
1. One need only ask first-year university students what music they listen to , how much of it and what it means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, that it begins in adolescence or a bit before and continues through the college years.

2. They start, like the pharisee in the parable , by thanking God that the are not as other men are, and proceed to paint a picture of those other men, hardly more flattering than that which Swift painted of the Yahoos.

3. Each time the dream was a promise out of our ancient articles of faith, phrases from the constitution, lines from the great anthem of the nation,

guarantees from the Bill of Rights, all ending with a vision that they might one day all come true

4. For many the day seemed an adventure, a long outing in the late summer sun —part liberation from home, part Sunday school picnic, part political convention, and part fish fry.

5. It may not “look to it” at once, since it is looking to so many things, but it will be a long time before it forgets the melodious(悦耳的) and melancholy (忧郁的) voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., crying out his dreams to the multitude(大众).

1. He enjoys the liberties hard won over centuries by the alliance of

philosophic genius and political heroism, consecrated by the blood of martyrs (烈士) ; he is provided with comport and leisure by the most productive

economy ever known to mankind; science has penetrated the secrets of nature in order to provide him with the marvellous, life like electronic sound and image reproductions he is enjoying.

2. Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate

himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness—on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.

3. As for the lowbrows' claim to be specially "human", I for one have never been able to understand why it should be "inhuman" to use the faculties that distinguish us from pigs and geese and "human" to use those which we share with the lower animals.

4. There is no disputing, says the proverb, about taste—though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else—and if

highbrowism and lowbrowism were exclusively ( as it is certain that they are in great part) matters of individual taste, there would be no more to say about them than what I have said in the preceding lines.

5. Thus I desire a great deal less pleasure from jazz and thrillers than from the music, let us say, of Beethoven(贝多芬) or the novels, for example, of

Dostoievsky; and the sex appeal of the girls on the covers of magazines seems to me less thrilling than the more complicated appeal to a great variety of feelings made by a Rubens, an EI Greco, a Constable, a Seurat.




中国人见面时喜欢问:吃过了吗? Have you had breakfast(lunch, supper)?到哪去?Where areyougoing?这都不是外国人在见面问候时会问的问题。如果见面就问外国人“到哪里”,人家会以为你要了解人家的私事,对你会产生反感。外国人喜欢问:“你好吗?”这句话可以有不少表达方法,如How are you? How do you do ?How have you been doing?Hello!Hey! 等。用哪一句来表达你的问候,取决于你与被问候人的关系密切程度。总之,这一类的问候语,直译可能会让人感到莫名其妙,还是按外国人的习惯翻译较好。


中国人喜欢对病人深表同情。但外国人则轻易不愿表现出其弱的一面,对他们表达过分同情的话未必会收到好的效果。例如:中国人在听说一个人生病后可能会说:得知贵体欠佳,深感不安和关切。直译:I was rather disturbed by and concerned about yourillness.但这样翻译会使感到病情很重,只能加重病人的顾虑,达不到安慰病人的目的。按照英文的表达习惯,可译为:I am sorry tohear about your illness and wish you a

speedyrecovery. 这样翻译既表达了讲话者的难过心情,又表达了希望病人尽快康复的愿望。


在受到表扬或感谢时,中国人往往比较谦虚,会说:“这没什么。”“这是我应该做的。”或者,“哪里,哪里,我还做得很差。”如果直译:It isnothing. This is my duty. This is what I should do. Well, I have notdone very well. There is still much to

beimproved. 所有这些谦恭的话,在外国人听起来,都会显得做作。西方人通常会说:It’s my pleasure.

Thank you for your kind words. I feel flattered.翻译这些话时,宜根据西方的习惯来译。


中国人迎接远道而来的客人时常常会说:“一路上辛苦了。累不累?”You must have been tired after thelongflight(journey)而外国人喜欢在别人面前显得年轻、有朝气,不喜欢被人认为体弱,或有疲劳感。因此,上述问候话直译效果不好,可译成:How was the flight? Have you had a pleasant flight?或者You have had along flight.



例1 中国可作为贵国资源性产品的稳定市场,同时中国的许多工业产品可满足贵国市场的需要。

直译:Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China

andChinese industrial products can meet the needs of yourmarket.这么直译也许会让人担心,以为我们的工业品要去占领他们的市场。同样的意思可以翻得更客气一些。如:You may find astable market in China for your primary products and may also get anumber of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs. 例2 我想向大家介绍一下你们所关心的经济问题。

直译:I wish to talk on China’s economic development in which you are interested.

这样翻译,显得讲话者太肯定听众会对他所讲内容感兴趣。尽管讲话者知道听众是有兴趣的,但说得客气一点效果更好。可译为:I would liketo brief you on China’s economic development, which might be ofinterest to you.


1974年,加拿大“白求恩纪念委员会”访华代表团中有一位团员对我接待官员说,我方翻译像警察,原因是那天早晨,翻译到他房间对他说: Youhave breakfast at 8, get your luggage downstairs at 8:30 and leave herefor the airport at 9.OK?语言简单、生硬、不礼貌,给外宾留下了不好的印象。建议对外宾说:Breakfast is at8. Would you please get your luggage downstairs at 8:30?we are going toleave here for the airport at 9.

曾有一位女翻译招呼外宾时,大声喊叫“Hello”而不知道说:"Excuse me",在宣布事情时总是:Attentionplease. 而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attentionplease. 结果一位外宾对此感到不快,说:I don’t want to talk to that wildgirl.要人帮忙时,我们时常会说:你能告诉我到×××地方怎么走吗? 你能说英语吗? 等。如果英文译成:Can you tell me howto get to……?Can you speakEnglish?那将是很不客气的问话。对方会以为你怀疑他的能力。因为英文字can 表示能力。如果改为could, 含义就不同了。可以译为:Couldyou please tell me how to get……? Do you speakEnglish?一个陌生人问你如何去某地时,你很可能传说:“最好坐公共汽车去。”如将这句话译为You’d better take abus,听起来不够礼貌。因为You’d better……这个句型含有You have a duty to do something,或Youhave an obligation to…的意思。是一种命令语气,常用于晚辈或下属。因此,这样翻译不够礼貌。这句话有许多客气的表达方法。

如:I suggest you take a bus.

It might be better to take a bus.

Perhaps you might like to take a bus.

Why not take a bus?

I think the best way is by bus.

总之,我们翻译工作者必须学会礼貌用语,委婉表达法。中国驻悉尼总领事段津在谈到对外往的沟通艺术时曾介绍了一些礼貌用语。如:在对别人的意见表示不同看法时可以说: I have to disagree with you, but I would think…或者Well, there’s apoint in what you said, but …对某件事表示不同意见时,可以说:Would it not be betterif…请别人帮忙时,可以说:Could you do me a favour, 或者Excuse me ,I have

aproblem,…等等。在绝别人要求时,可以说:I am afraid it doesn’t work.或者I wonder whetherit will work, but I’ll try my best.


"As an experienced Minister with a distinguished record of service,we are confident that he has all the attributes to be an outstandingpresident of this Conference…but I have to place before you some of thereservations that we have about this nomination. If I may, I will sharewith you some of our concerns. Such a presidency will be misread bythose outside the ILO as signaling that…” 可以译为:他是一位有经验的部长,并做出了出色的成绩。我们相信,他完全具有条件,可以成为一个杰出的会议主席。但是,我不是不陈述我们对于这一提名的保留意见。请允许我向你们谈谈我们所关注的一些问题。这一主席的提名会被国际劳工组织以外的人误解为发出一个……的信号。”这位团长既清楚地表达了反对意见,但又讲得非常委婉、客气。这些表达方法很值得我们学习、借鉴。



例1 Welcome


Beijing Is Waiting for You (北京正等着您) 和International Hotel WelcomesYou.中国民航赠送的挎包上曾印有中、英文的欢迎词:欢迎乘坐中国民航,Welcome you to flyCAAC. 英语中的“欢迎”通常使用"welcome" 这个词。Welcome 作动词时有两种形式可用:动词+宾语,动词+宾语+副词短语。

习惯上可以译为welcome somebody to somewhere,或welcome to aplace.显然上述译法不符合这个英文词的通常表达习惯。应译为:Welcome to Beijing, Welcome toInternational Hotel 和Welcome to fly CAAC。如要翻译“欢迎贵国工商界人士到中国去投资”,不能译为:Wewelcome people from the business community of your country to makeinvestment in China.可译为:i)People from the business community here inthis country are welcome to make investment in China.或ii)We hope thatpeople from the business community here in this country will go andinvest in China.



例1 禁止拍照

Forbid photograph

No Photos

例2 禁止吸烟

Forbid Smoking

No Smoking或者Thank you for not smoking.

1. One need only ask first-year university students what music they listen to , how much of it and what it means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, that it begins in adolescence or a bit before and continues through the college years.

2. They start, like the pharisee in the parable , by thanking God that the are not as other men are, and proceed to paint a picture of those other men, hardly more flattering than that which Swift painted of the Yahoos.

3. Each time the dream was a promise out of our ancient articles of faith, phrases from the constitution, lines from the great anthem of the nation,

guarantees from the Bill of Rights, all ending with a vision that they might one day all come true

4. For many the day seemed an adventure, a long outing in the late summer sun —part liberation from home, part Sunday school picnic, part political convention, and part fish fry.

5. It may not “look to it” at once, since it is looking to so many things, but it will be a long time before it forgets the melodious(悦耳的) and melancholy (忧郁的) voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., crying out his dreams to the multitude(大众).

1. He enjoys the liberties hard won over centuries by the alliance of

philosophic genius and political heroism, consecrated by the blood of martyrs (烈士) ; he is provided with comport and leisure by the most productive

economy ever known to mankind; science has penetrated the secrets of nature in order to provide him with the marvellous, life like electronic sound and image reproductions he is enjoying.

2. Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate

himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness—on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.

3. As for the lowbrows' claim to be specially "human", I for one have never been able to understand why it should be "inhuman" to use the faculties that distinguish us from pigs and geese and "human" to use those which we share with the lower animals.

4. There is no disputing, says the proverb, about taste—though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else—and if

highbrowism and lowbrowism were exclusively ( as it is certain that they are in great part) matters of individual taste, there would be no more to say about them than what I have said in the preceding lines.

5. Thus I desire a great deal less pleasure from jazz and thrillers than from the music, let us say, of Beethoven(贝多芬) or the novels, for example, of

Dostoievsky; and the sex appeal of the girls on the covers of magazines seems to me less thrilling than the more complicated appeal to a great variety of feelings made by a Rubens, an EI Greco, a Constable, a Seurat.




中国人见面时喜欢问:吃过了吗? Have you had breakfast(lunch, supper)?到哪去?Where areyougoing?这都不是外国人在见面问候时会问的问题。如果见面就问外国人“到哪里”,人家会以为你要了解人家的私事,对你会产生反感。外国人喜欢问:“你好吗?”这句话可以有不少表达方法,如How are you? How do you do ?How have you been doing?Hello!Hey! 等。用哪一句来表达你的问候,取决于你与被问候人的关系密切程度。总之,这一类的问候语,直译可能会让人感到莫名其妙,还是按外国人的习惯翻译较好。


中国人喜欢对病人深表同情。但外国人则轻易不愿表现出其弱的一面,对他们表达过分同情的话未必会收到好的效果。例如:中国人在听说一个人生病后可能会说:得知贵体欠佳,深感不安和关切。直译:I was rather disturbed by and concerned about yourillness.但这样翻译会使感到病情很重,只能加重病人的顾虑,达不到安慰病人的目的。按照英文的表达习惯,可译为:I am sorry tohear about your illness and wish you a

speedyrecovery. 这样翻译既表达了讲话者的难过心情,又表达了希望病人尽快康复的愿望。


在受到表扬或感谢时,中国人往往比较谦虚,会说:“这没什么。”“这是我应该做的。”或者,“哪里,哪里,我还做得很差。”如果直译:It isnothing. This is my duty. This is what I should do. Well, I have notdone very well. There is still much to

beimproved. 所有这些谦恭的话,在外国人听起来,都会显得做作。西方人通常会说:It’s my pleasure.

Thank you for your kind words. I feel flattered.翻译这些话时,宜根据西方的习惯来译。


中国人迎接远道而来的客人时常常会说:“一路上辛苦了。累不累?”You must have been tired after thelongflight(journey)而外国人喜欢在别人面前显得年轻、有朝气,不喜欢被人认为体弱,或有疲劳感。因此,上述问候话直译效果不好,可译成:How was the flight? Have you had a pleasant flight?或者You have had along flight.



例1 中国可作为贵国资源性产品的稳定市场,同时中国的许多工业产品可满足贵国市场的需要。

直译:Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China

andChinese industrial products can meet the needs of yourmarket.这么直译也许会让人担心,以为我们的工业品要去占领他们的市场。同样的意思可以翻得更客气一些。如:You may find astable market in China for your primary products and may also get anumber of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs. 例2 我想向大家介绍一下你们所关心的经济问题。

直译:I wish to talk on China’s economic development in which you are interested.

这样翻译,显得讲话者太肯定听众会对他所讲内容感兴趣。尽管讲话者知道听众是有兴趣的,但说得客气一点效果更好。可译为:I would liketo brief you on China’s economic development, which might be ofinterest to you.


1974年,加拿大“白求恩纪念委员会”访华代表团中有一位团员对我接待官员说,我方翻译像警察,原因是那天早晨,翻译到他房间对他说: Youhave breakfast at 8, get your luggage downstairs at 8:30 and leave herefor the airport at 9.OK?语言简单、生硬、不礼貌,给外宾留下了不好的印象。建议对外宾说:Breakfast is at8. Would you please get your luggage downstairs at 8:30?we are going toleave here for the airport at 9.

曾有一位女翻译招呼外宾时,大声喊叫“Hello”而不知道说:"Excuse me",在宣布事情时总是:Attentionplease. 而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attentionplease. 结果一位外宾对此感到不快,说:I don’t want to talk to that wildgirl.要人帮忙时,我们时常会说:你能告诉我到×××地方怎么走吗? 你能说英语吗? 等。如果英文译成:Can you tell me howto get to……?Can you speakEnglish?那将是很不客气的问话。对方会以为你怀疑他的能力。因为英文字can 表示能力。如果改为could, 含义就不同了。可以译为:Couldyou please tell me how to get……? Do you speakEnglish?一个陌生人问你如何去某地时,你很可能传说:“最好坐公共汽车去。”如将这句话译为You’d better take abus,听起来不够礼貌。因为You’d better……这个句型含有You have a duty to do something,或Youhave an obligation to…的意思。是一种命令语气,常用于晚辈或下属。因此,这样翻译不够礼貌。这句话有许多客气的表达方法。

如:I suggest you take a bus.

It might be better to take a bus.

Perhaps you might like to take a bus.

Why not take a bus?

I think the best way is by bus.

总之,我们翻译工作者必须学会礼貌用语,委婉表达法。中国驻悉尼总领事段津在谈到对外往的沟通艺术时曾介绍了一些礼貌用语。如:在对别人的意见表示不同看法时可以说: I have to disagree with you, but I would think…或者Well, there’s apoint in what you said, but …对某件事表示不同意见时,可以说:Would it not be betterif…请别人帮忙时,可以说:Could you do me a favour, 或者Excuse me ,I have

aproblem,…等等。在绝别人要求时,可以说:I am afraid it doesn’t work.或者I wonder whetherit will work, but I’ll try my best.


"As an experienced Minister with a distinguished record of service,we are confident that he has all the attributes to be an outstandingpresident of this Conference…but I have to place before you some of thereservations that we have about this nomination. If I may, I will sharewith you some of our concerns. Such a presidency will be misread bythose outside the ILO as signaling that…” 可以译为:他是一位有经验的部长,并做出了出色的成绩。我们相信,他完全具有条件,可以成为一个杰出的会议主席。但是,我不是不陈述我们对于这一提名的保留意见。请允许我向你们谈谈我们所关注的一些问题。这一主席的提名会被国际劳工组织以外的人误解为发出一个……的信号。”这位团长既清楚地表达了反对意见,但又讲得非常委婉、客气。这些表达方法很值得我们学习、借鉴。



例1 Welcome


Beijing Is Waiting for You (北京正等着您) 和International Hotel WelcomesYou.中国民航赠送的挎包上曾印有中、英文的欢迎词:欢迎乘坐中国民航,Welcome you to flyCAAC. 英语中的“欢迎”通常使用"welcome" 这个词。Welcome 作动词时有两种形式可用:动词+宾语,动词+宾语+副词短语。

习惯上可以译为welcome somebody to somewhere,或welcome to aplace.显然上述译法不符合这个英文词的通常表达习惯。应译为:Welcome to Beijing, Welcome toInternational Hotel 和Welcome to fly CAAC。如要翻译“欢迎贵国工商界人士到中国去投资”,不能译为:Wewelcome people from the business community of your country to makeinvestment in China.可译为:i)People from the business community here inthis country are welcome to make investment in China.或ii)We hope thatpeople from the business community here in this country will go andinvest in China.



例1 禁止拍照

Forbid photograph

No Photos

例2 禁止吸烟

Forbid Smoking

No Smoking或者Thank you for not smoking.


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  • 各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子<我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司>一文的作者. 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛. 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的 ...查看

  • 大学英语翻译教学存在的问题及对策
  • 摘要:大学英语翻译教学中存在的问题包括对翻译课程重视不够.教材内容陈旧且单一.对语言文化背景知识缺乏了解.缺乏实践经验积累等.改进大学英语翻译教学的对策:提高学生对英语翻译课程重要性的认识,合理设置翻译课程,加强信息技术与英语教学的整合,加 ...查看

  • 高考文言文翻译及断句练习
  • 阅读下面几个文言小段,完成后面练习. (一)教子不欺 曾子之妻 之 市,其子随之而泣.其母曰:"女还,顾反,为女杀彘 ."妻 适 市来,曾子欲捕彘杀之.妻止之曰:" 特与婴儿戏耳."曾子曰:" ...查看

  • 英语四级翻译练习
  • 英语四级翻译练习:每日一练(4) 新的英语四级翻译题型备考并没有什么窍门,大家平时要注意词汇的积累并多做些练习.下面小编就为大家准备了一篇英语四级翻译练习,一起来试试吧. 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 1. 没有安定的政治环境,干什么都不成. ...查看
