







Chapter 1

Basic ideas: Definition of robot, components Of robot systems, utilization of robots

Chapter 2

1. Description of position and orientation

2. Description of frames

3. Mapping: involved translated and rotated frames

4. Homogenous transformation

5. Operators: translation, rotations, transformations,

rotation matrix for rotation about axis


Chapter 3

1. Definition of forward kinematics

2. Link Description: four link parameters

3. Link-frame attachment

4. D-H table

5. Obtain link transformations

6. Obtain forward kinematics for manipulatorChapter 4

1. Definition of inverse kinematics

2. Algebraic solution for simple manipulator

Chapter 5

1. Notation of linear velocity and rotational velocity

2. Linear and rotational velocity of rigid body

3. Cross product of two vector

4. Velocity propagation

5. Definition of Jacobians

6. The way to obtain Jacobians

7. Definition of singularity

Chapter 6

1. Linear and angular acceleration

2. Mass distribution

3. State-space equation of manipulator dynamic model








Chapter 1

Basic ideas: Definition of robot, components Of robot systems, utilization of robots

Chapter 2

1. Description of position and orientation

2. Description of frames

3. Mapping: involved translated and rotated frames

4. Homogenous transformation

5. Operators: translation, rotations, transformations,

rotation matrix for rotation about axis


Chapter 3

1. Definition of forward kinematics

2. Link Description: four link parameters

3. Link-frame attachment

4. D-H table

5. Obtain link transformations

6. Obtain forward kinematics for manipulatorChapter 4

1. Definition of inverse kinematics

2. Algebraic solution for simple manipulator

Chapter 5

1. Notation of linear velocity and rotational velocity

2. Linear and rotational velocity of rigid body

3. Cross product of two vector

4. Velocity propagation

5. Definition of Jacobians

6. The way to obtain Jacobians

7. Definition of singularity

Chapter 6

1. Linear and angular acceleration

2. Mass distribution

3. State-space equation of manipulator dynamic model


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