
在50 分钟内写出300字左右的作文。具体要求如下:

important is education to a modern adult person?

Write a composition of about 300 words on the following

topic: Education as a Lifelong Process.

• 文章切题性

• 论点明确性

• 说理透彻性

• 篇章连贯性


• 作文任务涉及两个核心概念:。

• 两个概念之间的关系是:终身教育对现代成年人的重要性。

• (1)对抽象概念的加工不深; (2)对概念之间关系的判断有误。

“Education, as a common thing, is taking place all the time

at all places. Schools, teachers, books are not necessarily

indispensable in education. People receive information and

learn things by diverse means.”





“Education is endless, but life is limited, so education is a

lifelong process” 。



everyone,all people, each person,

例如 “In a word, education does a lot of good to

children as well as modern adult persons. For

everybody, it is a lifelong process which should be

persisted in.”





“Briefly, education can be divided into three major processes in one’s

life. In the primary process, especially in one’s studying period, a

person must study from the basic and simple home education to the

systematical school and college studies…The second process for

people is to establish career…”


“No one has the exact knowledge of the feelings of meeting death until

his life really comes to its end, and this is the very thing he learns at

the end of a learning process-life.”







1. Education is a lifelong process. It can give people another kind of knowledge, which is different from those skills mentioned above. This kind of knowledge can make people bright and become mature…

2. Education can be done in many ways, and maybe you can understand something by sheer chance…

3. Education is a lifelong process. Perhaps many things can’t be understood until a person has been an old man…




• First, to make a living is the most important thing for

human beings.

2. Second, education is not only useful for us to make a

living but also an essential process for us to develop



为了生存,还为了发展自己。 遗憾的是这两点谈的是教


1. Many people find life dull and not so interesting as they have expected…Why is that? They leave the fertile land of education too long, and thus their minds turn vacant for not contacting the great spirits…

2. Moreover, to study can ensure one that he is in pace with others, while not lags behind the day.

3. The purification of the mind cannot be bought by money but only derived from reading and thinking.








In a word, if making money is a lifelong process, why

education isn’t a lifelong process, after all, it can help you

make money, isn’t it?


If there were no education in the world, there would be no

people in the world. Because education teaches us the

common sense of the world.


Fourth, increasing demand on the quality of education

renders school educationonly preparation for a lifelong self-

education. Einstein once said that school education is just

the things one can remember after graduation. So the

things mentioned here are methods of approaching

personal ideas and the practical ability to solve problems.


For some reasons people may quit school at early ages.

However they can actually find that the chances of getting

educated lie in their whole life. For instance, many people

who have physical disadvantages, like Zhang Haidi, keep

seeking knowledge perseverently and make greater

achievement than normal people.







中心论点是: “As a lifelong process, education is of prime significance to

a modern people because only with continuous education can people

keep pace with this fast developing society and succeed in the fierce

competition nowadays.”标准篇章主题句

第1个分论点是: “First, in this “Information Age”, during which new knowledge and

skills are booming out every day, education is the only access to preventing people

from lagging behind this highly civilized world.”

第2个分论点是: “Second, education avails people the greater opportunity to

succeed in the fierce competition of this modern society.”很清楚,这2个分论点不

仅有形式上的衔接手段first, second, 还有内在的逻辑关系。




“Education prepares one various skills for today’s world which changes very fast.”


“Education throughout one’s life not only secures one’s good job, but makes one’s life full” 。

论点1.One of the reasons is that as the development of our

society and world, more and more new knowledge has

been coming out…

论点2.The other reason is: Even in a short period of time,

knowledge is endless…

论点3.Then, what can we be educated? Of course, first at

school, primary schools, middle schools, universities, we

can learn a lot there…

1. 概括性不够。 第1点与第2点涉及同一主题:知识,可归为同一论点。

2. 逻辑性不强。 第3个论点与前两个论点缺乏逻辑联系。

论点1.Education is a process. Take English for instance, we start from the most

fundamental element ─ A, B, C…

论点2. Education is a lifelong process, from the time you were born, until your life

come to an end. You are learning all the time; learning all kinds of things…

1. 这两个论点都没有准确理解终身教育的含义。

2. 概括性不够。这两个论点有重叠,第1个论点可以包括在第2个论点中。

When American president Bush gave a speech at Tsinghua

University, he said if people receive more education, they tend to

commit less crime. Education is inevitable for social harmony. As to

people themselves, education is also necessary for them to fit the

modern society. Today’s world asks for people who have knowledge

concerning more than one field. The limited school years are of course

too short for people to get to know what they don’t know. That is why

people say learning is endless. For some reasons people may quit

school at early ages. However they can actually find that the chances

of getting educated lie in their whole life. For instance, many people

who have physical disadvantages, like Zhang Haidi, keeps seeking

knowledge perseveringly and make greater achievement than normal

people. Surprisingly, we can find that many old people are even more

eager to learn than young students. In many big cities, universities for

old people have been established. Old people do not easily give up

their desire to learn philosophy, arts, and so on.


• 论点走题


2. 主题模糊



• 文章切题性

• 论点明确性

• 说理透彻性

• 篇章连贯性


篇章连贯性指一篇作文结构完整、中心突出、层次分明。要达到这个要求,作者在 谋篇布局时,必须紧扣中心思想,将材料有机地组织在一起,使中心论点与分论之 间,分论点与分论点之间保持很高的逻辑性。

中心论点是: “As a lifelong process, education is of prime significance to a modern people because only with continuous education can people keep pace with this fast developing society and succeed in the fierce competition nowadays.”标准篇章主题句

第1个分论点是: “First, in this “Information Age”, during which new knowledge and skills are booming out every day, education is the only access to preventing people from lagging behind this highly civilized world.”

第2个分论点是: “Second, education avails people the greater opportunity to succeed in the fierce competition of this modern society.”很清楚,这2个分论点不 仅有形式上的衔接手段first, second, 还有内在的逻辑关系。


在50 分钟内写出300字左右的作文。具体要求如下:

important is education to a modern adult person?

Write a composition of about 300 words on the following

topic: Education as a Lifelong Process.

• 文章切题性

• 论点明确性

• 说理透彻性

• 篇章连贯性


• 作文任务涉及两个核心概念:。

• 两个概念之间的关系是:终身教育对现代成年人的重要性。

• (1)对抽象概念的加工不深; (2)对概念之间关系的判断有误。

“Education, as a common thing, is taking place all the time

at all places. Schools, teachers, books are not necessarily

indispensable in education. People receive information and

learn things by diverse means.”





“Education is endless, but life is limited, so education is a

lifelong process” 。



everyone,all people, each person,

例如 “In a word, education does a lot of good to

children as well as modern adult persons. For

everybody, it is a lifelong process which should be

persisted in.”





“Briefly, education can be divided into three major processes in one’s

life. In the primary process, especially in one’s studying period, a

person must study from the basic and simple home education to the

systematical school and college studies…The second process for

people is to establish career…”


“No one has the exact knowledge of the feelings of meeting death until

his life really comes to its end, and this is the very thing he learns at

the end of a learning process-life.”







1. Education is a lifelong process. It can give people another kind of knowledge, which is different from those skills mentioned above. This kind of knowledge can make people bright and become mature…

2. Education can be done in many ways, and maybe you can understand something by sheer chance…

3. Education is a lifelong process. Perhaps many things can’t be understood until a person has been an old man…




• First, to make a living is the most important thing for

human beings.

2. Second, education is not only useful for us to make a

living but also an essential process for us to develop



为了生存,还为了发展自己。 遗憾的是这两点谈的是教


1. Many people find life dull and not so interesting as they have expected…Why is that? They leave the fertile land of education too long, and thus their minds turn vacant for not contacting the great spirits…

2. Moreover, to study can ensure one that he is in pace with others, while not lags behind the day.

3. The purification of the mind cannot be bought by money but only derived from reading and thinking.








In a word, if making money is a lifelong process, why

education isn’t a lifelong process, after all, it can help you

make money, isn’t it?


If there were no education in the world, there would be no

people in the world. Because education teaches us the

common sense of the world.


Fourth, increasing demand on the quality of education

renders school educationonly preparation for a lifelong self-

education. Einstein once said that school education is just

the things one can remember after graduation. So the

things mentioned here are methods of approaching

personal ideas and the practical ability to solve problems.


For some reasons people may quit school at early ages.

However they can actually find that the chances of getting

educated lie in their whole life. For instance, many people

who have physical disadvantages, like Zhang Haidi, keep

seeking knowledge perseverently and make greater

achievement than normal people.







中心论点是: “As a lifelong process, education is of prime significance to

a modern people because only with continuous education can people

keep pace with this fast developing society and succeed in the fierce

competition nowadays.”标准篇章主题句

第1个分论点是: “First, in this “Information Age”, during which new knowledge and

skills are booming out every day, education is the only access to preventing people

from lagging behind this highly civilized world.”

第2个分论点是: “Second, education avails people the greater opportunity to

succeed in the fierce competition of this modern society.”很清楚,这2个分论点不

仅有形式上的衔接手段first, second, 还有内在的逻辑关系。




“Education prepares one various skills for today’s world which changes very fast.”


“Education throughout one’s life not only secures one’s good job, but makes one’s life full” 。

论点1.One of the reasons is that as the development of our

society and world, more and more new knowledge has

been coming out…

论点2.The other reason is: Even in a short period of time,

knowledge is endless…

论点3.Then, what can we be educated? Of course, first at

school, primary schools, middle schools, universities, we

can learn a lot there…

1. 概括性不够。 第1点与第2点涉及同一主题:知识,可归为同一论点。

2. 逻辑性不强。 第3个论点与前两个论点缺乏逻辑联系。

论点1.Education is a process. Take English for instance, we start from the most

fundamental element ─ A, B, C…

论点2. Education is a lifelong process, from the time you were born, until your life

come to an end. You are learning all the time; learning all kinds of things…

1. 这两个论点都没有准确理解终身教育的含义。

2. 概括性不够。这两个论点有重叠,第1个论点可以包括在第2个论点中。

When American president Bush gave a speech at Tsinghua

University, he said if people receive more education, they tend to

commit less crime. Education is inevitable for social harmony. As to

people themselves, education is also necessary for them to fit the

modern society. Today’s world asks for people who have knowledge

concerning more than one field. The limited school years are of course

too short for people to get to know what they don’t know. That is why

people say learning is endless. For some reasons people may quit

school at early ages. However they can actually find that the chances

of getting educated lie in their whole life. For instance, many people

who have physical disadvantages, like Zhang Haidi, keeps seeking

knowledge perseveringly and make greater achievement than normal

people. Surprisingly, we can find that many old people are even more

eager to learn than young students. In many big cities, universities for

old people have been established. Old people do not easily give up

their desire to learn philosophy, arts, and so on.


• 论点走题


2. 主题模糊



• 文章切题性

• 论点明确性

• 说理透彻性

• 篇章连贯性


篇章连贯性指一篇作文结构完整、中心突出、层次分明。要达到这个要求,作者在 谋篇布局时,必须紧扣中心思想,将材料有机地组织在一起,使中心论点与分论之 间,分论点与分论点之间保持很高的逻辑性。

中心论点是: “As a lifelong process, education is of prime significance to a modern people because only with continuous education can people keep pace with this fast developing society and succeed in the fierce competition nowadays.”标准篇章主题句

第1个分论点是: “First, in this “Information Age”, during which new knowledge and skills are booming out every day, education is the only access to preventing people from lagging behind this highly civilized world.”

第2个分论点是: “Second, education avails people the greater opportunity to succeed in the fierce competition of this modern society.”很清楚,这2个分论点不 仅有形式上的衔接手段first, second, 还有内在的逻辑关系。



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