

Even after Wozniak became convinced that his new computer design should become the property of the Apple partnership, he felt that he had to offer it first to HP, since he was working there. “I believed it was my duty to tell HP about what I had designed while working for them. That was the right thing and the ethical thing.” So he demonstrated it to his managers in the spring of 1976. The senior executive at the meeting was impressed, and seemed torn, but he finally said it was not something that HP could develop. It was a hobbyist product, at least for now, and didn’t fit into the company’s high -quality market segments. “I was disappointed,” Wozniak recalled, “but now I was free to enter into the Apple partnership.”

∙ ['eθikəl]

adj. 道德的, 伦理的, 民族的

∙ [ig'zekjutiv]

adj. 行政的 n. 执行者, 主管

∙ ['pɑ:tnəʃip;'p ɑ:tnəˌʃip]

n. 合伙, 合股

∙ ['hɔbiist]

n. 沉溺于某种癖好者,业余爱好者

∙ [kən'vins]

vt. 说服, 使... 相信

∙ ['demənstreit]

vt. 示范, 演示, 证明 vi. 示威

∙ ['si:njə] n. 年长者, 上司, 毕业班学生 adj. 年长的, 高级的, 资深的

∙ ['prɔp əti]

n. 财产; 性质; 道具

∙ ['segmənt]

n. 部分 v . 部分, 段, 分割 vt. 分割

∙ [tɔ:n;təurn]

vbl. 撕开, 扯裂(tear的过去分词)

On April 1, 1976, Jobs and Wozniak went to Wayne’s apartment in Mountain View to draw up the partnership agreement. Wayne said he had some experience “writing in legalese,” so he composed the three-page document himself. His “legalese” got the better of him. Paragraphs began with various flourishes: “Be it noted herewith . . . Be it further noted herewith . . . Now the refore [sic ], in consideration of the respective assignments of interes ts . . .” But the division of shares and profits was clear —45%-45%-10%—and it was stipulated that any expenditures of more than $100 would require agreement of at least two of the partners. Also, the responsibilities were spelled out. “Wozniak shall assume both general and major responsibility for the conduct of Electrical Engineering; Jobs shall assume general responsibility for Electrical Engineering and Marketing, and Wayne shall assume major responsibility for Mechanical Engineering and Documentation. ” Jobs signed in lowercase script, Wozniak in careful cursive, and Wayne in an illegible squiggle.

∙ [kəm'p əuz]

vt. 组成, 写作, 作曲, 使镇静 vi. 创作

∙ [hiə'wið]

adv . 同此, 因此

∙ ['pær əgr ɑ:f]

n. 段落 vt. 将... 分段, 写短评 vi. 写短评

∙ [,li:ɡə'li:z] n. 法律术语

∙ ['vɛəri əs]

adj. 各种各样的

∙ ['flʌri ʃ]

vi. 繁荣, 茂盛, 活跃, 手舞足蹈 vt. 挥舞 n. 挥舞, 华丽词藻, 茂盛, 兴旺, 炫耀

vt. 拟定(起草, 拉起, 画出)

∙ [ris'pektiv]

adj. 各自的, 分别的

∙ [ə'sju:m]

vt. 假定, 设想, 承担; (想当然的) 认为

∙ [ə'sainm ənt]

n. 分配, 功课, 任务, 被指定的(课外) 作业;(分派的) 任务, 委派

∙ [ˌdɔkjumen'tei ʃən]

n. 文件

∙ ['stipjuleit]

vt. &vi. 规定, 保证 adj. 有明文规定的

∙ [iks'penditʃə, eks-]

n. (时间、劳力、金钱等) 支出, 使用, 消耗

∙ [kənsid ə'rei ʃən]

n. 考虑, 体贴, 考虑因素, 敬重, 意见

∙ [i'ledʒəbl]

adj. 难辨认的, (字迹) 模糊的

∙ ['skwigl;'skwigəl]

n. 潦草的字,弯弯曲曲的线 v . 潦草地书写,形成弯曲线,蠕动

∙ ['ləʊə'keis]

adj. 小写体的 vt. 用小写字母书写,用小写字母打字 n. 小写体,小写字母 ∙ ['kə:siv]

adj. 草书的, 草书体的 n. 草书, 草书原稿

∙ [skript]

n. 原稿, 手稿, 脚本 vi. 写剧本


Even after Wozniak became convinced that his new computer design should become the property of the Apple partnership, he felt that he had to offer it first to HP, since he was working there. “I believed it was my duty to tell HP about what I had designed while working for them. That was the right thing and the ethical thing.” So he demonstrated it to his managers in the spring of 1976. The senior executive at the meeting was impressed, and seemed torn, but he finally said it was not something that HP could develop. It was a hobbyist product, at least for now, and didn’t fit into the company’s high -quality market segments. “I was disappointed,” Wozniak recalled, “but now I was free to enter into the Apple partnership.”

∙ ['eθikəl]

adj. 道德的, 伦理的, 民族的

∙ [ig'zekjutiv]

adj. 行政的 n. 执行者, 主管

∙ ['pɑ:tnəʃip;'p ɑ:tnəˌʃip]

n. 合伙, 合股

∙ ['hɔbiist]

n. 沉溺于某种癖好者,业余爱好者

∙ [kən'vins]

vt. 说服, 使... 相信

∙ ['demənstreit]

vt. 示范, 演示, 证明 vi. 示威

∙ ['si:njə] n. 年长者, 上司, 毕业班学生 adj. 年长的, 高级的, 资深的

∙ ['prɔp əti]

n. 财产; 性质; 道具

∙ ['segmənt]

n. 部分 v . 部分, 段, 分割 vt. 分割

∙ [tɔ:n;təurn]

vbl. 撕开, 扯裂(tear的过去分词)

On April 1, 1976, Jobs and Wozniak went to Wayne’s apartment in Mountain View to draw up the partnership agreement. Wayne said he had some experience “writing in legalese,” so he composed the three-page document himself. His “legalese” got the better of him. Paragraphs began with various flourishes: “Be it noted herewith . . . Be it further noted herewith . . . Now the refore [sic ], in consideration of the respective assignments of interes ts . . .” But the division of shares and profits was clear —45%-45%-10%—and it was stipulated that any expenditures of more than $100 would require agreement of at least two of the partners. Also, the responsibilities were spelled out. “Wozniak shall assume both general and major responsibility for the conduct of Electrical Engineering; Jobs shall assume general responsibility for Electrical Engineering and Marketing, and Wayne shall assume major responsibility for Mechanical Engineering and Documentation. ” Jobs signed in lowercase script, Wozniak in careful cursive, and Wayne in an illegible squiggle.

∙ [kəm'p əuz]

vt. 组成, 写作, 作曲, 使镇静 vi. 创作

∙ [hiə'wið]

adv . 同此, 因此

∙ ['pær əgr ɑ:f]

n. 段落 vt. 将... 分段, 写短评 vi. 写短评

∙ [,li:ɡə'li:z] n. 法律术语

∙ ['vɛəri əs]

adj. 各种各样的

∙ ['flʌri ʃ]

vi. 繁荣, 茂盛, 活跃, 手舞足蹈 vt. 挥舞 n. 挥舞, 华丽词藻, 茂盛, 兴旺, 炫耀

vt. 拟定(起草, 拉起, 画出)

∙ [ris'pektiv]

adj. 各自的, 分别的

∙ [ə'sju:m]

vt. 假定, 设想, 承担; (想当然的) 认为

∙ [ə'sainm ənt]

n. 分配, 功课, 任务, 被指定的(课外) 作业;(分派的) 任务, 委派

∙ [ˌdɔkjumen'tei ʃən]

n. 文件

∙ ['stipjuleit]

vt. &vi. 规定, 保证 adj. 有明文规定的

∙ [iks'penditʃə, eks-]

n. (时间、劳力、金钱等) 支出, 使用, 消耗

∙ [kənsid ə'rei ʃən]

n. 考虑, 体贴, 考虑因素, 敬重, 意见

∙ [i'ledʒəbl]

adj. 难辨认的, (字迹) 模糊的

∙ ['skwigl;'skwigəl]

n. 潦草的字,弯弯曲曲的线 v . 潦草地书写,形成弯曲线,蠕动

∙ ['ləʊə'keis]

adj. 小写体的 vt. 用小写字母书写,用小写字母打字 n. 小写体,小写字母 ∙ ['kə:siv]

adj. 草书的, 草书体的 n. 草书, 草书原稿

∙ [skript]

n. 原稿, 手稿, 脚本 vi. 写剧本


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