
摘 要


关 键 词

零售企业 ; 供应链 ; 供应链管理


Two decades of reform and opening up to the outside world witness significant development of retail trade in China , with high leveled of scale . diversified market and remarkable improved management . With the intense competition of the world retail trade , most retail enterprises are seeking how to lower cost while promoting efficiency . How to produce their own supply chain is the common concern of the most retail enterprises owners . On one hand , we should make the company integration from its inner , form a conception of cooperation , improve the business process and make full use of present resources of company , as well as train relative personal of the supply chain . On the other hand , we should share together the information resources , reduce the intermediary , devote major efforts to the third party logistics , and strengthen coordination between the relative enterprises on the chain in order to optimize the chain of retail enterprises.


retail trade ;supply chain ; supply chain management

摘 要


关 键 词

零售企业 ; 供应链 ; 供应链管理


Two decades of reform and opening up to the outside world witness significant development of retail trade in China , with high leveled of scale . diversified market and remarkable improved management . With the intense competition of the world retail trade , most retail enterprises are seeking how to lower cost while promoting efficiency . How to produce their own supply chain is the common concern of the most retail enterprises owners . On one hand , we should make the company integration from its inner , form a conception of cooperation , improve the business process and make full use of present resources of company , as well as train relative personal of the supply chain . On the other hand , we should share together the information resources , reduce the intermediary , devote major efforts to the third party logistics , and strengthen coordination between the relative enterprises on the chain in order to optimize the chain of retail enterprises.


retail trade ;supply chain ; supply chain management


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