
Folk Tales (Part 1 of 6)美国的民间传说

In the world of American folk tales, almost anything can happen: A cowboy rides a tornado without a saddle. A huge lumberjack digs the Great Lakes to give his giant blue ox drinking water. A rabbit's big mouth gets him stuck in a bunch of tar. Sometimes, though, this world seems more like real life: A young farmer plants apple trees everywhere he goes. A man wins a race against a machine. Above all, this fantasy world finds people struggling against circumstances--and winning.


tornado (n) 龙卷风;飓风

saddle (n) 马鞍

tar (n) 黑油;焦油

Folk Tales (Part 2 of 6)美国的民间传说

Tall tales, extraordinary tales of ordinary people and events, sprang from the days of the American pioneers. As the early settlers faced a rugged environment, they told stories of superhuman heroes. Paul Bunyan was a giant lumberjack who helped settle the Northwestern Territory. Bunyan

could cut down a whole forest in less than an hour. His giant blue ox, Babe, could carry off the logs in one load.


Folk Tales (Part 3 of 6)美国的民间传说

Pecos Bill was the hero of American cowboys. Bill almost single-handedly tamed the rough wilderness in the American Southwest. He was so tough he used a rattlesnake for a lasso to rope in his cattle.

Not all American folk tales are so far from the truth. Some developed from real historical events. For example, Johnny Apple seed planted thousands of acres of apple trees in the Midwest. He gave apple seeds to everyone he met, encouraging them to plant trees, too. In fact, the real person behind the legend was John Chapman, an early pioneer. Chapman did indeed own many apple orchards.


并不是所有的美国民间传说都这么离谱,有些故事仍是从真实的历史事件发展出来的。例如:钱宁.艾坡西(苹果子)在中西部种植了好几千亩的苹果树,他送苹果种子给所有他见到的人,并且鼓励他们种树。事实上,在此传奇背后的真实人物是约翰.查普曼,一位早期的拓荒者,查普曼则确实拥有很多苹果。 rattlesnake (n) 响尾蛇

orchard (n) 果园

single-handedly (adv) 独自地

Folk Tales (Part 4 of 6)美国的民间传说

Another legend grew up around John Henry, a black laborer helping dig a tunnel on a railroad line. A man with a steam drill boasted he could do the work of 20 men using hammers. John Henry challenged him to a race. After John Henry won, so the legend goes, he died from exhaustion. Actually, after winning the race, John Henry was killed by the collapse of the tunnel. 另外一个传奇则围绕着约翰.亨利,他是一个在火车路线上协助挖隧道的黑人劳工。有一个带着蒸气钻洞机的男人自夸说,他一个人可以抵得上二十个拿铁锤的工人。于是约翰.亨利就向他挑战,这个故事流传的结果是说在约翰.亨利大胜之后,即因体力耗竭而过世,然而事实上,在赢了比赛之后,约翰.亨利是因隧道倒塌而葬身其中的。

tunnel (n) 隧道

hammer (n) 铁锤

Folk Tales (Part 5 of 6)美国的民间传说

Some folk tales have come directly from the pages of American literature. Uncle Remus and his stories about Brer (Brother) Rabbit delight many young Americans. The most famous one,


big-mouthed (adj) 大嘴巴的;爱说话的

Folk Tales (Part 6 of 6)美国的民间传说

Of course, Americans didn't invent folk tales. Every culture has its own stories of common people dealing with life's challenges. Often these tales are passed down orally from generation to generation. Some of them, like Snow White, Cinderella and even Santa Claus, exist in different versions all over the world. Many others are unique to the cultures that tell them. But all reflect a common hope: to live

当然,民间传说并不是美国人所发明的。在每个文化中都有属于它们自己的故事,这些故事讲述着平凡人如何面对生活的挑战。通常这些故事都是一代代地以口相传,其中有些以不同的版本流传在世界各地,比如说白雪公主、灰姑娘,甚至是圣诞老公公。而有许多传说则是某特定文化才独有的。然而所有的故事都反映出人们一个共同的愿望:那就是「从此过着幸福快乐的生活」。 orally (adv) 口头地

reflect (v) 反映

Folk Tales (Part 1 of 6)美国的民间传说

In the world of American folk tales, almost anything can happen: A cowboy rides a tornado without a saddle. A huge lumberjack digs the Great Lakes to give his giant blue ox drinking water. A rabbit's big mouth gets him stuck in a bunch of tar. Sometimes, though, this world seems more like real life: A young farmer plants apple trees everywhere he goes. A man wins a race against a machine. Above all, this fantasy world finds people struggling against circumstances--and winning.


tornado (n) 龙卷风;飓风

saddle (n) 马鞍

tar (n) 黑油;焦油

Folk Tales (Part 2 of 6)美国的民间传说

Tall tales, extraordinary tales of ordinary people and events, sprang from the days of the American pioneers. As the early settlers faced a rugged environment, they told stories of superhuman heroes. Paul Bunyan was a giant lumberjack who helped settle the Northwestern Territory. Bunyan

could cut down a whole forest in less than an hour. His giant blue ox, Babe, could carry off the logs in one load.


Folk Tales (Part 3 of 6)美国的民间传说

Pecos Bill was the hero of American cowboys. Bill almost single-handedly tamed the rough wilderness in the American Southwest. He was so tough he used a rattlesnake for a lasso to rope in his cattle.

Not all American folk tales are so far from the truth. Some developed from real historical events. For example, Johnny Apple seed planted thousands of acres of apple trees in the Midwest. He gave apple seeds to everyone he met, encouraging them to plant trees, too. In fact, the real person behind the legend was John Chapman, an early pioneer. Chapman did indeed own many apple orchards.


并不是所有的美国民间传说都这么离谱,有些故事仍是从真实的历史事件发展出来的。例如:钱宁.艾坡西(苹果子)在中西部种植了好几千亩的苹果树,他送苹果种子给所有他见到的人,并且鼓励他们种树。事实上,在此传奇背后的真实人物是约翰.查普曼,一位早期的拓荒者,查普曼则确实拥有很多苹果。 rattlesnake (n) 响尾蛇

orchard (n) 果园

single-handedly (adv) 独自地

Folk Tales (Part 4 of 6)美国的民间传说

Another legend grew up around John Henry, a black laborer helping dig a tunnel on a railroad line. A man with a steam drill boasted he could do the work of 20 men using hammers. John Henry challenged him to a race. After John Henry won, so the legend goes, he died from exhaustion. Actually, after winning the race, John Henry was killed by the collapse of the tunnel. 另外一个传奇则围绕着约翰.亨利,他是一个在火车路线上协助挖隧道的黑人劳工。有一个带着蒸气钻洞机的男人自夸说,他一个人可以抵得上二十个拿铁锤的工人。于是约翰.亨利就向他挑战,这个故事流传的结果是说在约翰.亨利大胜之后,即因体力耗竭而过世,然而事实上,在赢了比赛之后,约翰.亨利是因隧道倒塌而葬身其中的。

tunnel (n) 隧道

hammer (n) 铁锤

Folk Tales (Part 5 of 6)美国的民间传说

Some folk tales have come directly from the pages of American literature. Uncle Remus and his stories about Brer (Brother) Rabbit delight many young Americans. The most famous one,


big-mouthed (adj) 大嘴巴的;爱说话的

Folk Tales (Part 6 of 6)美国的民间传说

Of course, Americans didn't invent folk tales. Every culture has its own stories of common people dealing with life's challenges. Often these tales are passed down orally from generation to generation. Some of them, like Snow White, Cinderella and even Santa Claus, exist in different versions all over the world. Many others are unique to the cultures that tell them. But all reflect a common hope: to live

当然,民间传说并不是美国人所发明的。在每个文化中都有属于它们自己的故事,这些故事讲述着平凡人如何面对生活的挑战。通常这些故事都是一代代地以口相传,其中有些以不同的版本流传在世界各地,比如说白雪公主、灰姑娘,甚至是圣诞老公公。而有许多传说则是某特定文化才独有的。然而所有的故事都反映出人们一个共同的愿望:那就是「从此过着幸福快乐的生活」。 orally (adv) 口头地

reflect (v) 反映


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