

Since ancient times, the Diaoyu Islands is China's territory, China has a lot of historical evidence and legal basis to prove this. However, the Japanese government ignored these facts, attempting to occupy the Diaoyu Islands. In addition, the United States has intervened, which led to the issue of the Diaoyu Islands has been difficult to get solved

In the year of 1528, the Ming Dynasty included the Diaoyu islands into the Chinese territory, managed by the Fujian . This is the earliest historical proof..After the Jia Wu war, the Qing Dynasty was defeated.Unwillingly the island of Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands were ceded to Japan . However, after the Japanese surrendered, the islands are hosted by the United States, according to the San Francisco Treaty. In 1972 American transferred the islands’management rights to Japan, which provoked the first Diaoyutai movement. Since japan established diplomatic relations with the people's republic in 1972, the two sides agreed to put the issue of the Diaoyu Islands aside. 90 years later, it is said that the Diaoyu Islands have rich natural resources. The Japanese government had totally ignored the commitments, Landing on the islands and

establishing the boundary , attempting to occupy the islands. China government has repeatedly expressed strong opposition, some patriots of voluntary action to safeguard territorial sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands China.

The truth of the Diaoyu Islands, a documentary film that was made by the German Christie, a Hollywood director, described the historical fact, which proved that the Diaoyu Islands indeed belongs to China. He hoped the United States will soon recognize and get the Japanesegovernment to return the island as soon as possible to reduce contradictions,and promote peace and

development. As far as i am concerned ,The truth that the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory is undeniable, and we hope that the United States won’t interfere Asian affairs, also hope that Japan recognizes the history,and gives up loot Diaoyu Island, maintenance of friendly relations between China and Japan. We Chinese hope to resolve the issue of the Diaoyu Islands in a peaceful way. But do not commit to renounce the use of force.


Since ancient times, the Diaoyu Islands is China's territory, China has a lot of historical evidence and legal basis to prove this. However, the Japanese government ignored these facts, attempting to occupy the Diaoyu Islands. In addition, the United States has intervened, which led to the issue of the Diaoyu Islands has been difficult to get solved

In the year of 1528, the Ming Dynasty included the Diaoyu islands into the Chinese territory, managed by the Fujian . This is the earliest historical proof..After the Jia Wu war, the Qing Dynasty was defeated.Unwillingly the island of Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands were ceded to Japan . However, after the Japanese surrendered, the islands are hosted by the United States, according to the San Francisco Treaty. In 1972 American transferred the islands’management rights to Japan, which provoked the first Diaoyutai movement. Since japan established diplomatic relations with the people's republic in 1972, the two sides agreed to put the issue of the Diaoyu Islands aside. 90 years later, it is said that the Diaoyu Islands have rich natural resources. The Japanese government had totally ignored the commitments, Landing on the islands and

establishing the boundary , attempting to occupy the islands. China government has repeatedly expressed strong opposition, some patriots of voluntary action to safeguard territorial sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands China.

The truth of the Diaoyu Islands, a documentary film that was made by the German Christie, a Hollywood director, described the historical fact, which proved that the Diaoyu Islands indeed belongs to China. He hoped the United States will soon recognize and get the Japanesegovernment to return the island as soon as possible to reduce contradictions,and promote peace and

development. As far as i am concerned ,The truth that the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory is undeniable, and we hope that the United States won’t interfere Asian affairs, also hope that Japan recognizes the history,and gives up loot Diaoyu Island, maintenance of friendly relations between China and Japan. We Chinese hope to resolve the issue of the Diaoyu Islands in a peaceful way. But do not commit to renounce the use of force.


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