

Stainless Steel Mouse Heart Slicer

小鼠冠状心脏切片模具的型号:间距为1.0mm 。


The Stainless Steel Mouse Heart Slicer Matrix with 1.0 mm coronal section slice intervals allows an investigator or research scientist to slice repeatable coronal sections (slice channels are perpendicular to the long axis of the heart) of a mouse heart. Thus, the mouse heart slicer matrix enables precise blocking prior to microtome sectioning, and facilitates the excision or isolation of small, reproducible tissue regions for biochemical or histological analysis, such as the evaluation and quantification of infarction. 特点:

- Slice intervals spaced 1.0mm apart (slice channels are coronally oriented, i.e. perpendicular to the long axis of the heart)

- Use this matrix to section the mouse heart into coronal slices with thicknesses in increments of 1.0mm - Designed to accommodate for unique anatomical features of the mouse heart

- Use with fresh or preserved heart tissue (or similarly sized rodent tissue / organ)

- Each mouse heart matrix is identical to insure reproducible sections

- Comes ready to use, with 5 single edge razor blades provided at no additional cost - Each slicer matrix is made from high-grade, stainless steel

- Stainless steel mouse heart slicer matrices are autoclavable, precisely machined, great for cryogenic work, and built to last.


- Dissection / Blocking of the mouse heart into coronal sections

- Sectioning the mouse heart prior to or post staining with agents included TTC or X-Gal-stain - Repeated isolation of mouse heart regions for further analysis or slide preparation

- Tissue preparation





Stainless Steel Mouse Heart Slicer

小鼠冠状心脏切片模具的型号:间距为1.0mm 。


The Stainless Steel Mouse Heart Slicer Matrix with 1.0 mm coronal section slice intervals allows an investigator or research scientist to slice repeatable coronal sections (slice channels are perpendicular to the long axis of the heart) of a mouse heart. Thus, the mouse heart slicer matrix enables precise blocking prior to microtome sectioning, and facilitates the excision or isolation of small, reproducible tissue regions for biochemical or histological analysis, such as the evaluation and quantification of infarction. 特点:

- Slice intervals spaced 1.0mm apart (slice channels are coronally oriented, i.e. perpendicular to the long axis of the heart)

- Use this matrix to section the mouse heart into coronal slices with thicknesses in increments of 1.0mm - Designed to accommodate for unique anatomical features of the mouse heart

- Use with fresh or preserved heart tissue (or similarly sized rodent tissue / organ)

- Each mouse heart matrix is identical to insure reproducible sections

- Comes ready to use, with 5 single edge razor blades provided at no additional cost - Each slicer matrix is made from high-grade, stainless steel

- Stainless steel mouse heart slicer matrices are autoclavable, precisely machined, great for cryogenic work, and built to last.


- Dissection / Blocking of the mouse heart into coronal sections

- Sectioning the mouse heart prior to or post staining with agents included TTC or X-Gal-stain - Repeated isolation of mouse heart regions for further analysis or slide preparation

- Tissue preparation





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