死亡诗社英文影评 1

Dead Poets Society After watching Les Choristes, I continued to watch Dead Poets Society. Immediately, I found that both of them had the same theme. I even felt that I didn’t need to spend more time finishing it. At this time, the teacher’s words came to my mind that it was homework for that week which no one could delay, so what I could only choose was to move on.

The result proved that my reluctant choice was right. I gradually became moved and could n’t help shedding tears. Especially, when I watched the last five minutes-- the moment the boys standing on the desks one by one called to the leaving teacher “oh, captain, my captain” in the saddest voice, almost no words could describe my true feeling. Although it doesn’t tell us what will happen to Mr. Keating and at the same time it gives us a very big room to imagine with our own thought.Everything is summed up in the few words put over in the scene and Mr. Keating’s final “Thank you,boys.”Yes, the respectful teacher was their captain in their whole life . He interested them in the poets, but in fact in life. It also helped me to see and understand the precious feelings between human beings better .

Neil Perry,the hero of the movie,was a fighter to old forces .He was a lovely and clever young man,with good marks ,handsome

appearance.Maybe he was one of the best example of perfect students.He tried to do what he wanted,but his father stopped him.His father asked him to be a surgeon and go to Harvard.If he did as his father ordered ,he may be a famous surgeon and live a simple life.But he couldn’t,because he met Mr. Keating.He wanted to find his own voice and fly in his own blue sky.At last,he couldn’t bear the pressure from his parents and killed himself in a freezing winter night.Neil’s story proved that how important it is to stand one’s ground no matter how hard it may be.

Todd Anderson,another important role in the movie,wrote down “seizing the day”in the first class.At first sight,he was a student who just knew to learn and obeyed whatever his parents told him.He threw his pencil box which his parents gave him as his birthday present with Neil’s encouragement.Mr. Keating asked and encouraged him to describe what did Hetman look like in his imagination. With the help of Neil and Mr. Keating ,he gradually became a fighter,standing in the opposite of the old forces.After Neil died ,he had to accept his parents’ and the schoolmaster’s authority and was forced to admit that Mr. Keating was the main reason for Neil’s death.At the end of the movie ,he firstly stood up on his desk to say goodbye to Mr. Keating.Before he stood up,he

had already known what was the result of his action,but he still did as he wanted to .He has been a true fighter then.

After seeing this movie,I couldn’t calm down for a long time.It reminded me of my experience from my primary school to my univercity.When I was a child at school,my teachers were very strict to us.In our classroom,we must pretend to be the obedient sheep,not like in Mr. Keating’s class where his boys can be the free wo lves.We were told that the answers in the teachers’ hands were standard.I want to ask what on earth is the standard answer.Everything has many aspects.Defferent people,different view,different answers.I think I’m so lucky that my family members have never give me any pressure in my study,but I always feel a kind of invisible pressure behind me.So I always work hard because I want to see the beautiful smile on my parents’ face when they know that I get the best marks. But many of my schoolmates were unlucky comparing with me. They lived an unhappy life because their parents gave them too much pressure that they can’t bear.They were always in sorrow because they would be blamed if they got bad marks.

One day,if I have a child,I won’t give him or her any pressure,the one thing I will give him or her is that wings which belonging to them.Let him or her fly freely in his or her own sky.At the same

time,I want to tell all the parents all over the world that don’t give too much pressure on your children and let them take their own decision,or you will get nothing.

When it comes to here, I have to say that Dead Peots Society is one of my favorite movie I have ever seen. I’m very impressed by many things from this movie. Now I want to share my favorite words in this movie.

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately ...I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life...And not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived...” These words definitely moved me and made me think of my favorite quote- seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary. I always believe strongly that if we all really do like this, the world, basically will be ours. As we all know, the only limitations are within ourselves, and we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. In fact, living in this world is a beautiful responsibility, and only cowards dare not to change it for the better.

The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful. I know I haven’t seized the day completely, but I will keep on trying.

Dead Poets Society After watching Les Choristes, I continued to watch Dead Poets Society. Immediately, I found that both of them had the same theme. I even felt that I didn’t need to spend more time finishing it. At this time, the teacher’s words came to my mind that it was homework for that week which no one could delay, so what I could only choose was to move on.

The result proved that my reluctant choice was right. I gradually became moved and could n’t help shedding tears. Especially, when I watched the last five minutes-- the moment the boys standing on the desks one by one called to the leaving teacher “oh, captain, my captain” in the saddest voice, almost no words could describe my true feeling. Although it doesn’t tell us what will happen to Mr. Keating and at the same time it gives us a very big room to imagine with our own thought.Everything is summed up in the few words put over in the scene and Mr. Keating’s final “Thank you,boys.”Yes, the respectful teacher was their captain in their whole life . He interested them in the poets, but in fact in life. It also helped me to see and understand the precious feelings between human beings better .

Neil Perry,the hero of the movie,was a fighter to old forces .He was a lovely and clever young man,with good marks ,handsome

appearance.Maybe he was one of the best example of perfect students.He tried to do what he wanted,but his father stopped him.His father asked him to be a surgeon and go to Harvard.If he did as his father ordered ,he may be a famous surgeon and live a simple life.But he couldn’t,because he met Mr. Keating.He wanted to find his own voice and fly in his own blue sky.At last,he couldn’t bear the pressure from his parents and killed himself in a freezing winter night.Neil’s story proved that how important it is to stand one’s ground no matter how hard it may be.

Todd Anderson,another important role in the movie,wrote down “seizing the day”in the first class.At first sight,he was a student who just knew to learn and obeyed whatever his parents told him.He threw his pencil box which his parents gave him as his birthday present with Neil’s encouragement.Mr. Keating asked and encouraged him to describe what did Hetman look like in his imagination. With the help of Neil and Mr. Keating ,he gradually became a fighter,standing in the opposite of the old forces.After Neil died ,he had to accept his parents’ and the schoolmaster’s authority and was forced to admit that Mr. Keating was the main reason for Neil’s death.At the end of the movie ,he firstly stood up on his desk to say goodbye to Mr. Keating.Before he stood up,he

had already known what was the result of his action,but he still did as he wanted to .He has been a true fighter then.

After seeing this movie,I couldn’t calm down for a long time.It reminded me of my experience from my primary school to my univercity.When I was a child at school,my teachers were very strict to us.In our classroom,we must pretend to be the obedient sheep,not like in Mr. Keating’s class where his boys can be the free wo lves.We were told that the answers in the teachers’ hands were standard.I want to ask what on earth is the standard answer.Everything has many aspects.Defferent people,different view,different answers.I think I’m so lucky that my family members have never give me any pressure in my study,but I always feel a kind of invisible pressure behind me.So I always work hard because I want to see the beautiful smile on my parents’ face when they know that I get the best marks. But many of my schoolmates were unlucky comparing with me. They lived an unhappy life because their parents gave them too much pressure that they can’t bear.They were always in sorrow because they would be blamed if they got bad marks.

One day,if I have a child,I won’t give him or her any pressure,the one thing I will give him or her is that wings which belonging to them.Let him or her fly freely in his or her own sky.At the same

time,I want to tell all the parents all over the world that don’t give too much pressure on your children and let them take their own decision,or you will get nothing.

When it comes to here, I have to say that Dead Peots Society is one of my favorite movie I have ever seen. I’m very impressed by many things from this movie. Now I want to share my favorite words in this movie.

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately ...I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life...And not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived...” These words definitely moved me and made me think of my favorite quote- seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary. I always believe strongly that if we all really do like this, the world, basically will be ours. As we all know, the only limitations are within ourselves, and we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. In fact, living in this world is a beautiful responsibility, and only cowards dare not to change it for the better.

The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful. I know I haven’t seized the day completely, but I will keep on trying.


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