
1.theory of constraint

a central goal of the design process is to streamline operations and thus increase the operating income of the system. It is a method that can guide this process for all three designs.(process layouts, product layouts, group technology)


It requires making a product or service only when the customer, internal or external, requires it.

3. throughput accounting

An approach to production management which aims to maximize sales revenues less material costs, whilst simultaneously reducing inventory and operating expenses

4.process layout

A way factory or office facilities are organized in which similar equipment or functions are grouped together.

5.product layout

A way factory or office facilities are organized in which equipment is organized to accommodate the production of a specific product.


It refers to the organization of plant into a number of cells so that within each cell all machines required to manufacture a

group of similar products are arranged in proximity to each other.


Fixed budget : a budget that remains unchanged regardless of the volume of the output or sales

Flexible budge t: a budget that is designed to change as volumes of output change by recognizing different cost behaviour.

Incremental budgeting : preparing the next year’s budget on the basis of current year’s results plus an extra amount of estimated growth or inflation next year.




Rolling budget : continuously updated by adding a further period when the earliest period has expired.

Beyond budgeting : advocates the replacement of the traditional budgetary control system with an assortmen of adaptive process. budgeting: requires that proponents justify of expenditures continuously every

8. cost

Mixed cost: is a cost that has a fixed component and a variable component.

Step variable cost: increases in steps as quantity increases.

Incremental cost: is the cost of the next unit of production and is similar to the economist’s notion of marginal cost.

Sunk cost : is a cost that results from a previous commitment and cannot recovered.

Relevant cost : is a cost that will change as a result of some decision.

Opportunity cost: is the maximum value forgone when a course of action chosen.

Avoidable cost: a cost that can be avoided by undertaking some course of action.

Activity-based costing: defines the activities that underline the financial figures in each function and using the level of activity to decide how much resource should be allocated.

Kaizen costing : is a system that provides relevant data to support lean production systems and it focuses on reducing costs during the manufacturing stage of a product.

Target costing: an approach that considers manufacturing costs early in the design decisions.



Lifecycle costing tracks and accumulates costs and revenues

attributable to each product over the entire life cycle.

Industry: the product lifecycle management is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a physical product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal.

Product: a product may demonstrate different characteristics of cost, sales, profit and investment at each stage in its life cycle. Customer :

long-term: the life span of a customer

short-term: the time of using a single product by a customer.

11. balanced scorecard

It measures organizational performance across four different but linked perspectives that derived from the organization’s mission, vision, and strategy. (financial, customer, process, learning and growth)

12.relevant cost (ppt247-254)




13.strategy map: is a diagram that is used to document the primary strategic goals being pursued by an organization or management team.

1.theory of constraint

a central goal of the design process is to streamline operations and thus increase the operating income of the system. It is a method that can guide this process for all three designs.(process layouts, product layouts, group technology)


It requires making a product or service only when the customer, internal or external, requires it.

3. throughput accounting

An approach to production management which aims to maximize sales revenues less material costs, whilst simultaneously reducing inventory and operating expenses

4.process layout

A way factory or office facilities are organized in which similar equipment or functions are grouped together.

5.product layout

A way factory or office facilities are organized in which equipment is organized to accommodate the production of a specific product.


It refers to the organization of plant into a number of cells so that within each cell all machines required to manufacture a

group of similar products are arranged in proximity to each other.


Fixed budget : a budget that remains unchanged regardless of the volume of the output or sales

Flexible budge t: a budget that is designed to change as volumes of output change by recognizing different cost behaviour.

Incremental budgeting : preparing the next year’s budget on the basis of current year’s results plus an extra amount of estimated growth or inflation next year.




Rolling budget : continuously updated by adding a further period when the earliest period has expired.

Beyond budgeting : advocates the replacement of the traditional budgetary control system with an assortmen of adaptive process. budgeting: requires that proponents justify of expenditures continuously every

8. cost

Mixed cost: is a cost that has a fixed component and a variable component.

Step variable cost: increases in steps as quantity increases.

Incremental cost: is the cost of the next unit of production and is similar to the economist’s notion of marginal cost.

Sunk cost : is a cost that results from a previous commitment and cannot recovered.

Relevant cost : is a cost that will change as a result of some decision.

Opportunity cost: is the maximum value forgone when a course of action chosen.

Avoidable cost: a cost that can be avoided by undertaking some course of action.

Activity-based costing: defines the activities that underline the financial figures in each function and using the level of activity to decide how much resource should be allocated.

Kaizen costing : is a system that provides relevant data to support lean production systems and it focuses on reducing costs during the manufacturing stage of a product.

Target costing: an approach that considers manufacturing costs early in the design decisions.



Lifecycle costing tracks and accumulates costs and revenues

attributable to each product over the entire life cycle.

Industry: the product lifecycle management is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a physical product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal.

Product: a product may demonstrate different characteristics of cost, sales, profit and investment at each stage in its life cycle. Customer :

long-term: the life span of a customer

short-term: the time of using a single product by a customer.

11. balanced scorecard

It measures organizational performance across four different but linked perspectives that derived from the organization’s mission, vision, and strategy. (financial, customer, process, learning and growth)

12.relevant cost (ppt247-254)




13.strategy map: is a diagram that is used to document the primary strategic goals being pursued by an organization or management team.


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