
Some of Chinese people’s favorite animated characters,like the “Gourd Brothers” and “Black cat detective”. Our company’s name is Black Cat. Because we think the the name can remind people of their childhood.

Our main product is snack. In the modern society, when we have free time, we always choose snack to accompany us.

We are going to locate in China. We think it is more promising than locate in other country.

A good product must be marketed effectively. We will remake the animation. Then invite some famous people to join in our program which name “THE BLACK CAT”. In the program, the honored guests will play games each others, they can challenge the program with their family. It will be more wonderful.

Our product is for all people. We will produce the snakes suitable for different age people.

In china, competition in every industry is very aggressive.So,we should prepare to accept challenge.

To promote our product better,we plan to invite some famous stars to represent our product.

We will make sure our product has higher quality than other market snake. Besides,we will focus on the safety of our product every moment.It is extremely important.

we plan to spend five million to organize the company.We need to find more investor to realize the plan.

Some of Chinese people’s favorite animated characters,like the “Gourd Brothers” and “Black cat detective”. Our company’s name is Black Cat. Because we think the the name can remind people of their childhood.

Our main product is snack. In the modern society, when we have free time, we always choose snack to accompany us.

We are going to locate in China. We think it is more promising than locate in other country.

A good product must be marketed effectively. We will remake the animation. Then invite some famous people to join in our program which name “THE BLACK CAT”. In the program, the honored guests will play games each others, they can challenge the program with their family. It will be more wonderful.

Our product is for all people. We will produce the snakes suitable for different age people.

In china, competition in every industry is very aggressive.So,we should prepare to accept challenge.

To promote our product better,we plan to invite some famous stars to represent our product.

We will make sure our product has higher quality than other market snake. Besides,we will focus on the safety of our product every moment.It is extremely important.

we plan to spend five million to organize the company.We need to find more investor to realize the plan.


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