
人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体···Man is rather paradoxical. He tends to choose some secluded places void of worldly affairs so as to work without being disturbed. But once he falls into loneliness, he would find it painful and hard to bear. However, I prefer to be alone generally. My favorite avocation is to indulge myself in meditation. I find it not unpleasant to stay all by myself, even for long. For, to me, it is a treatment to broad over my own sadness as well as to enjoy my happiness all exclusively. Lonely as I am, my inner world is far from being a sheer sheet of blank paper, but a rather colorful cosmos. It is always in loneliness that wild joy or deep sorrow is produced; that the thought proceeds without complying with logic, thus a stronger poetic mood, passionate or sentimental, comes into being; that my thoughts are allowed to run further or deeper into recesses. I am, therefore, able to get a more thorough cognition and criticism of myself and the outside. Loneliness can certainly arouse nondescript melancholy, yet, it may be a melancholy with a sense of beauty. I like loneliness, but, sometimes l fear it too.

人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体···Man is rather paradoxical. He tends to choose some secluded places void of worldly affairs so as to work without being disturbed. But once he falls into loneliness, he would find it painful and hard to bear. However, I prefer to be alone generally. My favorite avocation is to indulge myself in meditation. I find it not unpleasant to stay all by myself, even for long. For, to me, it is a treatment to broad over my own sadness as well as to enjoy my happiness all exclusively. Lonely as I am, my inner world is far from being a sheer sheet of blank paper, but a rather colorful cosmos. It is always in loneliness that wild joy or deep sorrow is produced; that the thought proceeds without complying with logic, thus a stronger poetic mood, passionate or sentimental, comes into being; that my thoughts are allowed to run further or deeper into recesses. I am, therefore, able to get a more thorough cognition and criticism of myself and the outside. Loneliness can certainly arouse nondescript melancholy, yet, it may be a melancholy with a sense of beauty. I like loneliness, but, sometimes l fear it too.


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