

▼ 要求能力

1、 理解语篇主旨大意

2、 理解文章具体信息

3、 根据上下文推断生词的词义

4、 作出简单判断和推理

5、 理解文章的基本结构

6、 理解作者的观点、意图和态度

▼ 题型动态

1、 主旨大意题

2、 细节理解题

3、 词义判断题

4、 推断题

5、 观点态度题

●▓ 主旨大意题



★★ 做题要领:

文章主旨通常会出现在文首,文中或文尾,因此寻找主题句或主题段往往是做好此类题的关键。 但当文中没有直接出现主题句,应对文章意思全面理解后归纳概括主旨,但不能太笼统即不切主题,言过其实或以偏概全。

【 练一练 】

If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention:

to the store ready to buy, you may discover that the advertised sets are sold out. But the salesman is quick to reassure you that he has another model, a more reliable set which is

► Which sentence best expresses the main idea?

A) The customer must be on his guard when purchasing items on sale.

B) Color television sets which sell for $79 are sold out quickly.

C) Many stores use the

D) Anyone planning to buy a television set should look for a sale.

【 练一练 】

After completing his college studies, Larry Bird began playing professional basketball for the Huston Celtics. He remained with the Celtics for all his professional career. During those 13 years, Larry Bird was named the Most Valuable Player of the year three times. He scored more than 21,000 points, and he played in 13 of the highest scoring games in his team’s history. Once he scored 60 points in just one game.

► The main idea of the second paragraph is that Larry Bird_____.

A. was the named the Most Valuable Player of the Year

B. was strong and tall

C. was good at shooting baskets

D. was the oldest player of the team



【 练一练 】

(07年高考北京卷)Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲狮) saw Jeb and his son, Tom, before they saw it. Jeb put his bag down quickly and pulled his jacket open with both hands, making himself look big to the cougar.It worked.The cougar hesitated, ready to attackk Jeb, but ready to forget the whole thing, too.

► Why did Jeb pull his jacket open when he saw the cougar?

A. To get ready to fight. B. To frighten it away.

C. To protect the boy. D. To cool down.

【 练一练 】

(07高考天津卷) The city of Rome has passed a new law to prevent cruelty to animals. All goldfish bowls are no longer allowed and dog owners must walk their dogs.

This comes after a national law was passed to give prison sentences to people who desert cats or dogs.

“The civilization of a city can be measured by this.” said Monica carina, the councilor(议员)behind the new law.

► People in Rome believe that the civilization of a city can be judged by its____.

A. exchanges with other cities

B. protection for ancient ruins

C.awareness of animal protection

D. recognition of animal lover






【 练一练 】

(07年高考全国卷)Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska. the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education. ► The words‘‘hooked on teaching” underlined in Paragraph 2 probably mean____.

A. attracted to teaching B. tired of teaching

C.satisfied with teaching D. unhappy about teaching

【 练一练 】

Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved(值得的).

► Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate”?

A. repeat B. reiterated

C. uneducated D. sick

●▓ 推断题





【 练一练 】

One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two

small mice and about five dozen roaches (蟑螂) and two spiders.”

“What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised.

“Well,”replied the man,“I’m moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”

► The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the house, it was ______.

A. very clean

B. just cleaned by the landlord

C. tidy and comfortable

D. dirty and full of insect

【 练一练 】

(07高考全国卷)Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录) of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education.

► Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler’s memoir?

A.Top manager B. Language learners

C.Serious educator D. Science organizations


回答这类问题应从篇章的体裁入手.一般来说,在说明文中作者的态度是客观的或中立的;在议论文中,作者的态度才会显得多种多样. 可以根据阐述主题或有关主题的相关语句或词语确定作者的态度。



★【 练一练 】

Why isn’t your newspaper reporting any good news? All I read about is murder, bribery(行贿), and death. Frankly, I am sick of all this bad news.

► This author’s attitude towards the newspaper reporting is to_____.

A.complain B. apologize C. amuse D.doubt

【 练一练 】

A month after Hurricace Katrina, I returned home in New Orleans. There lay my house, reduced to waist-high rains, smelly and dirty.

Before the trip, I’d had my car fixed. When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill, she noticed my Louisiana license plate. “You from New Orleans?” she asked. I said I was,

“No charge.” She said, and firmly shock her head when I reached for my wallet. The next day I went for a haircut, and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida, we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house. We looked at many places, but none was satisfactory. We’d began to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while, when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kemmedy in California. He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for state, the online magazine and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”) a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded a good to her return, but I replied, thinking him for his exceptional generosity, he want to England on his one year, paid leave. The rent was rather reasonable. I mentioned the poet’s offer to James Kemdedy, and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience , the kindness of strangers back my faith in humanity .It’s almost worth losing you wordy possessions to be reminded that people really when given had a channel.

56.The garage employee’s attitude toward the author was that of

A.unconcern B.sympathy C.doubt D.tolerance

57.What do we know about James Kemnedy?

A.He was a written of an online magazine.

B.He was a poet at the University of Florida

C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.

D.He learned about the author’s sufferings.

58.It can be inferred from the text that

A.the author’s family was in financial difficulty

B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

59.The author learned from his experience that

A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C.people benefit from their sad storie

D.human beings are kind after all.

【 练一练 】

The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful

sunset over the ocean, so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever. He sent his camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.

The next morning he said to the men,

The director was angry.

But then a young secretary had an idea.

They all went into the studio.


The birds in the film were flying backwards, and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

1. One evening, the director sent his camera crew out _________.

A. to film a scene on the sea B. to find an actor and an actress

C. to watch a beautiful sunset D. to meet the audience

2. Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

A. Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset.

B. Because he was angry with his crew.

C. Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset.

D. Because it was his secretary's suggestion.

3. The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because ______.

A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

B. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

C. it was more moving than a sunrise

D. the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset

4. After the

A. because he was moved to tears

B. as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

C. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

D. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The crew had to follow the secretary's advice.

B. If you want to see a sunrise, the east coat is the place to go.

C. The camera crew wasn't able to film the scene the first day.

D. The director ordered his crew to stop filming the

【 练一练 】

The most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians, is Easter. This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year,but it's always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents

have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.

But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter,

many people go to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection(复活)from the dead. Most people color Ester eggs. Some people hide them. Others just eat them. But no matter what one does with Easter eggs,they are an important Easter tradition throughout the Western world. People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on lawns and in bushes. In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny (兔子).But in Belgium, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church bells. In Bulgaria (保加利亚), red Easter eggs are lucky in churches. Bulgarian families also hit these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist. In parts of Austria,for example,children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colorful eggs.

1.Easter comes _______.

A. on the same date every year

B. on Sunday on March 22

C. on Sunday on April 25

D. on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25

2.To celebrate Easter, people ___________.

A. go shopping, hide colored eggs and children hunt for them

B. give Easter baskets filled candy and goodies to one another

C. buy new clothes, hide colored eggs and children look for them around the house

D. both B and C

3.For Christians the more important thing to do on Easter is________.

A. going to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection

B. buying new clothes

C. eating delicious food and paint color eggs

D. exchange beautiful gifts each other

4.People from different cultures have different ideas about Easter egg _________.

A. In both American and Belgium, children hunt for Easter eggs hidden in rooms and in bushes

B. In Belgium, the hidden eggs are thought to have fallen from doorbells

C. In American, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny

D. In America, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from doorbells

5.In some places of Austria, children sing from door to door for_______.

A. blesses B. Easter eggs

C. candy and goodies D. Easter bunny


▼ 要求能力

1、 理解语篇主旨大意

2、 理解文章具体信息

3、 根据上下文推断生词的词义

4、 作出简单判断和推理

5、 理解文章的基本结构

6、 理解作者的观点、意图和态度

▼ 题型动态

1、 主旨大意题

2、 细节理解题

3、 词义判断题

4、 推断题

5、 观点态度题

●▓ 主旨大意题



★★ 做题要领:

文章主旨通常会出现在文首,文中或文尾,因此寻找主题句或主题段往往是做好此类题的关键。 但当文中没有直接出现主题句,应对文章意思全面理解后归纳概括主旨,但不能太笼统即不切主题,言过其实或以偏概全。

【 练一练 】

If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention:

to the store ready to buy, you may discover that the advertised sets are sold out. But the salesman is quick to reassure you that he has another model, a more reliable set which is

► Which sentence best expresses the main idea?

A) The customer must be on his guard when purchasing items on sale.

B) Color television sets which sell for $79 are sold out quickly.

C) Many stores use the

D) Anyone planning to buy a television set should look for a sale.

【 练一练 】

After completing his college studies, Larry Bird began playing professional basketball for the Huston Celtics. He remained with the Celtics for all his professional career. During those 13 years, Larry Bird was named the Most Valuable Player of the year three times. He scored more than 21,000 points, and he played in 13 of the highest scoring games in his team’s history. Once he scored 60 points in just one game.

► The main idea of the second paragraph is that Larry Bird_____.

A. was the named the Most Valuable Player of the Year

B. was strong and tall

C. was good at shooting baskets

D. was the oldest player of the team



【 练一练 】

(07年高考北京卷)Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲狮) saw Jeb and his son, Tom, before they saw it. Jeb put his bag down quickly and pulled his jacket open with both hands, making himself look big to the cougar.It worked.The cougar hesitated, ready to attackk Jeb, but ready to forget the whole thing, too.

► Why did Jeb pull his jacket open when he saw the cougar?

A. To get ready to fight. B. To frighten it away.

C. To protect the boy. D. To cool down.

【 练一练 】

(07高考天津卷) The city of Rome has passed a new law to prevent cruelty to animals. All goldfish bowls are no longer allowed and dog owners must walk their dogs.

This comes after a national law was passed to give prison sentences to people who desert cats or dogs.

“The civilization of a city can be measured by this.” said Monica carina, the councilor(议员)behind the new law.

► People in Rome believe that the civilization of a city can be judged by its____.

A. exchanges with other cities

B. protection for ancient ruins

C.awareness of animal protection

D. recognition of animal lover






【 练一练 】

(07年高考全国卷)Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska. the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education. ► The words‘‘hooked on teaching” underlined in Paragraph 2 probably mean____.

A. attracted to teaching B. tired of teaching

C.satisfied with teaching D. unhappy about teaching

【 练一练 】

Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved(值得的).

► Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate”?

A. repeat B. reiterated

C. uneducated D. sick

●▓ 推断题





【 练一练 】

One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two

small mice and about five dozen roaches (蟑螂) and two spiders.”

“What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised.

“Well,”replied the man,“I’m moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”

► The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the house, it was ______.

A. very clean

B. just cleaned by the landlord

C. tidy and comfortable

D. dirty and full of insect

【 练一练 】

(07高考全国卷)Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录) of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education.

► Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler’s memoir?

A.Top manager B. Language learners

C.Serious educator D. Science organizations


回答这类问题应从篇章的体裁入手.一般来说,在说明文中作者的态度是客观的或中立的;在议论文中,作者的态度才会显得多种多样. 可以根据阐述主题或有关主题的相关语句或词语确定作者的态度。



★【 练一练 】

Why isn’t your newspaper reporting any good news? All I read about is murder, bribery(行贿), and death. Frankly, I am sick of all this bad news.

► This author’s attitude towards the newspaper reporting is to_____.

A.complain B. apologize C. amuse D.doubt

【 练一练 】

A month after Hurricace Katrina, I returned home in New Orleans. There lay my house, reduced to waist-high rains, smelly and dirty.

Before the trip, I’d had my car fixed. When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill, she noticed my Louisiana license plate. “You from New Orleans?” she asked. I said I was,

“No charge.” She said, and firmly shock her head when I reached for my wallet. The next day I went for a haircut, and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida, we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house. We looked at many places, but none was satisfactory. We’d began to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while, when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kemmedy in California. He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for state, the online magazine and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”) a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded a good to her return, but I replied, thinking him for his exceptional generosity, he want to England on his one year, paid leave. The rent was rather reasonable. I mentioned the poet’s offer to James Kemdedy, and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience , the kindness of strangers back my faith in humanity .It’s almost worth losing you wordy possessions to be reminded that people really when given had a channel.

56.The garage employee’s attitude toward the author was that of

A.unconcern B.sympathy C.doubt D.tolerance

57.What do we know about James Kemnedy?

A.He was a written of an online magazine.

B.He was a poet at the University of Florida

C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.

D.He learned about the author’s sufferings.

58.It can be inferred from the text that

A.the author’s family was in financial difficulty

B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

59.The author learned from his experience that

A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C.people benefit from their sad storie

D.human beings are kind after all.

【 练一练 】

The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful

sunset over the ocean, so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever. He sent his camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.

The next morning he said to the men,

The director was angry.

But then a young secretary had an idea.

They all went into the studio.


The birds in the film were flying backwards, and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

1. One evening, the director sent his camera crew out _________.

A. to film a scene on the sea B. to find an actor and an actress

C. to watch a beautiful sunset D. to meet the audience

2. Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

A. Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset.

B. Because he was angry with his crew.

C. Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset.

D. Because it was his secretary's suggestion.

3. The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because ______.

A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

B. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

C. it was more moving than a sunrise

D. the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset

4. After the

A. because he was moved to tears

B. as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

C. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

D. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The crew had to follow the secretary's advice.

B. If you want to see a sunrise, the east coat is the place to go.

C. The camera crew wasn't able to film the scene the first day.

D. The director ordered his crew to stop filming the

【 练一练 】

The most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians, is Easter. This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year,but it's always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents

have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.

But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter,

many people go to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection(复活)from the dead. Most people color Ester eggs. Some people hide them. Others just eat them. But no matter what one does with Easter eggs,they are an important Easter tradition throughout the Western world. People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on lawns and in bushes. In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny (兔子).But in Belgium, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church bells. In Bulgaria (保加利亚), red Easter eggs are lucky in churches. Bulgarian families also hit these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist. In parts of Austria,for example,children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colorful eggs.

1.Easter comes _______.

A. on the same date every year

B. on Sunday on March 22

C. on Sunday on April 25

D. on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25

2.To celebrate Easter, people ___________.

A. go shopping, hide colored eggs and children hunt for them

B. give Easter baskets filled candy and goodies to one another

C. buy new clothes, hide colored eggs and children look for them around the house

D. both B and C

3.For Christians the more important thing to do on Easter is________.

A. going to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection

B. buying new clothes

C. eating delicious food and paint color eggs

D. exchange beautiful gifts each other

4.People from different cultures have different ideas about Easter egg _________.

A. In both American and Belgium, children hunt for Easter eggs hidden in rooms and in bushes

B. In Belgium, the hidden eggs are thought to have fallen from doorbells

C. In American, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny

D. In America, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from doorbells

5.In some places of Austria, children sing from door to door for_______.

A. blesses B. Easter eggs

C. candy and goodies D. Easter bunny


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  • 高三英语教与学的思路及策略
  • 作者:张运学李海英 山东师范大学外国语学院学报 2010年04期 一.引言 高三年级的英语教学对英语教师教学水平的提高能起到很大的促进作用.本文将结合笔者的高三英语教学经验以及高考阅卷的经历,着重从高三英语教学思路和高三英语学习策略两个方面 ...查看

  • 2014年九年级英语中考复习计划耿其香
  • 2014年九年级英语中考备考计划 太康县毛庄镇一中 耿其香 2014年6月的中考越来越近了,学生们的生活也越来越紧张了,为了帮助学生在繁忙的学习和生活中有步骤地复习好英语,进而在中考中取得各自理想的成绩,我九年级英语老师结合中考复习教学方法 ...查看

  • 高中文言文阅读理解专项训练
  • 文言文阅读需要在顺利翻译的基础上理解全文内容,体味古人表达的思想和情感.为增加同学们的文言文知识积累及提高文言文阅读能力,语文网小编给大家整理了"高中文言文阅读理解专项训练".走进文言文,浸润其中,涵咏体味,提升审美能力 ...查看
