
3A 作文纸 姓名________ 班级_________

1. 介绍你的朋友:My friend

Hello! I’m Alice. I’m nine. I’m short. a friend. She ’s Kitty. She ’s a girl. She ’s ten. She’s tall. She’s thin. She can read. She can draw. She can ’t swim. She can’t fly. I like my friend. 2. 介绍你的家人:My father

Hello! I’m Peter. I’m tall. my father. He ’s 34. He ’s thin. He ’s short. He can run. He can ride a bicycle. But he can ’t swim. He can’t cook. ’s white. It’s new. I like my father. 3. 介绍你的家人:My family

Hi! I have a happy family. ’s 34. He’s tall. He can run. He can ride a bicycle. But he can’t cook. ’s thin. ’s red. I ’m Jill. I ’m short. a dog. It can jump and run. I like cakes. I my father and my mother. They love me too. 3. 介绍你自己:About me

Hello! My name ’s Alice. I ’m a girl. I ’m nine. I’m short. I’m thin. My hair long. My nose small. My mouth big. My eyes big. And my I can hop. I can draw. But I can’t swim. This is me. 4. 介绍你的学校:My school

Look! This is my school. It is big and nice. our classroom. We read and write in it. in it. And that’s the playground. We can play basketball there. Do you like my school? 5. 介绍公园里的活动:In the park Hello! I’m Danny. I’m in the park. ’s big and nice. some flowers in the park.

They are red. They are nice. some kites in the park. They are yellow. I like the park. I’m happy. 6. 介绍一种昆虫:An insect Hello! I’ ’s a butterfly. It’s big. It ’s pink and blue. It’s beautiful.

It can fly. (翅膀). I like the butterfly very much. Do you like it? 7. 介绍农场的见闻:On the farm Hello! I’m Alice. I’m on the farm. Look! animals on the farm. chicks. They are yellow. They can run fast. They like rice. They can run fast too. They like running.

I like them. Do you like them? 8. 介绍一种农场动物:The ducks Hi! I ’m Danny. Look! I can see some animals on the farm. black and white. They are big and strong. Oh! Listen! Moo...Moo...What are they?

They are cows. I like them. 9. 介绍一种植物:The plant This is a plant. leaves. They are green. They are small. I like it. Do you like it?

3A 作文纸 姓名________ 班级_________

1. 介绍你的朋友:My friend

Hello! I’m Alice. I’m nine. I’m short. a friend. She ’s Kitty. She ’s a girl. She ’s ten. She’s tall. She’s thin. She can read. She can draw. She can ’t swim. She can’t fly. I like my friend. 2. 介绍你的家人:My father

Hello! I’m Peter. I’m tall. my father. He ’s 34. He ’s thin. He ’s short. He can run. He can ride a bicycle. But he can ’t swim. He can’t cook. ’s white. It’s new. I like my father. 3. 介绍你的家人:My family

Hi! I have a happy family. ’s 34. He’s tall. He can run. He can ride a bicycle. But he can’t cook. ’s thin. ’s red. I ’m Jill. I ’m short. a dog. It can jump and run. I like cakes. I my father and my mother. They love me too. 3. 介绍你自己:About me

Hello! My name ’s Alice. I ’m a girl. I ’m nine. I’m short. I’m thin. My hair long. My nose small. My mouth big. My eyes big. And my I can hop. I can draw. But I can’t swim. This is me. 4. 介绍你的学校:My school

Look! This is my school. It is big and nice. our classroom. We read and write in it. in it. And that’s the playground. We can play basketball there. Do you like my school? 5. 介绍公园里的活动:In the park Hello! I’m Danny. I’m in the park. ’s big and nice. some flowers in the park.

They are red. They are nice. some kites in the park. They are yellow. I like the park. I’m happy. 6. 介绍一种昆虫:An insect Hello! I’ ’s a butterfly. It’s big. It ’s pink and blue. It’s beautiful.

It can fly. (翅膀). I like the butterfly very much. Do you like it? 7. 介绍农场的见闻:On the farm Hello! I’m Alice. I’m on the farm. Look! animals on the farm. chicks. They are yellow. They can run fast. They like rice. They can run fast too. They like running.

I like them. Do you like them? 8. 介绍一种农场动物:The ducks Hi! I ’m Danny. Look! I can see some animals on the farm. black and white. They are big and strong. Oh! Listen! Moo...Moo...What are they?

They are cows. I like them. 9. 介绍一种植物:The plant This is a plant. leaves. They are green. They are small. I like it. Do you like it?


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