

####### Certification Co., Ltd.


注:Note :1)应根据公司《审核计划编制规划》编制;the plan should prepared according to rules for Formulation of Audit Plan;


Responsibility/purpose should be checked in every department, public clauses can be sampled in relative departments appropriately (be attention to

distinguish the content of management departments and operating departments) 3)应对删减过程进行确认,包括删减理由及何处证实;The deleted clause should be confirmed, including deleted reasons and the places where to be verified; 4)现场验证组织营业执照、机构代码证、生产许可证/3C等资质及国家、地方、行业检测报告原件及复印;

The original one and copies of organization qualification of business licenses, organization code certification, production license/3c etc., and morning report

of nation, local and industry should be verified on site;

5)计划中应能清楚表明每个场所的名称和位置,应在计划末尾文字说明多场所抽样理由;The name of address of every location should be indicated clearly

in the plan, and sample reasons for multi locations should be explained in the last of the plan;

6)监审应对不符合纠正措施有效性验证,并对是否存在影响体系内其它场所的整体性问题作出评价;对证书和标志的使用情况检查;Verify to validity

of corrective activities for nonconformity, require the auditee to survey the raised nonconformities, and do wholly evaluate to whether the other locations in the system affected, and take corrective and preventive actions, and checking the use of certificate and symbol should be done in surveillance; 7)2)3)4)5)6)条应列在计划中;clause 2),3),4),5),6) should be listed in the plan; 8)请在选中的“□”内打×或画“▇”。Please make mark “×” in the selected “□” or draw “▇”


If the work language and audit report is not Chinese, the language type should be explained in the audit plan.

10)审核计划中应包含特定的保密事宜和审核报告发放事宜。The audit plan shall include the special confidentiality and issue of audit report.

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####### Certification Co., Ltd.


注:Note :1)应根据公司《审核计划编制规划》编制;the plan should prepared according to rules for Formulation of Audit Plan;


Responsibility/purpose should be checked in every department, public clauses can be sampled in relative departments appropriately (be attention to

distinguish the content of management departments and operating departments) 3)应对删减过程进行确认,包括删减理由及何处证实;The deleted clause should be confirmed, including deleted reasons and the places where to be verified; 4)现场验证组织营业执照、机构代码证、生产许可证/3C等资质及国家、地方、行业检测报告原件及复印;

The original one and copies of organization qualification of business licenses, organization code certification, production license/3c etc., and morning report

of nation, local and industry should be verified on site;

5)计划中应能清楚表明每个场所的名称和位置,应在计划末尾文字说明多场所抽样理由;The name of address of every location should be indicated clearly

in the plan, and sample reasons for multi locations should be explained in the last of the plan;

6)监审应对不符合纠正措施有效性验证,并对是否存在影响体系内其它场所的整体性问题作出评价;对证书和标志的使用情况检查;Verify to validity

of corrective activities for nonconformity, require the auditee to survey the raised nonconformities, and do wholly evaluate to whether the other locations in the system affected, and take corrective and preventive actions, and checking the use of certificate and symbol should be done in surveillance; 7)2)3)4)5)6)条应列在计划中;clause 2),3),4),5),6) should be listed in the plan; 8)请在选中的“□”内打×或画“▇”。Please make mark “×” in the selected “□” or draw “▇”


If the work language and audit report is not Chinese, the language type should be explained in the audit plan.

10)审核计划中应包含特定的保密事宜和审核报告发放事宜。The audit plan shall include the special confidentiality and issue of audit report.

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