much, other fathers are always more caring for their children. What ‟s more, John ‟s vanity in puberty lead him keeping at a distance with both his father and even-aged companion gradually. The communication between them also becomes so tough. In John ‟s heart, it ‟s a relative who has genetic connection with him but he is not willing to accept.

John ‟s father is a local postman, going to and getting off work on time everyday. There is not any other hobby except coins, as if living one person‟s life. All his life is single and boring. So you can see the coin is one important thing in this novel. Before John ‟s grandfather‟s death, John‟s father had formed the habit of collecting coins with his father. Like John‟s grandfather, his father is economical all his life. What is given clear indication in testament is that the house should be sold and then put money into collecting coins. Even though in inflation period or in John ‟s puberty , he still perseveres in collecting coins, living a simple life. And I think, coins symbolize the emotion between his father and him. John‟s father chose coins but not comfortable life like his father finally. In other words, it means a long trek and high pay. In his life, he is loath to part with or leave central heating. John can get only one pair of new shoes every year. And in John‟s memory , his father has never bought new garment. At first, coins paly a internuncial role in the set membership. It is because of father ‟s indulgence in coins that his family ‟s situation has become so difficult. John also thinks that his father ‟s love for coins has replaced the love to him. It not only aggravates the contradiction between them, but also makes John firm in joining the army . But in John‟s father ‟s eyes, it is coin that makes him practice his interests and realize his pursue in life, stand for the selfless love to John.

After joining the army , John haven ‟t lived with his father for a long time. Therefore, their communication is so lacking. Romantically , John meet Savannah during his furlough. In this novel, Savannah is not only John ‟s lover but also the bridge connecting John with John ‟s father. Savannah thinks, it ‟s extraordinary for a

person with autism to work normally , set a familiar pattern to live independently and bring up John by himself. It ‟s because of Savannah ‟s help and acceptance to John ‟s father that John could rethink him. His father ‟s behavior, cowardice, selfishness and stubbornness become reasonable in John‟s mind finally. There are something hidden in this obtuse body: one is the deep love to his son, another is an unsound people ‟s desire and struggle for a sound life. When most sound people complain about their unfair fate, there always exists a few people accepting and facing their unfair reality, proving themselves silently.

Once on the bus, I occasionally saw an old man working hard for this city under the flyover, looking poor. Time has left layers of wrinkles on his face and the burning sun makes his skin dark. It really stroke my heart . The man is old enough to live out their life in retirement, but he still work on the bottom of society for his family. All we can see, on the way to the urbanization, so many old people sacrifice their sunset in life while many sons and daughters are not responsible to support the whole family. The city will be empty without the love between parents and children.

The innocent love between John and Savannah touched everyone, and the father ‟s role also moved every reader under writer ‟s skillfully arrangement. As a member of special community that have some common encounters with Forrest Gump, he has powerful vitality . Though he is a person with autism and it is hard to communicate with able-bodied person, it will not block the love to his son.

The novel is all about love, patriotism, heartache, tragedy , romance and sacrifice to bring you the tender trappings to capture your heart and bring you to tears. It is Compelling and full of compassion! It is worth a look. Don‟t miss it.

the Silent Love

Dear John is one of the representative books written by the famous American author whose name is Nicholas Sparks, and this novel has been adapted to a film. The novel ‟s main line is the love between the hero John and the heroine Savannah, going with its happening and missing. As another invisible line in novel, John ‟s father ‟s figure is changing and developing crisscross in John ‟s eyes. And it ‟s all about love. What I will discuss is John‟s father„s love to his son.

John ‟s father is an old man with autism that nobody had realize before. As John is growing up, the estrangement between them is getting deeper. It ‟s not long after John had entered puberty that John‟s relationship with his father has accumulated into contradiction. Gradually, John, used to rely on his father, have an aversion to this wordless father ‟s love after being an adult. It firstly comes from the difference between them, “Where he was passive and introspective, I was always in motion and hated to be alone...He had poor posture and tended to shuffle when he walked; I bounced from here to there...Our physical features were completely different, too ”. Then, their different personality bring out their disharmonious communication. In John ‟s eyes, John never knows his father and he thinks his father had not cared for him so much, other fathers are always more caring for their children. What ‟s more, John ‟s vanity in puberty lead him keeping at a distance with both his father and even-aged companion gradually. The communication between them also becomes so tough. In John ‟s heart, it ‟s a relative who has genetic connection with him but he is not willing to accept.

John ‟s father is a local postman, going to and getting off work on time everyday. There is not any other hobby except coins, as if living one person‟s life. All his life is single and boring. So you can see the coin is one important thing in this novel. Before John ‟s grandfather‟s death, John‟s father had formed the habit of collecting coins with his father. Like John‟s grandfather, his father is economical all his life. What is given clear indication in testament is that the house should be sold and then put money into collecting coins. Even though in inflation period or in John ‟s puberty , he still perseveres in collecting coins, living a simple life. And I think, coins symbolize the emotion between his father and him. John‟s father chose coins but not comfortable life like his father finally. In other words, it means a long trek and high pay. In his life, he is loath to part with or leave central heating. John can get only one pair of new shoes every year. And in John‟s memory , his father has never bought new garment. At first, coins paly a internuncial role in the set membership. It is because of father ‟s indulgence in coins that his family ‟s situation has become so difficult. John also thinks that his father ‟s love for coins has replaced the love to him. It not only aggravates the contradiction between them, but also makes John firm in joining the army . But in John‟s father ‟s eyes, it is coin that makes him practice his interests and realize his pursue in life, stand for the selfless love to John.

After joining the army , John haven ‟t lived with his father for a long time. Therefore, their communication is so lacking. Romantically , John meet Savannah during his furlough. In this novel, Savannah is not only John ‟s lover but also the bridge connecting John with John ‟s father. Savannah thinks, it ‟s extraordinary for a

person with autism to work normally , set a familiar pattern to live independently and bring up John by himself. It ‟s because of Savannah ‟s help and acceptance to John ‟s father that John could rethink him. His father ‟s behavior, cowardice, selfishness and stubbornness become reasonable in John‟s mind finally. There are something hidden in this obtuse body: one is the deep love to his son, another is an unsound people ‟s desire and struggle for a sound life. When most sound people complain about their unfair fate, there always exists a few people accepting and facing their unfair reality, proving themselves silently.

Once on the bus, I occasionally saw an old man working hard for this city under the flyover, looking poor. Time has left layers of wrinkles on his face and the burning sun makes his skin dark. It really stroke my heart . The man is old enough to live out their life in retirement, but he still work on the bottom of society for his family. All we can see, on the way to the urbanization, so many old people sacrifice their sunset in life while many sons and daughters are not responsible to support the whole family. The city will be empty without the love between parents and children.

The innocent love between John and Savannah touched everyone, and the father ‟s role also moved every reader under writer ‟s skillfully arrangement. As a member of special community that have some common encounters with Forrest Gump, he has powerful vitality . Though he is a person with autism and it is hard to communicate with able-bodied person, it will not block the love to his son.

The novel is all about love, patriotism, heartache, tragedy , romance and sacrifice to bring you the tender trappings to capture your heart and bring you to tears. It is Compelling and full of compassion! It is worth a look. Don‟t miss it.


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