
Practice Test 10

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A) You aren't a serious person.

B) You don't look serious at all.

C) I think you are just joking.

D) I expected you are serious.

2. A) This box can hold more books than that one.

B) Can this box fit in with the others?

C) We can't find the other box of books.

D) Can't we put another book into the box?

3. A) Jason has sold eleven.

B) Jason isn't at all quiet.

C) Jason is unusually tall.

D) Jason is lost in the forest.

4. A) The thief's hands were red.

B) The thief was caught because his hands were red.

C) When the thief was caught, his hands were red.

D) The thief was caught on the spot.

5. A) The dog fled.

B) The milkman fled.

C) The milkman bit the dog.

D) The milkman drove the dog away.

6. A) A snake was crossing his feet.

B) A snake was by his feet.

C) He was crawling across a snake.

D) He was playing with a snake.

7. A) Only Elizabeth felt surprised.

B) Elizabeth surprised everyone.

C) He didn't surprise anybody.

D) Elizabeth wasn't surprised.

8. A) He was interesting.

B) We were interesting.

C) He was interested.

D) We were interested.

9. A) Talking makes me tired.

B) I don't like talking.

C) Though I feel tired, I'll talk.

D) I don't want to talk.

10.A) $ 10 isn't too much for me.

B) I haven't enough money for the coat.

C) The coat is expensive.

D) I can buy the coat.

Section B

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

11. A) At home.

B) At the hospital.

C) In prison.

D) In a kindergarten.

12. A) She baked the cake herself.

B) She wants the man to bake the cake.

C) The bakery made the cake for her.

D) The cake required no baking.

13. A) He doesn't know Sam.

B) Everyone knows about it.

C) Sam doesn't tell him.

D) Sam earned the money himself.

14. A) She called the man.

B) She took a plane.

C) She saw her aunt off.

D) She went to meet her aunt.

15. A) The man's appetite.

B) The man's health.

C) The problem of the man.

D) The man's family.

16. A) A bath.

B) A bathing room.

C) A single room with bath.

D) A double room.

17. A) He used to work hard.

B) He seldom works hard.

C) He always works very hard.

D) He's hard working now.

18. A) He's never said that.

B) John will get a new bike from him.

C) He's joking with John.

D) He has no money.

19. A) She likes him.

B) She thinks he's talkative.

C) She doesn't think highly of him.

D) She thinks he's a good man.

20. A) She feels sorry.

B) She won't believe it.

C) She is surprised.

D) She wants to know how Lily broke her leg.


Part Ⅰ Spot Dictation

Directions: In this section you will hear a passage of about 90 words three times. The passage is printed on your Answer Sheet with about 30 words missing. First, you will hear the whole passage from the beginning to the end just to get a general idea of it. Then, in the second reading, you will hear a signal indicating the beginning of a pause after each sentence, sometimes two sentences or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down the missing words you have just heard in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. There is also a different signal indicating the end of the pause. When you hear this signal, you must get ready for what comes next from the recording. You can check what you have written when the passage is read to you once again without the pauses.

(1)_______ these days are also a part of social life. If you are invited to drinks in (2)_______, it is generally a good idea to arrive a little later, but within half an hour (3)_______. If you are not greeted by the host or hostess when you come into the party, then you should (4)_______ and make yourself known. They usually will introduce you to the other guests. But if for any reason you should (5)_______, it is sensible to introduce yourself to someone (6)_______ and make conversation. Don't (7)_______ of the party and always thank the host and hostess as you leave. Thanks should be repeated (8)_______ later on. Older people tend to prefer (9)_______, but those with whom you are (10)_______ will be pleased to receive a telephone call.

Practice Test 10

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A) You aren't a serious person.

B) You don't look serious at all.

C) I think you are just joking.

D) I expected you are serious.

2. A) This box can hold more books than that one.

B) Can this box fit in with the others?

C) We can't find the other box of books.

D) Can't we put another book into the box?

3. A) Jason has sold eleven.

B) Jason isn't at all quiet.

C) Jason is unusually tall.

D) Jason is lost in the forest.

4. A) The thief's hands were red.

B) The thief was caught because his hands were red.

C) When the thief was caught, his hands were red.

D) The thief was caught on the spot.

5. A) The dog fled.

B) The milkman fled.

C) The milkman bit the dog.

D) The milkman drove the dog away.

6. A) A snake was crossing his feet.

B) A snake was by his feet.

C) He was crawling across a snake.

D) He was playing with a snake.

7. A) Only Elizabeth felt surprised.

B) Elizabeth surprised everyone.

C) He didn't surprise anybody.

D) Elizabeth wasn't surprised.

8. A) He was interesting.

B) We were interesting.

C) He was interested.

D) We were interested.

9. A) Talking makes me tired.

B) I don't like talking.

C) Though I feel tired, I'll talk.

D) I don't want to talk.

10.A) $ 10 isn't too much for me.

B) I haven't enough money for the coat.

C) The coat is expensive.

D) I can buy the coat.

Section B

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

11. A) At home.

B) At the hospital.

C) In prison.

D) In a kindergarten.

12. A) She baked the cake herself.

B) She wants the man to bake the cake.

C) The bakery made the cake for her.

D) The cake required no baking.

13. A) He doesn't know Sam.

B) Everyone knows about it.

C) Sam doesn't tell him.

D) Sam earned the money himself.

14. A) She called the man.

B) She took a plane.

C) She saw her aunt off.

D) She went to meet her aunt.

15. A) The man's appetite.

B) The man's health.

C) The problem of the man.

D) The man's family.

16. A) A bath.

B) A bathing room.

C) A single room with bath.

D) A double room.

17. A) He used to work hard.

B) He seldom works hard.

C) He always works very hard.

D) He's hard working now.

18. A) He's never said that.

B) John will get a new bike from him.

C) He's joking with John.

D) He has no money.

19. A) She likes him.

B) She thinks he's talkative.

C) She doesn't think highly of him.

D) She thinks he's a good man.

20. A) She feels sorry.

B) She won't believe it.

C) She is surprised.

D) She wants to know how Lily broke her leg.


Part Ⅰ Spot Dictation

Directions: In this section you will hear a passage of about 90 words three times. The passage is printed on your Answer Sheet with about 30 words missing. First, you will hear the whole passage from the beginning to the end just to get a general idea of it. Then, in the second reading, you will hear a signal indicating the beginning of a pause after each sentence, sometimes two sentences or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down the missing words you have just heard in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. There is also a different signal indicating the end of the pause. When you hear this signal, you must get ready for what comes next from the recording. You can check what you have written when the passage is read to you once again without the pauses.

(1)_______ these days are also a part of social life. If you are invited to drinks in (2)_______, it is generally a good idea to arrive a little later, but within half an hour (3)_______. If you are not greeted by the host or hostess when you come into the party, then you should (4)_______ and make yourself known. They usually will introduce you to the other guests. But if for any reason you should (5)_______, it is sensible to introduce yourself to someone (6)_______ and make conversation. Don't (7)_______ of the party and always thank the host and hostess as you leave. Thanks should be repeated (8)_______ later on. Older people tend to prefer (9)_______, but those with whom you are (10)_______ will be pleased to receive a telephone call.


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