
Attachment :

Questionnaire of college students playing online games

Hello, dear friend! In order to understand the situation of college students playing online games, and the impact of online games on college students, would you like to spare a few minutes to answer the following questions in this questionnaire carefully and authentically! We will inform you that your answers will be kept strictly confidential! Thank you very much for your support and cooperation!

1. Your personal information:


Age :

Grade :

2. Which category your major belongs to?

A 、Economic management

B 、Art

C 、Science and engineering

D 、Literature and law

E 、Others

3. Do you play network games?

A 、Yes

B 、No

4. How long time have you been playing network games?

A 、Never play network game

B 、Just several months

C 、1 to 2 years

D 、More than 2 years

5. How much is your frequency of playing online games?

A 、Almost every day

B 、Often

C 、Occasionally

D 、Never

6. What kinds of online games do you like? [Multiple choice]

A 、Casual games (Such as chess and card games、Sanguosha)

B 、Net battle games(Such as CF、DOTA)

C 、Massively multiplayer online RPG(Such as Westward Journey Online)

D 、Online flash mini-games(Such as Plants V.S. Zombies)

E 、Others

7. What are the causes that make you play network games? [Multiple choice]

A 、There is abundant spare time, play game to kill time

B 、Friends and classmates are playing as well.

C 、Study pressure is too heavy, just relax yourself after class.

D 、Lacking of self-control ability.

E 、It is boring that surfing online only.

F 、Feeling lonely, then regard network games as spiritual sustenance.

G 、Others

8. What`s the point that net games attract you? [Multiple choice]

A 、Screen pictures are make exquisitely.

B 、Feel the wonderful sense of accomplishment when upgrade or triumph.

C 、Can make more friends through playing games.

D 、Friends and classmates are playing as well.

E 、Enjoy the great simulative experience from PK.

F 、Satisfied with role playing, such as be a head master in game.

G 、Make money

H 、Others

9. When confronted with problems in learning or affection, would you prefer to play game to abreact?

A 、Always

B 、Sometimes

C 、Never

10. How long is the average time that you play online games at one time?

A 、Never play net games.

B 、In 1 hour.

C 、1 to 2 hours.

D 、2 to 3 hours.

E 、More than 3 hours.

11. Could you succeed to control the game time well in your plan?

A 、Always control well.

B 、Sometimes addictive, but can stop when it`s enough.

C 、Lose control yourself everytime play games.

D 、Have no sense of time when in games.

E 、Don`t play games.

12. Do you talk much about playing games in normal times?

A 、Often

B 、Occasionally

C 、Never

13. How much is your dependence on network games? Could you give up these games?

A 、Much addict in online games, it is impossible to quit.

B 、Although very difficult, but can make it because of strong self-control.

C 、It doesn`t matter, playing games just for fun.

D 、Do not play games.

14. Will you stick to playing network games after having a job and getting married?

A 、No, you will put career and family first.

B 、Still play, but just play a little.

C 、Will not change, even play more.

D 、Others

15. How is your loyalty to online games?

A 、Will always play a game you like, not easily change.

B 、Play game just for fun, will change it if feel bored or there is a better one.

C 、Go with the flow, you will play the popular game or a new one.

D 、Others

16. Do you think online games influent your learning and living way?

A 、Yeah, influent a lot.

B 、Just a little.

C 、No.

D 、Do not care about it.

17. What is your feeling after playing?

A 、Relaxed and happy

B 、Idle and void.

C 、The feeling that cannot express out.

D 、Have no feeling.

E 、Others

18. Will you be upset and impatient, even lose temper, because of fail competition in games?

A 、Often

B 、Sometimes

C 、Never

D 、Do not play games

19. What is your attitude toward college students playing online games?

A 、Supporting

B 、Opposite

C 、Whatever

20. What is the reason that makes you have the attitude above?

A 、Net games give me chances to relax by venting in virtual the pressure in real life.

B 、Online games can expand my horizons.

C 、Online games affect the living, learning, regret playing online games.

D 、Playing just for leisure, not too concern about it.

E 、Others.

Thank you very much for your patience and sincere cooperation!

Attachment :

Questionnaire of college students playing online games

Hello, dear friend! In order to understand the situation of college students playing online games, and the impact of online games on college students, would you like to spare a few minutes to answer the following questions in this questionnaire carefully and authentically! We will inform you that your answers will be kept strictly confidential! Thank you very much for your support and cooperation!

1. Your personal information:


Age :

Grade :

2. Which category your major belongs to?

A 、Economic management

B 、Art

C 、Science and engineering

D 、Literature and law

E 、Others

3. Do you play network games?

A 、Yes

B 、No

4. How long time have you been playing network games?

A 、Never play network game

B 、Just several months

C 、1 to 2 years

D 、More than 2 years

5. How much is your frequency of playing online games?

A 、Almost every day

B 、Often

C 、Occasionally

D 、Never

6. What kinds of online games do you like? [Multiple choice]

A 、Casual games (Such as chess and card games、Sanguosha)

B 、Net battle games(Such as CF、DOTA)

C 、Massively multiplayer online RPG(Such as Westward Journey Online)

D 、Online flash mini-games(Such as Plants V.S. Zombies)

E 、Others

7. What are the causes that make you play network games? [Multiple choice]

A 、There is abundant spare time, play game to kill time

B 、Friends and classmates are playing as well.

C 、Study pressure is too heavy, just relax yourself after class.

D 、Lacking of self-control ability.

E 、It is boring that surfing online only.

F 、Feeling lonely, then regard network games as spiritual sustenance.

G 、Others

8. What`s the point that net games attract you? [Multiple choice]

A 、Screen pictures are make exquisitely.

B 、Feel the wonderful sense of accomplishment when upgrade or triumph.

C 、Can make more friends through playing games.

D 、Friends and classmates are playing as well.

E 、Enjoy the great simulative experience from PK.

F 、Satisfied with role playing, such as be a head master in game.

G 、Make money

H 、Others

9. When confronted with problems in learning or affection, would you prefer to play game to abreact?

A 、Always

B 、Sometimes

C 、Never

10. How long is the average time that you play online games at one time?

A 、Never play net games.

B 、In 1 hour.

C 、1 to 2 hours.

D 、2 to 3 hours.

E 、More than 3 hours.

11. Could you succeed to control the game time well in your plan?

A 、Always control well.

B 、Sometimes addictive, but can stop when it`s enough.

C 、Lose control yourself everytime play games.

D 、Have no sense of time when in games.

E 、Don`t play games.

12. Do you talk much about playing games in normal times?

A 、Often

B 、Occasionally

C 、Never

13. How much is your dependence on network games? Could you give up these games?

A 、Much addict in online games, it is impossible to quit.

B 、Although very difficult, but can make it because of strong self-control.

C 、It doesn`t matter, playing games just for fun.

D 、Do not play games.

14. Will you stick to playing network games after having a job and getting married?

A 、No, you will put career and family first.

B 、Still play, but just play a little.

C 、Will not change, even play more.

D 、Others

15. How is your loyalty to online games?

A 、Will always play a game you like, not easily change.

B 、Play game just for fun, will change it if feel bored or there is a better one.

C 、Go with the flow, you will play the popular game or a new one.

D 、Others

16. Do you think online games influent your learning and living way?

A 、Yeah, influent a lot.

B 、Just a little.

C 、No.

D 、Do not care about it.

17. What is your feeling after playing?

A 、Relaxed and happy

B 、Idle and void.

C 、The feeling that cannot express out.

D 、Have no feeling.

E 、Others

18. Will you be upset and impatient, even lose temper, because of fail competition in games?

A 、Often

B 、Sometimes

C 、Never

D 、Do not play games

19. What is your attitude toward college students playing online games?

A 、Supporting

B 、Opposite

C 、Whatever

20. What is the reason that makes you have the attitude above?

A 、Net games give me chances to relax by venting in virtual the pressure in real life.

B 、Online games can expand my horizons.

C 、Online games affect the living, learning, regret playing online games.

D 、Playing just for leisure, not too concern about it.

E 、Others.

Thank you very much for your patience and sincere cooperation!


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