
No one would say that he had no idea who Cupid is. Nowadays, Cupid and his arrows has become the most popular of love signs. Cupid has always played a role in the celebration of love and lovers. In ancient Greece he was known as Eros, the young son of Aphrodites, the goddess of love and beauty. To the Romans he was Cupid, and his mother was Venus.

In Greek mythology, Psyche was the deification of the human soul. She was portrayed in ancient mosaics as a goddess with butterfly wings, because psyche is also the Greek word for 'butterfly'. The Greek word psyche literally means "spirit, breath, life or animating force".

There is a very wonderful and interesting love story about Cupid and

Psyche. Before she became a goddess, Psyche was the youngest daughter of the king and queen of Sicily, and the most beautiful person on the island.

Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche, and ordered Cupid to punish her. But instead, Cupid fell deeply in love with her. He took her as his wife, but as a mortal she was forbidden to look at him. However, Psyche’s jealous sisters were angered by her wealth and love, and persuaded her to kill Cupid. As soon as Psyche looked at Cupid, Cupid awoke and felt very angry about her. He was wounded and left her. As she tried to find her love, she came upon the temple of Venus. Wishing to destroy her, the goddess of love gave Psyche a series of tasks, each is harder and more dangerous then the last, but luckily, in each case a there would be a God assisting her. For her last task, her

temptation and curiosity made her in trouble again, she was attacked by an infernal sleep.Cupid found her lifeless on the ground. He gathered the deadly sleep from her body and put it back in the box. Cupid forgave her, as did Venus. The gods, moved by Psyche's love for Cupid made her a goddess. Finally Psyche and Cupid were allowed to be married. They were very happy together, and had a child, named Pleasure.

When I finished the story, I felt so shocked and glad. I was shocked by their trouble romance and satisfied with the happy ending. Actually, a very interesting point is that Eros means love and Psyche means soul. So in a sense love and soul are always together. Today, Cupid and Psyche still symbolize everlasting love.

The story contains many meanings. For one point, Inner beauty trumps outer beauty. Beauty doesn’t always mean good to a woman. For Psyche, her beauty gave her no pleasure, but separated her from others. Her father,

unable to find a suitor for her, took the oracle’s advice and left her on the mountain top alone. Besides, Venus was jealous of her beauty so she asked her son Cupid to punish her. At the end of the story, because she wanted to become more beautiful, she opened the beauty box. However, she found

nothing but deadly slumber. I can’t say that beauty means no good to a woman, but a woman shouldn’t pay too much attention to the beauty. To be an attractive woman, profound knowledge as well as courage is needed.

In addition, from this story, I have learnt that the most important and basic point between two lovers is trust. Only when you trust each other can you get true love. In this story, Psyche was originally a mortal person, so she couldn’t see her immortal husband, Cupid. Before Psyche’s two sisters came to visit her, Cupid had told never to be persuaded by her sisters and just believe him all the time. However, Psyche forgot her promise. She was convinced by her sisters that her husband was a monster. Cupid was so furious about her

distrust that he left away and took everything from her. She was punished by both Cupid and Venus.

Furthermore, this story also taught me that jealousy can never win. Venus and Psyche’s two sisters’ jealousy and envy brought sorrow to not only Psyche and Cupid but also to themselves. Psyche and Cupid were compelled to break up. Venus was jealous of Psyche’s beauty, so she did many bad things and she lost her son at last. Psyche’s two sisters were jealous of her wealth, they persuaded her to kill her husband. As a result, what they did made them lose everything, even their lives. From their tragic endings, I have learnt that when you are jealous and try to destroy others, you will lose more.

Psyche showed us perseverance and love can be more beautiful than outward appearances. Their experience also means that when you fall in love with one, you may always forgive even though he or she hurt you. You never stop loving your soul mate. So, bring cupid into your life and try to love someone who really knows you.

No one would say that he had no idea who Cupid is. Nowadays, Cupid and his arrows has become the most popular of love signs. Cupid has always played a role in the celebration of love and lovers. In ancient Greece he was known as Eros, the young son of Aphrodites, the goddess of love and beauty. To the Romans he was Cupid, and his mother was Venus.

In Greek mythology, Psyche was the deification of the human soul. She was portrayed in ancient mosaics as a goddess with butterfly wings, because psyche is also the Greek word for 'butterfly'. The Greek word psyche literally means "spirit, breath, life or animating force".

There is a very wonderful and interesting love story about Cupid and

Psyche. Before she became a goddess, Psyche was the youngest daughter of the king and queen of Sicily, and the most beautiful person on the island.

Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche, and ordered Cupid to punish her. But instead, Cupid fell deeply in love with her. He took her as his wife, but as a mortal she was forbidden to look at him. However, Psyche’s jealous sisters were angered by her wealth and love, and persuaded her to kill Cupid. As soon as Psyche looked at Cupid, Cupid awoke and felt very angry about her. He was wounded and left her. As she tried to find her love, she came upon the temple of Venus. Wishing to destroy her, the goddess of love gave Psyche a series of tasks, each is harder and more dangerous then the last, but luckily, in each case a there would be a God assisting her. For her last task, her

temptation and curiosity made her in trouble again, she was attacked by an infernal sleep.Cupid found her lifeless on the ground. He gathered the deadly sleep from her body and put it back in the box. Cupid forgave her, as did Venus. The gods, moved by Psyche's love for Cupid made her a goddess. Finally Psyche and Cupid were allowed to be married. They were very happy together, and had a child, named Pleasure.

When I finished the story, I felt so shocked and glad. I was shocked by their trouble romance and satisfied with the happy ending. Actually, a very interesting point is that Eros means love and Psyche means soul. So in a sense love and soul are always together. Today, Cupid and Psyche still symbolize everlasting love.

The story contains many meanings. For one point, Inner beauty trumps outer beauty. Beauty doesn’t always mean good to a woman. For Psyche, her beauty gave her no pleasure, but separated her from others. Her father,

unable to find a suitor for her, took the oracle’s advice and left her on the mountain top alone. Besides, Venus was jealous of her beauty so she asked her son Cupid to punish her. At the end of the story, because she wanted to become more beautiful, she opened the beauty box. However, she found

nothing but deadly slumber. I can’t say that beauty means no good to a woman, but a woman shouldn’t pay too much attention to the beauty. To be an attractive woman, profound knowledge as well as courage is needed.

In addition, from this story, I have learnt that the most important and basic point between two lovers is trust. Only when you trust each other can you get true love. In this story, Psyche was originally a mortal person, so she couldn’t see her immortal husband, Cupid. Before Psyche’s two sisters came to visit her, Cupid had told never to be persuaded by her sisters and just believe him all the time. However, Psyche forgot her promise. She was convinced by her sisters that her husband was a monster. Cupid was so furious about her

distrust that he left away and took everything from her. She was punished by both Cupid and Venus.

Furthermore, this story also taught me that jealousy can never win. Venus and Psyche’s two sisters’ jealousy and envy brought sorrow to not only Psyche and Cupid but also to themselves. Psyche and Cupid were compelled to break up. Venus was jealous of Psyche’s beauty, so she did many bad things and she lost her son at last. Psyche’s two sisters were jealous of her wealth, they persuaded her to kill her husband. As a result, what they did made them lose everything, even their lives. From their tragic endings, I have learnt that when you are jealous and try to destroy others, you will lose more.

Psyche showed us perseverance and love can be more beautiful than outward appearances. Their experience also means that when you fall in love with one, you may always forgive even though he or she hurt you. You never stop loving your soul mate. So, bring cupid into your life and try to love someone who really knows you.


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