
高考•功夫 —— 完形填空篇


高考完形填空是一种立意新、要求高的综合性语言测试题型。它主要考查考生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握能力,特别是短文阅读理解的能力。要求考生必须聚精会神地阅读全文,尽可能地利用短文中的信息词、信息句去猜测推断意思,理解线索,弄清句与句之间、段落与段落之间的联系,从而全面地理解整篇文章。为了选出正确答案,必须从字里行间寻找能够利用的一切线索,如书写和形态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索,进而根据有关线索(信息)进行猜测,然后作出合理的推断。 高考完形填空题的主要特点:

1. 重在考查考生快速领悟文章主旨的能力。


2. 侧重考查考生对文章的整体把握能力。


只有理解文意、整体把握,才能选出既符合语法又符合文意的最佳选项。 3. 刻意考查考生把握文章的内在逻辑关系的能力。

具体地说,把握文章的内在逻辑关系是把握完整句子、意群之间的内在逻辑关系。而摸清文章的内在逻辑关系与理解文意是相互依存、相互促进的。 4. 重视考查考生的深层感悟能力。


5. 注重考查考生排除干扰、辨析词语的能力。

从上述几个主要特点可得知:高考对完形填空的考查,更接近阅读理解,完形填空实质上是在理解文意基础上的完形词义。只有整体上理解文意,才能抓住问题的关键。 【应试策略剖析】

近几年的高考完形填空题对考生的语篇理解能力和分析判断能力的要求都有所提高。考生必须在一定的时间内读懂全文、领会要领、把握作者意图、推断文章内涵,然后根据上下文语境,从整体上把握文章的内在逻辑关系,结合所学的语言知识和各种常识选出适合语境和文意的词语。完形填空题虽有一定的难度,但遵循以下三个原则去解题,可以提高得分率。一、把握正确步骤,注重文章首句 做完形填空题应分三个步骤: 1. 通览全文,领会大意

文章第一句往往是全文的关键句,是文章的" 窗口" 。通过它,可以大致了解全文的概貌和作者的立意。第一句的时态往往确定全文的基本时态,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息。第一句一般不设置空档,考生应该充分利用此句的标示作用,并将它作为一个解题的突破口,据此展开思维。细心地阅读了第一句后,应快速阅读全文,了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构,以及情节发展的前因后果。同时对空档部分要进行猜测。这种快速阅读应当在三分钟内完成。 2. 逐句细读,确定选项

完形填空考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对词汇知识的掌握情况。因此,建议考生在掌握文章大意后,逐句分析,根据上下文意义,选择语法正确、词义贴切的选项填入空档。在这一过程中要注意文脉走势和作者口吻,不能单纯地凭语法知识解题。必须根据语篇意义选择答案。虽是逐句阅读,还需要前后连贯。完成这一过程需要十分钟左右的时间。 3. 校对检查,更改不合理、不妥帖的答案

这是做完形填空题必不可少的环节,也是考生容易忽视的步骤。检查过程中要注重所选答案的合理性。如果没有上下文信息的依托,就缺乏合理性。同时,还要注意答案的妥帖性。完形填空题重点不是考查语法知识,因此,大多数题从语法结构上讲四个选项都是对的,但根据上下文意义最贴切的只有一个。符合文章内涵、符合作者意图的才是最贴切的。完成这一步骤需要三分钟左右的时间。 二、逻辑贯通,搭配遣词


同一角度阐述,中间可能有一个并列连词。如果用一些形容词修饰一个人,用and 连接形容词,那么这些词或者都是褒义词,或者都是贬义词。如果用but 连接形容词,必然是一部分是褒义词,而另一部分是贬义词。做完形填空题必须首尾相顾,甚至文章的最后一个空档也要连贯上文所有的内容。

完形填空题的题目有40%涉及到搭配遣词。在设置题目时,命题者会在搭配问题上大做文章,充分考虑考生可能进入的误区,设置迷惑选项。有些选项填上去似乎符合上下文,语法也对,但搭配欠妥,不太合理。这种搭配包括主谓搭配、动宾搭配、形容词与被修饰名词的搭配、副词与被修饰动词的搭配、介词短语搭配、动词短语搭配、固定短语搭配等。例如:根据上下文要表示妒嫉某人,用admire sb就不妥, 而要用envy sb。即使表示钦佩,用admire sb sth也不妥,用admire sb.for sth.才对。表示由某人负责,到底用in charge of还是用in the charge of,要看" 某人" 是放在前面作主语,还是放在后面作宾语,前者有主动含义,后者是被动意义。当然有很多题目是文章意义和搭配遣词掺和在一起的,这对能力要求就更高。


完形填空题总体难度是较高的,但20个空档中,容易失分的也仅有四、五题,大多数是中档题和低档题。因此,在解题中要注意解题速度,不可为一道难题而苦思冥想,耗时太多。应该绕道而行,先做下文容易题,也缩小了思考的范围,同时又提供了更多的信息,在 心理上也容易接受。当20题已经做了16题时,剩下的4题就可以从容应答。对于有的难题一时难下定论的,有可能在做完后面的容易题后,你会前后连贯,恍然大悟。有一些题目在上文难以找到信息依据,考生无论怎么思考都是枉然。这时必须读下去,在下文中找到相关依据后再返回定论。有时上文已选定某一项,但下文解题中,发现上文那个不妥,不符合逻辑,也必须返回定论。不善于返回定论,就难以做好完形填空题。




The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before this question, it will be useful to introduce some concepts. as opposition among social units-or individuals-directed against one another, is opposition among social units seeking to obtain something which is inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, which those who in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both of opposition. The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social unit function in the disservice of one another, opposition is contrasted to cooperation, a by which social units function in the service of one another. These are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited , but conflict isn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable of human societies.

Many authors arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea that in the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Those who fail in this

struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are not enough to satisfy all.

36. A. considering 37. A. related 38. A. specified 39. A. variable 40. A. acknowledged 41. A. critically 42. A. on 43. A. enter

B. solving B. used B. remarked B. distinguished B. denies B. approximately B. for B. participate

C. answering C. translated C. defined C. various C. assumes C. independently C. with C. fall

D. saying D. sacred D. claimed D. isolated D. means D. costly D. in D. involve

44. A. formations 45. A. nevertheless 46. A. procession 47. A. accounts 48. A. resources 49. A. matter 50. A. concentrated 51. A. encouraged 52. A. not only 53. A. killed 54. A. resistence 55. A. workers

B. classes B. however B. standard B. definitions B. origins B. element B. fixed B. accepted B. either B. raised B. privilege B. officials

C. terms C. thus C. process C. descriptions C. sources C. event C. centered C. adapted C. neither C. fired C. favour C. individuals

D. reactions D. maybe D. measurement D. explanations D. materials D. coincidence D. based D. adopted D. both D. surrounded D. employment D. residents

36. A 考虑这个问题之前,有必要介绍一些与之相关的概念。 37. A “相关的概念”,应用related 。

38. C define, “解释”,“下定义”,后面经常接as; specify,“指定”,“指明”。The regulations

specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination。remark,“说”。claim,“要求承认某人之身份,所有权”。Does anyone claim this umbrella? 有没有人认领这把伞? 冲突,指的是社会单位,团体或个人之间的对抗。它与“竞争”不同。竞争指的是社会单位间为夺取一种不足够的供应而进行的对抗。

39. B distinguish from区别,不同;variable 与various(多样的) 后面一般不接from; isolated


40. D 对前面competition 的解释,“意味着”。

41. C critically 批判地;approximately 大致地;independently 独立地;不受控制地;costly

形容词,昂贵的。根据文中含义,“竞争对手各自寻求物质,所以才会有冲突”。所以此外选C 为宜。

42. D in short(inadequate) supply“缺乏的”为固定搭配,一般不用其它介词。

43. B enter in登记姓名,细节等。例:enter in an item in an account book将一笔账记入账

本;fall in 陷入,例fall in love with sb. involve in“卷入”,一般为卷入某个事件;participate in参与。 竞争者们可能彼此不了解,而冲突者们则熟识对方。

44. B formation, 构成;terms, 术语;reactions, 反映;classes 在此处指“种类,类别”。冲突和竞争


45. C 选这类连接副词时,关键是弄清句与句之间意义关系。上句讲到对抗就是彼此不服


46. C procession 队伍,行列;standard 标准;process 过程;measurement 衡量。上句中谈

到对抗是彼此不服务时,用的是“a process by which social. . . ”,此处与上句这部分结构完全相同,就可套用process 一词。

47. B accounts 叙述;definitions ,定义,概念;descriptions, 描述;explanations ,解释。文

章第二句话是第一自然段主题句:介绍几个概念,然后作者分别介绍。本题中用these definitions“这些概念”则与上文浑然一体。对这些定义的理解非常必要,因为有必要强调,个人或团体之间的竞争在这个资源有限的世界是难免的,而冲突则是可免的。 48. A resource 资源,指国家、人类或个人所拥有的人力及物力,例:We must exploit the

natural resources of our country. 我们必须开发本国的天然资源。source 指河的源头:the source of Nile尼罗河的发源地。source 还指出处,来源,例:The news comes from a reliable source. 这项消息出自可靠的来源。origin 起源,the origin of a quarrel 争吵的起因。此空前为a world of limited一个有限资源的世界,因此选A 。 49. B 冲突很可能发生,它可能是人类社会必不可少、值得得到的要素。 50. D base. . . on. . . 把……建立在……上。 51. C 只有那些适应(能力)强的才活下来。

52. B 看到or 就会想到either; not only. . . but also; neither. . . nor. . . ,both. . . and都是固定搭

配。在竞争中失败的动物,要不就是饿死,要不就被别的动物杀死。 53. A 由前句starve to death和or 可知,此处应同death 意义相近。 54. A 为生存的抗争不同于人类战争。

55. C 由后面的jobs, markets and materials 可知,此处应填“个人”。 workers, officials 和

residents (居民)都以偏概全。 (2)

A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move . What was the was he found himself unable to ask for help-his mobile

It is almost that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more __: “First of all I checked up my __ In this way I dozed (打盹) off. ”

way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) not far away.

Don’t you think that you can compare it with __life and work, you are lost in darkness. _ you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

36. A. hopeless 37. A. service 38. A. cry 39. A. delay 40. A. untrue 41. A. plan 42. A. physical 43. A. method 44. A. rotting 45. A. loss 46. A. had 47. A. Willing

B. worst B. way B. lie B. success B. unimaginable B. decision B. mental B. way B. spreading B. failure B. managed B. Unable

C. more C. order C. wait C. team C. true C. explanation C. working C. alternative C. hurting C. disappointment C. tried C. Determined

D. best D. work D. sleep D. arrival D. useless D. excuse D. medical D. strength D. bleeding D. sadness D. planned D. Deciding

48. A. hearing 49. A. rescue 50. A. end 51. A. save 52. A. adventure 53. A. Mind 54. A. really 55. A. and

B. sight B. village B. top B. help B. work B. Watch B. immediately B. so

C. feeling C. local C. opening C. stop C. life C. Imagine C. carefully C. but

D. direction D. brave D. side D. calm D. mankind D. Warn D. hopefully D. while

36. B 此处突出强调状况之“糟”。他动不了,更为糟糕的是他不能求救。

37. D 因为电池用尽,手机不能用了,go out of work意为“不工作”。out of service当“停止

服务”讲,out of order当“混乱”讲。

38. C 此处表示除了“等”之外,别无选择。此处是固定句型nothing can be done but do, 相当

于have no choice but to do从作者叙述的朋友在深夜受伤但非常镇静这一事实可知其他动词不合题意。

39. D 从后文看,作者的朋友最终获救了,因此此处应是援救“到来”了。“耽误”不合题意,


40. B 在黑夜里如此长时间忍受恐惧,作者认为这是令人“无法想象的”。作者此处是在赞


41. C 这是指朋友后来的“解释”。从后文可以排除其他选项,此处不是朋友的“借口”,更不


42. A 在受伤的情况下,检查的应是“身体的”状况,后面“没有生命危险”也印证了这一点。


43. B 此处指做事情的“方式”,应用way, 指没有办法呼救。method 多表示解决问题的具体

“方法”。如:his studying method。

44. D 因为朋友在车祸中受了重伤,又没法“呼救”,因此应实施自救,阻止伤口“流血”。 45. B 从后文可知,探险“失败”了。loss 的意思是“损失”,不合题意。

46. C 探险没有成功,因此此处只能是“尝试”去做。manage to do sth. 表示“设法干成了某


47. B 从后文“这群年轻人乱作一团”可知,他们找不到出口。其他选项“决心”,“愿意”等不


48. D 由这群年轻人迷路可知,他们乱跑一气,没有了“方向”感。

49. A 发现年轻人失败真相的应是“营救”人员。由具体的语境可排除其他选项,此处不是


50. C 从后面“亮光闪烁”可知,这儿指的是“出口”,故用opening 。 51. D 作者强调的就是人们处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,故用calm 。

52. C 作者由上述两个事例联想到“生活”。life 意义最具有概括性。作者把上述的经验和教


53. A mind sb. 当“提醒某人”讲。处于迷茫状态时,你应该提醒自己情况不明朗,不要轻


54. B 作者强调人们在处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,不要轻举妄动,因此不必“立即”


55. C 前后文构成的是转折关系。这种态度似乎是消极的,但却表现了一个人的智慧和勇



When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could do to advise me against becoming a brewer(造酒人). He’d had his father and grandfather before him. He didn’t want me near a vat(酿酒用的桶)of beer. So I did as he asked. I got good , went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that me to study law and business at the same time.

In my second year of graduate school, I began to realize that I’d done anything but go to school. So, at , my parents didn’t think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that you can’t till you’re 65 to do what you want in life.

I packed my stuff into a bus and headed for Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound. Three years later, I was ready to go back to I finished Havard and got a highly-paid job at the Boston Consulting Group Still, after working there five years, I , “Is this what I want to be doing when I’m 50?” At that time, Americans spent good money on beer in

I decided to give up my job to become . When I told Dad, he was end he me. I called my beer the brewer and patriot(爱国者) who helped to start I sold the beer direct to beer drinkers to get out. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, Sam Adams Boston Lager(淡啤酒) won the top prize for American beer. In the end I was destined(注定) to be a brewer. My to the young is simple: Life is very , so don’t rush to make decisions. Life doesn’t let you plan. 36. A. cost B. spent C. taken 37. A. like B. as if C. so 38. A. anywhere B. anyway C. anyhow 39. A. habits B. teachers C. grades 40. A. promised B. convinced C. advised 41. A. never B. ever C. always 42. A. Fortunatnely B. Obviously C. Possibly 43. A. assure B. decline C. deny 44. A. school B. Colorado C. my home 45. A. thrilled B. stressed C. wondered 46. A. cheap B. expensive C. low 47. A. Englishmen B. Europeans C. the world 48. A. a lawyer B. a brewer C. an instructor 49. A. astonished B. satisfied C. interested 50. A. hated B. supported C. raised 51. A. for B. at C. in 52. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Also 53. A. price B. name C. company 54. A. advice B. life C. job 55. A. hard B. busy

C. short

36. B spend time doing sth. 是固定结构,意思是“把时间花在做……上”。 37. C 倒装句。“so+倒装句”表示“另一个人或物的情况与前面相同”。

D. paid D. nor D. somewhere D. work D. allowed D. hardly D. Surprisingly D. wait D. my decision D. sneezed D. high D. Americans D. an engineer D. anxious D. left D. after D. Yet D. party D. experience D. long

38. A anywhere 用于否定句中。

39. C 据上下文可知,作者服从了父亲的安排并获得了良好的成绩。 40. D 学校允许我学习法律和商业。allow sb to do sth. “允许某人做某事”。 41. A never. . . anything=nothing。

42. B 我想退学,显然父母不会同意,其他不合题意。 43. D “不能等到人老了才做自己愿做的事”。

44. A 下文finished Harvard提供了回来学习的信息,因而为go back to school。 45. C 这句话是作者对自己生活的疑惑。 46. C 本句意思是啤酒很贵,但质量不佳。

47. D 上文提到Americans 高价买质量不好的啤酒,因而本句应为为Americans 制造高质


48. B 从下文可知,作者要放弃原来的工作,成为酿酒人。

49. A 当我告诉父亲时,他对我的想法不是很满意或感兴趣,而是奇怪,因为文章一开始


50. B but 表转折,表明最后他同意和支持我,故答案为B 。 51. D name sth. . . after为一固定搭配。 after 有“根据、依据”的意思。

52. C also “而且”,作者首先给他的啤酒起了一个好名字,同时又直销给喝酒人。 53. B 把“酒的名字”传出去,使这一“name”有了名气。

54. A 从后面的几句话可知,作者是在给读者“忠告”,advice“忠告、劝告、建议”。 55. D 从“不要急于做决定”,可知作者是想表达“人的一生很长久”的意思,所以也就有了“生

活不一定按你的计划进行”。 (4)

Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right-and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to others how their positions, statements, and points of view are , and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow it, or at least learn something. Wrong!

Think about it. Have you ever been by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right. ”? Or, has anyone you know ever you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right” at their ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us to be corrected. We all want our positions to be and understood by

others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest of the human heart. And those who learn to are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the of correcting others are often resented and .

A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practise others the joy of being right- give them the glory. correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to\:”, rather than jumping and saying, “No, it’s more important to…:”, simply let it go and allow their statement to The people in your life will become less defensive and more . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have 53. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other people’s , which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos (自我). Starting today, let others be “ 36. A. show 37. A. unimportant 38. A. consider 39. A. fooled 40. A. thanked 41. A. side 42. A. like 43. A. admired 44. A. shortcomings 45. A. talk 46. A. habit 47. A. punished 48. A. letting 49. A. Stop 50. A. out 51. A. last 52. A. helpful 53. A. dreamed 54. A. sufferings

B. ask B. unbelievable B. appreciate B. helped B. rewarded B. price B. hate B. received B. advantages B. praise B. form B. avoided B. lending B. Continue B. up B. go B. loving B. wanted B. worries

C. prove C. incorrect C. understand C. taught C. cared C. expense C. prefer C. realized C. desires C. help C. position C. left C. allowing C. Practise C. in C. work C. careful C. asked C. successs

D. teach D. imperfect D. refuse D. corrected D. accepted D. cost D. afford D. respected D. wishes D. listen D. purpose D. scolded D. owing D. Try D. off D. stand D. popular D. demanded D. happiness

55. A. happy B. right C. sorry D. proud

36. A show sb. sth. “给某人展示……”。 37. C 由下文“纠正”别人(correcting )可知。

38. B appreciate “感激”。由or at least learn something 可知。 39. D 由上下文可知。

40. A 此处作者反问:你曾经被别人“纠正”而感激不尽过吗?被你“纠正”过的人曾经“感激”


41. C at one’s expense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。 42. B 此处应是我们都“不喜欢”被别人“纠正”。 43. D 由后面的understand 可知。 44. C 指我们内心的“欲望”。

45. D 学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。 46. A be in the habit of 相当于have the habit of。

47. B 由前面的“怨恨”及和前句的loved 和respected 相对比可知。 48. C allow sb. sth. “允许某人拥有……”。

49. A 作者建议:别再老是“纠正”别人,故用stop doing (停止干……)。 50. C jump in 相当于break in (插话、打断别人)。 51. D stand 意为“站得住脚、能成立”。 52. B loving “友爱的”。 53. A dream “梦想”。

54. D 目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。

55. B 由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧。


Lose-Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on. It’s easy to be the nice guy. It’s easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

with my mom all started one day she said to me sarcastically(讽刺地) ,“Wow, you’re sure sassy today . ” I 40 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close myself off from her and never back to her. So every time she would

say something I disagreed with her I would just say, “Okay, you want, Mom”

But I really got cold quickly. And my began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, that’s ”and then went back to mop the floor.

“Don’t you ever ?”I thought. But I didn’t say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I her how important it was to me.

At last, I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to to do and I just do it because it’s than fighting. Well, I’m sick of it. ” This all came as a to her.

After my blowup, we felt like we were all over in our relationship. But it’s getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always my feeling with her.

If you adopt Lose Win as your basic toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You’ll also be your true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy. 36. A. wanderings 37. A. out 38. A. relationship 39. A. as 40. A. regarded 41. A. fight 42. A. even if 43. A. something 44. A. coldness 45. A. true 46. A. care 47. A. also 48. A. warned 49. A. end 50. A. worse

B. disappointment B. down B. problems B. since B. treated B. struggle B. only if B. whatever B. anger B. impossible B. see B. still B. shown B. change B. easier

C. lessons C. up C. quarrels C. when C. received C. talk C. as long as C. so much C. disagreement C. nice C. say C. even C. asked C. last C. more

D. helplessness D. free D. improvement D. before D. took D. turn D. as though D. too much D. hope D. important D. listen D. already D. told D. stop D. less

51. A. surprise 52. A. going 53. A. share 54. A. way 55. A. hurting

B. pleasure B. starting B. have B. method B. waking

C. gift C. thinking C. discuss C. attitude C. storing

D. harm D. reviewing D. improve D. theory D. hiding

36. A 通过下文看,Jenny 讲述了自己从忍气吞声到最终摆脱出来的过程。而在此过程中,


37. D brea k free“挣脱”,“获得心灵、精神上的解放”,符合Jenny 争得自己尊严的结果。 38. B 从后文看,这儿指的是“我”跟妈妈的“问题、矛盾”的出现。 39. C when 引导定语从句,修饰前面的名词day, 本身作状语。

40. D take 此处意思是“接受、理解”之意,此处指作者并未真正了解妈妈对她的讽刺口吻,


41. C talk back“还嘴、顶嘴”,此处指Jenny 决定忍气吞声,不跟妈妈顶嘴。

42. A even if引导让步状语从句,当“即使”讲,Jenny 此处决定即使妈妈说的不对,也不去


43. B 此处指Jenny 总是不顶撞妈妈,妈妈说什么就是什么,因此用whatever“无论什么”。 44. B Jenny 虽然不顶撞妈妈,但内心的“怒气”在聚集。

45. C 理解下文Jenny 生气可知,此处是妈妈“敷衍”我的话,意为“好啊”,表现出妈妈对我


46. A care 当“关心、在乎”讲,此处Jenny 在内心里反问:妈妈关心过我吗?

47. C even 此处用来加强语气。进一步说明妈妈对“我”漠不关心,意为:她甚至不知道我

生气了。also, still, already均不合逻辑。

48. D 此处句子结构是虚拟语气,假如我“告诉”妈妈,她会明白学业对我来说有多么重要。 49. B Jenny 最后终于爆发,对妈妈说:这一切需要“改变”了。Jenny 不能再忍气吞声下去了。

50. B Jenny 在申诉:忍气吞声是为了避免跟妈妈发生冲突,为了大家好,即:我忍气吞声


51. A 表示妈妈没有预料到“我”会这么生气,而且向她申诉。surprise 用作可数名词,当“令


52. B 表示“我”和妈妈的关系有了新的“开始”。start all over表示“重新开始”。 53. A share\:with\:与妈妈分享(交流)自己的感情,符合题意跟搭配关系。 54. C 后面的介词是toward, 因此只有选“态度”才符合题意跟搭配关系。

55. D Jenny 最后发表议论,“忍气吞声”、把自己的真实感情“隐藏”起来对健康不利。


dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well

son a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Bible ,with the young man’s name written in gold“With all your money you give me a Bible?” and

When he arrived at his father’s, sudden sadness and regret -wrapped Bible, just as he had years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had 诗),Matthew 7-11,“And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?”

标签) with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the 55 of his graduation, and the words:PAID IN FULL. 36. A. computer 37. A. pay 38. A. signs

B. bike B. buy B. facts

C. car C. support C. marks

D. recorder D. afford D. results

39. A. However 40. A. house 41. A. gave 42. A. excited 43. A. raised 44. A. ran 45. A. busy 46. A. remembered 47. A. When 48. A. informing 49. A. treasures 50. A. filled 51. A. pick up 52. A. seen 53. A. made 54. A. dropped 55. A. year

B. Finally B. room B. handed B. nervous B. changed B. went B. successful B. realized B. As B. announcing B. possessions B. caught B. remind of B. got B. written B. appeared B. date

C. Quietly C. study C. showed C. interested C. improved C. walked C. comfortable C. knew C. After C. telling C. clothing C. attacked C. search through C. left C. underlined C. rolled C. moment

D. Actually D. office D. presented D. disappointed D. increased D. stormed D. happy D. considered D. Before D. discovering D. eagerness D. beat D. refer to D. thrown D. designed D. showed D. day

36. C 由文章最后一段的“a car key”和“the sports car”可知。

37. D afford 常与can/could/be able to连用,表示“买得起、担负得起”。

38. A sign“迹象,征兆”,fact“事实”,mark“记号,标记”,result“结果”,这个年轻人渴望


39. B C 、D 两项明显不符,而A 项中的however 表转折,此处无转折之意。用finally 表


40. C 由此处的“his own”和第四段中的“his father’s important papers”可判断出,study 此处指


41. B give 与present 相比较笼统,hand 较具体、生动,故B 项最佳\. 42. D 由于没得到自己想要的礼物,年轻人有点失望\. 43. A 年轻人由于生气而朝他父亲吼叫。

44. D storm 意为“气呼呼地疾走,闯,冲”,此处用storm 恰当地表现他当时生气的样子,

而run 仅表示跑出去。

45. B 从后面一句“He had a beautiful home and wonderful family”可知。 46. B realize“意识到,认识到”。

47. D 他还没来得及安排时间去看望你亲就收到电报。

48. C 用tell 可表示“信上/电报上说”、“牌子上写着”、“仪器显示”等。 49. B possession 常用复数表示财产。 50. A 他心中充满了悲伤和后悔。

51. C 在书房中父亲留下的重要文件中寻找,即清点父亲留下的东西。 52. C 礼物就象毕业那天放在那儿一样还是新的。 53. C underline“在……下划线(以示强调)”。 54. A 车钥匙掉下来,所以用drop 。 55. B 标签上标有年轻人毕业那一天的日期。

高考•功夫 —— 完形填空篇


高考完形填空是一种立意新、要求高的综合性语言测试题型。它主要考查考生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握能力,特别是短文阅读理解的能力。要求考生必须聚精会神地阅读全文,尽可能地利用短文中的信息词、信息句去猜测推断意思,理解线索,弄清句与句之间、段落与段落之间的联系,从而全面地理解整篇文章。为了选出正确答案,必须从字里行间寻找能够利用的一切线索,如书写和形态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索,进而根据有关线索(信息)进行猜测,然后作出合理的推断。 高考完形填空题的主要特点:

1. 重在考查考生快速领悟文章主旨的能力。


2. 侧重考查考生对文章的整体把握能力。


只有理解文意、整体把握,才能选出既符合语法又符合文意的最佳选项。 3. 刻意考查考生把握文章的内在逻辑关系的能力。

具体地说,把握文章的内在逻辑关系是把握完整句子、意群之间的内在逻辑关系。而摸清文章的内在逻辑关系与理解文意是相互依存、相互促进的。 4. 重视考查考生的深层感悟能力。


5. 注重考查考生排除干扰、辨析词语的能力。

从上述几个主要特点可得知:高考对完形填空的考查,更接近阅读理解,完形填空实质上是在理解文意基础上的完形词义。只有整体上理解文意,才能抓住问题的关键。 【应试策略剖析】

近几年的高考完形填空题对考生的语篇理解能力和分析判断能力的要求都有所提高。考生必须在一定的时间内读懂全文、领会要领、把握作者意图、推断文章内涵,然后根据上下文语境,从整体上把握文章的内在逻辑关系,结合所学的语言知识和各种常识选出适合语境和文意的词语。完形填空题虽有一定的难度,但遵循以下三个原则去解题,可以提高得分率。一、把握正确步骤,注重文章首句 做完形填空题应分三个步骤: 1. 通览全文,领会大意

文章第一句往往是全文的关键句,是文章的" 窗口" 。通过它,可以大致了解全文的概貌和作者的立意。第一句的时态往往确定全文的基本时态,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息。第一句一般不设置空档,考生应该充分利用此句的标示作用,并将它作为一个解题的突破口,据此展开思维。细心地阅读了第一句后,应快速阅读全文,了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构,以及情节发展的前因后果。同时对空档部分要进行猜测。这种快速阅读应当在三分钟内完成。 2. 逐句细读,确定选项

完形填空考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对词汇知识的掌握情况。因此,建议考生在掌握文章大意后,逐句分析,根据上下文意义,选择语法正确、词义贴切的选项填入空档。在这一过程中要注意文脉走势和作者口吻,不能单纯地凭语法知识解题。必须根据语篇意义选择答案。虽是逐句阅读,还需要前后连贯。完成这一过程需要十分钟左右的时间。 3. 校对检查,更改不合理、不妥帖的答案

这是做完形填空题必不可少的环节,也是考生容易忽视的步骤。检查过程中要注重所选答案的合理性。如果没有上下文信息的依托,就缺乏合理性。同时,还要注意答案的妥帖性。完形填空题重点不是考查语法知识,因此,大多数题从语法结构上讲四个选项都是对的,但根据上下文意义最贴切的只有一个。符合文章内涵、符合作者意图的才是最贴切的。完成这一步骤需要三分钟左右的时间。 二、逻辑贯通,搭配遣词


同一角度阐述,中间可能有一个并列连词。如果用一些形容词修饰一个人,用and 连接形容词,那么这些词或者都是褒义词,或者都是贬义词。如果用but 连接形容词,必然是一部分是褒义词,而另一部分是贬义词。做完形填空题必须首尾相顾,甚至文章的最后一个空档也要连贯上文所有的内容。

完形填空题的题目有40%涉及到搭配遣词。在设置题目时,命题者会在搭配问题上大做文章,充分考虑考生可能进入的误区,设置迷惑选项。有些选项填上去似乎符合上下文,语法也对,但搭配欠妥,不太合理。这种搭配包括主谓搭配、动宾搭配、形容词与被修饰名词的搭配、副词与被修饰动词的搭配、介词短语搭配、动词短语搭配、固定短语搭配等。例如:根据上下文要表示妒嫉某人,用admire sb就不妥, 而要用envy sb。即使表示钦佩,用admire sb sth也不妥,用admire sb.for sth.才对。表示由某人负责,到底用in charge of还是用in the charge of,要看" 某人" 是放在前面作主语,还是放在后面作宾语,前者有主动含义,后者是被动意义。当然有很多题目是文章意义和搭配遣词掺和在一起的,这对能力要求就更高。


完形填空题总体难度是较高的,但20个空档中,容易失分的也仅有四、五题,大多数是中档题和低档题。因此,在解题中要注意解题速度,不可为一道难题而苦思冥想,耗时太多。应该绕道而行,先做下文容易题,也缩小了思考的范围,同时又提供了更多的信息,在 心理上也容易接受。当20题已经做了16题时,剩下的4题就可以从容应答。对于有的难题一时难下定论的,有可能在做完后面的容易题后,你会前后连贯,恍然大悟。有一些题目在上文难以找到信息依据,考生无论怎么思考都是枉然。这时必须读下去,在下文中找到相关依据后再返回定论。有时上文已选定某一项,但下文解题中,发现上文那个不妥,不符合逻辑,也必须返回定论。不善于返回定论,就难以做好完形填空题。




The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before this question, it will be useful to introduce some concepts. as opposition among social units-or individuals-directed against one another, is opposition among social units seeking to obtain something which is inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, which those who in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both of opposition. The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social unit function in the disservice of one another, opposition is contrasted to cooperation, a by which social units function in the service of one another. These are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited , but conflict isn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable of human societies.

Many authors arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea that in the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Those who fail in this

struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are not enough to satisfy all.

36. A. considering 37. A. related 38. A. specified 39. A. variable 40. A. acknowledged 41. A. critically 42. A. on 43. A. enter

B. solving B. used B. remarked B. distinguished B. denies B. approximately B. for B. participate

C. answering C. translated C. defined C. various C. assumes C. independently C. with C. fall

D. saying D. sacred D. claimed D. isolated D. means D. costly D. in D. involve

44. A. formations 45. A. nevertheless 46. A. procession 47. A. accounts 48. A. resources 49. A. matter 50. A. concentrated 51. A. encouraged 52. A. not only 53. A. killed 54. A. resistence 55. A. workers

B. classes B. however B. standard B. definitions B. origins B. element B. fixed B. accepted B. either B. raised B. privilege B. officials

C. terms C. thus C. process C. descriptions C. sources C. event C. centered C. adapted C. neither C. fired C. favour C. individuals

D. reactions D. maybe D. measurement D. explanations D. materials D. coincidence D. based D. adopted D. both D. surrounded D. employment D. residents

36. A 考虑这个问题之前,有必要介绍一些与之相关的概念。 37. A “相关的概念”,应用related 。

38. C define, “解释”,“下定义”,后面经常接as; specify,“指定”,“指明”。The regulations

specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination。remark,“说”。claim,“要求承认某人之身份,所有权”。Does anyone claim this umbrella? 有没有人认领这把伞? 冲突,指的是社会单位,团体或个人之间的对抗。它与“竞争”不同。竞争指的是社会单位间为夺取一种不足够的供应而进行的对抗。

39. B distinguish from区别,不同;variable 与various(多样的) 后面一般不接from; isolated


40. D 对前面competition 的解释,“意味着”。

41. C critically 批判地;approximately 大致地;independently 独立地;不受控制地;costly

形容词,昂贵的。根据文中含义,“竞争对手各自寻求物质,所以才会有冲突”。所以此外选C 为宜。

42. D in short(inadequate) supply“缺乏的”为固定搭配,一般不用其它介词。

43. B enter in登记姓名,细节等。例:enter in an item in an account book将一笔账记入账

本;fall in 陷入,例fall in love with sb. involve in“卷入”,一般为卷入某个事件;participate in参与。 竞争者们可能彼此不了解,而冲突者们则熟识对方。

44. B formation, 构成;terms, 术语;reactions, 反映;classes 在此处指“种类,类别”。冲突和竞争


45. C 选这类连接副词时,关键是弄清句与句之间意义关系。上句讲到对抗就是彼此不服


46. C procession 队伍,行列;standard 标准;process 过程;measurement 衡量。上句中谈

到对抗是彼此不服务时,用的是“a process by which social. . . ”,此处与上句这部分结构完全相同,就可套用process 一词。

47. B accounts 叙述;definitions ,定义,概念;descriptions, 描述;explanations ,解释。文

章第二句话是第一自然段主题句:介绍几个概念,然后作者分别介绍。本题中用these definitions“这些概念”则与上文浑然一体。对这些定义的理解非常必要,因为有必要强调,个人或团体之间的竞争在这个资源有限的世界是难免的,而冲突则是可免的。 48. A resource 资源,指国家、人类或个人所拥有的人力及物力,例:We must exploit the

natural resources of our country. 我们必须开发本国的天然资源。source 指河的源头:the source of Nile尼罗河的发源地。source 还指出处,来源,例:The news comes from a reliable source. 这项消息出自可靠的来源。origin 起源,the origin of a quarrel 争吵的起因。此空前为a world of limited一个有限资源的世界,因此选A 。 49. B 冲突很可能发生,它可能是人类社会必不可少、值得得到的要素。 50. D base. . . on. . . 把……建立在……上。 51. C 只有那些适应(能力)强的才活下来。

52. B 看到or 就会想到either; not only. . . but also; neither. . . nor. . . ,both. . . and都是固定搭

配。在竞争中失败的动物,要不就是饿死,要不就被别的动物杀死。 53. A 由前句starve to death和or 可知,此处应同death 意义相近。 54. A 为生存的抗争不同于人类战争。

55. C 由后面的jobs, markets and materials 可知,此处应填“个人”。 workers, officials 和

residents (居民)都以偏概全。 (2)

A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move . What was the was he found himself unable to ask for help-his mobile

It is almost that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more __: “First of all I checked up my __ In this way I dozed (打盹) off. ”

way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) not far away.

Don’t you think that you can compare it with __life and work, you are lost in darkness. _ you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

36. A. hopeless 37. A. service 38. A. cry 39. A. delay 40. A. untrue 41. A. plan 42. A. physical 43. A. method 44. A. rotting 45. A. loss 46. A. had 47. A. Willing

B. worst B. way B. lie B. success B. unimaginable B. decision B. mental B. way B. spreading B. failure B. managed B. Unable

C. more C. order C. wait C. team C. true C. explanation C. working C. alternative C. hurting C. disappointment C. tried C. Determined

D. best D. work D. sleep D. arrival D. useless D. excuse D. medical D. strength D. bleeding D. sadness D. planned D. Deciding

48. A. hearing 49. A. rescue 50. A. end 51. A. save 52. A. adventure 53. A. Mind 54. A. really 55. A. and

B. sight B. village B. top B. help B. work B. Watch B. immediately B. so

C. feeling C. local C. opening C. stop C. life C. Imagine C. carefully C. but

D. direction D. brave D. side D. calm D. mankind D. Warn D. hopefully D. while

36. B 此处突出强调状况之“糟”。他动不了,更为糟糕的是他不能求救。

37. D 因为电池用尽,手机不能用了,go out of work意为“不工作”。out of service当“停止

服务”讲,out of order当“混乱”讲。

38. C 此处表示除了“等”之外,别无选择。此处是固定句型nothing can be done but do, 相当

于have no choice but to do从作者叙述的朋友在深夜受伤但非常镇静这一事实可知其他动词不合题意。

39. D 从后文看,作者的朋友最终获救了,因此此处应是援救“到来”了。“耽误”不合题意,


40. B 在黑夜里如此长时间忍受恐惧,作者认为这是令人“无法想象的”。作者此处是在赞


41. C 这是指朋友后来的“解释”。从后文可以排除其他选项,此处不是朋友的“借口”,更不


42. A 在受伤的情况下,检查的应是“身体的”状况,后面“没有生命危险”也印证了这一点。


43. B 此处指做事情的“方式”,应用way, 指没有办法呼救。method 多表示解决问题的具体

“方法”。如:his studying method。

44. D 因为朋友在车祸中受了重伤,又没法“呼救”,因此应实施自救,阻止伤口“流血”。 45. B 从后文可知,探险“失败”了。loss 的意思是“损失”,不合题意。

46. C 探险没有成功,因此此处只能是“尝试”去做。manage to do sth. 表示“设法干成了某


47. B 从后文“这群年轻人乱作一团”可知,他们找不到出口。其他选项“决心”,“愿意”等不


48. D 由这群年轻人迷路可知,他们乱跑一气,没有了“方向”感。

49. A 发现年轻人失败真相的应是“营救”人员。由具体的语境可排除其他选项,此处不是


50. C 从后面“亮光闪烁”可知,这儿指的是“出口”,故用opening 。 51. D 作者强调的就是人们处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,故用calm 。

52. C 作者由上述两个事例联想到“生活”。life 意义最具有概括性。作者把上述的经验和教


53. A mind sb. 当“提醒某人”讲。处于迷茫状态时,你应该提醒自己情况不明朗,不要轻


54. B 作者强调人们在处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,不要轻举妄动,因此不必“立即”


55. C 前后文构成的是转折关系。这种态度似乎是消极的,但却表现了一个人的智慧和勇



When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could do to advise me against becoming a brewer(造酒人). He’d had his father and grandfather before him. He didn’t want me near a vat(酿酒用的桶)of beer. So I did as he asked. I got good , went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that me to study law and business at the same time.

In my second year of graduate school, I began to realize that I’d done anything but go to school. So, at , my parents didn’t think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that you can’t till you’re 65 to do what you want in life.

I packed my stuff into a bus and headed for Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound. Three years later, I was ready to go back to I finished Havard and got a highly-paid job at the Boston Consulting Group Still, after working there five years, I , “Is this what I want to be doing when I’m 50?” At that time, Americans spent good money on beer in

I decided to give up my job to become . When I told Dad, he was end he me. I called my beer the brewer and patriot(爱国者) who helped to start I sold the beer direct to beer drinkers to get out. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, Sam Adams Boston Lager(淡啤酒) won the top prize for American beer. In the end I was destined(注定) to be a brewer. My to the young is simple: Life is very , so don’t rush to make decisions. Life doesn’t let you plan. 36. A. cost B. spent C. taken 37. A. like B. as if C. so 38. A. anywhere B. anyway C. anyhow 39. A. habits B. teachers C. grades 40. A. promised B. convinced C. advised 41. A. never B. ever C. always 42. A. Fortunatnely B. Obviously C. Possibly 43. A. assure B. decline C. deny 44. A. school B. Colorado C. my home 45. A. thrilled B. stressed C. wondered 46. A. cheap B. expensive C. low 47. A. Englishmen B. Europeans C. the world 48. A. a lawyer B. a brewer C. an instructor 49. A. astonished B. satisfied C. interested 50. A. hated B. supported C. raised 51. A. for B. at C. in 52. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Also 53. A. price B. name C. company 54. A. advice B. life C. job 55. A. hard B. busy

C. short

36. B spend time doing sth. 是固定结构,意思是“把时间花在做……上”。 37. C 倒装句。“so+倒装句”表示“另一个人或物的情况与前面相同”。

D. paid D. nor D. somewhere D. work D. allowed D. hardly D. Surprisingly D. wait D. my decision D. sneezed D. high D. Americans D. an engineer D. anxious D. left D. after D. Yet D. party D. experience D. long

38. A anywhere 用于否定句中。

39. C 据上下文可知,作者服从了父亲的安排并获得了良好的成绩。 40. D 学校允许我学习法律和商业。allow sb to do sth. “允许某人做某事”。 41. A never. . . anything=nothing。

42. B 我想退学,显然父母不会同意,其他不合题意。 43. D “不能等到人老了才做自己愿做的事”。

44. A 下文finished Harvard提供了回来学习的信息,因而为go back to school。 45. C 这句话是作者对自己生活的疑惑。 46. C 本句意思是啤酒很贵,但质量不佳。

47. D 上文提到Americans 高价买质量不好的啤酒,因而本句应为为Americans 制造高质


48. B 从下文可知,作者要放弃原来的工作,成为酿酒人。

49. A 当我告诉父亲时,他对我的想法不是很满意或感兴趣,而是奇怪,因为文章一开始


50. B but 表转折,表明最后他同意和支持我,故答案为B 。 51. D name sth. . . after为一固定搭配。 after 有“根据、依据”的意思。

52. C also “而且”,作者首先给他的啤酒起了一个好名字,同时又直销给喝酒人。 53. B 把“酒的名字”传出去,使这一“name”有了名气。

54. A 从后面的几句话可知,作者是在给读者“忠告”,advice“忠告、劝告、建议”。 55. D 从“不要急于做决定”,可知作者是想表达“人的一生很长久”的意思,所以也就有了“生

活不一定按你的计划进行”。 (4)

Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right-and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to others how their positions, statements, and points of view are , and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow it, or at least learn something. Wrong!

Think about it. Have you ever been by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right. ”? Or, has anyone you know ever you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right” at their ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us to be corrected. We all want our positions to be and understood by

others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest of the human heart. And those who learn to are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the of correcting others are often resented and .

A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practise others the joy of being right- give them the glory. correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to\:”, rather than jumping and saying, “No, it’s more important to…:”, simply let it go and allow their statement to The people in your life will become less defensive and more . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have 53. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other people’s , which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos (自我). Starting today, let others be “ 36. A. show 37. A. unimportant 38. A. consider 39. A. fooled 40. A. thanked 41. A. side 42. A. like 43. A. admired 44. A. shortcomings 45. A. talk 46. A. habit 47. A. punished 48. A. letting 49. A. Stop 50. A. out 51. A. last 52. A. helpful 53. A. dreamed 54. A. sufferings

B. ask B. unbelievable B. appreciate B. helped B. rewarded B. price B. hate B. received B. advantages B. praise B. form B. avoided B. lending B. Continue B. up B. go B. loving B. wanted B. worries

C. prove C. incorrect C. understand C. taught C. cared C. expense C. prefer C. realized C. desires C. help C. position C. left C. allowing C. Practise C. in C. work C. careful C. asked C. successs

D. teach D. imperfect D. refuse D. corrected D. accepted D. cost D. afford D. respected D. wishes D. listen D. purpose D. scolded D. owing D. Try D. off D. stand D. popular D. demanded D. happiness

55. A. happy B. right C. sorry D. proud

36. A show sb. sth. “给某人展示……”。 37. C 由下文“纠正”别人(correcting )可知。

38. B appreciate “感激”。由or at least learn something 可知。 39. D 由上下文可知。

40. A 此处作者反问:你曾经被别人“纠正”而感激不尽过吗?被你“纠正”过的人曾经“感激”


41. C at one’s expense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。 42. B 此处应是我们都“不喜欢”被别人“纠正”。 43. D 由后面的understand 可知。 44. C 指我们内心的“欲望”。

45. D 学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。 46. A be in the habit of 相当于have the habit of。

47. B 由前面的“怨恨”及和前句的loved 和respected 相对比可知。 48. C allow sb. sth. “允许某人拥有……”。

49. A 作者建议:别再老是“纠正”别人,故用stop doing (停止干……)。 50. C jump in 相当于break in (插话、打断别人)。 51. D stand 意为“站得住脚、能成立”。 52. B loving “友爱的”。 53. A dream “梦想”。

54. D 目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。

55. B 由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧。


Lose-Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on. It’s easy to be the nice guy. It’s easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

with my mom all started one day she said to me sarcastically(讽刺地) ,“Wow, you’re sure sassy today . ” I 40 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close myself off from her and never back to her. So every time she would

say something I disagreed with her I would just say, “Okay, you want, Mom”

But I really got cold quickly. And my began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, that’s ”and then went back to mop the floor.

“Don’t you ever ?”I thought. But I didn’t say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I her how important it was to me.

At last, I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to to do and I just do it because it’s than fighting. Well, I’m sick of it. ” This all came as a to her.

After my blowup, we felt like we were all over in our relationship. But it’s getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always my feeling with her.

If you adopt Lose Win as your basic toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You’ll also be your true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy. 36. A. wanderings 37. A. out 38. A. relationship 39. A. as 40. A. regarded 41. A. fight 42. A. even if 43. A. something 44. A. coldness 45. A. true 46. A. care 47. A. also 48. A. warned 49. A. end 50. A. worse

B. disappointment B. down B. problems B. since B. treated B. struggle B. only if B. whatever B. anger B. impossible B. see B. still B. shown B. change B. easier

C. lessons C. up C. quarrels C. when C. received C. talk C. as long as C. so much C. disagreement C. nice C. say C. even C. asked C. last C. more

D. helplessness D. free D. improvement D. before D. took D. turn D. as though D. too much D. hope D. important D. listen D. already D. told D. stop D. less

51. A. surprise 52. A. going 53. A. share 54. A. way 55. A. hurting

B. pleasure B. starting B. have B. method B. waking

C. gift C. thinking C. discuss C. attitude C. storing

D. harm D. reviewing D. improve D. theory D. hiding

36. A 通过下文看,Jenny 讲述了自己从忍气吞声到最终摆脱出来的过程。而在此过程中,


37. D brea k free“挣脱”,“获得心灵、精神上的解放”,符合Jenny 争得自己尊严的结果。 38. B 从后文看,这儿指的是“我”跟妈妈的“问题、矛盾”的出现。 39. C when 引导定语从句,修饰前面的名词day, 本身作状语。

40. D take 此处意思是“接受、理解”之意,此处指作者并未真正了解妈妈对她的讽刺口吻,


41. C talk back“还嘴、顶嘴”,此处指Jenny 决定忍气吞声,不跟妈妈顶嘴。

42. A even if引导让步状语从句,当“即使”讲,Jenny 此处决定即使妈妈说的不对,也不去


43. B 此处指Jenny 总是不顶撞妈妈,妈妈说什么就是什么,因此用whatever“无论什么”。 44. B Jenny 虽然不顶撞妈妈,但内心的“怒气”在聚集。

45. C 理解下文Jenny 生气可知,此处是妈妈“敷衍”我的话,意为“好啊”,表现出妈妈对我


46. A care 当“关心、在乎”讲,此处Jenny 在内心里反问:妈妈关心过我吗?

47. C even 此处用来加强语气。进一步说明妈妈对“我”漠不关心,意为:她甚至不知道我

生气了。also, still, already均不合逻辑。

48. D 此处句子结构是虚拟语气,假如我“告诉”妈妈,她会明白学业对我来说有多么重要。 49. B Jenny 最后终于爆发,对妈妈说:这一切需要“改变”了。Jenny 不能再忍气吞声下去了。

50. B Jenny 在申诉:忍气吞声是为了避免跟妈妈发生冲突,为了大家好,即:我忍气吞声


51. A 表示妈妈没有预料到“我”会这么生气,而且向她申诉。surprise 用作可数名词,当“令


52. B 表示“我”和妈妈的关系有了新的“开始”。start all over表示“重新开始”。 53. A share\:with\:与妈妈分享(交流)自己的感情,符合题意跟搭配关系。 54. C 后面的介词是toward, 因此只有选“态度”才符合题意跟搭配关系。

55. D Jenny 最后发表议论,“忍气吞声”、把自己的真实感情“隐藏”起来对健康不利。


dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well

son a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Bible ,with the young man’s name written in gold“With all your money you give me a Bible?” and

When he arrived at his father’s, sudden sadness and regret -wrapped Bible, just as he had years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had 诗),Matthew 7-11,“And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?”

标签) with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the 55 of his graduation, and the words:PAID IN FULL. 36. A. computer 37. A. pay 38. A. signs

B. bike B. buy B. facts

C. car C. support C. marks

D. recorder D. afford D. results

39. A. However 40. A. house 41. A. gave 42. A. excited 43. A. raised 44. A. ran 45. A. busy 46. A. remembered 47. A. When 48. A. informing 49. A. treasures 50. A. filled 51. A. pick up 52. A. seen 53. A. made 54. A. dropped 55. A. year

B. Finally B. room B. handed B. nervous B. changed B. went B. successful B. realized B. As B. announcing B. possessions B. caught B. remind of B. got B. written B. appeared B. date

C. Quietly C. study C. showed C. interested C. improved C. walked C. comfortable C. knew C. After C. telling C. clothing C. attacked C. search through C. left C. underlined C. rolled C. moment

D. Actually D. office D. presented D. disappointed D. increased D. stormed D. happy D. considered D. Before D. discovering D. eagerness D. beat D. refer to D. thrown D. designed D. showed D. day

36. C 由文章最后一段的“a car key”和“the sports car”可知。

37. D afford 常与can/could/be able to连用,表示“买得起、担负得起”。

38. A sign“迹象,征兆”,fact“事实”,mark“记号,标记”,result“结果”,这个年轻人渴望


39. B C 、D 两项明显不符,而A 项中的however 表转折,此处无转折之意。用finally 表


40. C 由此处的“his own”和第四段中的“his father’s important papers”可判断出,study 此处指


41. B give 与present 相比较笼统,hand 较具体、生动,故B 项最佳\. 42. D 由于没得到自己想要的礼物,年轻人有点失望\. 43. A 年轻人由于生气而朝他父亲吼叫。

44. D storm 意为“气呼呼地疾走,闯,冲”,此处用storm 恰当地表现他当时生气的样子,

而run 仅表示跑出去。

45. B 从后面一句“He had a beautiful home and wonderful family”可知。 46. B realize“意识到,认识到”。

47. D 他还没来得及安排时间去看望你亲就收到电报。

48. C 用tell 可表示“信上/电报上说”、“牌子上写着”、“仪器显示”等。 49. B possession 常用复数表示财产。 50. A 他心中充满了悲伤和后悔。

51. C 在书房中父亲留下的重要文件中寻找,即清点父亲留下的东西。 52. C 礼物就象毕业那天放在那儿一样还是新的。 53. C underline“在……下划线(以示强调)”。 54. A 车钥匙掉下来,所以用drop 。 55. B 标签上标有年轻人毕业那一天的日期。


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  • 高考阅卷老师:2014年高考数学如何拿高分? 高考阅卷老师:2014年高考数学如何拿高分? 考题解析:高考各类题型基本固定 张天德教授说,对于数学高考来说,同学们首先应该熟悉考题基本类型,在抓重点的同时全面地兼顾掌握各类知识点.与此同时还要 ...查看

  • 历年中考数学填空题压轴精选(答案详细)
  • 中考填空题 7.已知⊙A 和⊙B 相交,⊙A 的半径为5,AB =8,那么⊙B 的半径r 的取值范围是_________________. 2 8.已知抛物线F 1:y =x -4x -1,抛物线F 2与F 1关于点(1,0)中心对称,则在 ...查看

  • 英语语法填空技巧
  • 语法填空技巧 1. 考查介词,包括表时间.方位.方式的介词on ,in ,at ,with ,by ,through 等.如2010年高考考查了with 表伴随的用法:The young man went home____35_____a ...查看

  • 高三英语二轮复习计划 1
  • 高三英语下学期二轮三轮备考课程纲要 高三英语二轮备考课程纲要 授课对象:高三 授课目的:备战高考复习精讲巧练复习指导 课程材料:初中教材+高中必修1-5.选修6+专项训练.套题训练 课程内容: 要点1 初中教材.必修1-5+选修6 要点2 ...查看

  • 高三英语教与学的思路及策略
  • 作者:张运学李海英 山东师范大学外国语学院学报 2010年04期 一.引言 高三年级的英语教学对英语教师教学水平的提高能起到很大的促进作用.本文将结合笔者的高三英语教学经验以及高考阅卷的经历,着重从高三英语教学思路和高三英语学习策略两个方面 ...查看

  • 一模试卷分析及高三英语复习策略
  • 练中求变, 能力至上 --2010年市一模试卷分析及高三英语复习策略 泰顺中学 刘海宇 一.2010年市一模试卷分析 1.2010年市一模试卷评析 2010年市一模试卷的难度适中,符合考试说明的要求,也体现了高中新课程理念和素质教育的内涵, ...查看
