



查阅回顾过去,英语课上的情境历历在目。现在的我将要做一次简要的告别,以此小小回顾下。。。。。。 1比起对英语这门课的知识学习,我更多收获到的是老师所讲授的人生感悟和做人道理的熏陶(专业知识的学习固然重要,但除了学习方法(在此为你所讲的那些方法点赞)外,还是主要靠自己专心学才行。专业知识帮人一时,但做人时时刻刻都在,所以老师注重思想教育是正确的,老师发脾气也很帅,点赞) 2我很喜欢老师的授课方式,作业不多(布置些与课文相关的课外知识,增长学生见识点赞),课堂氛围轻松(上课前听音乐点赞,老师幽默风趣的口才点赞),内容涉及广泛(电影赏析,文化背景解读等点赞),形式多样(设置小小辩论会的设想点赞,要是真正弄起来就好了,表示有些小遗憾)。







我觉得老师的教学方法不可挑剔,就是需要自觉主动的学生才能收获更多。不过,多数学生还是有惰性的,所以我觉得可以增加些听说读写作业,还有就是网络课利用不太好,浪费了很多时间,我觉得要是把时间安排紧凑,能多锻炼一些听说的内容就更好了。 真心祝愿老师身体健康,工作顺利,家庭幸福!



2015-11-17 Dear Mr. Shen:

Hello! Time flies, blink of an eye blink in English class at the University, wrote this mail to be formally bid farewell to college English courses. Out of gratitude to teachers and support to teachers, I show my incompetence anonymously. In retrospect, situation fresh in English class. Now I'm going to do a brief farewell to little back ... ...

First, than on the English learning of the course, more to me is taught by the teacher's life and person of influence (professional learning is important, but learning method (in this case you are talking about those that was praised), still mainly rely on themselves to concentrate on it. Expertise which helps people a moment, but man is always in, so teacher focused on thought education is right, teacher took offence when we made mistakes also handsome, points were praised)

Second, I like the way of your taught, homework not more ( assign homework and text related of out-of-class reading material, improve students vision points were praised), class atmosphere easily (class Qian listening to music points were praised, teacher humor funny of eloquence points were praised), content involved widely (movie appreciation, culture background interpretation, points were praised), forms (set small debate of envisaged points were praised, really good, expressed some regret).

Third, in order to bing the teacher assigned homework, I prepared a book of extracurricular culture, and have been recording a lot of things, enriching the brain, it would be a gain.

Four, this course is the most important subject of mine during the past year (and thanks to the teachers ' strict requirements, but to be honest, than there is no rule bound, is the teacher's energy and personality attracts its own) Although my grades is not good, but I do have a treat, shame is hard enough. But also to the emptiness of their own a little bit of comfort.

Then,since our teacher is God,so revered, worshipped by others, thank you all for your great, we pay for it all. I know you're not easy because you always hard work and you are not only responsible but also very seriously. (Tell the teacher, I have made a slut, you're so cool!, of course, your cool is the capital, but only those light I'll never reach) proud things when I was in College, one is that I can show off saying have you done my English teacher.

Last, I don't know too many students in this class, but I was happy to get to know a few good friends, was remembered by teachers themselves. (Even short but satisfied)

I want to make recommendations:

I think the teacher's teaching methods are not critical, is the student who needs to consciously take the initiative to gain more. However, most students there are inert, so I feel may be we can make more practice.What'smore,network classes are not used very good, wasted a lot of time, I think if the time intensive, can exercise some heard the content would be better.

Sincerely wish good health and a teacher, work well and a





查阅回顾过去,英语课上的情境历历在目。现在的我将要做一次简要的告别,以此小小回顾下。。。。。。 1比起对英语这门课的知识学习,我更多收获到的是老师所讲授的人生感悟和做人道理的熏陶(专业知识的学习固然重要,但除了学习方法(在此为你所讲的那些方法点赞)外,还是主要靠自己专心学才行。专业知识帮人一时,但做人时时刻刻都在,所以老师注重思想教育是正确的,老师发脾气也很帅,点赞) 2我很喜欢老师的授课方式,作业不多(布置些与课文相关的课外知识,增长学生见识点赞),课堂氛围轻松(上课前听音乐点赞,老师幽默风趣的口才点赞),内容涉及广泛(电影赏析,文化背景解读等点赞),形式多样(设置小小辩论会的设想点赞,要是真正弄起来就好了,表示有些小遗憾)。







我觉得老师的教学方法不可挑剔,就是需要自觉主动的学生才能收获更多。不过,多数学生还是有惰性的,所以我觉得可以增加些听说读写作业,还有就是网络课利用不太好,浪费了很多时间,我觉得要是把时间安排紧凑,能多锻炼一些听说的内容就更好了。 真心祝愿老师身体健康,工作顺利,家庭幸福!



2015-11-17 Dear Mr. Shen:

Hello! Time flies, blink of an eye blink in English class at the University, wrote this mail to be formally bid farewell to college English courses. Out of gratitude to teachers and support to teachers, I show my incompetence anonymously. In retrospect, situation fresh in English class. Now I'm going to do a brief farewell to little back ... ...

First, than on the English learning of the course, more to me is taught by the teacher's life and person of influence (professional learning is important, but learning method (in this case you are talking about those that was praised), still mainly rely on themselves to concentrate on it. Expertise which helps people a moment, but man is always in, so teacher focused on thought education is right, teacher took offence when we made mistakes also handsome, points were praised)

Second, I like the way of your taught, homework not more ( assign homework and text related of out-of-class reading material, improve students vision points were praised), class atmosphere easily (class Qian listening to music points were praised, teacher humor funny of eloquence points were praised), content involved widely (movie appreciation, culture background interpretation, points were praised), forms (set small debate of envisaged points were praised, really good, expressed some regret).

Third, in order to bing the teacher assigned homework, I prepared a book of extracurricular culture, and have been recording a lot of things, enriching the brain, it would be a gain.

Four, this course is the most important subject of mine during the past year (and thanks to the teachers ' strict requirements, but to be honest, than there is no rule bound, is the teacher's energy and personality attracts its own) Although my grades is not good, but I do have a treat, shame is hard enough. But also to the emptiness of their own a little bit of comfort.

Then,since our teacher is God,so revered, worshipped by others, thank you all for your great, we pay for it all. I know you're not easy because you always hard work and you are not only responsible but also very seriously. (Tell the teacher, I have made a slut, you're so cool!, of course, your cool is the capital, but only those light I'll never reach) proud things when I was in College, one is that I can show off saying have you done my English teacher.

Last, I don't know too many students in this class, but I was happy to get to know a few good friends, was remembered by teachers themselves. (Even short but satisfied)

I want to make recommendations:

I think the teacher's teaching methods are not critical, is the student who needs to consciously take the initiative to gain more. However, most students there are inert, so I feel may be we can make more practice.What'smore,network classes are not used very good, wasted a lot of time, I think if the time intensive, can exercise some heard the content would be better.

Sincerely wish good health and a teacher, work well and a



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