
Class: Name:


一、 英汉互译

1. 绵羊 2. nearby 3. 山羊 4. kid 5. 小绵羊 6. clever

二、 选择

( ) 1. Is that No, it ’s a calf.

A. a calf B. a foal C. foal

( ) 2. I want to a card for you .

A. make B. making C. made

( ) 3. There are sheep under the tree.

A. a B. many C. much

( ) 4. What do you call a baby sheep? We call it a .

A. foal B. calf C. lamb

( ) 5. Let’s go to school .

A. on feet B. on foot C. by the bike

三、 照样子写句子


例: sheep lamb

A baby sheep is a lamb.

1. goat kid

2. horse foal

3. cow calf

4. hen chick

五、 给下列句子排序

( ) 1. It’s a sheep.

( ) 2. Well, we call it a lamb.

( ) 3. Excuse me ?

( ) 4. You’re very clever.

( ) 5. What’s this in English?

( ) 6. There is a baby sheep nearby.

六、 找出不同类的单词

( ) 1. A. goat B. sheep C. bird D. kid

( ) 2. A. lamb B. foal C. cow D. calf

( ) 3. A. thirteen B. sheep C. three D. fifteen

( ) 4. A. Look B. nearby C. call D. like

( ) 5. A. clever B. fine C. interesting D. then

七、 补充句子

1. What’s (那个) in English?

2. It’s a . (山羊)

3. What you (称呼) it?

4. I (想要) make a sheep.

八、 问答匹配

( ) What do you call it ?

( ) What’s that in English?

( ) Is this a monkey?

A. Yes, it is. B. It’s a tree. C. We call it a cow.

Class: Name: Score:

一、 听录音选择正确的答语

( ) 1. What can we call it?

A. I call it a cub. B. We can call it a cub.

( ) 2. Is this a chick?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn ’t.

( ) 3. Is that a ruler?

A. No, it isn ’t. B. Yes, it is.

( ) 4. What’s that in English?

A. It’s a kid. B. It’s a calf.

二、 选择

( ) 1. that over there? It ’s a horse.

A. What B. Where C. What’s D. do

( ) 2. . IS this your baby? A. Thank you.

B. Excuse me. C. You are welcom. D. Sorry.

( ) 3. help each other.

A. Let’s B. Let C. Was D. must

( ) 4. I help you.

A. do B.am C. not D. can

( ) 5.The lion a baby.

A. have B. Has C.haves D. havse

( ) 6. We call a baby tiger a .

A. cub B. calf C. joey D. kid

三、 介词填空

1. Look this animal. How big it is.

2. There are some books the bookcase.

3. What’s this English?

4. What’s breakfast?

5. I go to school bike.

四、 英汉词组互译 1. 用英语说 2. Don’t

3. 一匹马 4. a small lion

5. 在那里 6. young animals

7. 我最好的朋友 8. look at

五、 把下列句子翻译成英文

1. 看这个动物,它是一只老鼠吗?

this animal . Is it a ?

2. 那是一只狮宝宝吗? 是的, 它是。

Is a ? Yes, is.

3. 马宝宝是一只有趣的动物不是吗?

The is very ?

4. 你喜欢小动物吗?

You young animals?

Class: Name: Score:

九、 按要求写词

1. goose(复数) 2. can(否定) 3. this(复数) 4. they(宾格) 5. up(反义词) 6. swim(现在分词)

7. good(副词) 8. are not(缩写) 9. young(反义词)

10. Mary(所有格)

十、 根据提示完成句子

1. some in the pond. 池塘里有一些鹅。

2. they are! 他们真可爱!

3. What ? 这些是什么?

4. They are their mother. 它们正在和它们的妈妈玩。

5. A duck . 鸭子会游泳。

6.They ’re and . 它们是母鸡和小鸡。

十一、 照样子写句子

例: cow What are those? They are cows.

1. hen

2. chick

3. duck

4. goose

十二、 给下列句子排序

1. ( ) They ’re ducklings.

( ) Certainly, they can.

( ) What are these?

( ) Can ducklings swim?

2. ( ) I know their mother is a duck.

( ) No, they aren’t. They are ducklings. They are playing with their mother.

( ) Oh! There are some goslings.

( ) How lovely they are. Look, Lisa. What are these? Are they goslings, too.

十三、 选词填空

is are

1. There a bike over there.

2. There some eggs in the basket.

3. There two hens on the farm.

4. There a kite and four pictures on the wall.

十四、 连一连

1. Are they goslings? Yes, it is.

2. What are these? Yes, they are.

3. Can they swim? They ’re ducklings.

4. Is this a chick? No, they aren ’t.

5. What do you call a baby horse. We call it a foal.

Class: Name:


一、 英汉互译

1. 绵羊 2. nearby 3. 山羊 4. kid 5. 小绵羊 6. clever

二、 选择

( ) 1. Is that No, it ’s a calf.

A. a calf B. a foal C. foal

( ) 2. I want to a card for you .

A. make B. making C. made

( ) 3. There are sheep under the tree.

A. a B. many C. much

( ) 4. What do you call a baby sheep? We call it a .

A. foal B. calf C. lamb

( ) 5. Let’s go to school .

A. on feet B. on foot C. by the bike

三、 照样子写句子


例: sheep lamb

A baby sheep is a lamb.

1. goat kid

2. horse foal

3. cow calf

4. hen chick

五、 给下列句子排序

( ) 1. It’s a sheep.

( ) 2. Well, we call it a lamb.

( ) 3. Excuse me ?

( ) 4. You’re very clever.

( ) 5. What’s this in English?

( ) 6. There is a baby sheep nearby.

六、 找出不同类的单词

( ) 1. A. goat B. sheep C. bird D. kid

( ) 2. A. lamb B. foal C. cow D. calf

( ) 3. A. thirteen B. sheep C. three D. fifteen

( ) 4. A. Look B. nearby C. call D. like

( ) 5. A. clever B. fine C. interesting D. then

七、 补充句子

1. What’s (那个) in English?

2. It’s a . (山羊)

3. What you (称呼) it?

4. I (想要) make a sheep.

八、 问答匹配

( ) What do you call it ?

( ) What’s that in English?

( ) Is this a monkey?

A. Yes, it is. B. It’s a tree. C. We call it a cow.

Class: Name: Score:

一、 听录音选择正确的答语

( ) 1. What can we call it?

A. I call it a cub. B. We can call it a cub.

( ) 2. Is this a chick?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn ’t.

( ) 3. Is that a ruler?

A. No, it isn ’t. B. Yes, it is.

( ) 4. What’s that in English?

A. It’s a kid. B. It’s a calf.

二、 选择

( ) 1. that over there? It ’s a horse.

A. What B. Where C. What’s D. do

( ) 2. . IS this your baby? A. Thank you.

B. Excuse me. C. You are welcom. D. Sorry.

( ) 3. help each other.

A. Let’s B. Let C. Was D. must

( ) 4. I help you.

A. do B.am C. not D. can

( ) 5.The lion a baby.

A. have B. Has C.haves D. havse

( ) 6. We call a baby tiger a .

A. cub B. calf C. joey D. kid

三、 介词填空

1. Look this animal. How big it is.

2. There are some books the bookcase.

3. What’s this English?

4. What’s breakfast?

5. I go to school bike.

四、 英汉词组互译 1. 用英语说 2. Don’t

3. 一匹马 4. a small lion

5. 在那里 6. young animals

7. 我最好的朋友 8. look at

五、 把下列句子翻译成英文

1. 看这个动物,它是一只老鼠吗?

this animal . Is it a ?

2. 那是一只狮宝宝吗? 是的, 它是。

Is a ? Yes, is.

3. 马宝宝是一只有趣的动物不是吗?

The is very ?

4. 你喜欢小动物吗?

You young animals?

Class: Name: Score:

九、 按要求写词

1. goose(复数) 2. can(否定) 3. this(复数) 4. they(宾格) 5. up(反义词) 6. swim(现在分词)

7. good(副词) 8. are not(缩写) 9. young(反义词)

10. Mary(所有格)

十、 根据提示完成句子

1. some in the pond. 池塘里有一些鹅。

2. they are! 他们真可爱!

3. What ? 这些是什么?

4. They are their mother. 它们正在和它们的妈妈玩。

5. A duck . 鸭子会游泳。

6.They ’re and . 它们是母鸡和小鸡。

十一、 照样子写句子

例: cow What are those? They are cows.

1. hen

2. chick

3. duck

4. goose

十二、 给下列句子排序

1. ( ) They ’re ducklings.

( ) Certainly, they can.

( ) What are these?

( ) Can ducklings swim?

2. ( ) I know their mother is a duck.

( ) No, they aren’t. They are ducklings. They are playing with their mother.

( ) Oh! There are some goslings.

( ) How lovely they are. Look, Lisa. What are these? Are they goslings, too.

十三、 选词填空

is are

1. There a bike over there.

2. There some eggs in the basket.

3. There two hens on the farm.

4. There a kite and four pictures on the wall.

十四、 连一连

1. Are they goslings? Yes, it is.

2. What are these? Yes, they are.

3. Can they swim? They ’re ducklings.

4. Is this a chick? No, they aren ’t.

5. What do you call a baby horse. We call it a foal.


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