


1. Hello, everyone.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. What’s the weather like today?

4. What day is today?

二. Warming up

Say the chant: One two three, eyes on me. Four five six, hands on knee.

It’s time for class, please be quiet. Sit down street, sit down propriety, listen carefully, and now let’s have the class.


1. learn a song

a. listen to the CD three times

b. sing after the songs

c. four groups PK

2. learn the words

a. wheat

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, pass the toy and read.

b.paddy rice

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group


Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group,

d. potato

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, touch and read. e.garlic

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, jump and read. f.radish

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, jump and read. g.eggplant

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, who can try? h.lettuce

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group


Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group

3. New sentences

a.One apple a day keeps doctor away.

Presentation: PPt show the sentence.

Practice: Read together, read group by group b. Vegetables are good for you.

Practice: Read together, read group by group

四. Consolidation

1. Sing the song together

2. Game:

a. jump to the card.

b. make the sentence.

五.Wrap up




1. Hello, everyone.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. What’s the weather like today?

4. What day is today?

二. Warming up

Say the chant: One two three, eyes on me. Four five six, hands on knee.

It’s time for class, please be quiet. Sit down street, sit down propriety, listen carefully, and now let’s have the class.


1. learn a song

a. listen to the CD three times

b. sing after the songs

c. four groups PK

2. learn the words

a. wheat

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, pass the toy and read.

b.paddy rice

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group


Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group,

d. potato

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, touch and read. e.garlic

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, jump and read. f.radish

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, jump and read. g.eggplant

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this?

Practice: Read together, read group by group, who can try? h.lettuce

Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group


Presentation: show flashcard and ask: what’s this? Practice: Read together, read group by group

3. New sentences

a.One apple a day keeps doctor away.

Presentation: PPt show the sentence.

Practice: Read together, read group by group b. Vegetables are good for you.

Practice: Read together, read group by group

四. Consolidation

1. Sing the song together

2. Game:

a. jump to the card.

b. make the sentence.

五.Wrap up



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