英语段落翻译-家 home


If we analyze the word and take it literally,” home”

originally, has something to do with the pigsty apparently. Certainly, with its development, a home becomes more and more unlike a pigsty. However, I do not like those spotless houses, for Excessive cleanliness spoils a home. Home is where people live, so everything inside it should make people feel comfortable. If they pay much attention to the cleanliness of house, they will be a slaver of home. And it’s not worth being total housemaid. An admirable domestic setting should at the premise of strengthening the healthy and harmonious relationship among family members. A favorable home should be human friendly and too much detail-picking will lessen its glamour. Some people like to keep their house tidy as if only for foreign visitors. Ironically, as a result, the home owners also become uneasy guests.


If we analyze the word and take it literally,” home”

originally, has something to do with the pigsty apparently. Certainly, with its development, a home becomes more and more unlike a pigsty. However, I do not like those spotless houses, for Excessive cleanliness spoils a home. Home is where people live, so everything inside it should make people feel comfortable. If they pay much attention to the cleanliness of house, they will be a slaver of home. And it’s not worth being total housemaid. An admirable domestic setting should at the premise of strengthening the healthy and harmonious relationship among family members. A favorable home should be human friendly and too much detail-picking will lessen its glamour. Some people like to keep their house tidy as if only for foreign visitors. Ironically, as a result, the home owners also become uneasy guests.


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