

一、Better control of TB seen if a Faster cure is Found

1.lungs 2.of 3.increased 4.take 5.as soon as 6.lead 7.effective 8.cured 9.fewer

10.tested 11.prevent 12reductions 13developed 14.sure 15into

二、A Biological Clock

1.plants 2.insects 3.affect 4.because of 5.days 6.flight 7.prevented from 8.but

9.parts 10.seems 11.cells 12.awaken 13.how 14.it 15.such

三、One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live

1.In 2.imagine 3.go 4.a few 5.And 6.for 7.found 8.way 9.keep 10.case

11.deal 12.Simple 13.under 14.mean 15.is

四、Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers

1.cause 2.in 3.cancer 4.play 5.if 6.percent 7.in 8.risk 9.increased 10.that

11.still 12.answers 13.lowest 14.least 15.including

五、Men to May Suffer from Domestic Violence

1.at 2.often 3.and 4.do 5.them 6.abuse 7.fear 8.violence 9.older 10.domistic

11.experienced 12.that 13.women 14.than 15.researchers

六、Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HTV Treatment

1.combinations 2.simpler 3.starting 4.developed 5.under 6.others 7.technical 8.if

9.what 10.effectiveness 11.contains 12.fewer 13.with 14.approve 15.pregnant


1.to 2.amount 3.which 4.take 5.point 6.those 7.of 8.hard 9.too 10.depends

11.serve 12.determined 13.other 14.choose 15.in

八、Old And Active

1.recent 2.improvement 3.out 4.learnt 5.make 6.ingredient 7.beneficial

8.contributing 9.actually 10.doubled 11.facing 12.after 13.Raising 14.sense 15.roles

九、The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

1.them 2.problem 3.treat 4.drug 5.for 6.marks 7.printed 8.side 9.hence 10.begin

11.prescribe 12.without 13.which 14.updating 15.does

十Hospital Mistreatment

1.being 2.responses to 3.analysis 4.who 5.In addition to 6.had made 7.event

8.not allowed 9.without 10.typical 11.Although 12.were 13.given 14.has 15.frequent 十一、Migrant Workers

1.While 2.where 3.call in 4.Thus 5.including 6.surprising 7.twice as much

8.For example 9.for 10.In a similar way 11.because of 12.to 13.affects 14.In any case



1.claim 2.just 3.though 4.aware 5.after 6.great 7.senses 8.known 9.see 10.should

11.in 12.awoken 13.day 14.making 15.as

十三、Scientists Devolop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack

1.come up with 2.from 3.are caused 4.already 5.life-threatenning 6.take on 7.capable

8.acute 9.more precise 10.majority 11.take 12.of 13.In this way 14.upon 15.that 十四、Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores

1.likely 2.results 3.between 4.logical 5.role 6.capacity 7.oxygen 8.why 9.strength

10.able 11.higher 12.improve 13.education 14.during 15.life

十五、Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years

1.ages 2.about 3.span 4.killers 5.highly 6.developed 7.lessdeadly 8.factors 9.make

10.against 11.In addition 12.while 13.spread 14.older 15.leadingto


一、Bringing Naotechnology to Health Care for the poor

1. which of the following uses of nanotechnology is not mentioned in the passage?

To produce better and lighter building materials

2. How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?

By lighting up in the presence...

3. How can nanotechnology be used to make a drug more effective.

By making a drug target the focus...

4. The following developing countries are doing very wekk scientific research on nanotechnology except.


5.Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano-materials mentioned in the passage? They may behave differently in the body ...

二、Medical Journals

1. The main readers of medical journals are

health professionals.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT ture?

Most medical journals publish only online.

3. How many major types pf articles are mentioned in the passage?


4. An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called

a review article.

5. Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on

Articles published in that journal.

三、Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor

1. What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers?

Patients with lung cancer become younger,especially females.

2.Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? Breast cancer.

3.What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term,close contact with cooking oil fumes.

Irritated eyes and throat.

What was the local women’s reaction when they learned that cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer?


5. Which of the following has relatively little connection with women’s lung cancer?

Personal health and physical aondition.

四、Multivitamins Urgedfor All Pregnant Women

1. How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?


2. A pill of multivitamuns may contain all of the following substances EXCEPT?

Antiviral substances.

3.Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the passage? To reduce the rate of baies born too early.

4. What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?

To raise the body’s immunity against infected with HIV.

5.How many percent of babies were born with low binth weight to women who were not infected with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study?

Less than 8%.

五、U.S.Eats Too Much Salt

1. Too much salt raises one’s risk for?

all of the above.

2. How much salt do most American adults eat per day?

Closer to 3,500mg.

3. To improve their blood pressure,people should have a diet

rich in potassium and calcium.

4. The high-risk group include those

both Aand B.

5.Packaged,processed and restaurant foods are known to be

Rich in salt.

六、Pushbike Peril.

1. According to the passage, some engineers are tyring to improve the handlebars because they may kill chirldren

2. In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries

to tell us why...

3. Paragragh 3 mainly discusses

how serious...

4.The passage implies that

it is not...

5.In which of the following ways the handgrip work?

It reduces the ..

七、Late-night Drinking

1.The author mentions “pick-me-up”to indicate that

Coffe is a ...

2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?

Caffeine halves the...

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?

Different effects of...

4.What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove?

Caffeine drinkers...

5.The auther of this passage probably agrees that

We should not drink...

八、Eat Healthy

1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their children

not to waste food

2.Why do American restaurants serve large portions?

Because Americans associate.

3.What happened in the 1970s?

The American...

4.What does the survey indicate?

Many poor...

5.Which of the following is not true of working class Americans?

They don’t want...

九、U.S.to Start $3.2 Billion child Health Study in January?

1. The aim of the study is to find new ways to

prevent or...

2.researchers will collect all the following EXCEPT

samples of air ...

3. It is expected that through the study the nation’s health care costs

will be lowered...

4.The babies of the participants will be followed

for more...

5.Which is NOT true of the people in the study?

They’ll be from all age groups.

十、Cigars Instead?

1. According to the repor, smoking three or four cigars a day

greatly increases the risk of more than one...

2.In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily? Seven

3.What is the main idea of the article “Cigars:Health effects and Trends”?

When it...

4.What is the doctors’advice to those cigar-smokers?

To give it up completely.

5.In the context of this passage, “secondhand smoke”means

being near cigar smokers when they are smoking.


1. The word “insomnia” in the first paragraphmeans

having trouble...

2. How many possible cause of sleeplessness are mentioned in the second paragragh?


3. The expression “secomd on the list ” in the second paragragh means

the second most...

4. Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following statements is ture?

Sleeping pills is used be in a very small amount

5.Which of the following does not fit with sleep hygiene?

Making a rule...

十二、Commom-cold sense

1.According to the essay, you may have a cold because

the spread of...

2.The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is

to keep yourself clean

3.Children have more colds because

they are not immune ...

4.When you are having a cold,

it is certainly ...

5.When one is having a cold , he may often have all the following symptoms EXCEPT having a stomachache

十三、Drug Reactions—a Major Cause of Death

1.Researchers at the University of Toronto belive that

ADRs have caused many deaths in American...

2.The investigators say that

6.7% of all hospitalized patients in America...

3.An American research estimates that the total sum of money spent in treating ADRs each year is as much as


4.The Canadian investigators think that the ADR incidence figures from their research are perhapes less...

5.According to Dr.David bates, hospital in American

are not paying ...


1.There are in general two opinions about what experierce in a dream

one, dreams put new...

2.According to this article, we

almost always see...

3.In your dreams, you

seldom feel...

4.This essay tells us that

people usually dream in a NREM sleep

5.Based on what is discussed in this writing, an adult may have at most about of the time of his

or her sleep dreaming


十五、Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay

1.According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think

that their illness is not so serious

2.People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT selfish

3.Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have?


4.How did the research test their volunteers?

By giving everyone nasal drops...

5.Which of the following itens is NOT included in the date taht the researchers collected? Blood test.

十六、Eat to Live

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT ture?

We have ...

2.Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragragh 2?

To illustrarw the efect...

3.What can be inferred about campletely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? They are more

4.According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?

The mice...

5.According to the last two paragraghs, spindlerbelieves that

dieting is not...

十七、Eating Potatos Gives Your Immune System a Boost

1.What form of potato is the most nutrientto the human body?

Potato salad

2.What does the reduction in leucocyte levels in the body mean?

It may mean the reduced...

3.For what a purpose did the researchers use raw potato starch in their experiment?

They wanted to simulate the...

4.All of the following foods are richi in resistant starch EXPECT


5.What a kind of starch is resistant starch after all?

It can not be digested...

十八、Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics

1.How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin?

By doing brisk...

2.Physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin by


3.The subjects if the research teses cinducted at the Copenhagen Central Hospital included By making a drug ...

4.To what a degree have diebetics to exercise in order to achieve the desired effect?

To the degree where they begin to sweat

5.According to Dela, among most diabetics the importance of exercise is the importance of watching their diet

less understood than

十九、Prolonging Human Life

1.The writer believed that the population explosion results from

a decrease

2.It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering cultures

infants coulid...

3.According to the passage , which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is ture?

Many of...

4.In paragragh 3,the phrase “this need”refers to

The need to take care of...

5.Which of the following best describes the writes’s attitude toward most f the nursing homes, and comvalescent hospitals?


二十、FDA:Human Animal Waste Threatens Produce

1.”Food-borne disease” in this assay means those disease

Which people get by eating fruits and vegetables...

2.Some fruit grower groups believe that most food-borne disease are caused by


3.An FDA official said that putting the guidelines into practice

would not be...

4.Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines because they didn’t think that these guidelines would surely...

5.The last paragragh suggest that

a good way...

二十一、Early or Later Day Care

1.Which of the following statements would bowlby support?

The first three...

2.Which of the following is derivable from Bowlby’work?

Mothers ...

3.It is suggested that modern societies differ from traditianal societies in that

the parents-child...

4.Which of the following statemenrs is NOT an argumentv against Bowlby’s theory


5.Which of the following best expresses the writer’s attitude towards early day care?

They issue...

二十二、Egypt felled by Famine

1.Why does the authoe mention “pyramid builders”?

Because even they ...

2.Which of the following factors was ultimately responsible for the fall of the civilisation of ancient Egypt?

Change of climate

3.Which of the following statements is ture?

The White Nile and the Blue Nile...

4.According to Krom, Egypt’s old Kingdom fell

immediately after a period of drought

5.Thee world”devastating”in the last paragragh could be best replaced by


二十三、After-birth Depression Blamed for’ Women’s Suicide

1.Which of the following is NOT a symptom of postpartum psychosis?

Inflamed breast

2.It was considered fortunate by Stokes’ mother in the miserable ebent

that stokes had not taken her daughter with her

3.A patient suffering from “baby blues” may present briefly one or more of the following symptoms EXCEPT

having ...

4.How many bearing women have experiences of after-birth depression?


5.Who induced the most serious consequence among the postpartum depression?

Judy ...

二十四、Sleep lets Brain File Memories

1.Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence “To sleep. Perchance to file?” ?

Does brain arrange memories in useful...

2.What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at Rutgers University? Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus...

3.What is the relation of mwmory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in

The poorer...

4.In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage.

The more hippocampus shrinks,the poorer...

5.According to the last paragragh , what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym?

To control glucose levels.

二十五、Medicine Award kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements1.

1.Who is NOT a likely candidate for this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine?

Linda Buck

2.Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?

He gave clear...

3.Which was NOT originally one of the Nobel Prizes?

The enconomis prize.

4.The word “kicks” in line 6from the bottom probably means


5.The research by Blackburn and Greider helps suggest the role of


二十六、Obesity :the Scourge of the Western World

1.It is estimated that there are people suffering from obesity in the word.


2.It seems that the people are least affected by obesity among the developed countries and areas mentioned in the passage.


3.Which of the following is most often accompanies by obesity?


4.What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure?

The more body...

5.From the last paragragh we may infer that one of the effective measures suggested by Ludnik to prevent children from being obese would be

to tell...

二十七、New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus

1.According to the passage, the attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus

continues ...

2.Which is NOT true about the study?

16 patients...

3.What do Ho’s words “Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent” mean? AIDS virus can exist...

4.How could we prove that the drugs have wiped out the remaining viruses?

5.Other scientists are looking at experiments that are similar in that they are


二十八、Diseases of Agricultural Plants

1.How many diseases are known to attack wheat?

Around 40.

2.According to this passage , which of the following would a plant disease result in if left unchecked?

Social upheavals

3.What is the main idea of the second paragragh?

Some plants...

4.According to the passage , some plant deseases can be prevented by


5.Which of the following statements is not ture?

Symptoms are...

二十九、 “Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning

1.Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck is higher with people who drink alchohol outside of meals

2.Which of the following is NOT the conclusion made by the researchers about “drinking with meals”?

It increases...

3.Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day?


4.Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds of cancer mentioned in the passage? Laryngeal cancer

5.According to the last paragragh ,tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol


三十、Silent and Deadly

1.Which of the following is NOT true of ministrokes?

The cause...

2.To prevent ministrokes from turning into major strokes , it is important to


3.the passage indicates that the symptoms of ministrokes

.are frequently

4.All of the following may be signs of ministrokes EXPECT for


5.It can be inferred from the passage that ministrokes are

Silent and deadly

三十一、Spacing in animals

1.which of the following is the most appropriate definition of “Flight Distance”?

Distance between animals of

2.If an animal’s critical distance is penetrated,it will

Begin to attack

3.According to the passage social distance refers to

Psychological distance

4.Which of the following could best replace the word “band” in “We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group”(in Paragraph 3)?

Strip of land

5.The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragraph shows that

Social distance is sometimes

三十二、Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial to Health as Fruits and Veggies

1.What on earth in both fruits and vegetables and their juices plays the most important role in Fiber and

2.The judgement that fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial to reducing chronic disease development is


3.The review of the literature has documented the important role of fruit and vegetable juices in reducing the risk of various disease,_in particular


4.A large epidemiological study also foung that using various 100% fruit and vegatable juices contributed to a reduced risk for


5.People who drink 3-4 servings of fruit and vegetable juices weekly man _risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease _ those who drink only once a week

have three

三十三、Inline Skating and Injuries

1.How many people took part in in-line skating in the US in 1995?

Fewer ...

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the most common reasons for injuries? Skating ...

3.What are the things experts might NOT advise youngsters to wear?

Boot and thick clothes

4. “Truck-surfing”means

skating while holding....

5.According to the last paragragh, buming with a motor vehicle took up of the deaths reported since 1992

over 80%

三十四、Who Wants to Live Forever

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of teh things that living longer minght enable an individual to do?


2.Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragragh ?

Marriages in...

3All of teh following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT More money...

4.An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that

it lacks...

5.Which of the following best describes Callahan’s attitude to anti-ageing technology? Reserved

三十五、Single-parent Kids Do Best

1.With which of the following statements would the author probably agree?

Two-parent families produces less attractive children.

2.According to the passage, in what way does family conflict affect the quality of the offspring? The young males...

3.What is the relationship between paragragh 4 and paragragh 5?


4.According to Hartley ,which of the following is NOT influenced by sexual conflict?

The offspring’s body size.

5.According to teh passage ,people believe that a female’s reproductive strategy is influenced by ecological....

三十六、Dangerous Sunshine to Children

1.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greater and greater? Because the earth’s protective ...

2.How many people die from skin cancers including melanoma all over the world evry year? An average

3.at people are more likely to develop eye cataracts?

People living near the equator.

4.All of the following artcles may use some chemicals unfavorable for the preservation of the ozone layer EXCEPT.


5.The phrase “for good” in the last paragragh can be best replaced by


三十七、Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke

1.How many people surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five


20% of them.

2.Taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce less risk of secondary strokes than taking only one such drug

about one...

3.Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes?


4.How many strokes may be reduced in year if most of stroke patients can treated in the way as the article recommends?


5.What petients among those who have had a stroke will benefit greatly from taking blood pressure-lowering drugs?

All of the above

三十八、Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower breast cancer risk

1.Which of the following may have nothing to do with a decline in breast cancer incidence? Suffering

2.According to the study,what on earth may play an important role in lowering breast cancer risk? The changes

the least risk of breast cancer.

Increases the most

4.Which of the following is not a function of the placenta?


5.It seems that Cohn is of finding out the exact mechanisms at work



1.Ceremonial bathing .

has various forms

2.What is understood by some people to be the ture sauna experience?

Sauna with smoke.

3.According to the third paragragh, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPT .

curing asthma

4.According to the fourth paragragh,sauna gives the skin a healthy glow because

Pores are...

5.Who are advised not to take a sauna?

All of the above.

四十、Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others

1.In paragragh 2,john Hhayes points out that

many people accept ...

2.The fourth paragragh describes briefly

how to select ...

3.The article argues that supertasters

like snack foods...

4.Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter taste?

They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less bitter

5.What message do the last two paragragh carry?

Taste acuity is genetically determined.

四十一、Kidney Disease and Disease Spur Each Other

1.How can one learn earlier whether he or she suffer simmering kidney disease?

By urine...

2.How many Americans suffer chronic kidney disease according to an estimation?


3.How many Americans suffered end-stage kidney failure and required dialysis or a transplant to survive twenty years ago according to an estimation?


4.What did the Archives of Internal Medicine call for doctors caring for heart patients to do? To start...

5.Which of the following is NOT one of the three markers of kidney function?

Levels of the white blood...

四十二、More about Alzheimer’s Disease

1.The newly developed skin tests may be used in the future to allow doctors to


2.The passage indicates that Alzheimer’s is a disease

not easy ...

3.Which of the following statements about the Alzheimer’s disease is NOT ture?

There are...

4.What is the relationship between Alzheimer’s and dementia?

Dementia is one of the signs of Alzheimer’s

5.The last paragragh implies that the diagnostic test


四十三、Education of Students with Vision Impairments

1.Various adaptive aids are used to

help children...

2.Large-print books are those books which

have large...

3.Many blind students prefer listening to books because

this can save time.

4. “Orientation and mobility training” is meant to teach blind and partialli sighted children

How to move around ...

5.It may be good for children with vision impairments to live in special schools because these schools

can save them...

四十四、Water Pollution

1.According to this passage ,which of the following statements is true of yearly water consumption?

Most water is used for farming.

2.Paragragh 2 suggests all of the following EXCEPT that.

EPA is...

3.Water runoff cause fish to die partly because

Teh fast-growing...

4.An important idea of paragragh 4 is that

cutting down...

5.The main subject of the last paragragh is.

Oil Spills...

四十五、DNA Fingerprinting

1.According to the essay ,we can find chromosomes

in a sheep

2.DNA fingerprintingis more often used for

providing evidence...

3.When your brother looks exactly like you,your complete DNA may be

exactly like this ...

4.Some people believe that using a DNA fingerprinting may not be so reliable because Mistakes are...

5.This essay talks about DNA fingerprinting concerning the following aspects EXCEPT possible danger...


1.what is the cause of much of the sickness and death


2.What is the writer’s attitude toward the serious situation

We should act

3.How many countries have made plans of action for nutrition


4.Which of the following is not the harm of lacking iron

Traffic accident

5.Which of the following is not mentioned as a remedy for iron deficiency


四十七、Drug Resistance fades Quickly in key AIDS drug 1What effect dose nevirapine have?

It may


一、Better control of TB seen if a Faster cure is Found

1.lungs 2.of 3.increased 4.take 5.as soon as 6.lead 7.effective 8.cured 9.fewer

10.tested 11.prevent 12reductions 13developed 14.sure 15into

二、A Biological Clock

1.plants 2.insects 3.affect 4.because of 5.days 6.flight 7.prevented from 8.but

9.parts 10.seems 11.cells 12.awaken 13.how 14.it 15.such

三、One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live

1.In 2.imagine 3.go 4.a few 5.And 6.for 7.found 8.way 9.keep 10.case

11.deal 12.Simple 13.under 14.mean 15.is

四、Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers

1.cause 2.in 3.cancer 4.play 5.if 6.percent 7.in 8.risk 9.increased 10.that

11.still 12.answers 13.lowest 14.least 15.including

五、Men to May Suffer from Domestic Violence

1.at 2.often 3.and 4.do 5.them 6.abuse 7.fear 8.violence 9.older 10.domistic

11.experienced 12.that 13.women 14.than 15.researchers

六、Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HTV Treatment

1.combinations 2.simpler 3.starting 4.developed 5.under 6.others 7.technical 8.if

9.what 10.effectiveness 11.contains 12.fewer 13.with 14.approve 15.pregnant


1.to 2.amount 3.which 4.take 5.point 6.those 7.of 8.hard 9.too 10.depends

11.serve 12.determined 13.other 14.choose 15.in

八、Old And Active

1.recent 2.improvement 3.out 4.learnt 5.make 6.ingredient 7.beneficial

8.contributing 9.actually 10.doubled 11.facing 12.after 13.Raising 14.sense 15.roles

九、The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

1.them 2.problem 3.treat 4.drug 5.for 6.marks 7.printed 8.side 9.hence 10.begin

11.prescribe 12.without 13.which 14.updating 15.does

十Hospital Mistreatment

1.being 2.responses to 3.analysis 4.who 5.In addition to 6.had made 7.event

8.not allowed 9.without 10.typical 11.Although 12.were 13.given 14.has 15.frequent 十一、Migrant Workers

1.While 2.where 3.call in 4.Thus 5.including 6.surprising 7.twice as much

8.For example 9.for 10.In a similar way 11.because of 12.to 13.affects 14.In any case



1.claim 2.just 3.though 4.aware 5.after 6.great 7.senses 8.known 9.see 10.should

11.in 12.awoken 13.day 14.making 15.as

十三、Scientists Devolop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack

1.come up with 2.from 3.are caused 4.already 5.life-threatenning 6.take on 7.capable

8.acute 9.more precise 10.majority 11.take 12.of 13.In this way 14.upon 15.that 十四、Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores

1.likely 2.results 3.between 4.logical 5.role 6.capacity 7.oxygen 8.why 9.strength

10.able 11.higher 12.improve 13.education 14.during 15.life

十五、Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years

1.ages 2.about 3.span 4.killers 5.highly 6.developed 7.lessdeadly 8.factors 9.make

10.against 11.In addition 12.while 13.spread 14.older 15.leadingto


一、Bringing Naotechnology to Health Care for the poor

1. which of the following uses of nanotechnology is not mentioned in the passage?

To produce better and lighter building materials

2. How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?

By lighting up in the presence...

3. How can nanotechnology be used to make a drug more effective.

By making a drug target the focus...

4. The following developing countries are doing very wekk scientific research on nanotechnology except.


5.Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano-materials mentioned in the passage? They may behave differently in the body ...

二、Medical Journals

1. The main readers of medical journals are

health professionals.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT ture?

Most medical journals publish only online.

3. How many major types pf articles are mentioned in the passage?


4. An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called

a review article.

5. Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on

Articles published in that journal.

三、Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor

1. What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers?

Patients with lung cancer become younger,especially females.

2.Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? Breast cancer.

3.What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term,close contact with cooking oil fumes.

Irritated eyes and throat.

What was the local women’s reaction when they learned that cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer?


5. Which of the following has relatively little connection with women’s lung cancer?

Personal health and physical aondition.

四、Multivitamins Urgedfor All Pregnant Women

1. How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?


2. A pill of multivitamuns may contain all of the following substances EXCEPT?

Antiviral substances.

3.Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the passage? To reduce the rate of baies born too early.

4. What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?

To raise the body’s immunity against infected with HIV.

5.How many percent of babies were born with low binth weight to women who were not infected with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study?

Less than 8%.

五、U.S.Eats Too Much Salt

1. Too much salt raises one’s risk for?

all of the above.

2. How much salt do most American adults eat per day?

Closer to 3,500mg.

3. To improve their blood pressure,people should have a diet

rich in potassium and calcium.

4. The high-risk group include those

both Aand B.

5.Packaged,processed and restaurant foods are known to be

Rich in salt.

六、Pushbike Peril.

1. According to the passage, some engineers are tyring to improve the handlebars because they may kill chirldren

2. In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries

to tell us why...

3. Paragragh 3 mainly discusses

how serious...

4.The passage implies that

it is not...

5.In which of the following ways the handgrip work?

It reduces the ..

七、Late-night Drinking

1.The author mentions “pick-me-up”to indicate that

Coffe is a ...

2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?

Caffeine halves the...

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?

Different effects of...

4.What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove?

Caffeine drinkers...

5.The auther of this passage probably agrees that

We should not drink...

八、Eat Healthy

1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their children

not to waste food

2.Why do American restaurants serve large portions?

Because Americans associate.

3.What happened in the 1970s?

The American...

4.What does the survey indicate?

Many poor...

5.Which of the following is not true of working class Americans?

They don’t want...

九、U.S.to Start $3.2 Billion child Health Study in January?

1. The aim of the study is to find new ways to

prevent or...

2.researchers will collect all the following EXCEPT

samples of air ...

3. It is expected that through the study the nation’s health care costs

will be lowered...

4.The babies of the participants will be followed

for more...

5.Which is NOT true of the people in the study?

They’ll be from all age groups.

十、Cigars Instead?

1. According to the repor, smoking three or four cigars a day

greatly increases the risk of more than one...

2.In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily? Seven

3.What is the main idea of the article “Cigars:Health effects and Trends”?

When it...

4.What is the doctors’advice to those cigar-smokers?

To give it up completely.

5.In the context of this passage, “secondhand smoke”means

being near cigar smokers when they are smoking.


1. The word “insomnia” in the first paragraphmeans

having trouble...

2. How many possible cause of sleeplessness are mentioned in the second paragragh?


3. The expression “secomd on the list ” in the second paragragh means

the second most...

4. Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following statements is ture?

Sleeping pills is used be in a very small amount

5.Which of the following does not fit with sleep hygiene?

Making a rule...

十二、Commom-cold sense

1.According to the essay, you may have a cold because

the spread of...

2.The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is

to keep yourself clean

3.Children have more colds because

they are not immune ...

4.When you are having a cold,

it is certainly ...

5.When one is having a cold , he may often have all the following symptoms EXCEPT having a stomachache

十三、Drug Reactions—a Major Cause of Death

1.Researchers at the University of Toronto belive that

ADRs have caused many deaths in American...

2.The investigators say that

6.7% of all hospitalized patients in America...

3.An American research estimates that the total sum of money spent in treating ADRs each year is as much as


4.The Canadian investigators think that the ADR incidence figures from their research are perhapes less...

5.According to Dr.David bates, hospital in American

are not paying ...


1.There are in general two opinions about what experierce in a dream

one, dreams put new...

2.According to this article, we

almost always see...

3.In your dreams, you

seldom feel...

4.This essay tells us that

people usually dream in a NREM sleep

5.Based on what is discussed in this writing, an adult may have at most about of the time of his

or her sleep dreaming


十五、Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay

1.According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think

that their illness is not so serious

2.People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT selfish

3.Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have?


4.How did the research test their volunteers?

By giving everyone nasal drops...

5.Which of the following itens is NOT included in the date taht the researchers collected? Blood test.

十六、Eat to Live

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT ture?

We have ...

2.Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragragh 2?

To illustrarw the efect...

3.What can be inferred about campletely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? They are more

4.According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?

The mice...

5.According to the last two paragraghs, spindlerbelieves that

dieting is not...

十七、Eating Potatos Gives Your Immune System a Boost

1.What form of potato is the most nutrientto the human body?

Potato salad

2.What does the reduction in leucocyte levels in the body mean?

It may mean the reduced...

3.For what a purpose did the researchers use raw potato starch in their experiment?

They wanted to simulate the...

4.All of the following foods are richi in resistant starch EXPECT


5.What a kind of starch is resistant starch after all?

It can not be digested...

十八、Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics

1.How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin?

By doing brisk...

2.Physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin by


3.The subjects if the research teses cinducted at the Copenhagen Central Hospital included By making a drug ...

4.To what a degree have diebetics to exercise in order to achieve the desired effect?

To the degree where they begin to sweat

5.According to Dela, among most diabetics the importance of exercise is the importance of watching their diet

less understood than

十九、Prolonging Human Life

1.The writer believed that the population explosion results from

a decrease

2.It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering cultures

infants coulid...

3.According to the passage , which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is ture?

Many of...

4.In paragragh 3,the phrase “this need”refers to

The need to take care of...

5.Which of the following best describes the writes’s attitude toward most f the nursing homes, and comvalescent hospitals?


二十、FDA:Human Animal Waste Threatens Produce

1.”Food-borne disease” in this assay means those disease

Which people get by eating fruits and vegetables...

2.Some fruit grower groups believe that most food-borne disease are caused by


3.An FDA official said that putting the guidelines into practice

would not be...

4.Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines because they didn’t think that these guidelines would surely...

5.The last paragragh suggest that

a good way...

二十一、Early or Later Day Care

1.Which of the following statements would bowlby support?

The first three...

2.Which of the following is derivable from Bowlby’work?

Mothers ...

3.It is suggested that modern societies differ from traditianal societies in that

the parents-child...

4.Which of the following statemenrs is NOT an argumentv against Bowlby’s theory


5.Which of the following best expresses the writer’s attitude towards early day care?

They issue...

二十二、Egypt felled by Famine

1.Why does the authoe mention “pyramid builders”?

Because even they ...

2.Which of the following factors was ultimately responsible for the fall of the civilisation of ancient Egypt?

Change of climate

3.Which of the following statements is ture?

The White Nile and the Blue Nile...

4.According to Krom, Egypt’s old Kingdom fell

immediately after a period of drought

5.Thee world”devastating”in the last paragragh could be best replaced by


二十三、After-birth Depression Blamed for’ Women’s Suicide

1.Which of the following is NOT a symptom of postpartum psychosis?

Inflamed breast

2.It was considered fortunate by Stokes’ mother in the miserable ebent

that stokes had not taken her daughter with her

3.A patient suffering from “baby blues” may present briefly one or more of the following symptoms EXCEPT

having ...

4.How many bearing women have experiences of after-birth depression?


5.Who induced the most serious consequence among the postpartum depression?

Judy ...

二十四、Sleep lets Brain File Memories

1.Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence “To sleep. Perchance to file?” ?

Does brain arrange memories in useful...

2.What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at Rutgers University? Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus...

3.What is the relation of mwmory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in

The poorer...

4.In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage.

The more hippocampus shrinks,the poorer...

5.According to the last paragragh , what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym?

To control glucose levels.

二十五、Medicine Award kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements1.

1.Who is NOT a likely candidate for this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine?

Linda Buck

2.Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?

He gave clear...

3.Which was NOT originally one of the Nobel Prizes?

The enconomis prize.

4.The word “kicks” in line 6from the bottom probably means


5.The research by Blackburn and Greider helps suggest the role of


二十六、Obesity :the Scourge of the Western World

1.It is estimated that there are people suffering from obesity in the word.


2.It seems that the people are least affected by obesity among the developed countries and areas mentioned in the passage.


3.Which of the following is most often accompanies by obesity?


4.What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure?

The more body...

5.From the last paragragh we may infer that one of the effective measures suggested by Ludnik to prevent children from being obese would be

to tell...

二十七、New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus

1.According to the passage, the attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus

continues ...

2.Which is NOT true about the study?

16 patients...

3.What do Ho’s words “Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent” mean? AIDS virus can exist...

4.How could we prove that the drugs have wiped out the remaining viruses?

5.Other scientists are looking at experiments that are similar in that they are


二十八、Diseases of Agricultural Plants

1.How many diseases are known to attack wheat?

Around 40.

2.According to this passage , which of the following would a plant disease result in if left unchecked?

Social upheavals

3.What is the main idea of the second paragragh?

Some plants...

4.According to the passage , some plant deseases can be prevented by


5.Which of the following statements is not ture?

Symptoms are...

二十九、 “Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning

1.Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck is higher with people who drink alchohol outside of meals

2.Which of the following is NOT the conclusion made by the researchers about “drinking with meals”?

It increases...

3.Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day?


4.Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds of cancer mentioned in the passage? Laryngeal cancer

5.According to the last paragragh ,tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol


三十、Silent and Deadly

1.Which of the following is NOT true of ministrokes?

The cause...

2.To prevent ministrokes from turning into major strokes , it is important to


3.the passage indicates that the symptoms of ministrokes

.are frequently

4.All of the following may be signs of ministrokes EXPECT for


5.It can be inferred from the passage that ministrokes are

Silent and deadly

三十一、Spacing in animals

1.which of the following is the most appropriate definition of “Flight Distance”?

Distance between animals of

2.If an animal’s critical distance is penetrated,it will

Begin to attack

3.According to the passage social distance refers to

Psychological distance

4.Which of the following could best replace the word “band” in “We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group”(in Paragraph 3)?

Strip of land

5.The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragraph shows that

Social distance is sometimes

三十二、Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial to Health as Fruits and Veggies

1.What on earth in both fruits and vegetables and their juices plays the most important role in Fiber and

2.The judgement that fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial to reducing chronic disease development is


3.The review of the literature has documented the important role of fruit and vegetable juices in reducing the risk of various disease,_in particular


4.A large epidemiological study also foung that using various 100% fruit and vegatable juices contributed to a reduced risk for


5.People who drink 3-4 servings of fruit and vegetable juices weekly man _risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease _ those who drink only once a week

have three

三十三、Inline Skating and Injuries

1.How many people took part in in-line skating in the US in 1995?

Fewer ...

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the most common reasons for injuries? Skating ...

3.What are the things experts might NOT advise youngsters to wear?

Boot and thick clothes

4. “Truck-surfing”means

skating while holding....

5.According to the last paragragh, buming with a motor vehicle took up of the deaths reported since 1992

over 80%

三十四、Who Wants to Live Forever

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of teh things that living longer minght enable an individual to do?


2.Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragragh ?

Marriages in...

3All of teh following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT More money...

4.An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that

it lacks...

5.Which of the following best describes Callahan’s attitude to anti-ageing technology? Reserved

三十五、Single-parent Kids Do Best

1.With which of the following statements would the author probably agree?

Two-parent families produces less attractive children.

2.According to the passage, in what way does family conflict affect the quality of the offspring? The young males...

3.What is the relationship between paragragh 4 and paragragh 5?


4.According to Hartley ,which of the following is NOT influenced by sexual conflict?

The offspring’s body size.

5.According to teh passage ,people believe that a female’s reproductive strategy is influenced by ecological....

三十六、Dangerous Sunshine to Children

1.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greater and greater? Because the earth’s protective ...

2.How many people die from skin cancers including melanoma all over the world evry year? An average

3.at people are more likely to develop eye cataracts?

People living near the equator.

4.All of the following artcles may use some chemicals unfavorable for the preservation of the ozone layer EXCEPT.


5.The phrase “for good” in the last paragragh can be best replaced by


三十七、Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke

1.How many people surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five


20% of them.

2.Taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce less risk of secondary strokes than taking only one such drug

about one...

3.Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes?


4.How many strokes may be reduced in year if most of stroke patients can treated in the way as the article recommends?


5.What petients among those who have had a stroke will benefit greatly from taking blood pressure-lowering drugs?

All of the above

三十八、Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower breast cancer risk

1.Which of the following may have nothing to do with a decline in breast cancer incidence? Suffering

2.According to the study,what on earth may play an important role in lowering breast cancer risk? The changes

the least risk of breast cancer.

Increases the most

4.Which of the following is not a function of the placenta?


5.It seems that Cohn is of finding out the exact mechanisms at work



1.Ceremonial bathing .

has various forms

2.What is understood by some people to be the ture sauna experience?

Sauna with smoke.

3.According to the third paragragh, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPT .

curing asthma

4.According to the fourth paragragh,sauna gives the skin a healthy glow because

Pores are...

5.Who are advised not to take a sauna?

All of the above.

四十、Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others

1.In paragragh 2,john Hhayes points out that

many people accept ...

2.The fourth paragragh describes briefly

how to select ...

3.The article argues that supertasters

like snack foods...

4.Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter taste?

They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less bitter

5.What message do the last two paragragh carry?

Taste acuity is genetically determined.

四十一、Kidney Disease and Disease Spur Each Other

1.How can one learn earlier whether he or she suffer simmering kidney disease?

By urine...

2.How many Americans suffer chronic kidney disease according to an estimation?


3.How many Americans suffered end-stage kidney failure and required dialysis or a transplant to survive twenty years ago according to an estimation?


4.What did the Archives of Internal Medicine call for doctors caring for heart patients to do? To start...

5.Which of the following is NOT one of the three markers of kidney function?

Levels of the white blood...

四十二、More about Alzheimer’s Disease

1.The newly developed skin tests may be used in the future to allow doctors to


2.The passage indicates that Alzheimer’s is a disease

not easy ...

3.Which of the following statements about the Alzheimer’s disease is NOT ture?

There are...

4.What is the relationship between Alzheimer’s and dementia?

Dementia is one of the signs of Alzheimer’s

5.The last paragragh implies that the diagnostic test


四十三、Education of Students with Vision Impairments

1.Various adaptive aids are used to

help children...

2.Large-print books are those books which

have large...

3.Many blind students prefer listening to books because

this can save time.

4. “Orientation and mobility training” is meant to teach blind and partialli sighted children

How to move around ...

5.It may be good for children with vision impairments to live in special schools because these schools

can save them...

四十四、Water Pollution

1.According to this passage ,which of the following statements is true of yearly water consumption?

Most water is used for farming.

2.Paragragh 2 suggests all of the following EXCEPT that.

EPA is...

3.Water runoff cause fish to die partly because

Teh fast-growing...

4.An important idea of paragragh 4 is that

cutting down...

5.The main subject of the last paragragh is.

Oil Spills...

四十五、DNA Fingerprinting

1.According to the essay ,we can find chromosomes

in a sheep

2.DNA fingerprintingis more often used for

providing evidence...

3.When your brother looks exactly like you,your complete DNA may be

exactly like this ...

4.Some people believe that using a DNA fingerprinting may not be so reliable because Mistakes are...

5.This essay talks about DNA fingerprinting concerning the following aspects EXCEPT possible danger...


1.what is the cause of much of the sickness and death


2.What is the writer’s attitude toward the serious situation

We should act

3.How many countries have made plans of action for nutrition


4.Which of the following is not the harm of lacking iron

Traffic accident

5.Which of the following is not mentioned as a remedy for iron deficiency


四十七、Drug Resistance fades Quickly in key AIDS drug 1What effect dose nevirapine have?

It may


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