
2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期




(中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院, 北京100083)

摘 要:电和使用自动切换装置, 实现安全监控系统地面中心站、、继器等设备的不间断供电, 、用, 。

关键词:自动切换装置; ; 中图分类号:T:1008-4495(2009) 03-0038-03

中, 供电时间最长仅30min , 没有达到不小于

120min 的要求, 由此得出当交流电网停电时间超过30min 后, 分站将处于停止工作状态。从表1中还可看出, 有20次分站停止工作, 累计停止工作时间40h 10min , 其中最长停止工作时间5h 37min 。

表1 峻德矿042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站运行报告Ⅰ



1 我国煤矿都建立了矿井安全监测监控系统, 实现

了对井下的瓦斯、C O 、温度、风速、压力、风门开关、机电设备开停等进行实时监测监控, 对瓦斯抽放管道中的气体各种参数进行实时监测等功能。要实现该系统正常运行, 就必须保证地面和井下设备供电稳定可靠。AQ 6201—2006《煤矿安全监控系统通用技术要求》中规定“中心站应双回路供电并配备不小于2h 在线式不间断电源”;MT ΠT 1005—2006《矿用分站》和《煤矿安全规程》第一百六十条第四款规定“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”。

目前, 各种型号的安全监测监控系统的井下监测分站、交换机等设备均采取内接或外接备用直流电源, 当电网停电后而为之供电以维持系统和设备的正常运行。但是, 从鹤岗矿业集团各煤矿安全监测监控系统多年的运行情况看, 采用备用直流电源的方法并没有很好地实现“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”的规定。表1是峻德矿三水平矸石暗斜井矿建042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站2007年10月1日至15日的运行情况, 从报告中可看出, 电网停电频繁, 直流电源供电时间不足等。在15d 内7号分站供电电网总计停电24次, 同时分站切换到直流供电24次。由于分站直流电源容量不够(供电时间不足) 导致分站停止工作20次, 只有4次分站没有间断工作。在24次直流供电


) , 男, 硕士, 在读博士, 从事煤作者简介:张振龙(1962—




30min 8s 30min 3s 30min 23s 30min 30min 5s 5min 24s 30min 30s 30min 9s 2min 35s 30min 7s 30min 8s 30min 12s 30min 21s 30min 30s 23min 28s 7min 47s 30min 7s 30min 8s 30min 15s 30min 10s 30min 4s 30min 5s 30min 8s 30min 8s





1h 11min 29s 1h 52min 45s 1h 6min 57s 4h 48min 42s 32min 50s




2h 37min 42s 10min 26s




4h 31min 3h 36min 38s 1h 31min 56s 11min 26s 15min 45s




5h 37min 4s 1h 8min 58s 2h 1min 13s 5h 3min 18s 36min 6s 40min 32s 1h 1min 40s 1h 41min 43s

矿“一通三防”技术和管理工作。E -mail :hkjtzzl@126. com 。

  说明:起始时间2007-10-01T 00:00:00; 终止时间2007-10-15T 23:59:59。


1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期

从上述分析得出, 给分站供电的电网供电不稳定、不可靠, 停电频繁; 当电网停电超过直流供电能力时, 分站将处于停止运行状态; 另外, 地面中心站虽然接设双回路供电, 但是主辅电源需要人工切换; 尽管地面中心站配备了不小于2h 的在线式不间断电源, 但是当主电源停电时间超过在线式不间断直流电源供电能力时, 地面中心站将处于停止运行状态。

直流电源供电时间达不到2h 的主要原因是分站和交换机的备用直流电源的电池为铅酸、镍氢或镉镍电池, 该电池特性是需要定期充放电来维护电池的使用寿命, 如果放电时没有做到放干净就充电, 电池会产生“记忆”性, 电池容量下降, 而且监测分站都没有自动充、放电的功能, 所以分站和交换机新“记忆”而容量降低因有时是不确定的, 所以不能增设分站或交换机的自动充放电功能, 即使其有自动充放电功能, 当备用电池在放电过程中电网一旦停电, 此时也无法保证直流备用电源2h 的供电要求。所以分站和交换机的备用直流电源没有真正实现“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”的规定。

2 解决问题的技术方案

为保证煤矿安全监测监控系统的分站和交换机等设备稳定、可靠地供电, 研究开发了一种隔爆型双回路供电自动切换装置() 。, , 自动切换装, 当主电源恢复供电后切换, 从而实现供电的连。监测分站双回路供电见图1

图1 瓦斯监测分站双回路供电示意图

  峻德矿三水平的监测分站双回路供电, 主电源



路、专用开关) 的543电源, 辅电源取自生产用电的


542电源。只要543和542线路电源的其中一路有电, 该装置就有电源输出, 监测分站就能够正常工


作。当主电源543线路停电时, 自动切换装置在


20ms 内切换到辅电源542线路, 由辅电源对监测


分站进行供电, 当主电源543线路恢复正常供电


后, 自动切换装置会自动切换到主电源543线路对分站进行供电。



3 自动切换装置的原理及特点


动切换装置要实现的功能。自动切换装置的原理如图2所示, 共由4个部分组成, 即检测单元、控制单元、电源输出切换单元和遥控单元。自动切换装置电路原理见图3。自动切换装置单片机程序由初始化、信号采集、工况判断、工作状态指示输出、电源输出切换及运算子程序等几部分组成

图3 隔爆型双回路供电自动切换装置电路原理图

该装置通电后, 自动复位电路使单片机复位并进行初始化, 进入初始化程序, 对各功能寄存器和标志位进行设置, 检测输入电源是否正常, 选择正常的供电电源输出并由LE D 发光管指示工作状态。


1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期

对电源是否正常供电进行多次判断。在辅电源供电状态时, 当主电源恢复正常后, 自动切换装置不立刻切换到主电源, 而是对主电源状态是否正常进行多次判断, 确认正常后, 才切换到主电源供电。当双回路电源都在停电状态下同时或分别复电时, 自动切换装置会自动将主电源或辅电源送入监测分站对其供电。自动切换装置功率为300W , 额定电流0. 3A , 输出可接3台监测分站; 主辅电源切换时间不大于20ms , 切换时不影响监测分站的正常数据传输和运行; 可通过Y HT 1型通用遥控器对自动切换装置供电输出进行供电和断电控制, 并由指示灯指示其工作状态。

从表1和表2比较可看出, 同样是15d 内, 分站停止工作次数由20次减少为2次, 累计停止时间由40h 10min 减少为3h 43min 。使用自动切换装置后分站供电稳定性、可靠性得到极大提高。

目前, 集团公司各个矿井安全监测监控系统已普遍使用该装置, 其运行稳定, 效果良好, 分站停机率大大降低, 基本达到了关于系统供电的要求。

5 结论与建议

1) 分站的连续供电, , 。

) 、井

4 应用及效果

在峻德矿进行工业性试验, 在三水平矸石暗斜井矿建042开作K J2007G 1型7共接入44。

表2是在录中查得的7。从2007年11月1日至15日,15d 内发生2次双电源同时停电现象, 一次近3h 、一次约1h 。分站发生2次直流供电, 直流供电时间30min 多一点, 之后分站就处于停电状态, 累计停电时间3h 43min 。

表2 峻德矿042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站运行报告Ⅱ




3) 建议把应用自动切换装置写到相关技术标准和规定中, 如果采用双回路供电安设自动切换装置, 分站和交换机可以不配备直流电源; 修改局部通风机“三专”供电的规定, 允许安全监测监控系统井下设备利用局部通风机的“三专”线路供电; 地面中心站使用自动切换装置后, 可以取消双机热备的规定。

4) 下一步要实现地面中心站对自动切换装置运行状况的检测和运行状态记录功能; 目前开发的自动切换装置功率为300W , 有待于开发更大功率的自动切换装置, 扩大其应用范围。




30min 24s 30min 8s




2h 30min 9s 1h 13min 14s




[1]国家安全生产监督管理总局, 国家煤矿安全监察局. 煤

  说明:1) 起始时间2007-11-01T 00:00:00; 终止时间2007-11-15T 17:04:17。

2) 表格中的双回路电网2次停电, 是有计划停电。当双回路电网停电时, 直流电

矿安全规程[S].北京:煤炭工业出版社,2006. [2]AQ 6201—2006, 煤矿安全监控系统通用技术要求[S].[3]MT ΠT 1005—2006, 矿用分站[S].




  该系统还包括软件部分, 完成各部分的加载、驱

动、数据传送、命令处理、系统控制等。情况实时监控。与其他同类监控系统相比, 该系统

结构简单, 成本低, 使用灵活可靠, 便于施工和维护。

3 结论

该系统采用黑白图像, 像素为176点×144点(QCIF 格式) , 灰度等级为256级。10km 的距离下可支持有效数据传输速率33kbit Πs 。实验表明, 该系统所获得的视频图像质量良好, 可以满足远程监控的需要。摄像头可以通过电话线和处理中心相连, 数据传送流畅, 系统稳定。

利用ADS L 宽带技术实现远程实时监控系统, 可以在较为便宜的铜双绞线上传输数据流, 并以图像的形式实时传送到地面控制中心, 对井下工作面的・40・


[1]孙继平, 关永, 张杰. 基于DSP 的矿井远程视频监控系统

[J].湘潭矿业学院学报,2003(1) . [2]Draft G. 992. 1Asymmetrical Digital Subcriber Line (ADS L )

T ransceivers , IT U -T S tandard , 1999.

[3]Utopia Lever 2,Version 1. 0af -phy -0039. 000, The AT M

F orum T echnical C ommittee , 1995.

[4]张进, 戴旭初. ADS L 宽带接入系统中UT OPI A 接口的实

现[J].电讯技术, 2000,40(2) .

(责任编辑:李 琴)

1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

V ol. 36N o. 32009


June 2009

English Abstracts of This Issue

Numerical S imulation of G as Ex plosion Caused by Nitrogen Injection in Sealed Fire Area (1) -Numerical simulation was made on the fire de 2velopment process in the sealed fire area in a high gassy mine with the simulation s oftware F LUNET after nitrogen injection. T he migration reg 2ularity of nitrogen and methane in the fire area was attained. T he simu 2lated results sh owed that the nitrogen jet flow pushed methane forward to the fire area and caused methane ex plosion. A fter the data were pro 2cessed by the s pecialized s oftware T ecplot , it came to the reas on that methane ex plosion was induced through the analysis on the fire area con 2dition at the m oment just before methane ex plosion. T hese reas onable results further verified the view point that methane ex plosion could be in 2duced by nitrogen injection and thus provided scientific basis for gas ex 2plosion prevention while nitrogen injection after fire area was sealed. T est on I m pact Factors of C om plex Dust C ollection E ffect of V ortex Dust C ontrol System and Wet Cyclone Dust C ollection System (4) -In this paper , a com plex dust collection meth od with the conbination of v ortex dust control system and wet cyclone dust collection system was scribed. Ex perimental study was made on different matching m odes of the v ortex dust control system and wet cyclone m onitoring the dust concentration b oth at place 24m away from the were obtained such as the dust collec 2tion system to the of v ortex duct at the air outlet , the ratio of exhaust , T he ex perimental results have a certain the design and matching of the com 2plex dust control and collection system used at the site.

Analysis on Drainage of Limestone Water in C oalbed Floor Based on Vi 2sual M od flow (7) -On the basis of the hydrogeological concept m odel of the first mining district in W olonghu C oal M ine , numerical simulation and analysis were conducted on the groundwater flow in this district by applying Visual M od flow s oftware. T he identification and verification of the m odel sh owed that this m odel can better reflect the actual hydrogeol 2ogy condition of the first mining district in W olonghu C oal M ine. In ad 2dition , the dewatering effects on the limestone water in T aiyuan forma 2tion under N o. 10Seam floor in the first mining district of this mine were analyzed , this thus provided the basis for the control of the limestone water in T aiyuan formation under N o. 10Seam floor.

Development of Autocontrolled Carb on Dioxide Reactor (10) -T o counter the frequent occurrence of fire accidents in coal mines , an auto 2controlled carb on dioxide reactor for mine fire extinction was developed. T his paper gives a description of the structure and principle of this reac 2tor , the design flow of the s oftware , s pecifications and features , and the preparation w ork before its use. P LC is used in this reactor to automati 2cally control the electric valves and the concentrated sulphuric acid pum p , which counteracted the weakness of full manual control of the ex 2sisting C O 2controllor and made the operation easier and safer. T he pro 2cess of chemical reaction is controlled by P LC program , the reaction s peed can be determined according to the real -time pressure of gas in the reaction vessel , and this can further guaranttee the safety of the re 2actor. In the course of use , the instruments can be operated sim ply , easily and fastly by the contrllor in a safe range , this can acurately con 2trol the reaction process of C O 2reactor. T he C O 2reactor can produce large quantity of pure carb on dioxide , and has su fficient pressure to di 2rectly s purt C O 2to the object on fire and quickly extinguish the fire . Ex perimental S tudy on Using P otassium Ferrate as a C oagulant for M ine Water T reatment (13) -Under the conditions of different d oses , pH value , tem perature , the time of oxidation and flocculation , study was made on the flocculation effect of potassium ferrate on the mine water , analysis was conducted on the the rem oval degree of T DS and chroma from the mine water , meanwhile , com parative analysis on the floccula 2tion effect of potassium ferrate and P AC was als o conducted. T he results sh owed that the rem oval rate to turbidity and sus pended substance can be up to 94%when the content of P otassium Ferrate and sus pended substance is up to 0. 73, the suitable pH value is 4, the oxidation time and the flocculation time are res pectively 10min. , and the precipitation time is 1h our. T he ex periment als o sh owed that potassium ferrate has n o treatment effect to T DS in water , but better treatment effect to Chroma , and has higher flocculation efficiency than that of P AC. Design and Development of Y CS 22Hand -operating Oxygen F illing Pum p (17) -T he oxygen filling devices presently used in m ine rescue teams in

our country use electricity as the power , once the power supply is cut off for s ome reas on or there is n o power supply in the field , the device can ’t be used , for this purpose , Y CS 22hand -operating oxygen filling pum p was developed. T his paper gives a description of the design scheme , w orking principle and main s pecifications of this oxygen filling pum p , the design of its main structures and the results of ex perimental ver fication. T his pum p d oes n ot use electric power , has small v olume , is easy to trans port , and can be used for oxygen filling when power is cut off , there is n o power supply or where there is n o electric oxygen filling pum. Numerical Analysis on M ining E ffect of Floor Faults -In fluence of Fault ’s Dip Angle on M ining E ffect (19) -geo -me 2chanical m odel of mass in the floor was built according to the geologic floor the mining effect of floor analysis of con 2tinua. T sh that s has greater in fluence of geologic and mining conditions. w to the fault , the smaller the fault ’s dip failure depth of floor and the bigger the unloading in floor. When the w orking face went throught the fault , the un 2loading depth in the floor increased with the increase of fault ’s dip an 2gle , and the depth of deformation and failure in the floor als o increased. T he fault was active. T his revealed the mechanism of water inrush through fault in the mining floor.

Prediction Meth od of R oof Water In flow on Multi -w orking Faces under M ining E ffect (22) -On the base of underground hydrodynamics , this paper described and derived a prediction formula for roof water in flow in the w orking face -the calculation formula for dynamic and static water quantity , and put forward the meth od for determining the water level of roof aquifer and the b oundary conditions of hydrological geology in w ork 2ing faces when many w orking faces were mined one by one. T he roof water in flow of unmined w orking faces in a mining district was predicted by taking a mining district in Jining N o. 3C oal M ine as an exam ple , and the predicted values of water in flow are well identical to the mea 2sured values .

Research on C om prehensive C ontrol T echn ology for Limestone Water In 2rush in Liangbei C oalmine (28) -Based on the systematical analysis of hydrogeology conditions , study was made on the water -inrush condi 2tions and mechanics by using the meth ods of cluster analysis , numerical simulation and geophysical pros pecting. C om pared to the former ex peri 2ence of water -inrush control , the com prehensive techn ology of ground 2water drainage and grouting into the roof of Cambrian limestone aquifer for reconstructing the floor was proposed. By applying this techn ology , 2. 1million ton of coal was safely extracted from the mine , and better econ omic benefits were obtained.

S tudy on M ine V oice Video T ransmission Netw ork Based on IEEE 802. 11b Πg Protocol (31) -T o counter the situations of difficult laying of the existing wire v oice video transmission netw ork , its poor oeprational m obility , the sh ort tansmission distance and small transmission band 2width of the wireless system , an application m ode based on new netw ork was put forward. T he feasibilty of the wireless v oice video transmission netw ork scheme was verified by building its prototy pe system , and meatime , the w orking meth od of the wireless v oice video transmission netw ork was studied in its application process. T his system is based on IEEE 802. 11b Πg and can be converted with T CP ΠIP protocol , has the features of standardization , g ood com patibility , large bandwidth , and multi -stage wireless relay , and is suitable for the transmission of audio and video data in com plex undreground environment.

S tudy on Automatic S witching Device of Dual -loop P ower Supply for M ine Safety M onitoring and C ontrol System (38) -An automatic s witching device of dual -loop power supply for mine safety m onitoring and control system was developed , the im plementation of dual -loop power supply and the use of the automatic s witching device can realize the uninterrupted power supply for the sur face central station and under 2groung m onitoring substation of the coal mine safety m onitoring system , the underground fiber -optical ring netw ork exchanger , the signal re 2peater , etc. and thus s olved the problems of unstable and unreliable power supply for the equipment of the m onitoring system. T hrough the development and application of this device , the amendments for s ome clauses ab out power supply in the revalant national standards for coal mine safety m onitoring system were put forward .

1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期




(中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院, 北京100083)

摘 要:电和使用自动切换装置, 实现安全监控系统地面中心站、、继器等设备的不间断供电, 、用, 。

关键词:自动切换装置; ; 中图分类号:T:1008-4495(2009) 03-0038-03

中, 供电时间最长仅30min , 没有达到不小于

120min 的要求, 由此得出当交流电网停电时间超过30min 后, 分站将处于停止工作状态。从表1中还可看出, 有20次分站停止工作, 累计停止工作时间40h 10min , 其中最长停止工作时间5h 37min 。

表1 峻德矿042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站运行报告Ⅰ



1 我国煤矿都建立了矿井安全监测监控系统, 实现

了对井下的瓦斯、C O 、温度、风速、压力、风门开关、机电设备开停等进行实时监测监控, 对瓦斯抽放管道中的气体各种参数进行实时监测等功能。要实现该系统正常运行, 就必须保证地面和井下设备供电稳定可靠。AQ 6201—2006《煤矿安全监控系统通用技术要求》中规定“中心站应双回路供电并配备不小于2h 在线式不间断电源”;MT ΠT 1005—2006《矿用分站》和《煤矿安全规程》第一百六十条第四款规定“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”。

目前, 各种型号的安全监测监控系统的井下监测分站、交换机等设备均采取内接或外接备用直流电源, 当电网停电后而为之供电以维持系统和设备的正常运行。但是, 从鹤岗矿业集团各煤矿安全监测监控系统多年的运行情况看, 采用备用直流电源的方法并没有很好地实现“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”的规定。表1是峻德矿三水平矸石暗斜井矿建042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站2007年10月1日至15日的运行情况, 从报告中可看出, 电网停电频繁, 直流电源供电时间不足等。在15d 内7号分站供电电网总计停电24次, 同时分站切换到直流供电24次。由于分站直流电源容量不够(供电时间不足) 导致分站停止工作20次, 只有4次分站没有间断工作。在24次直流供电


) , 男, 硕士, 在读博士, 从事煤作者简介:张振龙(1962—




30min 8s 30min 3s 30min 23s 30min 30min 5s 5min 24s 30min 30s 30min 9s 2min 35s 30min 7s 30min 8s 30min 12s 30min 21s 30min 30s 23min 28s 7min 47s 30min 7s 30min 8s 30min 15s 30min 10s 30min 4s 30min 5s 30min 8s 30min 8s





1h 11min 29s 1h 52min 45s 1h 6min 57s 4h 48min 42s 32min 50s




2h 37min 42s 10min 26s




4h 31min 3h 36min 38s 1h 31min 56s 11min 26s 15min 45s




5h 37min 4s 1h 8min 58s 2h 1min 13s 5h 3min 18s 36min 6s 40min 32s 1h 1min 40s 1h 41min 43s

矿“一通三防”技术和管理工作。E -mail :hkjtzzl@126. com 。

  说明:起始时间2007-10-01T 00:00:00; 终止时间2007-10-15T 23:59:59。


1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期

从上述分析得出, 给分站供电的电网供电不稳定、不可靠, 停电频繁; 当电网停电超过直流供电能力时, 分站将处于停止运行状态; 另外, 地面中心站虽然接设双回路供电, 但是主辅电源需要人工切换; 尽管地面中心站配备了不小于2h 的在线式不间断电源, 但是当主电源停电时间超过在线式不间断直流电源供电能力时, 地面中心站将处于停止运行状态。

直流电源供电时间达不到2h 的主要原因是分站和交换机的备用直流电源的电池为铅酸、镍氢或镉镍电池, 该电池特性是需要定期充放电来维护电池的使用寿命, 如果放电时没有做到放干净就充电, 电池会产生“记忆”性, 电池容量下降, 而且监测分站都没有自动充、放电的功能, 所以分站和交换机新“记忆”而容量降低因有时是不确定的, 所以不能增设分站或交换机的自动充放电功能, 即使其有自动充放电功能, 当备用电池在放电过程中电网一旦停电, 此时也无法保证直流备用电源2h 的供电要求。所以分站和交换机的备用直流电源没有真正实现“当电网停电后, 系统必须保证正常工作时间不小于2h ”的规定。

2 解决问题的技术方案

为保证煤矿安全监测监控系统的分站和交换机等设备稳定、可靠地供电, 研究开发了一种隔爆型双回路供电自动切换装置() 。, , 自动切换装, 当主电源恢复供电后切换, 从而实现供电的连。监测分站双回路供电见图1

图1 瓦斯监测分站双回路供电示意图

  峻德矿三水平的监测分站双回路供电, 主电源



路、专用开关) 的543电源, 辅电源取自生产用电的


542电源。只要543和542线路电源的其中一路有电, 该装置就有电源输出, 监测分站就能够正常工


作。当主电源543线路停电时, 自动切换装置在


20ms 内切换到辅电源542线路, 由辅电源对监测


分站进行供电, 当主电源543线路恢复正常供电


后, 自动切换装置会自动切换到主电源543线路对分站进行供电。



3 自动切换装置的原理及特点


动切换装置要实现的功能。自动切换装置的原理如图2所示, 共由4个部分组成, 即检测单元、控制单元、电源输出切换单元和遥控单元。自动切换装置电路原理见图3。自动切换装置单片机程序由初始化、信号采集、工况判断、工作状态指示输出、电源输出切换及运算子程序等几部分组成

图3 隔爆型双回路供电自动切换装置电路原理图

该装置通电后, 自动复位电路使单片机复位并进行初始化, 进入初始化程序, 对各功能寄存器和标志位进行设置, 检测输入电源是否正常, 选择正常的供电电源输出并由LE D 发光管指示工作状态。


1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

2009年6月          矿业安全与环保         第36卷第3期

对电源是否正常供电进行多次判断。在辅电源供电状态时, 当主电源恢复正常后, 自动切换装置不立刻切换到主电源, 而是对主电源状态是否正常进行多次判断, 确认正常后, 才切换到主电源供电。当双回路电源都在停电状态下同时或分别复电时, 自动切换装置会自动将主电源或辅电源送入监测分站对其供电。自动切换装置功率为300W , 额定电流0. 3A , 输出可接3台监测分站; 主辅电源切换时间不大于20ms , 切换时不影响监测分站的正常数据传输和运行; 可通过Y HT 1型通用遥控器对自动切换装置供电输出进行供电和断电控制, 并由指示灯指示其工作状态。

从表1和表2比较可看出, 同样是15d 内, 分站停止工作次数由20次减少为2次, 累计停止时间由40h 10min 减少为3h 43min 。使用自动切换装置后分站供电稳定性、可靠性得到极大提高。

目前, 集团公司各个矿井安全监测监控系统已普遍使用该装置, 其运行稳定, 效果良好, 分站停机率大大降低, 基本达到了关于系统供电的要求。

5 结论与建议

1) 分站的连续供电, , 。

) 、井

4 应用及效果

在峻德矿进行工业性试验, 在三水平矸石暗斜井矿建042开作K J2007G 1型7共接入44。

表2是在录中查得的7。从2007年11月1日至15日,15d 内发生2次双电源同时停电现象, 一次近3h 、一次约1h 。分站发生2次直流供电, 直流供电时间30min 多一点, 之后分站就处于停电状态, 累计停电时间3h 43min 。

表2 峻德矿042开拓掘进工作面7号监测分站运行报告Ⅱ




3) 建议把应用自动切换装置写到相关技术标准和规定中, 如果采用双回路供电安设自动切换装置, 分站和交换机可以不配备直流电源; 修改局部通风机“三专”供电的规定, 允许安全监测监控系统井下设备利用局部通风机的“三专”线路供电; 地面中心站使用自动切换装置后, 可以取消双机热备的规定。

4) 下一步要实现地面中心站对自动切换装置运行状况的检测和运行状态记录功能; 目前开发的自动切换装置功率为300W , 有待于开发更大功率的自动切换装置, 扩大其应用范围。




30min 24s 30min 8s




2h 30min 9s 1h 13min 14s




[1]国家安全生产监督管理总局, 国家煤矿安全监察局. 煤

  说明:1) 起始时间2007-11-01T 00:00:00; 终止时间2007-11-15T 17:04:17。

2) 表格中的双回路电网2次停电, 是有计划停电。当双回路电网停电时, 直流电

矿安全规程[S].北京:煤炭工业出版社,2006. [2]AQ 6201—2006, 煤矿安全监控系统通用技术要求[S].[3]MT ΠT 1005—2006, 矿用分站[S].




  该系统还包括软件部分, 完成各部分的加载、驱

动、数据传送、命令处理、系统控制等。情况实时监控。与其他同类监控系统相比, 该系统

结构简单, 成本低, 使用灵活可靠, 便于施工和维护。

3 结论

该系统采用黑白图像, 像素为176点×144点(QCIF 格式) , 灰度等级为256级。10km 的距离下可支持有效数据传输速率33kbit Πs 。实验表明, 该系统所获得的视频图像质量良好, 可以满足远程监控的需要。摄像头可以通过电话线和处理中心相连, 数据传送流畅, 系统稳定。

利用ADS L 宽带技术实现远程实时监控系统, 可以在较为便宜的铜双绞线上传输数据流, 并以图像的形式实时传送到地面控制中心, 对井下工作面的・40・


[1]孙继平, 关永, 张杰. 基于DSP 的矿井远程视频监控系统

[J].湘潭矿业学院学报,2003(1) . [2]Draft G. 992. 1Asymmetrical Digital Subcriber Line (ADS L )

T ransceivers , IT U -T S tandard , 1999.

[3]Utopia Lever 2,Version 1. 0af -phy -0039. 000, The AT M

F orum T echnical C ommittee , 1995.

[4]张进, 戴旭初. ADS L 宽带接入系统中UT OPI A 接口的实

现[J].电讯技术, 2000,40(2) .

(责任编辑:李 琴)

1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

V ol. 36N o. 32009


June 2009

English Abstracts of This Issue

Numerical S imulation of G as Ex plosion Caused by Nitrogen Injection in Sealed Fire Area (1) -Numerical simulation was made on the fire de 2velopment process in the sealed fire area in a high gassy mine with the simulation s oftware F LUNET after nitrogen injection. T he migration reg 2ularity of nitrogen and methane in the fire area was attained. T he simu 2lated results sh owed that the nitrogen jet flow pushed methane forward to the fire area and caused methane ex plosion. A fter the data were pro 2cessed by the s pecialized s oftware T ecplot , it came to the reas on that methane ex plosion was induced through the analysis on the fire area con 2dition at the m oment just before methane ex plosion. T hese reas onable results further verified the view point that methane ex plosion could be in 2duced by nitrogen injection and thus provided scientific basis for gas ex 2plosion prevention while nitrogen injection after fire area was sealed. T est on I m pact Factors of C om plex Dust C ollection E ffect of V ortex Dust C ontrol System and Wet Cyclone Dust C ollection System (4) -In this paper , a com plex dust collection meth od with the conbination of v ortex dust control system and wet cyclone dust collection system was scribed. Ex perimental study was made on different matching m odes of the v ortex dust control system and wet cyclone m onitoring the dust concentration b oth at place 24m away from the were obtained such as the dust collec 2tion system to the of v ortex duct at the air outlet , the ratio of exhaust , T he ex perimental results have a certain the design and matching of the com 2plex dust control and collection system used at the site.

Analysis on Drainage of Limestone Water in C oalbed Floor Based on Vi 2sual M od flow (7) -On the basis of the hydrogeological concept m odel of the first mining district in W olonghu C oal M ine , numerical simulation and analysis were conducted on the groundwater flow in this district by applying Visual M od flow s oftware. T he identification and verification of the m odel sh owed that this m odel can better reflect the actual hydrogeol 2ogy condition of the first mining district in W olonghu C oal M ine. In ad 2dition , the dewatering effects on the limestone water in T aiyuan forma 2tion under N o. 10Seam floor in the first mining district of this mine were analyzed , this thus provided the basis for the control of the limestone water in T aiyuan formation under N o. 10Seam floor.

Development of Autocontrolled Carb on Dioxide Reactor (10) -T o counter the frequent occurrence of fire accidents in coal mines , an auto 2controlled carb on dioxide reactor for mine fire extinction was developed. T his paper gives a description of the structure and principle of this reac 2tor , the design flow of the s oftware , s pecifications and features , and the preparation w ork before its use. P LC is used in this reactor to automati 2cally control the electric valves and the concentrated sulphuric acid pum p , which counteracted the weakness of full manual control of the ex 2sisting C O 2controllor and made the operation easier and safer. T he pro 2cess of chemical reaction is controlled by P LC program , the reaction s peed can be determined according to the real -time pressure of gas in the reaction vessel , and this can further guaranttee the safety of the re 2actor. In the course of use , the instruments can be operated sim ply , easily and fastly by the contrllor in a safe range , this can acurately con 2trol the reaction process of C O 2reactor. T he C O 2reactor can produce large quantity of pure carb on dioxide , and has su fficient pressure to di 2rectly s purt C O 2to the object on fire and quickly extinguish the fire . Ex perimental S tudy on Using P otassium Ferrate as a C oagulant for M ine Water T reatment (13) -Under the conditions of different d oses , pH value , tem perature , the time of oxidation and flocculation , study was made on the flocculation effect of potassium ferrate on the mine water , analysis was conducted on the the rem oval degree of T DS and chroma from the mine water , meanwhile , com parative analysis on the floccula 2tion effect of potassium ferrate and P AC was als o conducted. T he results sh owed that the rem oval rate to turbidity and sus pended substance can be up to 94%when the content of P otassium Ferrate and sus pended substance is up to 0. 73, the suitable pH value is 4, the oxidation time and the flocculation time are res pectively 10min. , and the precipitation time is 1h our. T he ex periment als o sh owed that potassium ferrate has n o treatment effect to T DS in water , but better treatment effect to Chroma , and has higher flocculation efficiency than that of P AC. Design and Development of Y CS 22Hand -operating Oxygen F illing Pum p (17) -T he oxygen filling devices presently used in m ine rescue teams in

our country use electricity as the power , once the power supply is cut off for s ome reas on or there is n o power supply in the field , the device can ’t be used , for this purpose , Y CS 22hand -operating oxygen filling pum p was developed. T his paper gives a description of the design scheme , w orking principle and main s pecifications of this oxygen filling pum p , the design of its main structures and the results of ex perimental ver fication. T his pum p d oes n ot use electric power , has small v olume , is easy to trans port , and can be used for oxygen filling when power is cut off , there is n o power supply or where there is n o electric oxygen filling pum. Numerical Analysis on M ining E ffect of Floor Faults -In fluence of Fault ’s Dip Angle on M ining E ffect (19) -geo -me 2chanical m odel of mass in the floor was built according to the geologic floor the mining effect of floor analysis of con 2tinua. T sh that s has greater in fluence of geologic and mining conditions. w to the fault , the smaller the fault ’s dip failure depth of floor and the bigger the unloading in floor. When the w orking face went throught the fault , the un 2loading depth in the floor increased with the increase of fault ’s dip an 2gle , and the depth of deformation and failure in the floor als o increased. T he fault was active. T his revealed the mechanism of water inrush through fault in the mining floor.

Prediction Meth od of R oof Water In flow on Multi -w orking Faces under M ining E ffect (22) -On the base of underground hydrodynamics , this paper described and derived a prediction formula for roof water in flow in the w orking face -the calculation formula for dynamic and static water quantity , and put forward the meth od for determining the water level of roof aquifer and the b oundary conditions of hydrological geology in w ork 2ing faces when many w orking faces were mined one by one. T he roof water in flow of unmined w orking faces in a mining district was predicted by taking a mining district in Jining N o. 3C oal M ine as an exam ple , and the predicted values of water in flow are well identical to the mea 2sured values .

Research on C om prehensive C ontrol T echn ology for Limestone Water In 2rush in Liangbei C oalmine (28) -Based on the systematical analysis of hydrogeology conditions , study was made on the water -inrush condi 2tions and mechanics by using the meth ods of cluster analysis , numerical simulation and geophysical pros pecting. C om pared to the former ex peri 2ence of water -inrush control , the com prehensive techn ology of ground 2water drainage and grouting into the roof of Cambrian limestone aquifer for reconstructing the floor was proposed. By applying this techn ology , 2. 1million ton of coal was safely extracted from the mine , and better econ omic benefits were obtained.

S tudy on M ine V oice Video T ransmission Netw ork Based on IEEE 802. 11b Πg Protocol (31) -T o counter the situations of difficult laying of the existing wire v oice video transmission netw ork , its poor oeprational m obility , the sh ort tansmission distance and small transmission band 2width of the wireless system , an application m ode based on new netw ork was put forward. T he feasibilty of the wireless v oice video transmission netw ork scheme was verified by building its prototy pe system , and meatime , the w orking meth od of the wireless v oice video transmission netw ork was studied in its application process. T his system is based on IEEE 802. 11b Πg and can be converted with T CP ΠIP protocol , has the features of standardization , g ood com patibility , large bandwidth , and multi -stage wireless relay , and is suitable for the transmission of audio and video data in com plex undreground environment.

S tudy on Automatic S witching Device of Dual -loop P ower Supply for M ine Safety M onitoring and C ontrol System (38) -An automatic s witching device of dual -loop power supply for mine safety m onitoring and control system was developed , the im plementation of dual -loop power supply and the use of the automatic s witching device can realize the uninterrupted power supply for the sur face central station and under 2groung m onitoring substation of the coal mine safety m onitoring system , the underground fiber -optical ring netw ork exchanger , the signal re 2peater , etc. and thus s olved the problems of unstable and unreliable power supply for the equipment of the m onitoring system. T hrough the development and application of this device , the amendments for s ome clauses ab out power supply in the revalant national standards for coal mine safety m onitoring system were put forward .

1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net


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  • 镇雄县新厂煤矿 安全避险五大系统建设 完 成 情 况 报 告 二0一三年五月十三日 一.矿井概况 新厂煤矿始建于1998年,行政区划隶属镇雄县乌峰镇毡帽营村,交通便利.全矿现有干部职工148人,矿区面积1.8531平方公里,矿井主平副斜开拓 ...查看

  • 验收汇报材料
  • 山东新河煤矿建设工程 安全设施竣工验收汇报材料 新河煤矿自建矿以来,在上级主管部门的正确领导和安监部门的关怀下,经过全体员工的共同努力,自2000年8月16日开工建设到2003年7月底已累计完成投资约2.4亿元.目前,矿井-240井底车场. ...查看

  • 天治煤矿自查报告
  • 修文县谷堡乡天治煤矿 建设项目安全设施竣工验收 自 查 报 告 2012年10月26日 天治煤矿建设项目安全设施竣工验收自查报告 一.矿井概况: 修文县谷堡乡天治煤矿为扩能技改矿井,企业性质为私营企业,设计能力15万吨/年,位于谷堡乡平滩村 ...查看

  • 机械化改造总结报告
  • **** 机械化示范矿井建设总结报告 一.矿井基本情况 ****于1978年开始基建,1988年11月正式投产,矿井设计生产能力为20万吨,2008年10月进行机械化改造,2009年改造完成,并投入试运行,改造后设计生产能力为60万吨/年. ...查看
