

A 篇:232

B 篇:219



I was watching a movie this week and I noticed an actress (25) ______ (play) the

part of a blind lady. She played it so that if you were seeing her for the first time, you

would think that she was blind. It seemed that this actress (26) ________ (take) her

time to put a little more effort into her career so that she (27) ______ play parts that

were quite difficult.

A popular saying says, “It is only an average mind that does (28) ______ same

thing all the time and expects different results.” All we need to do is to put a little

more effort in, so that we can expect a different and usually (29) ______ (good) result.

Are you about to give up on your studies, your family, your ambitions, your

friends, and everything else? Are you tired of (30) ______ (give) your best because

you have tried hard, and it is like you are not doing anything and you have decided

that the only option is to give up?

Why not put in that extra bit of effort? Because I know you can do it, I know it’s

in you, and it is achievable by you. You are the only YOU the world has, and that’s

(31) ______ you are special and unique in your own way. All you need to do to

show that uniqueness is to put in that extra effort.


Not long ago, the Apple Company announced the selling of its latest iPhones---

the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C.

The biggest innovation of the 5S is a brand-new way (32) ______ (unlock) the

phone. Instead of relying on a four-number password, 5S users can unlock it with

their fingerprints. 5S can memorize users’ fingerprints, (33) ______ adds to the safety

of the phone.

(34) ______ _____ new iPhone is the iPhone 5C. (35) ______ the 5C is Apple’s

least expensive new iPhone ever, it is not a sub-standard product. The iPhone 5C is

pretty much the same as the iPhone 5 except (36) ______ it is housed in plastic.

It is with colors including green, blue, yellow, pink and white (37) ______ the

5C attracts many youngsters.

There may not be major problems with the new iPhones, but there are some

disappointments anyway. To unlock the phone with fingerprints is not perfect. It

(38) _____ (prove) that some other ways can unlock the phone. In addition, (39)

______ (compare) with the different colors of the iPhone 5C, the mobile protection

shells on the market are cuter and cheaper.

A fan of iPhone products once said, “I’m sorry, but Apple went down when Steve

Jobs died.” But some other fans are still holding many expectations for the Apple Company (40) ______ all the criticism from the outside world.


A 篇:232

B 篇:219



I was watching a movie this week and I noticed an actress (25) ______ (play) the

part of a blind lady. She played it so that if you were seeing her for the first time, you

would think that she was blind. It seemed that this actress (26) ________ (take) her

time to put a little more effort into her career so that she (27) ______ play parts that

were quite difficult.

A popular saying says, “It is only an average mind that does (28) ______ same

thing all the time and expects different results.” All we need to do is to put a little

more effort in, so that we can expect a different and usually (29) ______ (good) result.

Are you about to give up on your studies, your family, your ambitions, your

friends, and everything else? Are you tired of (30) ______ (give) your best because

you have tried hard, and it is like you are not doing anything and you have decided

that the only option is to give up?

Why not put in that extra bit of effort? Because I know you can do it, I know it’s

in you, and it is achievable by you. You are the only YOU the world has, and that’s

(31) ______ you are special and unique in your own way. All you need to do to

show that uniqueness is to put in that extra effort.


Not long ago, the Apple Company announced the selling of its latest iPhones---

the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C.

The biggest innovation of the 5S is a brand-new way (32) ______ (unlock) the

phone. Instead of relying on a four-number password, 5S users can unlock it with

their fingerprints. 5S can memorize users’ fingerprints, (33) ______ adds to the safety

of the phone.

(34) ______ _____ new iPhone is the iPhone 5C. (35) ______ the 5C is Apple’s

least expensive new iPhone ever, it is not a sub-standard product. The iPhone 5C is

pretty much the same as the iPhone 5 except (36) ______ it is housed in plastic.

It is with colors including green, blue, yellow, pink and white (37) ______ the

5C attracts many youngsters.

There may not be major problems with the new iPhones, but there are some

disappointments anyway. To unlock the phone with fingerprints is not perfect. It

(38) _____ (prove) that some other ways can unlock the phone. In addition, (39)

______ (compare) with the different colors of the iPhone 5C, the mobile protection

shells on the market are cuter and cheaper.

A fan of iPhone products once said, “I’m sorry, but Apple went down when Steve

Jobs died.” But some other fans are still holding many expectations for the Apple Company (40) ______ all the criticism from the outside world.


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