









注:希阳美在天涯社区的ID 是:希阳 ,天涯博客《希阳美寓言》 可以做证。



作者:希阳 2005-06-15 17:48 星期三 晴.




这是一座著名的野鸡大学,有许多衣着时尚而怪异的年轻人出出进进。 野鸡认准了这是一所前卫的大学,它是野鸡们未来生活的导向。 野鸡急切地踏进这所大学门槛。










野鸡大学 ——译文 (杨启鲁/译)

The Pheasant University

Xi YangMei

There was a pheasant in the forest. Hearing of the visitor, she knew that there were many pheasant universities in human city.

“Pheasant university! And our phe asants would have chance to go to university? Human being is wise because they can go to school. Oh, I can't miss the best chance.”

Making the decision,he began to go to the pheasant university in the human city.

This is the famous pheasant university, many students who wearing fashionable clothes entering or going out.

The pheasant thought it an advanced university, which could lead to the future of the pheasants' life.

The pheasant stepped into this university in a hurry.

“Welcome! Your beautiful feather will increase the brilliance for our school.” Young ladies of facing guest let the pheasant enter into passionately, at the same time, they pulled out her beautiful feather.

“Without the feather, how ugly I am, how can you do this?” the pheasant said.

“ Don't worry, we will give you a flickering golden placard, hanging it, you will become noble and beautiful.” the representative director of the university said in earnest.

“Oh, can the placard cover over my bald spot?”

“ Certainly, having this placard, you will become the son of the ages.”

The pheasant began her living within the environment of the pheasant university.

After four years, the pheasant graduated and stepped into the society.

Now, the pheasant have lost the function of looking for food and lost the beautiful feather.

The pheasant wearing the flickering golden degree clothes, begged on the sidewalk stretching out hands, threw the seductive eyes and wanted to live on the human being.

The pheasant thought, Under the human's civilized culture, the pheasant should be live on with the beg type and pet type in the future. How hard the life of the friends was! Did I tell them that they should come out the forest, heading for modern live and for the world?










注:希阳美在天涯社区的ID 是:希阳 ,天涯博客《希阳美寓言》 可以做证。



作者:希阳 2005-06-15 17:48 星期三 晴.




这是一座著名的野鸡大学,有许多衣着时尚而怪异的年轻人出出进进。 野鸡认准了这是一所前卫的大学,它是野鸡们未来生活的导向。 野鸡急切地踏进这所大学门槛。










野鸡大学 ——译文 (杨启鲁/译)

The Pheasant University

Xi YangMei

There was a pheasant in the forest. Hearing of the visitor, she knew that there were many pheasant universities in human city.

“Pheasant university! And our phe asants would have chance to go to university? Human being is wise because they can go to school. Oh, I can't miss the best chance.”

Making the decision,he began to go to the pheasant university in the human city.

This is the famous pheasant university, many students who wearing fashionable clothes entering or going out.

The pheasant thought it an advanced university, which could lead to the future of the pheasants' life.

The pheasant stepped into this university in a hurry.

“Welcome! Your beautiful feather will increase the brilliance for our school.” Young ladies of facing guest let the pheasant enter into passionately, at the same time, they pulled out her beautiful feather.

“Without the feather, how ugly I am, how can you do this?” the pheasant said.

“ Don't worry, we will give you a flickering golden placard, hanging it, you will become noble and beautiful.” the representative director of the university said in earnest.

“Oh, can the placard cover over my bald spot?”

“ Certainly, having this placard, you will become the son of the ages.”

The pheasant began her living within the environment of the pheasant university.

After four years, the pheasant graduated and stepped into the society.

Now, the pheasant have lost the function of looking for food and lost the beautiful feather.

The pheasant wearing the flickering golden degree clothes, begged on the sidewalk stretching out hands, threw the seductive eyes and wanted to live on the human being.

The pheasant thought, Under the human's civilized culture, the pheasant should be live on with the beg type and pet type in the future. How hard the life of the friends was! Did I tell them that they should come out the forest, heading for modern live and for the world?


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