



两个国家,两种文化,两种截然不同的教育风格,竟都共同代表着世界教育领域最顶尖的教育水准,这与政府民众对教育的深刻认识不无关系。美国人认为,一个人不管处于什么境地,有两件事是必须做的,并伴随着一生:一是受教育,一是信宗教。美国人对教育的重视,达到了与信仰宗教一样的虔诚境界。而英国教育标榜自己的口号是:The Best You Can Be——你能成就极至,反映出了他们的教育理念和始终追求的信仰。在这种意识下使得不论是美国教育还是英国教育,都不仅仅是作为一种纯粹的功利目的而进行的活动,且具有了宗教般虔诚的信仰,近乎是一项神圣的宗教行为了。

Anglo-American philosophy of education.

Americans tireless pursuit of equality and freedom, diversity, openness (open) to the different levels of learning ability and economic conditions, international, flexibility (various nature school is the educational system in the United States reflected in the education meet the needs of different target, no uniform

education system) the characteristics of the country, the U.S. Department of Education can not only meet the needs of different populations, different levels of people's needs, to ensure educational equity and equality of opportunity, but also to meet and give full play to the different education personality

characteristics of the object, so that education is full of vigor and vitality.

British conservative and strict, rigorous study reflected in the education,

improve the education system. It has a strict quality control system, the major institutions Teaching Quality Evaluation and Research Assessment results are

announced to the world, higher education in the UK will be checked on a

regular basis. British university research level long-term to maintain a very high level, is inseparable from the quality monitoring system, many groundbreaking inventions start in the United Kingdom, for example, the first cloned sheep, on the train at the University of Edinburgh. The quality of British education is also reflected in the strict assessment of students, some professionals can use the "cruel" to describe, be eliminated and can not get a degree but also a lot of people, the British teachers usually because the students will not only almost put students a horse, their work ethic and dedication demeanor ensure the quality of education.

The two countries, two cultures, two very different styles of education, actually share represents the level of education of the world's top field of education, with a profound understanding of the government of public education is not unrelated. Americans believe that a person, no matter in what situation, there are two things that must be done, and along with his life: First, education,

religion. Americans on the importance of education, to achieve a devout realm of religious belief. British education flaunts their own slogan: The Best You Can Be - you can accomplish extreme, reflects their philosophy of education and has always been the pursuit of faith. Whether education or education makes this awareness, not just as a purely utilitarian purpose and activities, and has a devout religious faith, almost a sacred religious act.

Anglo-American education idea is different.

Americans tireless pursuit of equality and freedom, education is embodied in the American education system has diversity, open (to different levels of learning ability and economic conditions open), international, flexibility (all kinds of different kinds of

schools to meet the needs of different target, the country has no unified education system), the characteristics of American

education can meet different people, different levels of people's needs, to ensure the education fairness and equality of

opportunity, and can satisfy different and give full play to the characteristics of the object by education, education is full of vigor and vitality.

And the British conservative and rigorous, reflected in the education is rigorous style of study, improve the education system. It owns a strict quality control system, the universities and colleges of teaching quality evaluation and research level evaluation results announced to the world, the British higher education will regularly checked. British university scientific research level of long-term maintain a very high level, but also to the quality monitoring system inseparable, many

groundbreaking research invention begins in Britain, for instance, the first cloned sheep only training in university of Edinburgh. British education quality is also reflected in the

students' strict appraisal, some professional can use "cruel" to describe, be eliminated and can't get degree also returned, British teacher usually won't because students just almost put students a horse, their professional ethics and professional demeanor effectively guarantee the education quality.

Two countries, two kinds of culture, two completely different education style, but all common represents the world education field top education level, the government and the public education to the profound understanding not relationship. Americans believe that, a person no matter in what situation, there are two things to do, and with life: one is influenced by education, one is the religious. People in the United States to the attention of education, to believe in religion and the same

religious realm. The British education flaunt their slogan is: The Best You Can Be, You Can achieve most reflects their education ideas and pursue beliefs. In this kind of consciousness that whether the American education is the education, is not only as

a purely utilitarian purpose and activities, and has the religious belief, religious, almost is a sacred religious behaviour.




两个国家,两种文化,两种截然不同的教育风格,竟都共同代表着世界教育领域最顶尖的教育水准,这与政府民众对教育的深刻认识不无关系。美国人认为,一个人不管处于什么境地,有两件事是必须做的,并伴随着一生:一是受教育,一是信宗教。美国人对教育的重视,达到了与信仰宗教一样的虔诚境界。而英国教育标榜自己的口号是:The Best You Can Be——你能成就极至,反映出了他们的教育理念和始终追求的信仰。在这种意识下使得不论是美国教育还是英国教育,都不仅仅是作为一种纯粹的功利目的而进行的活动,且具有了宗教般虔诚的信仰,近乎是一项神圣的宗教行为了。

Anglo-American philosophy of education.

Americans tireless pursuit of equality and freedom, diversity, openness (open) to the different levels of learning ability and economic conditions, international, flexibility (various nature school is the educational system in the United States reflected in the education meet the needs of different target, no uniform

education system) the characteristics of the country, the U.S. Department of Education can not only meet the needs of different populations, different levels of people's needs, to ensure educational equity and equality of opportunity, but also to meet and give full play to the different education personality

characteristics of the object, so that education is full of vigor and vitality.

British conservative and strict, rigorous study reflected in the education,

improve the education system. It has a strict quality control system, the major institutions Teaching Quality Evaluation and Research Assessment results are

announced to the world, higher education in the UK will be checked on a

regular basis. British university research level long-term to maintain a very high level, is inseparable from the quality monitoring system, many groundbreaking inventions start in the United Kingdom, for example, the first cloned sheep, on the train at the University of Edinburgh. The quality of British education is also reflected in the strict assessment of students, some professionals can use the "cruel" to describe, be eliminated and can not get a degree but also a lot of people, the British teachers usually because the students will not only almost put students a horse, their work ethic and dedication demeanor ensure the quality of education.

The two countries, two cultures, two very different styles of education, actually share represents the level of education of the world's top field of education, with a profound understanding of the government of public education is not unrelated. Americans believe that a person, no matter in what situation, there are two things that must be done, and along with his life: First, education,

religion. Americans on the importance of education, to achieve a devout realm of religious belief. British education flaunts their own slogan: The Best You Can Be - you can accomplish extreme, reflects their philosophy of education and has always been the pursuit of faith. Whether education or education makes this awareness, not just as a purely utilitarian purpose and activities, and has a devout religious faith, almost a sacred religious act.

Anglo-American education idea is different.

Americans tireless pursuit of equality and freedom, education is embodied in the American education system has diversity, open (to different levels of learning ability and economic conditions open), international, flexibility (all kinds of different kinds of

schools to meet the needs of different target, the country has no unified education system), the characteristics of American

education can meet different people, different levels of people's needs, to ensure the education fairness and equality of

opportunity, and can satisfy different and give full play to the characteristics of the object by education, education is full of vigor and vitality.

And the British conservative and rigorous, reflected in the education is rigorous style of study, improve the education system. It owns a strict quality control system, the universities and colleges of teaching quality evaluation and research level evaluation results announced to the world, the British higher education will regularly checked. British university scientific research level of long-term maintain a very high level, but also to the quality monitoring system inseparable, many

groundbreaking research invention begins in Britain, for instance, the first cloned sheep only training in university of Edinburgh. British education quality is also reflected in the

students' strict appraisal, some professional can use "cruel" to describe, be eliminated and can't get degree also returned, British teacher usually won't because students just almost put students a horse, their professional ethics and professional demeanor effectively guarantee the education quality.

Two countries, two kinds of culture, two completely different education style, but all common represents the world education field top education level, the government and the public education to the profound understanding not relationship. Americans believe that, a person no matter in what situation, there are two things to do, and with life: one is influenced by education, one is the religious. People in the United States to the attention of education, to believe in religion and the same

religious realm. The British education flaunt their slogan is: The Best You Can Be, You Can achieve most reflects their education ideas and pursue beliefs. In this kind of consciousness that whether the American education is the education, is not only as

a purely utilitarian purpose and activities, and has the religious belief, religious, almost is a sacred religious behaviour.


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